

【作者】 刘欣伟

【导师】 王振;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 生产性服务业又称生产者服务业,它是指生产过程中的中间投入服务,即用于商品和服务的进一步生产的目的,而非用于最终消费的服务。从产业的组织形式看,生产性服务业集群已成为世界经济发展过程中颇具特色的经济组织形式。目前,已有越来越多的国家和地区积极促进生产性服务业集群的发展、将其作为提高区域产业竞争力的一个重要的战略举措,长三角地区也不例外。在此背景下,本文立足于两方面的研究,一是对生产性服务业集群形成和发展动力机制的理论探讨,二是长三角地区生产性服务业集群形成和发展的实证研究。相应的,论文也分为理论篇和实证篇两部分。理论篇包括第1、2、3、4章,包括对现有文献的梳理与综述,完成对生产性服务业集群形成和发展动力机制理论框架的构建。实证篇包括第5、6、7章,包括基于集群发展动力机制的发展模式分析、长三角地区生产性服务业集群发展的实证研究,集群发展思路及若干政策建议。本文在第2、3章中,基于对国内外生产性服务业集群动力机制理论进行梳理与总结,从内生动力机制和外生动力机制两个层面构建出生产性服务业集群形成和发展的动力机制理论框架。集群的内生动力机制由外部性、产业价值链、技术创新三大要素组成。外部经济性主要反映在物流运输、信息通信、水电等基础设施、具有一定专业性的劳动力供给状况等,这些因素是集群形成和发展的源动力。产业价值链是生产性服务业集群产生的基础,在以一个主导性产业为核心的领域中,有众多与之相关的企业或机构就会在该区域形成基于某一主导产业价值链的产业集群现象。技术创新是生产性服务业集群发展的核心。出于技术外溢效应的追求,隐性知识传播的需求,生产性服务企业会在某一地理区域内呈现集聚分布。集群的外生动力机制包括政府的促导行为与区域创新环境。政府合适的促导行为能够干预或控制集群可能产生的外部负效应,从而实现资源的有效配置与资源的充分流动。区域创新环境包括基础设施环境、技术创新环境、管理体制创新环境、文化创新环境、制度创新环境等四个创新环境要素,这四个创新环境要素同时也直接与生产性服务业集群的形成和发展相互促进、相互作用。基于生产性服务业集群形成和发展动力机制理论框架,本文随后在第4章中归纳了三种不同的集群发展模式:自发形成的产业集群、外生力量形成的产业集群以及共同力量形成的产业集群。对世界范围内代表性的生产性服务业集群——美国硅谷的信息服务业集群、英国伦敦的金融服务业集群从形成和发展动因、发展模式的角度进行了相应的分析,该分析基于理论框架而展开,同时也是对理论框架的检验。本文在第5章中对长三角地区生产性服务业集群形成和发展动力因素进行分析,对长三角地区典型的生产性服务业集群——陆家嘴金融服务业集群做了具体深入的实证分析。通过实证分析发现,长三角地区生产性服务业集群发展的存在一定的内在动力不足,特别表现在技术创新能力上。长三角地区的技术创新水平尽管在全国处于相对领先的水平,但与发达国家相比,仍然处于相对落后的地位,技术创新是生产性服务业集群发展的重要动力,也是生产性服务业集群得以持续健康发展的根本前提。因此,应采取相应的措施积极提升长三角地区技术创新水平。本文在实证分析过程中还发现长三角地区作为一个大型都市圈,各类生产性服务业集群在整个区域内的协调分工对于这些集群及区域经济的持续发展有着十分重要的作用。基于此项认识,本文从宏观角度考察了长三角16个主要城市的等级关系,并以物流服务业集群为例,对物流服务业集群在长三角地区分工状况、存在的问题以及如何发展做了相关分析。分析结果表明长三角地区内分布着大大小小的生产性服务业集群,在长三角地区的众多城市之间,应当安排合理的协作分工体系,这对于区域生产性服务业集群的整体发展有着非常重要的意义。最后,本文在第6章中根据相关理论分析和对长三角地区生产性服务业集群实证研究的成果,探讨了长三角地区生产性服务业集群发展的总体思路,提出了适合长三角地区生产性服务业集群发展的合理路径,并提出了相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 Producer services, means the services provided for the manufacturing process, while not for final consumers. Recently, producer services clusters became more and more popular in the worldwide. More and more countries endeavored to push the development of producers’services clusters, and take it as their strategic plan to achieve a steady and rapid regional economic growth and clusters growth. Same happened in Yangtze River Delta. Under this background, this paper focuses on two aspects; one is the discussion on the theories of producers’services clusters’stimulus factors and development module. The other one is empirical research for producers’services clusters’growth path and development module in Yangtze River Delta. Accordingly this paper includes theoretical part and empirical part. The theoretical part includes Chapter l,2,3 and 4, which summarized for current researches on producers’services clusters and raised a formation system on the theory of producer services clusters’development path. The empirical part includes Chapter 5, 6 and 7, which performed the researches for producers’services clusters’growth path and development module in Yangtze River Delta, based on the formation system raised in theoretical part.In Chapter 2 and 3, this paper summarized the current theories of producers’services clusters’stimulus factors, and development module, raised a formation system of producers’services clusters’stimulus factors, which includes two aspects, internal aspect and external aspect. Internal aspects include externalities, value chains and technical innovation. Traffic, logistic, telecomm, utilities and professional human resources caused externalities of the clusters. Externalities are the basic stimulus factors of producers’services clusters. Value chain is the base of producers’services clusters’formation. In a certain region, if a leading industry emerged, many relative companies, institutions will move to this region and clusters emerged accordingly. Technical innovation is the core stimulus factor of producers’services clusters. The demand of latest technical innovation and requirement of face-to-face communication cased producers’services clusters. External aspects include government behavior and regional environment. Proper government behaviors can avoid and control the negative externalities in producers’services clusters, to make the clusters more efficiency and effective. Regional environment include utilities environment, technical innovation environment, culture environment and regulation innovation environment. These four factors affected each other and both of them have hugeimpact on the formation and growth of producer’s service clusters. In Chapter 4, based on the framework raised in theoretical part, this paper summarized three main producer’s service clusters’development module. There are self-development clusters, external-stimulus clusters and clusters stimulated both by internal aspects and external aspects. After then, this paper analyzed typical producer service clusters– Silicon Valley information technical service clusters and London finance clusters. The analysis was performed based on the producer service cluster formation and development module. On the contrary, the analysis was also an examination on the producer services stimulus factors module.In Chapter 5, this paper performed empirical research for producer services cluster in Yangtze River Delta. Paper also focused on the analysis on the typical producer services cluster in this region– Lujiazui finance cluster. Via empirical research, we found there are some negative factors during the consistent development of producer services clusters. Technical innovation is a significant negative factor. Although the status of technical innovation in Yangtze River Delta is better than other regions in PRC, but technical innovation in this region still has a large space to improve comparing with developed western countries. Technical innovation is the core stimulus factor of producers’services clusters. So Yangtze River Delta should endeavor to improve the technical innovation. During the empirical research, we also noted Yangtze River Delta is a very big region, so better association relationship between these producer service clusters is very important to the consistent development of producer service clusters and regional economics. This paper examined 16 main cities in Yangtze River Delta, and divided them into three cat orgies based on the importance of these 16 cities. Also, this paper performed empirical research on association relationship of logistic clusters in Yangtze River Delta, summarized the status of association, point out the main problems existed. Empirical research showed that there are many clusters in Yangtze River Delta, better association relationship is very important to the consistent development of producer service clusters and regional economics.In chapter 6, this paper figured out the strategic development plan of producer service clusters in Yangtze River Delta, based on the theory research and empirical research. This paper pointed out the proper development module of producer service clusters, and gave several suggestions on the government regulations.

  • 【分类号】F719;F270
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2854

