

The Spirits of Royal Jade Works in Beijing

【作者】 苏欣

【导师】 许平;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“京都玉作”为研究对象,先通过梳理其文化背景与脉络,归纳并诠释京都玉作不同于其他玉作的文化起点与精神归宿。再从社会学研究的角度分析和解读京都玉作——这个以“玉作”为核心的手工艺生态系统中,玉人、玉行、作坊、等各个子系统之间的关系,之后逐层深入到子系统内部构成、组织管理、规矩、范式。在分析解读京都玉作成做过程中的步骤、方法及其工艺价值观和创作方法论之后,归纳京都玉作背后所蕴含的中国传统手工艺精神的文化意义。以京都玉作这个研究对象为范本,对其设计生态系统的逐层分析解读,旨在说明传统手工艺是在长期的日常文化生活中积淀下来的、反映一定时代真相的技艺载体,其价值并不在于技艺本身的成就,而是这种技术所承载的人与物所显现的文化传统和“品质”。北方独特的政治变革史与民族交流史为北方玉作的格调形成提供了独特的城市文化背景与市井价值背景,而蕴含在这种文化格局中的帝王政治取向与精英文化取向经过历代参与者从不同层面及向度上的锤炼,已经纯化,形成一种具有可以构成工艺传统的合法性与权威性的专业话语,从而深入地渗透于玉作工艺的技术精神与文化品味之中。这种独特的文化氛围与历史基调赋予京都玉作以特有的研究样本价值。本课题研究虽以京都玉作为典,但观照的并不仅限于玉工艺本身。在中国工艺传统中,“工艺”的内涵往往不止体现在它的外部形态,更多时候,似乎指向的是一种超越形态之外的“品格”,也即一种精神性的逻辑。中国传统文化和普适的价值观通过造“物”和成“作”的系统,建立起一套平和而自然的人间秩序。物品世界与人的精神世界也因此建立了一个稳定的关联。这也许正是“玉”为何能够凝聚各种人格与文化语义为一身,担起以“物”来修正和规范人的品格与修为的原因之一。而这种秩序与关联正好回应工业文明以后人类心灵的失重与迷茫的现状。因此,对京都玉作的分析还有一个开放性的指向,就是对传统文化精神如何吸附在现代生活及现代设计中做一个思考启示,为当下设计学所要探寻的中国未来设计的理想和方向提供一个新的指向。

【Abstract】 This paper researches the spirits of Royal Jade works in Beijing. Firstly, it teasesout the history and cultural background of the Royal Jade works of Beijing, andconcludes their differences in culture and spirit from the jade works of other areas.Besides, it interprets the Royal Jade works of Beijing from the viewpoint of socialanthropology, in which this paper looks on the jade works as an ecosystem andanalyzes the relationship between the small systems such as people ,trade andworkshop; and then researches into each small system to analyzes its composition,organization and management, rules, and paradigm. Finally, it unscrambles theprocess, method, craft values and creation methodology of the Royal Jade works ofBeijing.After the analysis of design ecosystem, this paper concludes that the traditionalhandicraft has become a kind of technical carrier in the long time of everyday life andit reflects a certain level of reality at that time. The values of the handicraft are notonly in the technical accomplishment itself but also in the cultural tradition and innerquality. The unique political change history with national history of jade is the uniquestyle formed a city of culture background and civic values and cultural pattern ofcontained in the imperial political orientation and elite culture orientation aftersuccessive participants from different aspects of temper, and the purification, hasformed a form of traditional craft can have the authority of professional discourselegitimacy, deep penetration in jade for technical spirit and culture. This uniqueculture and history in Kyoto jade key gives special research samples values.Chinese traditional culture and universal views of value compose a suit of mildand natural world order. The material world and people’s inner world build a stablerelationship accordingly. This is one of the reasons why jade could represent all kindsof personalities and cultural meanings, and why it can even modify people’scharacters and behaviors. Such order and relationship could response the lost andconfused situation of industrial civilization nowadays. Therefore, the analysis of theRoyal Jade works of Beijing should be open-oriented. It is taken into considerationin this paper that how to absorb the spirit of traditional culture into modern life andmodern design and supply a new orientation to the exploration of the ideality anddirection of China’s future design.


