

The Effect Mechanisms of ISS Leadership Team Communication on Shared Understanding

【作者】 赵钊

【导师】 王云峰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 现代企业对于信息系统的依赖程度越来越高。虽然信息化投资巨大,很多企业却不能有效应用信息系统,信息技术的价值得不到充分体现。造成上述现象的原因很大程度在于信息化领导团队(CIO和高管团队)存在“文化隔阂”而又缺乏必要的沟通和交流,难以形成关于信息系统作用的共识和对信息化变革的协同领导。信息化领导团队共识对于实现信息化与业务的匹配、促进信息化成功、提升信息化和企业绩效有重要的意义。基于沟通辐合理论和社会交换理论,本文构建了信息化领导团队沟通对共识的影响机制模型,提出了沟通、共享知识、信任与共识的因果关系、共享知识和信任的中介作用以及共识在控制变量上的差异性三类假设。借鉴Preston(2004)的研究思路,本文采用了调查研究与案例研究相结合的研究策略,通过配对问卷的形式收集了232家企业的数据,实地访谈了其中10家企业的CIO。采用正确配对的137套数据,本文运用了因子分析、方差分析、基于结构方程模型的路径分析等方法对研究假设进行了检验,并结合4家企业的案例资料对数据分析结果进行了讨论。本研究的主要结论、理论贡献和创新点包括:(1)修正了信息系统作用(共识)的构念结构。信息系统作用包括当前作用和长远作用两个方面,其中长远作用又分为两个维度,分别命名为“管理支持”和“竞争力提升”。相应的,共识包括当前作用共识和长远作用共识,后者由管理支持作用共识和竞争力提升作用共识组成。构念因子结构的修正完善了“战略栅格框架”和共识测量的相关理论。(2)验证了非正式沟通/正式沟通对共识的影响作用。在中国企业情境中,信息化领导团队的非正式沟通对共识有显著正向影响。这是因为,在集体主义国家中,人际关系甚至比任务本身更重要。但也并不能否定正式沟通的作用,两种形式的结合可以达到理想的沟通效果。此结论为Preston等(2006)的跨文化研究提供了中国文化的实证支持。(3)发现了共享知识和信任与共识两个方面关系的差异性。研究发现,共享知识和信任对当前作用共识无显著影响,而对长远作用共识有显著影响。此结论不仅支持了以往研究中关于共识两个方面无必然联系的主张,而且拓展了关于其影响因素及作用存在差异性的理论观点。(4)明晰了沟通对共识的影响机制。中介作用检验表明,沟通频率和沟通非正式性对长远作用共识的影响经由了共享知识和信任的部分中介作用。并且,沟通对共识的影响效果还可能受到信息系统成功的调节作用。此结论揭示了信息化领导团队沟通对共识影响的内在路径和情境要素,是对以往研究的整合和深化。

【Abstract】 Modern organizations are increasingly dependent on information systems (ISs). In despite of significant investment in ISs, organizations have often found themselves fail to initiate and implement ISs effectively. The“cultural gap”between CIO and top management team (TMT), refered to as ISs leadership team (ISLT), in understanding about the role of ISs has been being regarded as a major obstacle to IS success. ISLT with deficient communication can not synergeticly take charge of organizational chage related to or fueled by IT. Shared understanding (SU) between CIO and TMT can facilitate the alignment of ISs with business and ISs success, which in turn predicts both ISs and business performance.Based on Communication Convergence theory and Social Exchange theory, this dissertation constructed a research model to depict the effect mechanisms of ISLT communication on SU, and provided three kinds of hypotheses, which were about the effects of communication, shared knowledge and mutual trust, the mediating role of shared knowledge and trust, and the discrepancy of SU on control variables. Mixed approach, survey research combined with case study, directed the data collection. A total of 232 organizations located in 12 provinces were investigated, followed by 10 CIOs interview. With a survey of 137 CIO/TMT matched pairs, the research tested the hypotheses using factor analysis, variance analysis, structural equation modeling and other statistical methods. The empirial results and the case study finding (from 4 cases) were discussed together. The last section of this dissertation presented the limitations and impliations for pratice and future research.In general, the main conclusions and theoretical contributions of the research included as followings:(1) The contruct of ISs role and SU were modified. ISs role consisted of current role and future role, and the latter had two demisions, named as managerial support future role and competitive enhancement future role. Accordingly, SU were composed of two distinct aspects, one dimesion for SU on current role and two for SU on future role. The construct modification made contributions to the strategic grid framework theory and the measurement of SU.(2) It confirmed the effects of informal/formal communication on SU. In Chinese organizations, informal communication between CIO and TMT had a significantly positive impact on SU, which was supported by Hofstede’s national culture theory. However, the influence of formal communication could not be neglected. The combination of the two forms of communication induced indeal effects on SU. The proposition provided Chinese empirical evidence for Preston et al. (2006)’s cross-cultural exploration.(3) Shared knowledge (CIO business knowledge and TMT IT knowledge) and trust (affect- and cognition-based trust) had different effects on the two aspects of SU. The result showed that SU on future role rather than SU on current role was influenced by these variables, which not only supported the suggestion that the two aspects of SU were distinct, but also enriched our knowledge of the different antecedents of and the dissimilar effects on SU in current and future time frame.(4) The research clarified the effect mechanisms of communication on SU. The mediation analysis indicated that shared knowledge and trust partially mediated the impact of communication frequency and informality on SU on future role. Moreover, case study results manifested the moderating role of IS success on the relationship between communication and SU. Generally, those findings integrated and expanded prior research, by uncovering the influence path and contingency factor.

  • 【分类号】F270.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1191
  • 攻读期成果

