

【作者】 黄庆杰

【导师】 韩俊;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农民养老是个大问题。中国正处于从家庭养老向社会养老保障的转型过程之中。尽管政府和学术界都已认识到了中国建立正规养老保障制度的必要性和重要性。然而,在中国特有的制度环境和约束条件下,如何构建正规养老保障制度、政府责任是什么等问题都迫切需要予以回答。本文围绕农村养老保障制度建设这一主线,试图解答这些问题:为什么我国农村未能建立正规养老保障制度、建立何种制度、如何实现强制性制度变迁。在总结部分地区试点经验和借鉴国外经验的基础上,根据城乡统筹发展和农村人口老龄化等趋势,提出并论证了有利于实现养老制度功能(减贫、收入再分配和烫平个人消费)的农村多层次公共养老保障制度框架,分析了制度运行的制约因素和关键问题,探讨了实现这一制度安排的路径和城乡融合的政策。文章共分九章:第一章是导论部分,提出文章的研究背景、目的、核心概念,明确重点问题、主要内容和研究方法。第二章是理论部分,主要围绕社会保障发展、社会保护理论、养老保障多支柱模型与制度变迁理论,说明养老保障制度选择的依据,阐释制度变迁条件,形成新型农民与国家关系下构建农村养老保障制度的理论框架。第三、第四章主要分析中国农村养老保障制度的现状,解释中国长期未能建立正规养老保障制度的原因,对北京、江苏苏州、浙江嘉兴、陕西宝鸡等地创新农村养老保障模式的做法进行了总结,并深入地探讨地方试点的可持续性和可推广性。第五章主要介绍发达国家与发展中国家建立农村养老保障制度的经验,总结了一般性结论。第六章在国内外既有经验的基础上,根据农村养老保障制度建设理论,提出并论证了覆盖大多数农民的多层次农村养老保障制度框架,包括非缴费的福利型养老保障、缴费的保险型养老保障和救助型养老保障,分别承担养老制度的不同功能。第七章分析了影响多层次养老保障制度运行与实施的关键问题与制约因素,即财政投入、管理体制、名义账户资金投资,说明多层次养老保障制度的可行性。第八章主要分析中国农村养老保障制度的推进路径,在统一的制度框架下分地区、分人群推进,国家支持不同地区建立统一的非缴费型养老保障,面向农村有支付能力人群建立缴费型养老保险,并加快发展农村养老服务。同时,讨论养老保障制度的城乡统筹发展,分析相互融合的可行性与路径。第九章是全文的内容总结,并对未来城乡养老保障发展进行了政策展望。

【Abstract】 Farmers’old-age income support is a significant problem. China is now in the transfer process from family-support to social pension security for them. Obviously our government and academe have recognized the necessity and significance of establishing and improving farmers’old-age support system, however, how to establish the formal pension system and what government responsibility is are still questions eager to resolve in special environment with Chinese characteristics.Encircling on the line of establishing and improving farmers’pension system, the dissertation tries to answer the questions as follows: why China has not established the formal old-age support system in rural areas until now, which system we wish to establish and how to achieve mandatory institutional changes. Based on the successful experience of eastern China and developed countries, and combined with the tendency of coordinating development in urban and rural areas, the author proves the multi-level farmers’pension security frame which is helpful for poverty reduction,income distribution and consumption smoothing. Then, the author analyses key factors of institutional operation, path of institutional changes and urban-rural integration.This dissertation includes nine chapters, Chapter 1 is an introduction, which mainly introduces research background, purpose, core concepts, key questions, and makes a comprehensive summary of research. Chapter 2, in this part the author states the general theories of social security development, social protection,“multi-pillar”model of old-age support and institutional changes, all of above theories mainly illuminate the selection reasons of farmers’pension security, the conditions of institutional changes, and theoretical frame of establishing farmers’old-age systems in new relations between farmer and state.Chapter 3 and 4 mainly focus on the analysis of current situation of China farmers’old -age support, It explains the reasons why formal farmers’pension security has not been established in China. Further, the author summarizes the successful experience in selected pilots, Beijing, Suzhou of Jiangsu province, Jiaxing of Zhejiang province, Baoji of Shanxi province. Chapter 5 gives a summary review on experiences of farmer pensions security in some developed and developing countries. Chapter 6, according to the experience and theory, the author raises the multi-level frames of pension security covering most of Chinese farmers, which includes non-contributory pension, pension insurance and social assistance for old-age with individual function.Chapter 7 points out key factors affecting institutional operation, those are, financial support, administrative system and non-financial fund investment. Chapter 8 elaborates the measures for the implementation of farmer pension security. Moreover, the end of this part discusses how to accelerate the development of farmer old-aged support service, and integration of urban and rural pension system. Chapter 9 is the conclusion of this dissertation. Also, the author sets forth the ways of development of rural and urban pension system.

  • 【分类号】F323.89
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】4019

