

Research on Design Theory and Method of Modular Product for Product Family

【作者】 陈兴玉

【导师】 赵韩;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 产品族设计是大批量定制设计的核心和关键,其目标是以尽可能快的速度和尽可能低的成本为客户设计出满足其个性化需求的产品。为了实现该目标,本文在国家科技攻关计划项目(2001BA201A56)、安徽省十五科技攻关计划项目(40120513)、国防科技工业委托项目(2005BA201A83-01)以及合肥市重点科研项目(2007(1007))的资助下,对产品族开发过程中的复杂产品模块规划、柔性模块族的开发、模块化产品的演化、基于产品族的模块化产品快速定制以及面向协同开发的产品设计元本体模型的构建等问题进行了深入的研究。产品的模块识别是模块化产品族构造的关键环节。论文面向复杂产品,首先提出了面向复杂产品模块划分的预处理三原则,有效地缩减了构成组件的数量,提高了规划的效率。其次从功能角度,利用RI算法,对复杂产品的功能模块进行了识别。然后从结构角度出发,提出了“问题消去法”,并对所提算法的流程和实施关键技术等进行了研究。最后,采用D-S证据理论对模块划分结果进行了评价与决策,有效地考虑到了评价过程中的不确定性和不完全性等问题。柔性模块化以及柔性模块族的开发较传统模块化具有更宽的适用面。论文首先对柔性模块化的概念和其设计开发的特点进行了描述。其次利用事物特性表的基本原理,给出了柔性模块事物特性表的构建步骤和方法,对其进行了功能结构建模。接着采用建立面向设计主参数的回归模型,实现了其参数序列的市场纵向覆盖;采用公理化设计理论,从宏观层面,实现了其模块结构的横向拓展。再次提出了LSRM法,对关键柔性模块进行了轻量化设计,降低了企业的开发和运输成本。最后,将模块间的装配约束关系进行形式化封装,形成模块间装配语义,并提出了模块间自动装配的实现方法,有效地提高了新产品的开发效率。模块化产品的演化和产品族的形成具有紧密的联系。论文从宏观层面,提出了一套面向产品族生成的模块化产品演化方法AMPE。该方法包含两个子过程:对于第一个子过程,提出了组合决策法AG,对客户需求的变化进行了定量锁定;对于第二个子过程,首先提出了模块化产品体系结构的五大演化活动,然后基于改进的解释结构模型,对模块化产品体系结构进行了层次化建模,最后基于层次化模型,构造了组件间的波及度计算公式,为组件的重构提供了指导。模块化产品的快速定制研究对企业起着重要的作用。论文基于产品族,提出了一套模块化产品渐进式定制流程PCP。该流程能更好地面向企业产品的大批量定制,提高客户的参与度。首先基于公理化设计理论,实施了模块化产品的定性配置。其次采用了两步策略:FRBR RSBC,对模块化产品族的定量粗选择进行了研究,很好地调动了客户的积极性。再次通过引入可适应性设计方法学,对模块化产品的细选择进行了研究,并提出了可适应性重用、可适应性重构和可适应性验证与优化策略。在实施可适应性重用时,面向客户需求语言和设计师设计语言之间的语义鸿沟,提出了语义适配器;对于相似性检索时的特征权重的确定,提出了组合权重法AR。在实施可适应性重构时,提出了面向设计历史和过程的结构重构实现方法,并提出了基于规则映射的柔性模块尺寸重构的流程以及构建了模块设计主参数和模块组件结构参数之间的映射公式。最后对通用零部件基于知识驱动的设计进行了研究,并首次将实例推理技术应用到其快速设计过程中,实现了以往设计知识的重用。产品的设计开发过程是复杂的,没有很强的规律可循。论文首先基于语义网技术,总结并构建了面向协同开发的模块化产品设计元本体模型。然后以液压机产品为例,基于构建的设计元本体模型,构建了液压机领域本体模型。采用SWRL对液压机的一些常用设计知识进行了规则化表达和存储,并通过JESS推理引擎,对构建的液压机领域本体进行了推理和基于SWRLQueryBuiltIns的查询分析,有效地解决了知识获取和知识异构等问题,提高了设计知识的重用率。为工程实际化,本文开发了模块化产品设计与管理集成系统——MPDMIS,验证了文中提出的产品族开发相关关键技术与方法在实际工程应用中的适用性。

【Abstract】 Product family design is the core of the mass customization and its goal is to design the products that meet the customers’various needs as quickly as possible and spend the lowest cost. In order to achieve the goal, several facets such as modules planning of complex product, development of flexible module family, evolution of modular product, rapid customization of modular product based on modular product family and construction of design meta ontology are researched in this paper under the finanical support of the National Science and Technology Foundation (Grant No. 2001BA201A56), Anhui Science and Technology Foundation (Grant No. 40120513), National Defense Science and Technology Industry Foundation (Grant No. 2005BA201A83-01) and Hefei Science and Technology Foundation (Grant No. 2007 (1007)).Module identification is a key factor for the construction of the modular product family. For complex products, chapter two proposes the pretreated three principles for modules division at first, effectively reducing the quantity of the component and improving the efficiency of the planning. Secondly, from a function view, the modules are identified by virtue of the RI algorithm. Subsequently, the“Problems Elimination”is put forward from the viewpoint of structure, and the crucial processes and technologies are studied. Finally, the results of the modules planning are evaluated and decided based on the D-S evidence theory, effectively taking into account the uncertainty and incomplete of the evaluation process.Flexible modular and flexible module family have a wider application then traditional modular. Chapter three describes the concept and design features of flexible module firstly. Furthermore based on the principles of table characteristics of things, the building steps and methods of table characteristics of things for flexible module are presented, which models its functions and structures. And then, the regression model of main design parameters is established for flexible module, achieving the vertical expansion of its parameters series. Also, the horizontal expansion is achieved for modular structure from a macro level based axiomatic design theory. Once again, the method LSRM designing the key flexible module to reduce the corporate development and transportation costs is put forward. Finally, the inter-module assembly semantic is built by formally package the assembly constraints between modules and the methods of automatic assembly is put forward, improving the efficiency of the development of new products drastically.The evolution of modular product keeps in close contact with family formation. Chapter four puts forward an evolution method AMPE of modular product for product family generation from the macro level. The method consists of two sub-processes. For the first, a portfolio decision-making method AG is put forward, which can lock the changes in customer demand quantitatively. For the second, five evolution activities of modular product architecture are put forward, then hierarchical model is built for modular product architecture based improved interpretative structural modeling, the ripple effect between components is measured based hierarchical model at last, guiding the reconstructions of the components.The rapid customization of modular product plays an important role in companies. Chapter five brings forward a progressive custom process PCP for modular products based product family. The process can be better business-oriented mass customization of products and improve customer participation. First of all, the qualitative configuration of modular product is implemented based axiomatic design theory. The quantitative rough choice of modular product family is researched by using of a two-step strategy, mobilizing the enthusiasm of the customers. Once again, the fine choice of modular product is researched through the introduction of adaptive design methology. And the adaptive reuse strategy, adaptative reconstruction strategy, adaptive authentication and optimization strategy are raised. In implementing adaptive reuse, the semantic adapter is put forward facing the semantic gap between customer demand language and designer language. Also, the combination weight is proposed facing similarity search. In implementing adaptive reconstruction, the structure reconstruction methods facing design history and process are brought up, the reconstruction process of flexible module is put forward based rule mapping and the mapping formula between modular main design parameters and components structural parameters are built. Finally, the knowledge-driven design of general parts is realized by checking the design knowledge into the feature-based modeling process. And, for the first time, the case-based reasoning technology is applied to the rapid design process, achieving the reuse of past design knowledge.Product design process is complex, and there is no strong pattern. First of all, chapter six constructs the design meta ontology for collaborative design based on the semantic web. And then, taking the hydraulic machine for example, the hydraulic machine’s domain ontology is built based the design meta ontology. The hydraulic machine’s common knowledge is converted into rule for expression and storage by use of SWRL. Also, the hydraulic machine’s domain ontology is reasoned through JESS and queried based SWRLQueryBuiltIns, which solves the acquisition and heterogeneity of knowledge and improves the reuse rate of design knowledge. Chapter seven develops a modular product design and management system——MPDMIS,verifying the applicability of key technologies and methods related to product family development.

  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1501
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