

Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management and Life Cycle 3E Assessment Decision

【作者】 胡刚

【导师】 王里奥;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的提高,城市人口快速增加,城市化进程加速,使得城市生活垃圾的产生量猛增。日益增长的城市生活垃圾不仅给城市环境带来了极大的危害,而且也严重阻碍了城市经济的快速发展。因此,构建城市生活垃圾管理系统以有效处理处置垃圾至关重要。在此基础上出现了的固体废物全过程管理的新概念,即对固体废物进行全过程各环节的不同程度、不同形式的控制和监督管理,把有效的废物管理措施作为选择。但是如何评价固体废物管理系统,并从不同的MSW管理策略中做出决策,对管理者来说是比较困难的事情。生命周期评价(LCA)是一个环境管理工具,它试图预测一种产品、服务或功能的整体环境负荷,而且它能够应用于城市生活垃圾的管理系统中。作为一个决策支持工具,生命周期评价可以帮助计划者或管理者设计更适合未来发展的可持续城市生活垃圾(MSW)管理系统。在国家教育部春晖计划项目“三峡库区及重点城镇实行固体废物全过程管理可行性研究”的资助下,本文探讨了生命周期评价在MSW全过程管理中的应用。论文系统的回顾了国内外城市生活垃圾管理研究的发展和全过程管理理念的应用实践以及生命周期评价方法在城市生活垃圾管理的应用现状,指出了进行生命周期经济性评价的必要性,并对生命周期经济性评价和生命周期评价集成方法进行了研究。引入多属性效用理论,建立了基于生命周期3E评价的MSW管理决策分析方法和模型,并对重庆市主城区MSW管理系统进行了案例研究。具体研究内容如下:论文阐述了MSW全过程管理的理念以及生命周期评价在MSW全过程管理中的应用方法的发展以及研究现状,追踪了MSW管理生命周期评价领域研究的热点和趋势,并对于生命周期评价方法在目前研究的发展方向进行了分析。为了解决生命周期评价与经济性评价的集成问题,论文分析了生命周期评价与生命周期成本(LCC)分析之间的区别,考察了两者没有能够较好集成的原因。在此基础上,论文分别从时间边界、物理边界、清单数据、影响评价4个方面为LCA和LCC的有效集成提出了完整的方法,将生命周期能源及环境(Energy & Environment, 2E)评价拓展为生命周期能源、环境以及经济性(Energy, Environment & Economy, 3E)评价。在以上分析的基础上,论文借鉴国内外MSW管理生命周期评价研究方法学研究经验,在生命周期相关标准框架下,提出了MSW管理的生命周期能源、环境以及经济(3E)评价方法学体系,包括:MSW管理的系统边界和研究目标、清单分析方法以及影响评价方法等。并且对MSW生命周期3E评价指标作了进一步的探索,初步定义了MSW生命周期能源、环境以及经济性的相关指标,并对清单数据归类、特征化和量化的方法和步骤进行了详细的讨论。在国内外生命周期影响评价方法学研究的基础上,综合他人研究成果,采用多属性效用理论,有效的解决了生命周期能源、环境以及经济性三方面指标存在的不可公度性、矛盾性和决策人偏好差异性的问题,最终建立了基于生命周期能源、环境以及经济性评价的MSW管理决策模型,为MSW管理决策者研究、评价和管理MSW提供了决策工具。最后,以重庆市主城区MSW管理系统作为案例研究。在对重庆市主城区MSW管理现状进行调查研究的基础上,首先对其进行生命周期3E清单分析,然后基于生命周期3E进行决策分析,得到了相关的决策结论,最后对重庆市主城区的MSW管理系统提供了建议。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of economy, enhance of people’standard of living, increase of urban population and speed up of urbanization, the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) has heavily risen. This not only brings a great harm on urban environment, but also hinders urban economic growth. Therefore, it is very crucial to build municipal solid waste management system in order to efficiently disposal MSW. Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) condersiders the full range of waste streams to be managed and wiews the available waste management practices as Options from which waste managers can select the preferred option based on specific environment, economic and social considerations. But how to evaluate the waste management systems and manke decision from different strategies for treatment of MSW become very difficult for managers.As an environmental management tool with application values, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can evaluate environmental impacts from "cradle to grave"of the whole process of the system studied on, as well as analyze quantitatively on environmental conflict. LCA is a whole-process environmental management tool and the function of LCA for MSW is to minimize the environmental impact of MSW from production to treatment during the whole process and help MSW managers plan or design for the future development of more sustainable MSW management system.This paper discusses the LCA using on integrated solid waste management funded by Chunhui Project for national ministry of education which is feasibility study on solid waste management in Three Gorges areas and main towns. After fully reviewing the development and using of integrated solid waste management and the research of LCA using on solid waste management all over the world, the dissertation proposed that it is necessary to conduct the research on life cycle economic assessment. The integrated method of LCA and life cycle costing (LCC) was studied the integrated framework of LCA and LCC was proposed. Combining life cycle 3E (energy, environment and economy) assessment with multi attribute utility theory (MAUT), decision analysis methodology and model based on life cycle 3E assessment was developed. At last, MSW management system in Chongqing was studied as a case. The datails are sated below:The disseratation reviewed the status of the development and practice of integrated solid waste management and the research of LCA using in solid waste management all over the world and tracked the hot issues in LCA. After reviewed the application of LCA in the field of decision analysis and the achievement and shortage of LCA, the dissertation proposed it is necessary to conduct the research on life cycle economy assessment.To solve the problem of integrating LCA with economic assessment, the disseratation analyses the difference and the gap between LCA and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), and the limitations reason of linking LCCA to LCA. The integrated framework of LCA and LCC was proposed which included time boundary, physical boundary, inventory data and impact assessment, and the life cycle 2E (energy and environment) assessment was extended to life cycle 3E (energy, environment and economy) assessment.Based on the research of LCA using on solid waste management and the methodology framenwork of LCA, the life cycle 3E assessment methodology used on MSW management was proposed in this dissertation whit the method of goal definition system boundary, inventory analysis and impact assessment etc. The indicators of life cycle energy, environment and ecomic were further researched and initial defined and the methods and steps of inventory data classification, characterization, valuation were discussed in detail.Reviewing the status of decision analysis based on life cycle assessment and referring to other research, the dissertation proposed that life cycle environment, energy, and economy performance were all required to study when decision analysis was conducted. The issue about the incommensurability, between the indicators of three aspects was resolved by the application of multi attribute utility theory. Finally, MSW management decision analysis model based on life cycle 3E assessment was developed, which could be used for selecting MSW management schemes and policy decisions as well as strategic decisions on MSW management system.Finally, MSW management system in urban Chongqing was studied as a case. In this part, firstly, life cycle 3E assessment was conducted on MSW management system in Chongqing, and then, decision analysis based on life cycle 3E assessment was completed. At last, the decision conclusions were made and suggestions were proposed based on decision analysis results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

