

A Study on Quality and Security Governance of Fruit and Vegetables Based on Supermarket Supply Chain

【作者】 王素霞

【导师】 胡定寰;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 食物安全不仅关系到公众的健康,而且影响国际贸易和社会稳定,它已经成为全球性的重大战略问题。随着我国国民经济的高速增长和生产力的迅速提高,消费者对食物的需求正在发生迅速变化。其典型特征是消费者的需求从最初的追求“量”,到追求“质”,进而发展到追求“多功能性”。但是,食物安全性方面的形势却不容乐观。受利益最大化的诱惑,农产品供应链上各行为主体人为地造成食物质量安全水平下降。食品能否安全地从生产的源头到达消费者手中,则与这个链条上所有行为主体有关。随着消费者生活水平的提高,果蔬消费的比例越来越高。但目前我国果蔬供应链各个环节都存在着比较突出的质量安全问题。近年来快速发展的以超市为中心的现代化农产品供应链,为安全优质农产品的生产、销售提供了强有力的保证。本文研究的总体目标是通过对中国果蔬超市供应链的研究,提出一个比较完整的食物安全治理的理论框架,并提出如何让小农户纳入现代化的农产品供应链,应对全球大市场,生产高质量的农产品进而从中受益。为达到上述目标,本文作者在2006-2008年对北京市13家超市总店、12家果蔬产品供应商、80户山东安丘大葱种植农户、125位北京地区的消费者、四川聚和生态农业发展有限公司、四川彭州蔬菜产销协会进行了调查。为实现论文研究目标,作者运用了统计分析和计量分析研究方法。探讨果蔬质量安全的NGO治理时,运用案例分析方法。探讨市场治理时运用了案例和计量相结合的方法。本项研究主要得出以下四点结论:(1)超市的发展正在改善着果蔬产品的质量安全性。在果蔬采购、配送阶段,超市现代化的物流管理方法和组织系统,完整的生鲜冷链运输系统,扩大了果蔬产品的运输半径,延长了果蔬产品保鲜和交易时间,降低了二次污染的几率。在果蔬加工、销售阶段,超市严格的进场检测以及随时的抽样检查,都在一定程度上降低了果蔬产品的不安全性。(2)果蔬产品市场治理的核心是建立高效的协作式供应链体系。生产者、消费者、供应商(出口商)及超市是果蔬供应链上的不同参与主体。果蔬产品质量安全的市场治理,需要供应链上每一个参与主体及消费终端的消费者都参与。(3)政府治理是提高果蔬产品质量安全的保证。(4)果蔬质量安全的NGO治理是农民面向市场后的自我选择。NGO治理是提高果蔬产品质量安全的不可缺少的措施。根据上述研究结论,本文提出五方面的政策建议:(1)国家应加大对超市的扶持力度。(2)培育大型的农产品龙头企业,把分散的小农户真正纳入到现代化的农产品供应链中,提高农产品质量,提高农户收入。(3)促进农民专业技术协会的发展,加强市场管理和监督。(4)政府应完善严格的农产品质量安全法律法规,完善农产品质量安全标准体系。(5)政府应加强农产品流通领域的建设与管理,合理引导居民消费。

【Abstract】 Food security has become a major global strategic problem, which is not only related to public health, but also the impact on international trade and social stability. With the rapid growth of China’s national economy and the rapid increase in productivity, the consumer’s demand for food is changing rapidly, from the initial pursuit of "food quantity" to "food quality", further to“food versatility". However, the food supply situation is not optimistic. Subject to the temptation to maximize the profits, the actors on agricultural supply chain artificially caused a reduction in the food quality and safety. It is related to all the relevant parts on the agri-food supply chain that if the food could be transported safety from production source to consumers. With the improvement of living standards of consumers, the proportion of fruit and vegetable consumption is getting higher and higher. Presently, however, there are most serious problem of quality and safety on the every section of fruit and vegetables supply chain in China. In recent years, the rapid development of the modern supermarket supply chain provides a powerful guarantee for safety and high quality agricultural production and marketing. The goal of this paper is to provide a relatively complete theory of food safety governance framework through the research of supermarket fruit and vegetable supply chain. Further more, I would like to study how to get small scale farmers into modern agricultural supply chain, to produce high-quality agricultural products and to benefit from it.To obtain these goals, I conducted a survey that cover 13 supermarket headquarters in Beijing, 12 fruit and vegetable products suppliers, 80 farmers in Shandong Anqiu, 125 consumers in Beijing, Sichuan Juhe Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., and the Association of Vegetable Marketing Association Pengzhou from 2006 to 2008. I apply Statistical analysis, Econometric analysis and the cases to evaluate the mechanism of the NGO, the government governance and the market governance. My main finds are: (1) the supermarket development is improving the quality and security of fruit and vegetable. To some extent, in fruit and vegetable processing and marketing stages, the strict testing and random checks at any time may reduce insecurity of fruit and vegetable. (2) The key step for market governance is to establish a highly efficient supply chain system. Each partner should be involved in the highly market governance including the terminal consumers. (3) Government governance is the powerful guarantee to improve the quality and security of fruit and vegetable. (4) NGO governance is indispensable measures to improve the quality and safety of fruit and vegetable products, which is selected by farmer.Based on the conclusion above, we have five policy recommendations: (1) States should increase its support for the supermarket. (2) To develop large-scale agricultural enterprises ensure more and more small scale households to join in the modern agri-food supply chain, in order to increase the farmers’income. (3) To promote professional and technical association of farmers and to strengthen market management and supervision. (4) The Government should perfect the strict laws and regulations associating with the quality and safety of agricultural products. (5) Government should strengthen the construction of agricultural products circulation and management, guide consumers to consume reasonable.

  • 【分类号】F322;F721.7
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2161
  • 攻读期成果

