

A Research on Interior Space Form during the Spring & Autumn and Warring States Period

【作者】 宋立民

【导师】 张绮曼;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 历时549年的春秋战国时期在中国五千年文明史中占据了近十分之一时间,这一时期不仅是中国历史上思想哲学和科学技术发展最活跃的时期,也是建筑营造的高峰期。春秋战国时期的室内空间形态在政治经济、思想文化与科学技术发展的综合作用下与前代相比发生了超越与突破,具体表现为:第一,形成于西周时期的礼制空间体系进入发展与成熟期,由此形成的“前堂后室”、“前朝后寝”空间格局与中轴对称、“择中而居”的布局理念最终成为中国古代建筑与室内空间营造理念的文化内核。第二,作为空间中最重要的两个部分——“堂”与“室”的关联与互补阐释了人们处理空间功能矛盾的思维理念:开敞空间“堂”完成开放与交流的功能目标,而封闭的“室”空间主要承担起居与睡卧等私密功能,关联与互补使春秋战国时期室内空间形态丰富而又细致。第三,技术的发展使大部分房屋建筑从半穴居逐渐过渡至地面建筑,而少部分王室贵族建筑物更发展至高台建筑形式;房间平面形状逐渐由早期的不规则形、随意形、圆形及椭圆形演变至春秋战国时期较规矩的方形或长方形;人们追求室内空间最大化以适应在室内举行的各种功能活动;室内陈设由前代偶发及零散式的摆置开始向着系统化进步,并逐渐形成与礼仪仪式功能相辅相成的、较严谨的陈设体系,开始满足人们对室内空间审美精神层面的需求。成书于战国初期的《墨子》中记载:“食必常饱,然后求美,衣必常暖,然后求丽;居必常安,然后求乐。”这段短文中的“居必常安,然后求乐”是对建筑与室内空间营造活动中追求务实精神进而达到心性向礼、平和快乐审美境界的真实写照。建立在务实技术基础之上,讲求“民生为本”的社会理想,合於“以谐万民”的礼制规范是形成春秋战国时期室内空间形态的三个重要基础。而“宫室有度、文质彬彬”正是春秋战国时期室内空间形态的基本特征。

【Abstract】 Lasting for 549 years,the Spring and Autumn and Warring-states Period takes one tenth of the time in 5000 year Chinese history,This period is not only the most active development period of philosophical thinking and science and technology in Chinese history,but also the peak era of Construction foundation.Compared with previous times,there are some breakthrough interior space form developments during the Spring and Autumn and Warring-states Period,resulted from multiple influential factors such as the development of politics,economy,culture,science and technology.There are three specific achievements.First,ritual space sequence which formed in Western Zhou Dynasty had developed into a matured phase,and "Hall in the front and Room in the back","Court at front and Chamber at rear","Axial symmetry layout" and "Living in the middle part" had become the culture core and the philosophy of interior layout in Chinese traditional architecture.Second,the idea of dealing with the associated and supplementary relations of Hall and Room which were the most important parts in the space had shown case the constructor’s ability to resolve the space functional contradiction in traditional architecture.As an open space,Hall serves as the space for public activities and communication.Room,on the other hand,aims to provide a closed space for living,sleeping and private activities.The associated and supplementary relations between Hall and Room result in the numerous and delicate space form.Third,the technology development enables most architecture to evolve from a half cave to a ground building.And a few architectures for royal families had even been built on the stage.The horizontal shape of the building had changed from irregular shape、arbitrary shape、round or ellipse shape in early period to well-mannered square or rectangle shape in the Spring and Autumn and Warring-states Period.People sought for the maximum use of the interior space in order to accommodate various functional activities.Interior furnishing had progressed systematically, and the important and rigorous system had combined the ritual ceremony in order to fulfill the various aesthetic needs in interior space.There is an old saying in Mozi published in the early Warring States Period,"Seeking a full meal may lead to seeking warm clothing which may in turn lead to seeking a fabulous and safe mansion,all in all may ultimate in seeking pure pleasures." The last two sentences in this passage is a vivid reflection of people seeking for the practical spirit during the architecture construction and interior decoration,which could realize the aesthetic goal of ritual oriented and peaceful joy.There are three important bases of interior space form in the Spring and Autumn and Warring-states Period:the practical technology,people-oriented social ideal and etiquette norms.Emphasizing on the Ritual and Culture is the basic characteristic of interior space form in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring-states Period


