

A Theoretical Study on "Feng" in Chinese Medicine

【作者】 吴新明

【导师】 潘桂娟;

【作者基本信息】 中国中医科学院 , 中医基础理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在中医学的理论和实践当中,“风”作为一个基本理论概念十分常见。与“风”有关的中医术语,也是不胜枚举。有鉴于理论和实践的需要,进行中医学“风”的概念源流和理论范畴研究,对于深入发展中医学术具有重要的意义。“风”的概念源流研究表明,概念的演进过程可分为三个主要阶段:首先起源阶段,从中华文化原典时代到《内经》之前,主要表现为多种术数体系建构出来的不同的自然观,“风”在不同的术数体系中,其内涵和作用关系大有区别。其次是成熟阶段,从《内经》形成到宋以前,大约经历了1000年左右的时期。这是医学经典的确立和成熟,以五行理论为主体的气化学说,兼带其他术数模式,共同对风的气化理论发挥解释和说明作用。散见于各家方书中的风的概念在各种术数体系之间穿插变换,这些研究中,既产生了一些积极的后果,也有一些值得商榷的结论,值得进一步研究。再者是调整阶段,从宋初到清末,大约又经历了第二个1000年的时间,新学说的创立和临床实践的再认识,使得中医学有关风的概念进行了微妙的调整,适度的概念含混实际上促进了治法的灵活发展,对于风药的广泛临床应用可谓是其显著标志。从这三个阶段来考察概念发展变化脉络,“风”,从最初一个对天气现象进行描述自然的概念,逐步被术数化,在《内经》时代,成为多种术数理论体系的基本概念。中医学在五行术数理论为主导的框架下不断发展、调整和力图进行各种融合,“风”的概念自身分化为内、外风的同时,又和“湿”、“气”等概念进行了适度的混淆,解释了一些新的临床现象,到清末,中医学有关风的理、法、方、药基本成熟完备,成为中医学重要的理论范畴之一。近代以来,中医学界对于风的理、法、方、药研究皆有相当的进展,但仍属于宋以来的调整阶段。概念源流研究使得我们总结出“风”的概念内涵,在这个理论基石的铺垫下,才能采取术数,这个中医学最重要的方法论和世界观来进行下一步的理论整理工作。根据术数结构的不同,结合当前的研究材料,主要区分为如下三个术数理论范畴,使用“象”、“数”、“理”、“法”、“方药”等节点来对这三个理论范畴进行系统理论梳理。第一个是“九宫八风”理论。实风是自然界正常的气候,在某一节气时间段内,从其时间属性相同方向而来的风,又称正气。比如夏至时候的南风就是实风。邪风是自然界反常的气候,在某一节气时间段内,从其时间属性相反方向而来的风,又称虚风,或者邪气、贼风、贼邪等。如冬至时候从南方吹来的热风就是贼邪。九宫八风理论不是五行相克而是同向对冲,这一点在文中特别辨明。此外还根据前人经验列述了相应疾病的治疗方法。第二个是“五行”理论。“风”在“五行”理论中具有最为丰富的学术积淀。由于术数化的需要,“风”的很自然引申为一种致病因素,和人体中肝的藏象内容紧密结合,具有“挠动”和“变化”的意义。文中不但根据“象”、“数”、“理”、“治法方药”的理论节点进行了梳理,还对长期存在的众多问题进行了辨析。提出针对前人分别外风和内风的说法,应当结合本草药性进行再认识;“风”和“气”的区别和联系,二者适度混淆所带来的“风药”广泛使用;“风药”使用的利弊权衡;五行理论和其他体系融合跨越的得失成败等等。第三个是“五运六气”理论。《内经》的运气七篇对自然界物候、人体病候的时空节律形成了一套完整而独特的理论体系。“风”在“五运六气”术数体系中的地位并不突出。五运之“风”和六气之厥阴“风木”在运气中的特点都是“动”,具有舒展,生发的意思。他们都是运气的一个组成部分。

【Abstract】 The Feng,in Chinese language means wind.This is a concept which is widely used nearly in every aspect of Chinese Medical Sciences for its unique theory constructing method.There are 3 phases of the concept evolution in the history of Chinese Medicine.The first step tracing back into the history of early hieroglyph,which should be the very origin of Feng in the literature history.The sacred art of diving in early Yin Dynasty seems take "Feng" as something related with direction and seasons.It must be a long way of forming the really medicine sciences before Han Dynasty.<The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic> finally declared the birth of Chinese Medicine theory.The masterpiece proved another step of the concept.Apparently it is a medical papers congregation of its time.For,as an instance,there are some different Feng theories in the very same book.Feng,the very simple concept now get the meaning of etiological factor,the pathological procedure,so on and so on.This book has influenced the another 1000 years.Song Dynasty is the beginning of the third phase.Theory and concept slightly changed during the long period of clinic practice.Some even more interesting ideas has been invented after the People’s Republic,which was founded almost 60 years ago.The Qi-Hua theory means the transformation of the world and Shu-Shu is the very framework of the changing.There are 3 main theories concening about Feng in Chinese Medicine.The Ba-Feng theory is an application instance of I-Ching which you can find the detailed content in <The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic>.This is the cosmology of I-Ching which centers on the ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites,the evolution of events as a process,and acceptance of the inevitability of change.Feng here stands for a really natural existence and a movement pattern.With the help of I-Ching,the comprehension of directions and its characteristic can be much clearer.Wind from different directions is always associated with the trigram property.Of course the human body is also believed to be constructed by the principle of I-Ching,which is why the wind is likely to invade some special part of the body.Eight kinds of Feng from eight directions and eight solar terms influence the eight parts of the human body. There is no doubt that Ba-Feng is the deduction of Eight Trigrams cosmology. Feng in such a system means wind and disease factor,or even the name of symptoms.The Wu-Xing theory tries to classify the world as five different while corresponding parts,it defines data on the basis of the inductive and synthetic mode of cognition.Chinese Medicine constructed its micro-world by this theory.Chinese medicine inherited the tradition of Shu-Shu which emphasized on the time rather than space.Yun-Qi theory tried explain the relation between human disease and the weather change,it always was simplified as the interaction between the outer Qi and inner Qi,The weather is just happened to link to the seasonal and yearly change.So,Yun-Qi found the smart solution to construct the framework.10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches have been re-classified,and each group was defined as a property of Wu Xing. Thus the 60 years,which are named after the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches,got varied climate nature,and human diseases, general the epidemic is a natural response to the weather change.This is an instance of universal resonance.Chinese medicine also provide the varieties of treatment in the practice. This thesis have introduced the associating formulas and drugs for Feng diseases.

【关键词】 气化中医
【Key words】 Feng (Wind)Qi-HuaChinese Medicine

