

The Study of Design Risks in China’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

【作者】 叶芳

【导师】 许平;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 现代企业活动时时伴随着复杂而多样的风险,设计研发中的风险更成为企业经营中必须面对的难题。在全球经济竞争加剧,市场空间骤然压缩的时代背景下,以提升产品结构、产业结构、增加竞争效益为主旨的企业创新是世界各国企业共同的追求,设计创新必然成为推动企业创新的重要动力。然而,正是在这样的形势下,设计的高风险性应当引起足够的重视,对于有效抵御或消减市场风险的企业对策研究更应当及时提上日程。本论题的提出旨在通过剖析中国中小型企业的发展经历来梳理隐含其中的设计风险本质,通过对企业关注“回报”与“风险”的市场行为规律来解释企业与设计风险的博弈过程;并试图梳理设计风险应对策略的类型和可能性,从而探寻从管理策略角度“规避”和“化解”设计风险的现实途径。作为设计管理及设计政策的理论探讨,本文立足于原理性的研究,对于风险问题及其相关分析仍将回归于实践层面,从企业行为的角度来解读设计风险问题的敏感与复杂性。本文的基本观点是,设计风险作为设计创新理论研究的基本课题,包含着众多需要从理论层面和认知层面予以澄清和说明的话题,对这一问题的漠视或回避都将影响企业的创新决策与投入,影响“生产型企业”向“创新主导型企业”自觉转换的进程。通过对设计风险的研究能为企业的创新理论及经营策略研究提供有价值的指引。本文的研究思路是将设计风险分析的一般理论与中国经济环境、企业状况与设计发展的策略分析相结合,尝试提出中国社会、文化背景之下有助于企业设计创新风险对策的建议,进而提出设计管理一般理论之下适合中国国情的理论路径与研究方法。以中国企业实践为样本的研究,其应用价值也许是地域性的,但其着眼点,却是全球的。

【Abstract】 Modern business activities, from time to time, are accompanied by complex anddiversified risks. Against the times background of the aggravation of global economiccompetition and the sudden compression of market space, enterprise innovation aimedat improving product structure, industrial structure and enhancing competitionbenefits is the common pursuit of all countries across the world, design innovationwill inevitably become an important momentum in promoting enterprise innovation.However, it is just under such a situation that the high risk of design innovationshould be attached to and the business strategy study concerning effectively resistingor reducing market risks should be put on the agenda in time.The raising of this topic is, through analyzing the development experiences ofChina’s small and medium-sized enterprises, to comb the nature of design riskshidden in them, and through the market conduct rule of enterprise’s concerns about"return" and "risk", to explain the gaming process of enterprise and design risks; andtry to comb the types and possibility of the strategy of managing design risks, thusexplore the practical approach of avoiding and defusing design risks from the angle ofmanagement tactics. As the theory exploration of design management and designpolicy, this article adheres to theoretical study, problems and related analysisregarding risks will still return to practical level, it will interpret the sensitivity andcomplexity of the design risks from the perspective of enterprise conduct.The basic view of this article is: design risk, as a basic subject of designinnovation theory study, contains a variety of topics required to be clarified andillustrated from theoretical level and cognitive level and both ignorance or evasion ofthis issue will affect enterprise innovation strategy and input as well as the process ofautomatic transform from "manufactured enterprise" to "innovation-orientedenterprise". The study of design risks can provide a valuable guide for the study ofenterprise innovation theory and management strategy.The study concept of this article is to combine the general theory of design risksanalysis with the strategy analysis of China’s economic environment, businessconditions, and design development, try to put forward suggestions that are conduciveto the innovation risk strategy of enterprise design against the background of China’ssociety and culture. Thus the dissertation puts forward the theory path and studyapproach which are suited for China’s national conditions under the general theory ofdesign management. Based on the practice of China’s enterprises as a sample, thestudy and its application value might be regional, but its focus of attention is global.

【关键词】 设计风险不确定性规避与化解
【Key words】 design riskuncertaintyavoiding and defusing

