

The Study of the Residential Real Estate in the Downtown District of Peking during the Period of Late Qing and Republic of China, 1900-1949

【作者】 唐博

【导师】 戴逸;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 住宅在人们的日常生活中影响力举足轻重。然而,居住问题困扰着中心城市社会的和谐发展,正谓“居京城大不易”。住宅房地产问题,始终是城市史研究的热门话题。特别是近代沿海城市的开埠,加速了中国东部地区的城市化进程,推动了城市房地产业的繁荣。然而,北京作为政治中心,在制度上和思维上固有的惯性和惰性,使其住宅房地产发展水平远远落后于沿海城市。这也是学界对清末民国北京城市住宅房地产问题缺乏深入研究的重要原因。然而,落后不等于没有特色,没有可取之处。本文在回顾学术史的基础上,利用馆藏档案、报刊文献、调查报告以及其他史料,从四个方面对清末民国北京城市住宅房地产的发展历程进行了深入剖析。一、“城市化背景下的住宅房地产:全国与北京”清中叶以来的近代化浪潮,推动了中国的城市化进程,沿海商埠出现了近代意义的早期房地产概念。香港、上海房地产业的畸形繁荣,成为城市化与住宅房地产发展互动的典型例子。相比之下,尽管城市化进程中的“新街市”建设,以及西方文化影响下居住习惯和住宅样式的演变,为近代北京城市住宅房地产发展带来了些许活力,但其水平依旧落后于沿海商埠。房地产开发企业规模较小、掮客从中撮合的传统交易形式,以及教会地产的壮大,从某种意义上反映了,近代北京城市房地产市场业已形成,但很不成熟,渗透着一定的半殖民地半封建色彩。二、“清末民国北京的城市住宅房地产市场与政府干预”国民政府的住宅立法,标榜“平均地权”学说,形成了一整套管理房地产市场交易过程、交易合同以及房地转移的程序。政府对住宅市场的监管,除继续沿用以限价为主的行政手段外,通过开征地价税、房捐等方式,渗透财政手段。在调控思路上有了明显进步。尽管清末民国北京的地方财政收入中,房捐、地价税等房地产税收所占比重甚高,但新建住宅数量不足,居住区主要限于内城、外城,新街市建设步履维艰,住宅房地产业更多地表现为交易,而非生产,其所创造的新的社会财富非常有限。三、“清末民国北京城市住宅价格变化及其影响”根据报刊广告和馆藏档案所提供的信息,以及由此对20-40年代北京城市住宅价格(包括售价和租价)进行梳理,至少可以认为,住宅房地产市场不仅没有提振30年代萎靡不振的北平城市经济,反而受到30-40年代政治经济形势的拖累。特别在1928年迁都和1931年九一八事变后,由于城市整体消费能力显著下降,北京(北平)的住宅价格结束升势,转为长期低迷。40年代,在恶性通胀,以及抗战胜利后大批避难市民涌入城内导致的旺盛需求的共同作用下,北平住宅价格出现大幅飙升,到40年代末达到飙涨的高潮,出现不断增租引发的房地纠纷,以及诸多租赁交易摒弃法币,改用米面、金银结算房租等现象。近代北京的住宅房地产市场不仅对宏观经济的影响力有限,而且深受国家和城市政治、经济形势的左右,处于相对被动的地位。同是平民阶层,由于收入水平差异显著,以大学教授为代表的中产群体、以手工业家庭和小学教员为代表的劳工群体、贫民窟居住群体、以学生、单身人力车夫和城市贫民为代表的无房群体,其住宅状况差异显著,日常生活质量因之各异。针对20世纪40年代的“房荒”危机,国民政府曾经出台了行政、财政、货币手段三管齐下的拯救政策,矛头直指高房价和高房租,具有强烈的针对性。然而,“拯救”政策最终以失败告终。其深层原因,特别是住宅有效供应不足和战争导致的恶性通胀,值得反思。四、“清末民国北京城市住宅保障的历史变迁”针对特定群体进行全面分配的旗人住宅,在清中叶以后逐渐变为实质的私有化,并出现“旗民交产”现象。辛亥之后旗人住宅的完全市场化,以及旗民分城居住状态的结束,使得旗人住宅体制走入了坟墓。30年代,国民政府转变观念,从治理市容入手,逐渐形成了新的住房保障思路,即建设由国家控制所有权,廉价租给低收入者的住房。30-40年代北京天桥、东直门“平民住宅”的营建,配套设施的完善,及其管理体制的成形,使其所具有的示范性的保障意义更显珍贵,成为近代住房保障的先声。无疑,这是破解40年代的“房荒”危机的有效办法之一。然而,国民政府浅尝辄止,其在40年代末设想的平民住宅大规模兴建规划终未能实现。对清末民国北京城市住宅房地产的研究,开辟了北京城市史研究的新路径和新视角,对于认识中国近代住宅房地产市场的发展历程,及其与经济、社会发展的密切关系,弥补经济史研究在这一领域的空白,具有相当的学术价值。

【Abstract】 Sun Yat-sen had ever told that inhabitancy is a part of the civilization. The human has gained more happiness than creature comforts from the inhabitancy. The dwelling house is so important in human’s daily lives. However, it is the choke point for the harmonious development of the society of central cities, especially in the capital of this country. The residential real estate problem is still treated as a popular theme in the field of the study of the downtown history all the while. The opening of the coastal cities in modern time made the urbanization in the east part of China more quickly. It had been accelerating the booming of real estate industry in downtowns in a certain extent. But there was some inertia in the system and thought in Peking as the political center of the whole country. So its development of real estate was falling behind the coastal cities’. Those are the main reason why the scholars has not deeply study the topic“the Residential Real Estate in the Downtown District of Peking during the Period of Late Qing and Republic of China”. But being backward is not equal to nothing characteristic and preponderant. This article will review the previous studying production firstly, and deeply analyze the development history of the residential real estate in the downtown District of Peking during the period of late Qing and Republic of China using archives, newspaper, investigating report, and the other historical materials.Firstly, the residential real estate in the background of urbanization: Peking and thee whole country.The modernization since the mid-time of Qing Dynasty had accelerated the urbanization of China. It appeared the early conception of the real estate in in the coastal cities in the sense of modern time. The abnormal boom of the real estate industry in Hong Kong and Shanghai was becoming the example of the type of influence between the urbanization and the development of the real estate. The development of Peking’s real estate was pale by comparing with the coastal cities, though the“New Downtown District Construction Plan”and the change of the living custom and the pattern of dwelling house in the effect of the Hesperian Culture, had given the development of the real estate in this city a little of energy. In this city, the scales of the real estate enterprises were too small, the traditional bargaining form which must be through brokers was still exist, and the church’s real estate was becoming much larger. We can find that Peking’s real estate market had come into being, but was immature and reflected the features of being semi-colonial and semi-feudal.Secondly, the residential real estate market in the downtown District of Peking during the period of late Qing and Republic of China and the control of government.The residential legislation of Kuomintang Government which claimed the theory of“equalization of landownership”had formed a series of management procedures of business course, bargains and the transformation of the house and the land. There were some distinct advancement of management measures of government towards the residential real estate market such as using the finance policies including collecting land-price tax and house tallage besides administration policies such as restricting price of houses.The real estate tax such as land-price tax and house tallage was the most important proportion of finance income of local government in Peking during the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, but the new dwelling houses were not enough. The living areas were restricted in the old zone of the city. The evolvement of the New Downtown District was too slow and had a lot of difficulties. The bargaining, not constructing, was becoming the major form of residential real estate industry. The wealth which the industry had created was not so much.Thirdly, the change of residential price in Peking during the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China and its influence.We can believe that the residential real estate market not only could be unable promoted the dispirited downtown economic in Peking during 1930’s, but also had been encumbered by the economic and political situation during 1930’s and 1940’s. Above-mentioned point of view is based on the collection of the information which provided by newspaper advertisements between 1920’s and 1940’s, and the history archives collected in Beijing Municipal Archives, and is also on the basis of the price of the residential real estate in Peking during 1920’s to1940’s. Especially after the capital moving in 1928 and the Mukden Incident in 1931, the rising trend of residential price in Peking was over, and transferred into longtime downturn, because the consumption ability of the public in this city became remarkable weakened.The price of the residential real estate in Peking was rising so long in 1940’s, especially in the end of this period because of the inflationary spiral, and the blooming demand caused by the crowds swarming into Peking city after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945. The bothers about the residential real estate became more and more. The landlords didn’t like to balance the rent by cash, but by rice, flour and bullion. Obviously, the influence to the macro-economy by the residential real estate market in Peking during the modern time was so restricted, and this market was enslaved to the political and economic situation, and a little passive.Because of the distinct disparity of the income level, there were so many differences about the residential conditions among the bourgeois such as teacher lecturer, the labors such as craftsmen and primary school teacher, the inhabitants living in the rookeries and the people who didn’t have their own house to live in such as students, wheelers and paupers. So the standards of living among them were so different.Kuomintang Government had ever drawn out a lot of salvation measures including administration, finance and currency policies. The aim of them was resolving the problem of high-priced state about the rent and selling price of the residential real estate, in order to tide the real estate crisis over. There was so much pertinence about those policies, but the salvation attempt was frustrated. There were two major reasons including the short of housing provision and the inflationary spiral brought by the wars.Fourthly, the history variance of housing-security system in Peking city during the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.The system of banner men’s dwelling houses had ever been a custom of material benefits distribution which was applied in given persons. The privatization of those houses began in the mid-time of Qing Dynasty and there were a lot of phenomenon about the marketing between the banner men and Han people with their dwelling houses. After the revolution of 1911, the dwelling houses of banner men could be sold legally, and the state of separated living was over. Those made the system banner men’s dwelling houses approach deathKuomintang Government transferred the conceptions, began with fathering the profile of the city and gradually shaped the new method of housing security that building the dwelling houses, whose ownership was controlled by government and rent to the poor by lower price in 1930’s. The houses of common-citizens (Low-rent houses) in the districts of Tianqiao and Dongzhimen were built in 1930’s and 1940’s. The circumjacent service establishments became more consummate. The local government still drew out some management regulation about those houses. Above-mentioned cases made the demonstrated security meaning of those houses more estimable. This system became the first sign of the housing-security in the modern history in China. Beyond all doubt, the system of the houses of common-citizens was one of the effective approaches could solve the real estate crisis in 1940’s. However, Kuomintang Government had stopped striving after obtaining a little knowledge about it. The magnificent plan of building a lot of the houses of common-citizens which was brought out in the end of 1940’s was not realization. The study of the topic“the Residential Real Estate in the Downtown District of Peking during the Period of Late Qing and Republic of China”can blaze a new way in the study of city history of Beijing, comprehend deeply the development course of the residential real estate market of China in modern history and the close relation with the development of economy and society, and fetch up the blank of this field in the study of economic history study. So there is so much academic value about this topic.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】11
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