

【作者】 樊福卓

【导师】 陈家海;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 区域分工——区域经济学核心问题之一,长期以来受到学术界的广泛关注。区域分工的理论解释随着区位理论、分工与贸易理论的发展而发展;区域分工的度量指标也有了一定程度的发展;在此基础上,伴随着数据可获得性的提高,区域分工的实证研究文献日益涌现而丰富。在我们对学术界关于区域分工研究取得的硕果予以肯定的同时,对这样的两个尚未较好地解决的问题予以思考和探讨将有助于深化对区域分工的理解。首先,从实证研究的角度看,区域分工可以从两条路径入手:一是地区路径,另一是行业路径;但是,对于一个国家的区域分工水平,现有文献从这两条路径得出的结论通常是不一致的。其次,从实证研究的角度看,现有文献包含着封闭经济假设(地区路径)或孤立系统假设(行业路径);这样的假设显然有悖于客观的经济事实。对上述的两个问题予以思考和尝试性地解决,是论文研究的主要出发点。论文共六章,大致可以分成三个部分,即:导论(第一章)、理论分析(第二、三章)和实证研究(第四、五、六章)。第一章是导论。首先阐述了论文选题的理论意义和现实意义;然后对相关文献予以综述,特别是,从实证的观点阐述了区域分工的内涵;接着,介绍了论文的研究框架、主要观点;最后,对论文的创新之处及进一步研究之处等内容进行了归纳。第二章梳理区域分工理论。本章对区位理论、分工与贸易理论进行了梳理。对于区位理论,本章主要介绍了杜能农业区位论、韦伯的工业区位论和克里斯塔勒的中心地理论。对于分工与贸易理论,本章主要介绍了传统贸易理论中的绝对优势论、比较优势论和要素禀赋轮,以及新贸易理论中的克鲁格曼模型和布兰德——克鲁格曼模型。本章为后文的分析奠定了理论基础。第三章试图发展区域分工的度量指标。专业化强度、专业化地位、地区的专业化系数、地方化强度、地方化势力、行业的地方化系数、区域分工系数等概念(度量指标)是一脉相承的,构成了一个分析和探讨区域分工的概念框架。不仅如此,本章还将区域分工的度量指标从封闭经济假设推进到开放经济假设(地区路径),从孤立系统假设推进到开放系统假设(行业路径)。本章构造的度量指标,不仅能够将现有的度量指标作为“特例”来处理,同时还可以处理其他一些问题。概括地看,本章对前文提到的两个问题予以尝试性地解决,这为后文的实证研究奠定了方法论基础。第四章讨论中国省级地区的工业分工。本章利用第三章构造的度量指标,对中国省级地区的工业分工予以较大时间跨度的实证研究,发现,中国工业的区域分工水平较1980年代中期有了很大程度的提高。本章还对中国工业区域分工结构分解予以探讨,发现,对于中国工业区域分工水平的提高,不同地区(行业)的贡献度差异悬殊;并且,贡献度排名靠前地区(行业)的贡献度,主要是由于地区(行业)的相对规模的变化引起的。本章还考察了中国工业区域分工的影响因素,发现,历史因素、外资工业、规模经济对中国工业区域分工具有正向作用,而行业的相对规模对中国工业区域分工具有负向作用。第五章从地区路径探讨长江三角洲地区的工业分工。本章分别在封闭经济假设和开放经济假设下讨论了长江三角洲地区的工业分工问题,然后予以比较分析。本章发现,无论在封闭经济假设下,还是在开放经济假设下,长江三角洲地区的工业分工水平均较1990年代中后期有了一定程度的提高;并且,长江三角地区工业分工水平在开放经济假设下相对较高,而在封闭经济假设下相对较低。第六章从行业路径继续探讨长江三角洲地区的工业分工。本章分别在孤立系统假设和开放系统假设下讨论了长江三角洲地区的工业分工问题,然后进行了必要的比较分析。本章发现,无论在孤立系统假设下,还是在开放系统假设下,长江三角洲地区的工业分工水平均较1990年代中后期有了或多或少的提高;比较地看,在开放系统假设下,长江三角地区工业分工水平相对较高,而在孤立系统假设下相对较低。

【Abstract】 Regional specialization is one of the core questions in regional economics and has been paid a lot of attention in academy. Regional Specialization theory comes from location theory and specialization and trade theory. And regional specialization index also develops to a certain extent. Based on these theories and with the improvement of the data accessibility, many positive studies on regional specialization come out. While affirming the great achievements on regional specialization, we also realize there are two questions need to study. First, from the angle of positive research, regional specialization may be studied from two paths, that is, regional path and industrial path. To a country, regional specialization level from the two paths should be same. Secondly, to the positive study of regional specialization in being, there is a common suppose of closed economy by regional path or a common suppose of isolated system by industrial path. And these supposes fall short of economy reality.The purpose of this paper is to hackle the theory and to do some empirical research on the two questions. The paper includes six chapters and may be divided into three parts, that is introduction (the first chapter), theory analysis (the second and third chapters), and positive study (the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters). The first chapter is introduction. First, we set forth the theoretical and practical significance of the selection of the paper. Then we summarize the literatures, especially the meaning of regional specialization from the view of demonstration.Afterwards, we introduce the analytical framework and the main viewpoint of the paper. Finally, we conclude the innovations and points to be studied in the future. The second chapter is to card regional specialization theory, mainly the location theory, international specialization and international trade theory. For location theory, we mainly introduce Thune’s agricultural location theory, Weber’s industrial location theory and Christaller’s central place theory. For specialization and trade theory, we mainly introduce the absolute advantage theory, the relative advantage theory, the factor endowment theory, Krugman model as well as the Brander-Krugman model in new trade theory. This chapter establishes theoretical basis for following chapters.The third chapter tries to develop the measurement indexes of regional specialization. A series of conceptions (the measurement indexes) can be traced to the same origin, including specialization intensity, specialization position, region’s specialization coefficient, localization intensity, localization power, industry’s localization coefficient, regional specialization coefficient, etc. Thus the chapter constructs a concept framework to analyze and discuss regional specialization.Furthermore, the chapter also advances the concept framework from closed economy to open economy in regional path and from isolated system to open system in industrial path. To sum up, the chapter tries to solve the two questions mentioned in the foregoing article and provides the methodology basis for the empirical research in the paper.The fourth chapter discussed the industrial specialization of province level in China. We use the measurement indexes constructed in the third chapter to discuss the industrial regional specialization in China on a long time span. We find that the regional specialization level in China’s industry has improved a lot since mid-1980. The chapter also discusses the disintegration of the industry regional specialization of China. We find that there exists great disparity among provinces as to the contribution degree. And the leading regions (industries) in contribution degrees are owing to the change of relative regional (industrial) scale. We also analyze the influencing factors of regional specialization of China’s industry, and find that history factor, foreign industry and scale economy all do forward function on regional specialization, while relative scale of industry do negative function on regional specialization.The fifth chapter starts from the regional path to discuss the industrial specialization in the Yangtze Delta Area. We both advance the empirical research from closed economy and form open economy in regional path and provide some necessary comparative analysis. We find that the regional specialization level in the Yangtze Delta Area has improved to some degree since mid-late 1990s both from closed economy and from open economy suppose. And the regional specialization level in the Yangtze Delta area is higher under open economy suppose than closed economy suppose.The sixth chapter starts from industrial path to discuss the industrial specialization in the Yangtze Delta Area. In this chapter, we discuss the industrial specialization in the Yangtze Delta Area both from isolated system and from open system suppose, and provide some necessary comparative analysis. We find that the industrial specialization level in Yangtze Delta Area has improved to some degree since mid-late 1990s both from isolated system and from open system suppose. And we also find that the industrial specialization level in the Yangtze Delta Area is higher under open system suppose than isolated system suppose.

  • 【分类号】F061.5;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1159

