

Strategy and Experimental Research on Robot Odor Source Localization Based on Olfaction Information

【作者】 张小俊

【导师】 张明路;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着各国对国家安全、社会治安等公共事业的高度重视,研究能在有毒、易燃易爆等危险环境中代替人类工作的危险作业机器人系统具有重要的理论和实际意义。目前,如何实现移动机器人对可疑目标的准确判断,迅速确定毒气泄漏源或可疑目标的具体位置,是应用移动机器人执行危险作业亟待解决的关键问题。本论文在国家863计划项目“极限环境下面向危险品检测的多感官机器人系统”(项目编号:2006AA04Z221)的支持下,利用所研制的多感官拟人机器人头部系统,与移动机器人本体相结合,针对搜寻有毒气体泄漏源的应用,对机器人味源定位策略进行了深入研究。为应用移动机器人完成各种与气味相关的危险工作奠定了基础。本文的创新性工作包括:1、研制了一套具有视觉、嗅觉及听觉功能的多感官拟人机器人头部系统。在分析人的头部运动形式的基础上,综合考虑机器人头部的几何尺寸、运动学及动力学等因素,设计了4自由度拟人机器人头部结构。该结构采用一种变形的万向节式结构,通过串联式关节的形式实现了头部的三种运动,两级自由度完成的屈伸运动范围可达±30o,旋转运动范围为±90o,侧屈运动范围为±20o。基于CAN总线设计了分布式控制系统,该系统具有结构简单、实时性好、可靠性高的优点。2、基于仿生学原理,提出并设计了一种新的机器人仿生嗅觉系统,具有类似人的鼻腔结构及相当于人肺功能的吸气系统,能够同时检测CO、SO2、H2S、O2及一种可挥发性有机化合物气体。采用电化学和光离子气体传感器,恢复时间快,选择性强,可大大提高机器人嗅觉能力,并且根据目标气体可方便的更换相应气体传感器。系统采用C8051F020单片机实现,通过串口与机器人主控机通讯。该系统结构紧凑,性能不受安装位置影响,可作为机器人标准化组件组装到各种类型的机器人上,以帮助其完成与嗅觉有关的工作。3、受动物捕食策略的启发,提出了一种基于动物捕食行为的机器人味源定位策略,融合了气体传感器、风向传感器、超声传感器等传感器信息,整合了“Z”形搜索、逆风搜索,模糊神经网络搜索等多种较优的搜索算法。采用了基于行为的包容式控制结构,设计了针对各种搜索算法的行为模块,使机器人在搜寻味源过程中自适应地选择较优的搜索策略。实验结果表明,该策略具有较强的鲁棒性,能够适应室内自然环境下的味源定位需要。4、借鉴人类综合利用除嗅觉以外的其它感官功能进行味源定位的方法,提出了一种融合嗅觉、视觉信息的机器人味源定位策略,建立了基于气味信息、颜色信息和距离信息融合的味源模型库,帮助机器人进行味源的搜寻和确认。针对该策略,设计了基于多层黑板模型的机器人嗅觉定位控制系统,通过搜寻味源黑板和确认味源黑板协调工作实现机器人味源定位。通过实验验证了该策略具有最高的效率和成功率,具有较强的环境适应能力。

【Abstract】 As greater and greater importance is attached to the public utilities such as national security and public order, the research on the system of the robot that can replace human beings in the toxic, explosive and other dangerous environments to perform a mission so as to free them from working in danger is of great theoretical and practical significance. At present , in order to make robot do the dangerous work for human beings, the key problem to be urgently solved is how to realize the mobile robot’s accurate judgments of the suspicious targets and its quick determination of the source of toxic gas or the location of the suspicious targets.This paper is supported by the Hi-tech Research and Development Program of China -- the Multi-Sensory Robot System of Detecting Dangerous Goods in Extreme Environments (No. 2006AA04Z221). It combines the mobile robot with the multi-sensory humaniod robot head system, and according to the application of seeking the toxic gas source, it makes a deep research into the strategy of robot odor source localization, which lays a foundation for the application of mobile robot to carry out various odor-related dangerous tasks.This paper covers the following original points:1. This paper develops a humaniod robot head system with multi-sensory functions of vision, olfaction and hearing. Based on the analysis of human heads and a comprehensive consideration of such factors as the geometric size of the robot head, the kinematics and dynamics, this paper devises a 4-DOF structure of the humaniod robot head. This structure, with deformed universal joint connected in series, enables the robot head to do three kinds of movement. The scope of flexion and extension movement can reach±30o.The scope of rotary motion can reach±90o,and the scope of side flexion movement can reach±20o. On the basis of CAN bus, a distributed control system with simple structure, good real-time property and high reliability is designed.2. On the basis of bionics, a new kind of robot bionic olfactory system is put forward. This system has a nasal structure similar to that of human beings and an inspiratory system which functions as the human lungs do. It can simultaneously detect CO, SO2, H2S, O2 and one kind of volatile gas of organic compound. The adoption of electrochemistry and photoion gas sensors enables the system to recover quickly and choose correctly, so that the olfactory function of the robot is enormously improved. Moreover, it can conveniently adjust its gas sensor according to the target gas. The system adopts C8051F020 single chip microcomputer to realize the communication with the robot principal controller by means of serial port. With a compact structure, the performance of the system is unaffected by the installation position, so it can be assembled to other type of robots as a robot standardized component , in order to help the robot to complete the olfaction-related work.3. Inspired by the foraging strategies of animals, a strategy of odor source localization is put forward based on the animal predatory behavior. The strategy fuses the information of gas sensor, wind direction sensor and ultrasonic sensor etc. and integrates several good search algorithms such as Z-shaped search, upwind search and fuzzy neural network search and so on. In the strategy, the behavior-based containment control structure is adopted and a behavior module for various search algorithms is designed to enable the robot to select a better search strategy automatically in the course of seeking the odor source. The experimental results show that the strategy has strong robustness, and can meet the requirements of locating odor source in natural indoor environment.4. Drawing on the experience of human beings who also make use of other sense organs apart from the olfaction, this paper proposes a strategy to locate odor source by fusing the olfactory and visual information, and builds an odor source model base that is based on the information fusion of odor, color and distance, to facilitate robot to search and confirm the odor source. For this strategy, this paper designs a control system of the robot olfaction localization on the basis of multi-blackboard model. By seeking and confirming the odor source blackboard, the control system can coordinate the work to realize the odor source localization. Through experiments, this strategy is proved to posses the best efficiency, highest success rate and good ability to adjust to the environment.


