

【作者】 张佐良

【导师】 高翔;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 清初社会重建是指明末社会解体后,清朝统治者在民族征服基础上对中国社会进行的整体性重构。明末的灾荒与战乱颠覆了原有的社会秩序,清朝入主中原后面临的首要任务就是恢复社会秩序,这是清初中国社会最主要、最鲜明的特点。清初社会秩序建设的中心是政治、伦理道德秩序的恢复与完善,这是清初中国社会重建的特色与本质所在。清初的中国社会重建经历了一个由乱而治、由无序到有序的动态发展过程。其政策措施是伴随着清军南下,从北方到南方,从地方到全国,逐步发展完善起来的,具有很强的地方针对性。与南方相比,明末的北方地区,特别是战略地理位置非常重要的河南,一直处于灾荒与战乱的中心,社会残破情况极为严重,社会秩序也极为混乱。清军在完成对河南的军事占领后,迅速进行了政治重构,建立起较为完整的地方行政系统、军事系统。清政府通过采取治理河工、漕运等大政要务,调整赋役制度,招徕流移垦荒等政策措施,促进了河南的经济复苏与发展。清初河南理学群体的崛起极为引人注目,以孙奇逢为首的众多理学士人的学术思想与社会实践活动,对河南的思想文化构建产生了重要的影响。清政府在地方上强化社会控制与社会保障,再塑了河南的基层社会。从史实来看,清初河南的社会重建成效显著,社会安定,经济恢复并有所发展,获得了民众的广泛认同,且整体进程相对迅速而成功,是当时全国社会重建的一个成功范例。作为较早归附的地区,清初河南成为清朝进攻江南的稳定后方,并以大量的人力物力支援了外省重建。社会重建是一项复杂而艰巨的系统工程。王朝更迭之际的社会重建是新政权对社会政治、经济、思想文化等诸多要素的重新整合,直接决定着国家的繁荣兴衰与历史走向。明清鼎革之后,清朝统治者以合法化为目标,政治重建为先导,思想文化重建为基础,经济恢复和发展为保障,经过五十余年的重建,结束了明末的动乱与凋敝,顺利地转型到相对稳定而繁荣的康乾盛世,走过了一条成功的社会重建之路。

【Abstract】 The social reconstruction in early Qing refers to the Qing ruler reconstructed overall society of China on the basis of military conquest after the social disintegration in late Ming. After the Qing Dynasty occupied the Central Plains, its primary task was to restore social order. The center of social order construction was the restoration and perfection of political and moral order in early Qing. China has gone through a social reconstruction from chaos and rule, from disorder to order the dynamic development process in early Qing.Compared with the South, the Northern regions in late Ming, especially Henan Province had the very important strategic location, its society was serious broken, and social order was also very confusing. Qing finished the military occupation of Henan, reconstructed the political order of establishment of the system of local administration and military. The Qing governments strengthen social control and social security, then recreated the grass-roots society in Henan. Governance through the adoption of policies and measures promoted economic recovery in Henan. Henan Neo-Confucianism group rose in early Qing. The academic activity and social practice of Confucians had a significant impact on the ideological and cultural construction of Henan. From the facts, social reconstruction of Henan was significantly and effectiveness, gained wide recognition from the public, and the overall process was relatively quick and successful. The Social reconstruction of Henan Province in the early Qing was a success story.As an extremely complex and difficult systems engineering, the dynasty of the change of social reconstruction was a new regime of social political, economic, ideological and cultural elements re-integration, directly determine the country’s prosperity and the rise and fall with the historical trend. The Qing rulers in order to legitimize the objective of political reconstruction as the guide, based on ideological and cultural reconstruction, economic recovery and development for the protection, after more than fifty years, smooth transition to the Flourishing Age of Kang-Qian, gone through a successful road of social reconstruction.

【关键词】 清初社会秩序社会重建
【Key words】 early Qing DynastySocial OrderSocial Reconstruction
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】552

