

【作者】 潘皓

【导师】 王宏建;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 日本一百多年的油画历史几乎是紧跟西方美术的发展史,它追随过学院派、印象派、现代主义、欧洲抽象、美国抽象、波普乃至后现代油画,这种情况和经济、文化、建筑等各领域一样。从日本的明治时代(1893),日本人便前赴后继地虚心而又充满激情地、贪婪地吸收西方美术的精华,可以说正是他们这种热情与谦虚,让他们本来的传统与西方文化发生了热烈的交溶与冲突。他们敢于面对批评,进行了诸多改革与尝试,融会东西方的精华。历经近百年的发展,当代日本油画基本形成了具有自己民族特色的一套油画体系。本文以充实的材料为依据,系统而详细分析了当代日本油画的发展状况、油画的传入、发展轨迹和变迁。介绍了接受西方的新思潮和承载日本美术界发展的各种社会机制以及对日本油画发展起很重要作用的社会环节,深入探讨了日本接受外来文化的态度与方法的精神因素,力图梳理和提供较为清晰的当代日本油画的脉络和现实实态,剖析它存在的各种利弊的深层原因并提出自己客观的见解和思考。在当前信息时代的发展中,西方强势文化与全球化趋势正日益消解着民族的差异,尤其是在发展中国家的传统文化趋向被西方同化危机下,日本是亚洲率先走向现代化的国家。一百年前它是中国向西方学习的桥梁,今天它仍然可以作为我们接受和吸收西方文化的镜子,所以通过本文对日本当代油画的研究与透析,它所获得的成功和失败及面临的各种困惑与处境,对我国油画艺术今后的发展和前进,肯定会起到积极的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Japan’s history of more than one hundred years of painting almost keeps up with the development of Western art history.It has followed the academicism,impressionism, modernism,and abstractionism in Europe and the United States,pop and even postmodernism oil paintings.This just liked the other aspects such as economy,culture, and architecture and so on.From Japan’s Meiji era(1893),the Japanese advanced wave upon wave to absorb the essence of Western art greedily,with an open mind and passion.It can be said that it is their passion and humility let them blend the traditional and Western culture into a warm melting and conflict.However,the most importantly, they faced criticism for a number of reforms and experiments,combined the best of East and West.After nearly a hundred years of development,Japanese contemporary paintings has formed its own set of national characteristics oil system.This article analyzes their introduction,and development tracks as well as the vicissitudes systematically,with details and based on rich materials.It introduces the new ideas from the west,all kinds of social mechanisms which had supported the development of Japanese arts,and the social links,one of the very essential roles in the painting development.The author explores deeply the mental element in the attitudes of accepting the foreign culture and methods.He tries to sort out and at the same time provides the readers more clearly context of modern paintings as well as the realistic states.We can see that he also has the ambitions to analyze the various pros and cons of its underlying causes and to propose their own opinions and thinking objectively.In the current development of the information age,the Western strong culture and a trend of globalization is increasingly eliminating national differences,especially under the crisis that the traditional culture tends to be assimilated,Japan is the first Asian country to take the lead in the modernization.One hundred years ago,it was a bridge for china to learn from the West,today it can still be a mirror for our Chinese to accept and absorb Western culture.Therefore,this paper will definitely contribute to be a positive reference for our Chinese development and improvement in painting arts,as it has made commitment to study and dialyze the success and failure of Japanese contemporary oil paintings,their various confusion and conditions.

【关键词】 同化透析借鉴作用吸收与发展
【Key words】 assimilationdialysisreferenceabsorption and development
  • 【分类号】J209.313
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】701

