

Study on Realization Mechanism of Circular Economy of Iron Ore Resources in China

【作者】 蒋佐斌

【导师】 杨昌明;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源产业经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 铁矿资源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础。近几年来,随着国民经济持续增长,铁矿资源约束问题和生产、消费铁矿制成品引起的环境污染问题日趋严重,特别是2003年以来铁矿资源价格高位振荡和“环境事件”时有爆发,国内对如何实现铁矿资源可持续利用和发展铁矿资源循环经济关注日益强烈。铁矿作为最重要的一种矿产资源,是循环经济发展的主体之一,发展铁矿资源循环经济具有重要战略的意义。目前,我国铁矿资源循环经济正处于从理念创导、局部试验、典型示范向全面实践推进的转折时期,取得了一定的成绩。然而,有相当部分的地方政府和铁矿资源利用企业对铁矿资源循环经济的发展动力、实现机制的原理缺乏系统认识,政府在制定有关促进循环经济发展的政策时,没有遵循经济规律;铁矿资源利用企业在发展循环经济时,只是为了完成“行政指令”,导致“循环不经济”。要改变上述发展铁矿资源循环经济中存在的不足,从经济系统和铁矿资源利用系统来看,应该立足于我国铁矿资源的条件及其利用的经济环境,研究铁矿资源循环经济实现的动力来源、实现机制以及实现的原理,为铁矿资源循环经济的持续发展提供理论支撑,促进铁矿资源循环的实现。本论文的焦点在铁矿资源循环经济的实现机制,主要从铁矿资源循环经济发展的动力系统、市场机制、规制机制、技术机制等方面研究我国铁矿资源循环经济实现机制,具有现实意义和研究价值。本论文研究的逻辑起点是通过对我国铁矿资源禀赋特征、供求状况和利用模式的分析,认为我国发展铁矿资源循环经济是必由之路。论文根据实现机制构成的三个部分,分别对市场机制、规制机制和技术机制进行了分析,铁矿资源企业在市场机制的作用下,往往不选择循环经济的生产方式,规制机制是必要的。激励性的规制机制、技术机制会促进铁矿资源企业发展循环经济,引导企业在追求利润最大化的同时,自觉地选择循环经济模式,实现激励相容。铁矿资源企业是否采用循环经济模式是利益博弈的结果,本研究对博弈双方策略的选择进行了分析。最后,论文对武汉钢铁公司铁矿资源循环经济实现机制进行了分析和评述。论文有八章,每一章的主要内容如下:第一章绪论介绍本研究的背景和意义、研究方法。通过对文献的综述,归纳铁矿资源循环经济实现机制研究的主要成果和存在的不足,概括了论文的主要研究内容、研究方法,以及主要成果与创新点。第二章铁矿资源循环经济实现机制的理论基础及实践阐述铁矿资源循环经济实现机制研究的理论基础,主要包括:可持续发展理论、清洁生产理论、生态工业理论、绿色制造理论、循环经济的理论、协同论、博弈论。总结分析了铁矿资源循环经济在国内外的实践。中国铁矿资源禀赋条件较差,铁矿资源供不应求,铁矿资源在利用过程中带来的环境污染和生态问题,客观上要求中国铁矿资源走循环经济的发展之路。我国铁矿资源循环经济的发展在企业的技术层面上已经展开,并取得一定的成绩,但与发达国家的先进钢铁企业相比,还存在很大的差距,还需要完备的循环经济支撑体系。第三章中国铁矿资源循环经济实现的动力系统及市场机制研究首先,提出铁矿资源循环经济动力系统的概念。铁矿资源开发、利用企业发展铁矿资源循环经济的动力来源于市场的需求,市场需求是铁矿资源循环经济的动力源,由动力源派生出竞争驱动力、政府规制力、技术推动力。其次,简述了市场机制的内涵、特征、作用,分析了发展铁矿资源循环经济市场机制实现过程。最后,利用边际分析方法,探讨循环经济发展水平对均衡产量和利润的影响,认为:铁矿资源企业在市场机制的作用下,往往不会选择循环经济的生产方式。第四章中国铁矿资源循环经济政策矩阵与规制机制分析了铁矿资源循环经济市场失灵的特点,认为发展铁矿资源循环经济依赖政府的规制。政府对循环经济的规制,是通过法律法规来实现的。铁矿资源循环经济的法律法规依据内容构成不同的向量,形成政策矩阵,包括:税收政策向量、金融政策向量、财政政策向量和产业政策向量。对于某一个企业,其享受到的促进循环经济的政策组合是确定的,可以根据企业利益最大化的原则,选择最优的政策向量。铁矿资源循环经济的政策矩阵的设计属于机制设计的范畴,涉及资源的有效配置、信息的有效利用及激励相容。在铁矿资源循环经济政策矩阵的设计中,应遵循两个原则:信息最有效利用、激励相容。政策矩阵是政府及权力部门设计的,政策分为强制性政策和激励性政策。在强制性政策下,铁矿资源企业的市场均衡产量会减少。在实行价格补贴的激励政策下,当单位铁矿资源循环经济补贴额不足以补偿因执行铁矿资源循环经济标准而造成单位投资的收益净损失时,发展铁矿资源循环经济的市场均衡产量小于传统经济模式的市场均衡产量;当补贴额足以补偿因实施循环经济造成的收益净损失时,发展铁矿资源循环经济时的市场均衡产量大于传统经济模式的市场均衡产量。第五章中国铁矿资源循环经济的产业流程与技术机制概述了铁矿资源循环利用流程,分析了铁矿资源循环涉及的地质勘查关键技术链、采矿工程关键技术链、选矿工艺关键技术链、冶金工艺关键技术链、回收利用关键技术链,透过铁矿资源产业链,我们可以清晰地看到技术链的存在。在铁矿资源技术系统中,非稳定模支配稳定模,非稳定模称为技术系统的序参量,决定技术系统的运作过程和演化状态。技术协同的关键是要找到系统本质特征的序参量,也就是促进铁矿资源循环经济的关键技术。本研究应用AHP方法,以冶金工艺中的炼铁技术为研究对象,阐述了铁矿资源循环经济链中的序参量决定过程。铁矿资源循环经济的实现依赖于科技的创新,在一定时期内,企业对技术创新的资源投入是有限的,而企业技术链上的每一个环节都存在创新的需求,如何将有限的资源进行合理地分配,需要对企业技术链上的创新项目进行科学的评价,本章应用DEA技术对铁矿资源循环经济技术链中的技术创新项目进行分析,确定最有效的创新项目组。本章最后利用边际分析法分析了技术进步对循环经济的促进作用,认为:1.依靠技术进步,提高行业整体技术水平,降低边际成本曲线,进而降低铁矿资源循环经济发展成本,是推进铁矿资源循环经济发展的长期实施策略。2.激励性政策促使更多的企业选择发展铁矿资源循环经济及其较高发展水平。3.与完全依靠市场机制相比,激励性政策更能够激发企业通过技术创新、降低铁矿资源循环经济投资成本,从长远的角度来看,促进铁矿资源循环经济的实现。第六章铁矿资源循环经济实现的博弈分析本章建立在博弈论的基本理论之上,探讨了两个方面的内容:1.铁矿资源企业是否采用循环经济模式,是利益博弈的结果。铁矿资源企业在一定条件下,不会选择循环经济的模式,政府对企业是否采用循环经济的模式的规制力度直接影响企业的决策。2.通过对铁矿资源循环经济产业链中脱磷工艺的博弈分析,认为:铁矿资源产业链上的各个企业为了追求各自利益最大化,结果是次优策略得到实施。要使占优策略的实施,即:铁矿资源产业链的利益最大化,政府主管部门或行业协会进行干预是非常必要的。第七章武汉钢铁公司铁矿资源循环经济实现机制首先介绍了武汉钢铁公司的基本情况、发展循环经济的产业背景、公司拟定的循环经济发展的目标。其次,分析了武汉钢铁公司自有矿山、冶金过程发展循环经济的动力及实现机制。再次,总结了武钢发展铁矿资源循环经济的实践及取得的效果。最后,对武钢铁矿资源循环经济实现机制展开评述,认为:武钢发展铁矿资源循环经济的动力来源于市场的需求,这种需求表现为社会公众的需要和政府的各种规制。市场机制在武钢发展铁矿资源循环经济中起着主导作用,规制机制在武钢发展铁矿资源循环经济中起着约束作用,技术机制在武钢发展铁矿资源循环经济中起着推动作用,武钢通过技术改造,淘汰落后产能,有力的推动了循环经济的实施,提高了企业的经济效益。总之,武钢发展循环经济的动力来源于市场需求,实现机制的各个部分协调运行,在循环经济的实现中,通过节能减排,不仅节约了资源、保护了环境,还提高了经济效益,实现了激励相容。第八章全文总结与研究展望。本论文的创新点主要体现在以下三个方面:1.提出铁矿资源循环经济发展的动力系统概念,认为铁矿资源开发、利用企业发展铁矿资源循环经济的动力来源于市场的需求,在目前我国铁矿资源循环经济推进阶段,这种市场需求是社会大众依靠政府通过各种方式体现出来的,因此市场需求是铁矿资源循环经济的动力源,动力源派生出竞争驱动力、政府规制力、技术推动力。2.提出了铁矿资源循环经济实现机制中的激励相容原理。论文根据实现机制构成的三个部分,分别对市场机制、规制机制和技术机制进行了分析,研究认为:铁矿资源企业在市场机制的作用下,往往不会发展循环经济,需要有规制机制。激励性的规制机制、技术机制会促进铁矿资源企业发展循环经济,促使企业在追求利润最大化的同时,自觉地选择循环经济模式,实现激励相容。3.铁矿资源循环经济的实现是利益博弈的结果。本研究以博弈论的均衡分析为工具,探讨了两个方面的内容:(1)铁矿资源企业是否采用循环经济模式,是利益博弈的结果。铁矿资源企业为了追求自己利益最大化,可能不会选择循环经济的模式,政府的规制力度直接影响铁矿资源企业循环经济的发展水平。(2)通过对铁矿资源循环经济产业链中脱磷工艺的博弈分析,认为:铁矿资源产业链上的各个企业为了追求各自利益最大化,结果是次优策略得到实施。要使占优策略的实施,即:铁矿资源产业链的利益最大化,政府主管部门或行业协会进行规制是非常必要的。

【Abstract】 Iron ore resources are the material basis for the survival and development of human beings. In the recent years, with the sustainable growth of national economy, restriction of iron ore resources and the environmental pollution caused by manufacture and consumption of iron ore resources become increasingly serious. Especially since 2003, the sharp rise of price of iron ore resources and the "environmental events" have broken out from time to time, and the great importance is attached to the realization of the sustainable utilization and development and circular economy of iron ore resources.Iron ore, the most important mineral resources, is one of the main bodies for development of circular economy, and it has strategic significance to develop the circular economy of iron ore resources. At present circular economy of iron ore resources in China is in the transitional period from innovation and guidance of concept to local testing, typical demonstration and implementation of full practice, and certain success is obtained. However, many local governments and iron ore resources utilization enterprises lack the systematic realization for principle of development force and realization mechanism of circular economy of iron ore resources, and the governments fail to abide by the economic law when making the policies to promote the development of circular economy; during the development of circular economy, iron ore resources utilization enterprises just complete the "administrative order", so "circulation but diseconomy" happens. To improve the shortcomings in the development of circular economy of iron ore resources, from the angle of economic system and utilization system of iron ore system, we should base ourselves upon the economic environment of utilization of iron ore resources in China, and study the power resources, realization mechanism and realization principle realized by circular economy of iron ore resources to supply theoretical support for sustainable development of circular economy of iron ore resources and promote the realization of circulation of iron ore resources. The keynote of this dissertation is concentrated on the realization mechanism of circular economy of iron ore resources in China and studies the realization mechanism of circular economy of iron ore resources in China from the aspects of power system, market mechanism, punishment mechanism and technical mechanism, which is possessed with the realistic significance and research value. Through the analysis of endowment characteristics, supply and demand condition and utilization mode of iron ore resources in China, the logical point in this dissertation insists that it is necessary for our country to develop the circular economy of iron ore resources in China. This dissertation performs the analysis for market mechanism, punishment mechanism and technical mechanism according to three components comprising of realization mechanism. Under the effect of market mechanism, the iron ore resources enterprises will not adopt the production mode of circular economy, so punishment mechanism is the necessity. The invigorative punishment mechanism and technical mechanism will promote the development of circular economy for iron ore resources enterprises to lead enterprises to consciously select circular economy mode when enterprises are pursuing the maximum profits and to realize the harmony of encouragement. Whether the iron ore resources enterprises adopt the circular economy mode is determined by benefit game and this research performs analysis for options of game strategies for both parties. At last this dissertation performs analysis and evaluation for the realization mechanism of circular economy of iron ore resources of WISCO. The dissertation comprises of 8 chapters and the major contents of each chapter are shown as follows:ChapterⅠIntroductionThe introduction will explain the background, significance of this research and research method. Through the general statement for references and conclusion of main achievements and shortcomings of realization mechanism research of circular economy of iron ore resources, this introduction summarizes the major research content, research method, major achievements and innovation points of this dissertation.ChapterⅡTheoretical Basis and Practice of Realization Mechanism of Circular Economy of Iron Ore ResourcesThis chapter explains the theoretical basis of realization mechanism research on circular economy of iron ore resources, including sustainable development theory, clean production theory, ecological industry theory, green manufacturing theory, circular economy theory, coordination theory and game theory. This paragraph summarizes and analyzes the internal and external practice for circular economy of iron ore resources. The endowment condition of iron ore resources in China is relatively worse, the demand for iron ore resources is larger than the supply, and the environmental pollution and ecological problems in the utilization of iron ore resources objectively require iron ore resources in China to follow the development mode of circular economy. The development of circular economy of iron ore resources in China has started in the technical aspects in enterprises and obtained certain success. Comparing with the steel and iron enterprises in advanced countries, there is still much gap between them and the perfect supporting system for circular economy is still needed.ChapterⅢResearch on Power System and Market Mechanism Realized by Development of Circular Economy of Iron Ore Resources in ChinaFirst of all, this part puts forward the concept of power system of circular economy of iron ore resources. The power for the development of circular economy of iron ore resources for development and utilization by the enterprises comes from the demand of market, and the market demand is the power source for circular economy of iron ore resources. The competitive driving force, government stipulation force and technical pulling force derive from power source. Next, this paragraph briefly explains the connotation, characteristics and effect of market mechanism and analyzes the realization process of development of market mechanism of circular economy of iron ore resources. At last adopting the marginal analysis approach, the paragraph discusses the influence of development level of circular economy to equilibrium quantity and profits. This paragraph proposes that the iron ore resources enterprises will not select the production mode of circular economy under the influence of market mechanism.ChapterⅣPolicy Matrix and Regulation Mechanism of Circular Economy of Iron Ore Resources in ChinaThis chapter analyzes the characteristics of market failure of circular economy of iron ore resources and holds that the development of circular economy of iron ore resources is dependent on the stipulation of government. The stipulation of government for circular economy is realized by laws and regulations. The laws and regulations for circular economy of iron ore resources constitutes the different vectors according to its content and forms the policy matrix, including the tax policy vector, financial policy vector, fiscal policy vector and industrial policy vector. It is certain that a enterprise can enjoy the policy combination of promoting the circular economy and select the optimal policy vector according to the principle of benefit maximization of enterprise.Design of policy matrix of circular economy of iron ore resources belongs to the scale of mechanism design and is involved in the effective configuration, effective utilization of information and incentive compatibility. During the design of policy matrix of circular economy of iron ore resources, two principles should be followed: most effective utilization of information and incentive compatibility.The policy matrix is designed by government and authority departments and policy is classified into compulsory policy and encouraging policy. Under the compulsory policy, the market equilibrium quantity for iron ore resources enterprises will reduce. Under the encouraging policy of price subsidy, when the subsidy sum of circular economy of unit iron ore resources can not compensate the net loss of benefit of unit investment caused by executing the circular economy standard of circular economy of iron ore resources, the market equilibrium quantity for developing the circular economy of iron ore resources is less than it of traditional economic mode; when the subsidy sum can compensate the net loss of benefit caused by executing circular economy, the market equilibrium quantity for developing the circular economy of iron ore resources is larger than it of traditional economic modeChapterⅤIndustry Process and Technical Mechanism of Circular Economy of Iron Ore Resources in ChinaThis chapter summarizes the cyclic utilization process of iron ore resources, and analyzes the key technology chain for geologic examination, mining engineering, beneficiation process, metallurgical technology and reutilization. Through the industry chain of iron ore resources, we can clearly realize the existence of technology chain.In the technology system of iron ore resources, the unstable mode dominates stable mode. The unstable mode comes to be known as order parameter of technology system and determines the operation process and evolution state of technology system. The key to technical coordination is to find the order parameter of system characteristics, which are key to promote the circular economy of iron ore resources. This research applies AHP mode, taking the iron making technology in metallurgical technology as the research object, and explains the determination process of order parameter in circular economy chain of iron ore resources.The realization for circular economy of iron ore resources is dependent on the scientific innovation and the resources input in technical innovation from enterprise in limited in a certain period. However, each link for technical chain of enterprise requires the innovation. In terms of reasonable allocation for limited resources, it requires the scientific evaluation for the innovation projects of technical chain of enterprise. This chapter applies DEA technology to analyze the technical innovation projects in technical chain of circular economy of iron ore resources to determine the most effective innovation project group.Finally this chapter adopts marginal analysis method to analyze the promotion effect of technical progress to circular economy, holding: depending on the technical progress, it is a long-term executing policy for the promotion of development of circular economy of iron ore resources to improve the general technical level in industry, reduce marginal cost curve to reduce the development cost of circular economy of iron ore resources. The encouraging policy can promote more enterprises develop the circular economy of iron ore resources and higher development level. Comparing it with the mechanism completely dependent on the market, the encouraging policy can more stimulate the enterprises to promote the realization of circular economy of iron ore resources by technical innovation and the reduction of investment cost of circular economy of iron ore resources in a long term.ChapterⅥGame Analysis of Realization of Circular Economy of Iron Ore ResourcesThis chapter discusses the content in two aspects based on the basic principle of game theory.1. Whether the iron ore resources enterprises adopt the circular economy mode is determined by benefit game. Iron ore resources enterprises will not select circular economy mode under the certain condition and it will directly affect the decision of enterprise whether the government will adopt the regulation force of circular economy mode for enterprises.2. Through the game analysis of dephosphoration process in industry chain of circular economy of iron ore resources, this chapter holds that every enterprise on the industry chain of iron ore resources execute the suboptimal policy to pursuit the benefit maximization. The benefit maximization of industry chain of iron ore resources and interposition of government authorities and trades society are quite necessary for the execution of optimal policy.ChapterⅦRealization Mechanism of Circular Economy of Iron Ore Resources of WISCOFirstly this chapter introduces the basic situation, industry background of developing circular economy and goal of development of circular economy planned by company. Secondly, this chapter analyzes the power and realization mechanism of developing circular economy for self-owned mines and metallurgical process. Next, the chapter generalizes the practice and the achievements obtained by developing the circular economy of iron ore resources of WISCO. Finally this chapter comments on the realization mechanism of circular economy of iron ore resources of WISCO and holding that the power for developing the circular economy of iron ore resources of WISCO originates from the demand of market and this demand is reflected on the demand for the public mass and each stipulation of government. The market mechanism plays a dominant role in the development of circular economy of iron ore resources of WISCO, punishment mechanism plays a restriction role in the development of circular economy of iron ore resources of WISCO and technical mechanism plays a promotion role in the development of circular economy of iron ore resources of WISCO. WISCO effectively promotes the execution of circular economy and improves the economic benefit of enterprise through technological transformation and elimination of the backward productivity. In a word, power for developing the circular economy of WISCO originates from the demand of market, and the coordination operation for each part of realization mechanism obtains a better effect.ChapterⅧConclusion and Research ProspectThe innovation points of research result in this dissertation are mainly reflected on the following three aspects:1. The dissertation puts forward the concept of power system of development of circular economy of iron ore resources and holds that the power source for development of circular economy of iron ore resources for development and utilization enterprises of iron ore resources originates from the demand of market. At present the circular economy of iron ore resources in China is in the advance stage and the market demand is reflected by the social mass depending on government. Therefore the market demand is the power source for circular economy of iron ore resources and competitive driving force, government stipulation force and technical promotion force are derived from power resource.2. The dissertation puts forward the incentive and consistency principle in the realization mechanism of circular economy of iron ore resources. The research analyzes the market mechanism, punishment mechanism and technical mechanism according to three components constituting the realization mechanism. The research holds that iron ore resources enterprise will not develop the circular economy and need punishment mechanism under the effect of market mechanism. The incentive punishment mechanism and technical mechanism will promote iron ore resources enterprise to develop the circular economy, consciously select the circular economy mode to realize the incentive compatibility while pursuing the benefit maximization.3. The realization for circular economy of iron ore resources is determined by benefit game. This chapter discusses the content in two aspects, taking the equilibrium analysis of game theory as tool.(1) Whether the iron ore resources adopt the circular economy mode is determined by benefit game. In order to pursuit the benefit maximization, the iron ore resources enterprise will not select the circular economy mode and the stipulation force of government will directly affect the development level of circular economy of iron ore resources enterprise.(2) Through the game analysis for dephosphoration process in industry chain of circular economy of iron ore resources, this dissertation holds that every enterprise on the industry chain of iron ore resources execute the suboptimal policy to pursuit the benefit maximization. The benefit maximization of industry chain of iron ore resources and interposition of government authorities and trades society are quite necessary for the execution of optimal policy.

  • 【分类号】F426.1;F205
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2369
  • 攻读期成果

