

Tabloid(Xiaobao) and Young Revolutionary Literati in the 1930s’ Peiping(Beijing)

【作者】 马俊江

【导师】 温儒敏;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文研究革命文艺青年于二十世纪三十年代在北平(北京)的文学生活。具体来讲即是,论文以故都革命文艺青年赖以生存的北平小报、会馆以及中学校园等作为观测点,对这一群体的群类构成、生存空间及其文学生活,以及左翼文学在北平的展开做了比较具体深入的考察。选择这一论题的动因有二:换一个空间考察三十年代兴起的左翼文学运动;以“京派”之外的另一个角度审视三十年代的北平文坛。关于三十年代的文学史,通常的研究思路是采取“双城记”式的分类,以北京和上海这两座城市为大本营,分别叙述上海文坛的左翼、现代派和海派三个作家群以及由此产生的文学现象,而北平文坛受人关注的则是“京派”文人群体。本文借助对革命文艺青年的历史考察,将左翼革命文学与北平这座城市联系起来,旨在突破上述研究思路与模式,补充并丰富关于左翼文学、北平文坛的文学史想象。对故都革命文艺青年的历史考察,本文围绕其群体构成以及他们活动的城市空间而展开。城市空间在本文既指会馆、中学、公寓、图书馆等文艺青年栖身和进行文学活动的物质空间,亦指报刊等出版物构成的他们在这座城市的精神空间,小报即是作为革命文艺青年在北平的重要精神空间而进入我们的考察视野。小报这一报类历来声名不佳,但本文第一章的考察证明,在三十年代大众化运动中,小报,尤其是北平小报,不但为报界关注,而且其文艺副刊也成为革命文艺青年在北平重要的创作园地和凝聚社团的重要空间。论文的其余三章皆以小报《觉今日报》副刊《文艺地带》为线索进行讨论。第二章以《文艺地带》为例,讨论北平小报文艺副刊的精神眉目、革命文艺青年与京派文人群落的对立、以及在对立中呈现出的文学观念、审美趋向与文体选择。在发现始终未署编者姓名的《文艺地带》与北方左翼团体“泡沫社”之间的联系后,第三章与第四章以追索这份小报副刊的编者以及“泡沫社”的人员构成为中心,分别考察故都革命文艺青年的亚群体——流浪青年与中学生——在会馆与中学等城市空间的文学活动,并由此展现革命文学运动在北平的历史图景。不管是北平的革命文学,还是北平小报,至今还是学界较少涉足的领域;作为文化符码的会馆,在现代性的视野中也常被视为旧文化的遗迹;比起大学,中学里的文学活动,也鲜为人重视;因此,本文在具体写作策略上,避实击虚,不求全面,而是在大家较少谈及的问题上做较为细致的考察;较多地征引原始文献与后人回忆资料,也是期望能走近历史现场;将革命文艺青年的文学活动置于新闻史、城市史与中等教育史等交错的历史场域中,期待能呈现那一历史时段的时代风习与一代青年文学生活的一角。

【Abstract】 This paper aims at studying the activities of young revolutionary literati in the 1930s’Peiping(Beijing). Two reasons led the author into this research. The first is that scholars pay much more attention to Shanghai than other areas when talking about the Movement of Left-wing Literature, and the second is that when studying literary history of 1930s’Peiping scholars pay less attention to other literati groups than the literati group of Jingpai School(京派) who lived and worked in the colleges. My study focuses on different urban spaces of Peiping where young revolutionary literati lived and held their literary activities. In this paper, urban spaces refer to material urban spaces and cultural urban spaces. The former includes guild halls (huiguan会馆), hotels (gongyu公寓) and campus of middle school ,while the latter refers to publishing products, such as literary journals, supplements of newspaper. Tabloid(xiaobao小报) belongs to such cultural urban spaces. It is well known that tabloid had a bad fame, but as studied in chapter one and two, in the Movement of Popularization(dazhonghua大众化运动) , tabloid got a good reputation, especially in Peiping, and became one of most important cultural spaces for young revolutionary literati, where they published their works and even united into literary societies. Those societies are also examined in detail in this paper, because it was through these societies, little or big, that young literati joined the Movement of Left-wing Literature. In the third and forth chapters, Bubble Society (paomoshe泡沫社)is studied detailedly, whose most members were also main authors of supplement of tabloid titled Juejin Daily(《觉今日报·文艺地带》).This literary society was made up of wandering youth(liulang qingnian流浪青年) and middle-school students. By studying the wandering youth who lived in guild halls and middle-school students who lived on campus, this paper shows in those urban spaces mentioned above how revolutionary literature rose and developed, and how those revolutionary youth in Peiping held their literary activities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1023

