

Research on Information Management of Agricultural Supply Chain

【作者】 房丽娜

【导师】 孟宪学;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业信息管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 供应链管理产生于20世纪80年代后期,最早是从物流管理开始的。随着经济全球化和知识经济时代的到来,供应链在制造业管理的大量应用,供应链管理理论研究逐渐受到重视。农产品供应链是一个复杂的、动态的和非线性的大系统,任何一个节点或合作伙伴的变动都有可能导致整个农产品供应链的链条断裂,农产品供应链的信息处于动态协调的状态,能够使得农产品供应链上各节点之间信息的运作达到整体最优,并实现其链条上相关农业企业整体利益的最大化。因此,进行农产品供应链信息管理的研究是至关重要的。本文在系统地回顾与继承既有的供应链和信息管理研究成果的基础上,以“农产品”作为研究的对象,以农产品供应链及其农产品供应链管理作为切入点,以信息管理为主线,在有效利用信息管理学和信息经济学相关理论和方法的前提下,按照系统论、控制论及信息论的研究思路,系统地研究农产品供应链的信息管理,结合生鲜农产品、大宗农产品、乳品和猪肉的特殊性,最终确立农产品供应链的通用模式,为本文奠定了一定的研究基础。本文综合运用信息管理的理论和方法,以信息为主线展开探讨,分别从信息传递、信息失真、信息风险及信息共享四个角度进行农产品供应链信息管理的分析与研究:(1)构建了农产品供应链信息流的模型。本文以信息耦合度的二元组和三元组模型为研究基础,确定农产品供应链信息耦合度的四元组模型,提出农产品供应链信息流的响应时间,建立总响应时间的概念模型;运用马尔可夫链的理论,对农产品供应链信息流响应时间进行实证分析。(2)提出了弱化牛鞭效应的解决方法。本文采用定量分析的方法,提出信息失真度的指标,通过对频率响应曲线的分析来描述农产品供应链中的信息失真问题。运用PID控制的思想,解决牛鞭效应的弱化问题,实现信息控制优化,弱化牛鞭效应。(3)实现了农产品供应链的合作伙伴选择问题的优化。本文构建农产品供应链的合作伙伴选择指标体系和模型,利用人工智能方法,实现优化。(4)提出了农产品供应链信息管理系统的逻辑模型。为农产品供应链信息化建设提供科学的决策支持,提出一套较为切实可行的方法和技术,该系统具有适用性。综上所述,通过对农产品供应链信息管理的研究进一步提高了信息运作过程的效率和信息资源的合理优化配置,为农产品供应链的科学运作提供科学依据,进一步加快农产品供应链的信息化建设的进程。

【Abstract】 Supply chain management was generated in 1980s, which is started from logistics management associated with economic globalization and the era of knowledge economy, supply chain is widely applied to manufacturing management, and the theoretical research of supply chain management has been paid more and more attention.Agricultural supply chain is a complicated, dynamic and nonlinear system, any change of a node or partner may cause strand breaks of the chain of the whole agricultural supply chain. The information of agricultural supply chain is in dynamic coordination status, information operation between the nodes of agricultural supply chain will be global optimal to realize the benefit maximization. Therefore, the information management of agricultural supply chain is essential.This paper is based on research achievements of supply chain and information management, the agricultural product is chosen as research object, the starting point is agricultural supply chain and its management, and the mainline is information management. According to research approach of system theory, control theory and information theory, the information management of agricultural supply chain is researched specially for the particularity of agricultural products, such as agricultural products, bulk agricultural products, dairy and pork, and the general mode of agricultural supply chain management is established. The general mode of agricultural supply chain is taken as the basis of research. The analysis and research of agricultural supply chain are carried out from the four perspectives of information transmission, information distortion, information risk and information sharing:(1).Construction of the agricultural supply chain information flow model. The definition of total response time of supply chain are used in this dissertation, the binary and ternary model of information coupling degree is the basis to propose the quaternary model of information coupling of agricultural supply chain. According to the quaternary model, the response time of information flow of agricultural supply chain is further analyzed. A correlation model of information flow is established for the empirical analysis and research of the response time of information flow by using Markov chain theory.(2).The solution of weakening the bullwhip effect.In this paper, the method of quantitative analysis is adpoted, and the index of information distortion degree is proposed. The information distortion problems of agricultural supply chain are described by the analysis of frequency response curve. Using the thought of PID control theory, the weakening problem of bullwhip effect is solved to realize optimization of the information control, and the generation of bullwhip effect phenomenon is reduced.(3).The realization the of the agricultural supply chain partners choice being optimized. The relative model is established to optimize agricultural supply chain partners by using artificial intelligence method.(4).A system construction logic analysis of agricultural supply chain information management being proposed. For the agricultural supply chain information technology to provide the scientific decision support and put forward a set of practical methods and techniques, the system has applicability. Therefore, research of agricultural supply chain management will improve the efficiency of information operation process and reasonable optimal allocation of information resources, which is providing a valuable help and support for information decision to provide a scientific basis for the agricultural supply chain operation and realize the information technology processing of agricultural supply chain.


