

【作者】 邢雪艳

【导师】 崔世广;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 明治维新后,明治政府出于在西方武力威胁下保持日本国家独立和建设近代国家的需要,推行了“废藩置县”、“版籍奉还”、“地税改革”等一系列加强中央集权性质的改革,触犯了武士阶级的利益,加重了普通民众的负担,引起各个阶层的强烈不满,“国”与“民”之间的矛盾开始凸显。广大民众在民权思想家和政治精英的领导下,利用从西方传入的“民权”思想,从“民”的角度对明治政府提出开设国会、制定宪法,建立由下及上的近代民主国家的政治要求。这与明治政府推行的由上及下的近代国家路线出现巨大分歧,于是围绕国家建设日本国内出现民权与国权两条不同的国家路线并形成两大派别开始从思想和势力等方面展开对抗。明治时期时代的特殊性要求人们不仅要关注国内的民主政治建设,同时还要在日益严峻的国际形势下找到保持日本国家独立,正确处理日本与西方国家、与亚洲国家关系的道路。国际问题和国内问题的相互交叉缠绕加剧了问题的复杂性,同时也成为影响民权与国权势力消长变化的重要因素。本文主要论述民权与国权随着日本国内外环境的改变所出现的势力消长变化和最后民权被国权所吸收的历史过程,以揭示民权与国权在各个时期的发展特点和思想特色,以及最后民权思想转向国权的历史文化原因和给日本近代带来的影响。第一章为启蒙期的民权与国权,主要以启蒙思想家中最有代表性的福泽谕吉和加藤弘之为例,通过分析其早期的思想作品来阐述其民权思想和国家观念的特点,以此来把握此时期日本民权和国家观念的总体特征、民权与国权的相互关系以及社会贡献和局限性,并通过分析明治初期的社会背景和启蒙思想家的生活经历来把握其形成原因,以及对此后日本的民权与国权冲突所造成的影响。第二章为自由民权运动的兴起与国权派的对应。主要论述明治政府出于将日本改造为近代国家的需要颁布的一系列废藩置县、版籍奉还等加强中央集权的改革措施,给曾在幕府时期一直居于社会主导地位的武士生活带来巨大打击,致使武士对明治政府产生不满和敌对情绪。因征韩下野的板垣退助、江藤新平等于1874年向政府左院提交《民选议院设立建议书》,抨击政府的有司专制,要求成立民权议院,允许人民参政议政,并引起武士阶层的积极响应,从而揭开了自由民权运动的序幕。本章在介绍自由民权运动的产生及其背景后,主要通过分析此时期民权运动的发动者以及一些重要民权团体的纲领性文件来把握民权运动起始期民权思想的主要特点,并通过民权派与启蒙思想家之间的论战剖析民权思想家和启蒙思想家在民权问题上观点的异同,最后通过木户孝允、大久保利通等宪法思想的介绍,揭露明治政府所谓立宪的实质。第三章为民权论的高涨与国权派的反击。随着民权运动的发展,民权运动的主体由士族扩张到豪农和农民阶层,同时新一代的民权思想家,如植木枝盛、中江兆民等开始登上历史的舞台,他们将民权思想与民权实践并重,开始在民权运动中发挥越来越重要的作用。社会基础和领导层的改变带来民权指导思想的改变,民权思想的士族成分也随之减退,开始与民众的切实利益相联系,从而推动民权运动发展到一个新的时期。这一时期,要求开设国会的运动扩展到全国,并组成“国会期成同盟”,制定了民主主义的宪法草案,成立了自由党,自由民权运动发展为有组织有纲领的政治运动,并由此带来民权论的高潮。本章主要论述自由民权运动的发展带来民权论的高涨以及明治政府、福泽谕吉、加藤弘之等国权派对民权论的反击。第四章为国权论的高涨与民权论的衰落。主要论述明治14年政变让明治政府为首的国权派重新夺回了制宪和社会舆论的主导权,而随后发生的朝鲜的壬午事变和甲申事件更是大大改变了国内民权与国权的势力对比。同时,明治政府为制定能彻底压制民权派的宪法,特意派遣伊藤博文再次西天取经。伊藤博文在德国学者的帮助下,终于找到了将天皇权威与近代立宪制度完美结合的宪法典范和对付自由民权的工具,进一步为国权势力在日本的全面胜利奠定了理论基础。本章主要论述朝鲜事件、普鲁士宪法体制在日本的确立、福泽谕吉的国权扩张论、中日甲午战争等历史事件所带来的日本国权思想的高涨和民权派的低落以及民权最后消失在国权思想中的过程。终章为日本明治时期民权与国权关系的思考。主要是对前几章内容进行总结的基础上,重点分析民权最后被国权所吸收的历史文化原因及对日本近代所起到的重大影响和带给我们的启示。

【Abstract】 After Meiji Restoration, the government implements a series of methods to strengthen central power, such as abolishing the quondam municipalism to set up the new county and getting aborigines to come back the ancestral home. These methods conduces a lots of dissatisfaction of all social classes, which infringe the benefit of knights and also aggravate the burden of common people. The conflicts between power of nation and the rights of people have become more serious. Leading by democratic ideologist and political chief who introduced the modern idea of democratic rights from western countries, common public apply for setting up a congress and enact the constitution for acquiring civil rights. Public hope to establish a modern democratic nation. This pubic opinion goes against the proposition of Meiji government. Therefore, the claim of democratic rights and the protest of national power divided and produce two different view of parties confronting each other. At the era,not only the establishment of domestic democratic rights are important, but also the nation independence is a very important issue for the rigorous international situation including its relations between western countries and Asian countries. So, it accelerates the complexity and becomes the important factor which influences the changes between national power and democratic parties. This article mainly describes the process of eat and flow between national power and democratic rights in correspondence with changes of domestic and international circumstance. It explores the distinct characteristics of thinking in different period. Also, it probes into the historical and cultural reasons that democratic rights wear down finally and the influence followed to the Japan modernization.Chapter one discusses the National Power and Democratic rights at the initiatory period. It inquires into the general character and social contribution and limitation of the National Power and Democratic rights in Japan. Then, the chapter discusses the relationship by analyzing two representative thoughts of Yukiti Fukuzawa & Hiroyuki Kato as the torchbearers. It also probes into why the relations kept and the influence caused by confliction between the National Power and Democratic rights in Japan through the social background of initial stage of Meiji and the experience of two torchbearers. Chapter two describes the uprising of the democratic rights movement and the response of the National Power clique. It discusses the reform executed by Meiji government to strengthen centralism and meet the needs to get Japan as current nation form. It implements a lot of methods, such as abolishing the quondam municipalism to set up the new county and getting aborigines to come back the ancestral home. These methods shocked the knights so seriously who have always kept dominant in shogunate ages that they get very dissatisfied and hostile to the Meiji government. Taisuke Itagaki and Sinpe Eto, who lost the power because of protest invading Korean, summit the“proposal to establish the voting chamber”to the government in 1874, in which they deprecates the bureaucratic system and propose to set up the voting chamber and allow people have the right of suffrage and attending the council. The proposal get a lot of supports from the knights and it indicates the beginning of the movement of Democratic rights. Other than introducing the period and background of the movement, this chapter also probes into the main characters of Democratic rights by analysis the launcher of movement and the core documents of important organization. It explore the essential of the constitutionalism of Meiji government by introducing the constitutional thought and controversy between the Democratic right clique and initiatory ideologist, then find the difference of the opinion between each other.Chapter three describes the flourishing of the democratic right proposition and the counterattack of the National Power clique. The main part of the Democratic right movement has extended to esquire and farmers from the knights with the movement of democratic rights. The new spokesman such as Edamori Ueki and Tyomin Nakae play increasingly important roles in the movement because they plough their though into practice. The changes of new leaders and the main body update the way of thinking and the movement develop to a new stage with it integrate actual benefit of people generally. At this stage, the patriotic society pushes the movement extending all over the country and constitutes to“Expecting for Congress League”, it enact the constitution protocol of democracy and set up the freedom party, then the movement of democratic right developed as an organized and programmed political movement, it leads to the flourish of demorcracy thought. This chapter mainly discusses the development of democratic right movement push the rising of democracy thought, and the attack of national power party such as Meiji government and Yukiti Fukuzawa and Hiroyuki Kato.The viewpoint of the fourth chapter is the flourishing of National power proposition and the recession of democratic rights claim. It describes the transformation between the democratic right and national power parties, as the result of confliction, the national power parties supported by Meiji government regain the power of constitution and public opinion through the coup d’etat in Meiji year 14th, and the event of Japan-Korea such as Renwu and Jiashen accelerate this process. At same time, Meiji government reassign Hirobumi Ito go to Europe to acquire the constitution which can suppress the democratic parties completely. With the help of German scholar, Hirobumi Ito find the classical constitutions which are combined Japan emperor’s authority with constitutional system of latter-day perfectly, it lay a foundation for the complete success of national power parties. This chapter mainly dissertate the process of the flourishing of national power proposition and the recession and fall off of democratic rights claim at last, which influenced by a series of historic events, including the Japan-Korea event, Prussian constitutional system establishment, outspreading of national power protest by Yukiti Fukuzawa and China-Japan Jiawu war and so on.The last chapter summarizes the changes and relationship between the democratic rights and national power at the stage of Meiji. It mainly analyze the historical and cultural reasons of the changes, explores the important influence for the Japan modernization and the illumination for us.

【关键词】 明治时期民权国权
【Key words】 Meiji eraDemocratic rightsNational power
  • 【分类号】K313.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1008

