

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 武寅;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 藩阀是指明治维新之后,在明治政府中居于中枢地位的极少数旧萨摩、长州二藩的中下级武士出身的军阀与官僚集团,由于他们功勋卓著,逐渐成为政府的领导核心,由此形成了所谓的藩阀政府。第一代藩阀的代表人物主要有伊藤博文、山县有朋、井上馨、黑田清隆、松方正义等人,尤其是伊藤博文继维新三杰大久保利通、木户孝允、西乡隆盛之后,逐渐跃居政治舞台的中心,成为藩阀的核心和代表人物,在明治中后期的日本政局中发挥了不可或缺的重要作用。作为明治宪法的制定者和藩阀的代表,他亲自制定《大日本帝国宪法》,并于明治22年(1889)2月11日以天皇御赐形式正式颁布,从此确立了以天皇为核心的多元政治体制,即明治宪法体制,由此奠定了近代日本政治体制的基石。伊藤在宪法颁布之初,发表“超然主义”演说,强调政府要超然于政党之外。但随着时势变化,尤其是自己组阁期间面对在众议院中强大的政党势力,他又不得不采取与政党之一的自由党相互提携的政策。不过在取得政党支持的同时,就必须要满足其所提出的猎官、认同其政策等诸方面的要求,与现有政党提携的成本也是客观存在的。然而,通过实践证明在立宪体制下又不可能实行“超然主义”,面临这种不利状况,伊藤逐步从接受政党最终发展到亲自组建政党。但两次计划均遭其他藩阀领袖特别是山县有朋的反对和没有得到天皇的支持而流产,最终第三次组党计划得以实现,于1900年以宪政党解散加入伊藤新党的形式,建立了立宪政友会。

【Abstract】 Hanbatsu refer to those few warlords and members of bureaucratic group who played core role in the Meiji government after the time of Meiji Reformation. They were born from subordinate warrior families in old Satsuma and Tyousyuu areas. Because of their outstanding deeds, they gradually became the crucial leaders of government, and then made it so-called Hanbatsu government. The main representatives of the first generation of Hanbatsu include Hirobumi Yitou, Aritomo Yamagata, Kaoru Yinoue, kiyotaka Kuroda, Masayoshi Matsukata and so on. Particularly, as the successor of the Big Three of Meiji Reformation, namely Toshimichi Ookubo, takayosi Kido and Takamori Saigou, Hirobumi Yitou subsequently stepped on the central political stage of Japan and had indispensable influence on Japanese politics during the middle and late time of Meiji government. As the maker of Meiji Constitution and Hanbatsu, he established the Constitution of Japan Empire personally and put it into force in February 11, 1889 in the form of emperor’s order. Therefore, the multi-dimensional political system which circles the Emperor, i.e. the Meiji Constitutional system was formed, and it also founded the cornerstone of political system for modern Japan.Before the promulgation of the Constitution, Yitou once delivered a speech on Transcendentalism which emphasizes that the government should transcend parties. While in the wake of situation changes, especially when he encountered powerful parties in the Congress during the time of his government, Yitou had to adopt a policy of mutual support with the Jiyuutou. Then the problem of this policy happened. If the government wants to get support from parties, it has to satisfy their requirements, such as spoils, and agreement on the policy of parties. On the other hand, it was also proved impossible to carry out Transcendentalism under a constitutional system after practices. In front of this adverse situation, Yitou gradually accepted party and even organized party in person. However, his plan failed twice for the reason of oppositions from other leaders of Hanbatsu, especially from Aritomo Yamagata, and lacking of support from the Emperor. Lastly, Yitou organized the Rikkenseiyūkai in 1900 by means of dismissing the Constitutionalist Party and taking part in Yitou’s new party.

【关键词】 近代日本藩阀伊藤博文立宪政友会
【Key words】 Modern JapanHanbatsuHirobumi YitouRikkenseiyūkai
  • 【分类号】K313.41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】535

