

Study on Motorcycle Dynamic Design and Method of Property Evaluation

【作者】 杨仕

【导师】 何玉林;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 由于缺乏技术和品牌等深层次竞争资源,中国制造业在全球制造业生产链中处于低端。我国的摩托车产量居世界第一,但其性能与日、美、欧等摩托车还有较大的差距。虽然多年以来合资和技术引进,但还不完全具有独立自主开发高性能摩托车产品的能力。动态设计的目的是使设计产品不仅获得满意的性能指标,还要能安全、耐久的工作。论文以国家自然科学基金项目“基于集成产品模型的可重用设计理论和方法研究”(50375161),重庆市科技攻关项目“摩托车产品智能化开发技术研究”(7823 -10),重庆宗申集团技术攻关项目“VG200发动机降振”为支撑,以摩托车为研究对象,对综合动态仿真与试验技术进行了深入的研究,主要内容有以下几个方面:1)制定出了适应动态设计方式的摩托车设计流程。将动态设计方法贯穿在整个设计流程中,使设计者在设计之初就能把握产品的性能。2)研究了摩托车设计集成模型,提出了一种基于配置的信息集成模型的层次结构和表达方式。通过设计者的合理配置组合,形成动态设计所需的摩托车模型。动态分析的结果用于辅助试验,试验结果用以验证分析模型,实现分析与试验的协同。3)分析了发动机的惯性力、惯性力矩,并研究了发动机惯性力的平衡方法。研究了发动机正交弹性悬挂、发动机非完全正交弹性悬挂的计算方法,研究了发动机刚性悬挂与车架的匹配问题。结果表明,发动机单轴平衡可以有效降低发动机的惯性力;发动机弹性悬挂可以有效隔离发动机对车架的激振;激振力的方向对摩托车车架的振动影响较大,用车架动态分析方法可以实现车架-发动机系统的匹配。4)建立了摩托车悬架系统动力学分析模型,进行了摇架运动、受力分析、整车的飞车分析。建立了ZS250GS型摩托车整车的有限元分析模型,进行了固有频率、模态、发动机刚性和弹性悬挂下的谐响应分析。实测ZS250GS型摩托车的振动,得到与谐响应分析一致的结论。5)探讨了摩托车平顺性CAE仿真、主观(感觉)、客观(物理量)等评价方法。研究了模糊绝对主观评价方法、模糊相对主观评价方法。提出的一种体验模糊主观评价方法可以快速评价摩托车的平顺性。综合运用国家相关标准并结合摩托车特点,制定了一种摩托车平顺性客观评价方法,并将客观评价与主观评价联系了起来。将这些评价方法在ZS250GS型摩托车上予以了实施。

【Abstract】 Chinese manufacturing is on the bottom of the global manufacturing chain, because of lacking high-level resource for competition, such as technology, brand and etc. Although a lot of motorcycle made in China, comparing the performance of motorcycle made in china with those made in Japan, U.S, Europe, there has a biggish gap. Jointing venture and fetching in technology did not bring the ability to develop high performance motorcycle. The virtual product development is a technology that virtual product model be well used in process of new product design, and the product be conceived, designed, analyzed, manufactured and tested. It help designer to seek more innovative design. Using it, the innovation of corporation can be upgraded.This thesis is supported by‘the reusable design theory and the method research based on integrated product model’- the National Natural Science Foundation (50375161),‘the intelligent development technical research of motorcycle products’-Chongqing science and technology key project (7823-10), and‘reducing vibration of VG200 engine’- Chongqing Zongshen group technology key project. The main contents of thesis are following.1) CAE do not exert influence because of the motorcycle design flow at present. A new motorcycle design flow based on virtual prototype is presented, in order to merge CAE in whole design process and integrate CAE with CAT. It is presented in this thesis that the hiberarchy and expression about a type of information integration motorcycle model based on configuration. A motorcycle model be generated, which contenting consumer, by designer configuring model.2) Dynamic design method has been applied in designing and analyzing frame and engine of motorcycle. The method of frame constitution based on structural model can help to form the motorcycle frame quickly and easily. The result of mode analysis can be used to plan mode test. On the other hand, the result of hammering mode test can take the role in validating mode analysis.3) Inertia force and moment of engine have been analyzed, and the method about balancing Inertia force and moment has been studied. Engine elastic hanging method is written up. Calculating and testing show that single shaft balancing effectively reduces inertia force and moment of engine, and show that engine elastic hanging availably decrease frame vibration arise by engine. 4) In order to quickly evaluate and optimize design, the template has been used to build motorcycle analyzing model. Suspension system has been established, and its running and force have been analyzed. It has been analyzed that motorcycle leap a slope. Used FEM model of ZS250GS motorcycle has been set up. Inherent frequency, vibration mode and syntonic response of the motorcycle have been analyzed. The result of testing vibration is consistent with the result of syntonic response.5) Evaluating comfort performance of motorcycle has three ways, CAE, human body sense and testing data. Those ways are all discussed. It has been studied to that fuzzy absolute human body sense and fuzzy comparative human body sense. An especial way is presented, which quickly evaluates comfort performance of motorcycle. The way is test-driving and fuzzy human body sense. a new testing data way to evaluate comfort performance has been constituted. It synthesizes several national standards and considers motorcycle characteristic. Those ways have been used in evaluating comfort performance of ZS250GS motorcycle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

