

Protection Institution of Geographical Indication of Liquor Products in China

【作者】 曾洁

【导师】 钱克明; 郑胜利;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国已建立地理标志法律保护体系,地理标志问题已成为知识产权保护领域的一个热点。酒产品具有极强的原产地域特点与个性,酒产品地理标志保护是WTO谈判重大关切。我国酒类地理标志保护制度存在许多深层次问题,这是我国酒产业市场混乱的重要原因之一。本文旨在从经济学和法学视角研究酒类地理标志保护,为完善我国酒类地理标志保护机制提供理论依据和政策建议。文章采用比较分析法、案例分析法、计量经济模型分析法,分六章进行论述。第一章为总论,包括研究背景和意义、研究目标、相关概念界定、国内外研究述评、研究框架及方法,创新点与不足之处等内容。第二章为我国酒类地理标志保护概述,描述了我国酒类地理标志保护现状,分析了存在问题及内在原因。第三章为酒类地理标志保护的经济分析,从其经济内涵、经济效应、制度经济解析、对县域经济影响这四个方面为地理标志保护提供了一个经济学研究框架,并以绍兴黄酒为个案,采用DID模型实证研究了地理标志保护的经济效率。第四章为酒类地理标志保护的国际经验和趋势,介绍了有关酒类地理标志保护的国际公约及协定,分析了国外主要做法及趋势,以及对我国启示。第五章为我国酒类地理标志保护的法律分析,研究了酒类地理标志权属性质及其法律界定,分析了我国酒类地理标志保护的立法状况和法律手段,并提出了完善立法的建议。第六章为我国酒类地理标志保护机制研究,对酒类地理标志保护的各种手段做了比较分析,应用机制设计理论构建了适合我国的酒类地理标志保护机制。论文研究指出,我国酒类地理标志保护要构建行业协会主导下的市场综合保护机制、完善地理标志专门立法模式下的法律机制、采用以黄酒为主兼顾葡萄酒和烈性酒的产品策略机制。论文提出如下建议:第一,尽快制定《中华人民共和国地理标志法》和《中华人民共和国行业协会法》;第二,重新划分与地理标志保护行政管理执法相关的职权和职责,避免现行地理标志核准、行政执法的混乱;第三,倡导酒类行业协会开展行业协会章程所规定的管理和服务工作,正确行使行业协会的职权,履行行业协会的职责;第四,调整司法审查的思路,将行业协会章程、行规等作为民间法的一种来对待,将其作为国家法的补充;第五,挖掘酒类地理标志尤其是黄酒地理标志资源的潜力,加快黄酒产品的申请注册工作;第六,充分利用地理标志权促进县域经济发展;第七,加强地理标志国际注册和保护工作,发挥行业协会在地理标志国际保护工作的作用。

【Abstract】 China has already established a legal system on the geographical indication protection.The geographical indication issue became a hot spot in the field of intellectual property protection.Alcoholic liquor has strong source areal character.The geographical indication protection of alcoholic liquor is a crucial consideration in the WTO negotiation.The geographical indication protection system in China has so many deep-seated problems,which is one of the important reasons of chaos in alcoholic liquor market in China.The aim of this artical was to study geographical indication protection from the perspective of economics and law,and provide theory and policy proposal for improving the system on the geographical indication protection in China.The paper adopting Comparative Analysis, Case Analysis and Analysis of Econometric Models was divided into six chapters. The first stage is the general pandect, including the background and the significance, the aim of research and some certain definitions, general remarks of internal and external previous researches, the framework and methods, originalities and drawbacks. The background of Chinese protection for liquor’s geographical indications belonged to the second part. It demonstrated the current situation, problems and internal factors of our protection for liquor’s geographical indications. The economic analysis of our protection for liquor’s geographical indications was in the third chapter. An economic research framework consisted of the economic connotation, economic effects, institutional economic and the economic influence to the intra-county. Moreover, Shaoxing Rice Wine is taken as an individual case of the protection for liquor’s geographical indications and use DID Model to study the efficiency of the protection for liquor’s geographical indications. The fourth part showed the international experience and trend of protection for liquor’s geographical indications, introduced the international covenants and agreements, analyzed the foreign main measures, and the inspiration for us as well. The fifth part involved the law associated with the protection for liquor’s geographical indications, analyzing the property of the liquor’s geographical indications, its definitions of law and the status of legislation as well as the legal means. It also provided some suggestions for legislation’s improvement. The last part was the mechanism of the protection for liquor’s geographical indications. It compared all sorts of methods of the protection for liquor’s geographical indications and set up a suitable system of our protection for liquor’s geographical indications through the mechanism designing theory.The paper pointed out that the protection of geographical indications of China’s liquor industry should build a market mechanism for integrated protection under the leading of the associations, improve the legal mechanism under the special legislation of the geographical indication, and adopt the mechanism of product strategy which mainly in rice wine, both wines and spirits. The paper made the following recommendations: Firstly, legislate "the People’s Republic of China geographical indications Law" and " the People’s Republic of China Industry and Association Law " as soon as possible; Secondly, re-demarcate the administration of law enforcement powers and responsibilities relating to the protection of geographical indications, to avoid the confusion of the approving of the existing geographical indications and the administrative law enforcement; Thirdly, advocate alcohol industry trade associations to carry out the management and service work under the provisions of Association rules, and exercise its terms and perform its duties as trade associations in a appropriate way; Fourthly, adjust the idea of judicial review, treat the Association regulation and rules as a form of civil law, as a supplementary state law; Fifthly, excavate the potentiality of geographical indications of alcohol, especially the source of rice wine, and accelerate the application and registration of rice wine product; Sixthly, make full use of the right of geographical indications to promote counties’economic development; Seventhly, strengthen the international registration and protection of geographical indication, and industry associations should play a role in the international protection of geographical indications.

  • 【分类号】F426.82;F203
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1158
  • 攻读期成果

