

Studies on Deng Xiao-ping’s Thought of "Agriculture, Countryside and Pea-santry" during the New Period of Socialism

【作者】 哈战荣

【导师】 罗正楷;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 中共党史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 邓小平“三农”思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,是邓小平运用马克思主义的基本原理,在解决中国“三农”问题的过程中形成的重要理论成果,它对我国“三农”问题的解决起到了并将继续起着重要的指导作用。党的十一届三中全会以后,在邓小平的支持下,我国的改革率先从农村开始。这一由农民发起,最初只是以解决温饱问题为主要目标的改革出乎大家意料地使我国农村实现了翻天覆地的变化,其积极效应后来又波及城市,使城市也实现了突飞猛进的发展。但是,以实行家庭联产承包为主的责任制的改革使我国农村出现短暂繁荣之后,由于体制性的老问题没有完全解决,改革触及的新问题又逐步浮现,“三农”问题又一次摆在了人们面前,这些问题迫切需要妥善解决。我选择此题目,就是期望通过对邓小平“三农”思想的研究,为解决当前的“三农”问题提供正确的思路和有效的途径。研究邓小平的“三农”思想,既要把它放在邓小平理论的大框架内,又要把它放在社会主义建设的历史大背景中,更要把它融进改革开放的时代大潮流中去考察。只有这样,才能使该问题处在纵向发展、横向联系的历史坐标系中,才可能给它勾出清晰的历史发展脉络,又能理出它何以能成为一个理论体系的多方支撑缘由,也才会在理论阐释上有深度、有广度。所以,本文打算从纵的方向勾画出从马克思主义创始人到毛泽东、邓小平等领导人关于“三农”的论述及其思想发展的清晰脉络,从横的方向就邓小平“三农”思想的形成与发展、内容与特点、地位与指导作用进行分析和探讨,既突出邓小平“三农”思想的理论深度,也展现出该思想的现实意义。为了研究方便,我打算从五个方面(也即五章内容)对社会主义新时期邓小平的“三农”思想作出分析和论述。本文第一章以邓小平“三农”思想形成与发展的历史脉络为线条,兼顾当时的诸多现实因素,从理论渊源、历史镜鉴、现实基础以及发达国家解决“三农”问题的成功范例四个方面分析介绍了邓小平“三农”思想形成的历史背景。其中,在我国经历了十年“文化大革命”浩劫的条件下,如何发展经济以解决温饱问题的紧迫现实需要,是邓小平“三农”思想形成的现实基础;马克思主义经典作家关于“三农”的基本理论,是邓小平“三农”思想形成的理论起点;毛泽东在我国社会主义建设过程中所形成的“三农”思想的正误与实践的成败,为邓小平“三农”思想的形成提供了经验和现实的教训;发达国家“三农”实践的成功范例给邓小平解决中国“三农”问题提供了宝贵素材;中国党政领导人的正确看法、理论工作者的理性思考和人民群众在解决“三农”问题实践中获得的丰富经验,都是邓小平“三农”思想形成、日趋完善的重要来源。第二章分析论述了邓小平“三农”思想的形成和发展。由于在不同的历史时期,针对我国社会主义建设的实际情况,邓小平本人所关注的焦点和要解决的问题是不同的,这就使得他的“三农”思想在形成和发展上呈现出明显的阶段性。这一过程大体上可分为开始萌芽(1962-1978年)、基本形成(1978-1984年)、走向成熟(1984-1992年)、继续发展(1992年——)四个阶段。邓小平为了解决中国现实的“三农”问题,他不管是从思考解决该问题的深度、广度、重要性、紧迫性,还是就解决对策的科学性、全面性、完备性、长远性,都作了全盘考虑,提出了许多很有远见的思想,形成了完备的理论。所以,他的“三农”思想发展成为理论体系的原因很多,最主要的是其思想体系的科学性、指导实践的时效性、战略规划的长远性以及理论旨意的务实性和发挥了群众的主体性等方面。第三章是本文的主体部分和核心内容。本章从邓小平解决“三农”问题的战略构想、方针政策、基本保证和该理论本身的基本特点等四个方面比较详尽地分析、论述、介绍了邓小平“三农”思想的基本内容和特点。中国“三农”问题的解决是一项浩大的系统工程,不但需要经历比较长的时间,而且就具体的解决途径也需要作出长远规划和战略构想。为从根本上解决我国的“三农”问题,邓小平提出的战略构想主要有:确保我国农业的“首位地位”思想;我国农村改革的核心是调动农民的生产积极性;我国农业生产必须实行因地制宜发展多种经营;我国农村发展的战略重点是积极发展乡镇企业;我国农业的发展必须依靠生物工程和尖端技术;我国农业改革的发展方向是实现“两个飞跃”。另外,制定科学的方针政策也很重要。这些政策主要有:要增加对农业的投资;保证农民收入稳步提高;允许一部分人先富、先富带后富、共同富裕;我们要在管理上来个革命等。另外,我国“三农”问题的解决也需要加强农村的基层民主政治建设,精神文明建设,法制道德建设和科教文卫建设,以便为“三农”问题的解决提供强有力的智力支持和软环境保证,确保“三农”问题的解决能有我们预期的收效。这种多方位的思考,统筹化的安排,使得邓小平的“三农”思想具有思想风格的求实性、思维方式的辨证性、认识事物的超前性和理论形成的创新性等特点。第四章从邓小平“三农”思想丰富和发展了马克思主义关于“三农”的理论、开辟了新时期“三农”发展的新道路、提供了发展中国家解决“三农”问题的新思路等三个方面分别论述了邓小平“三农”思想的重要地位。邓小平把马克思主义原理同中国的实际相结合,从马恩的宏观思路、长远设想出发,立足于国内经济建设的大局,着眼于“三农”问题的现实解决,顺着毛泽东的基本思路,将他正确的思想予以继承,将他错误的观点予以修订,将他不当的做法予以纠正,将他合理的火花予以发挥,融进自己多年来在解决“三农”问题上的独到见解、精辟论述、完整思想,从农业现代化的具体思路、农民积极性的充分调动、农村脱贫致富的现实出路,以及政策的制定、体制的变革、科技的应用、乡企的发展、资源的利用等方面,形成了自己完整的思想,在实践中发展了马克思主义关于“三农”的理论。在邓小平“三农”思想的指导下,我国人民探索到了一条在新的形势下发展我国“三农”的新道路,也为同我国具有相似历史遭遇,同样发展历程和基本国情的发展中国家解决“三农”问题,提供了可以借鉴的宝贵经验。结语部分既是对上述理论阐释的总结,也是对当前现实问题的顾盼和回应。这一章内容名为结束语,其实在本文中,不管是从文章的结构安排考虑,还是就本文的内容完整性思考,或是从理论与现实的衔接角度分析,它的作用都很重要,不可缺少,也无从替代。结语主要分析了改革开放以来,在邓小平“三农”思想的指导下,在党中央正确政策的扶持引导下,我国的“三农”取得了巨大的成就。但是,随着改革的不断推进,原本存在的一些问题还没根除,新的问题又相继产生,因此,“三农”问题的解决,任重而道远。

【Abstract】 Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, an important constituent of the Deng Xiao-ping Theory, is a significant theorical achievement that Deng Xiao-ping utilizes the basic principles of Marxism in solving problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”in China, which has been guiding our solving the problems and will continue its function.After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, under Deng Xiao-ping’s support, Chinese leading reform started in the countryside. Unexpectedly, the reform, which was started by the peasants only to seek for enough food and clothing at first, resulted in an earth-shaking change in the countryside, and afterwards gave the city a strong incentive to rapid progress. But, after the short prosperity by implementing the contract system with remuneration linked to output, the countryside again has to face the outstanding problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, which stem from the old country system. They need an urgent and proper solution. I intended to provide instructive help for the current thoughts of the effective way to the solution, through analyzing Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.The studying of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”should be placed in the big frame of Deng Xiao-ping Theory, against the historical background of the socialist construction, and the current background of the reform and open. Only this, can guarantee the topic be attached to the historical coordinate system of the longitudinal development and the crosswise relation, its developing process be possibly clarified, the reasons why it can sustain a theory system in some aspects be explained, and at last it can be discussed deeply and widely in theorical field. Therefore, this article plans to outline the elaboration about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”and its developing process from the Marxism founders to Mao Ze-dong, Deng Xiao-ping and later leaders in the vertical direction, and analyze the formation, the development, the content and the characteristics, the status and the function of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, as well as discuss profoundly its enlightenment and the instruction to the current solution in the horizontal direction. Both its theorical depth and practical significance are paid attention to. For convenience, I make the multi- dimensionsed analysis and discussion to Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”at the present period of Socialism of our china from five aspects (also namely five chapters of the content).Chapter One takes the forming and developing process of the Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”as the line, adding many realistic factors of the times. By this way, the chapter introduces the historical background of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”coming into being from four aspects—the theorical origin, historical warnings, practical basis, and the successful models of the developed countries to have solved the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.Under the social conditions after ten years of“the Great Cultural Revolution”, how to restore things to order and how to develop the economy to meet the people’s need of enough food and clothing, make a practical and urgent demand of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”; the basic theory the Marxist classic writers made up about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”is the theorical start-point of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”; Mao Ze-dong’s correctness and error about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”in theory, and his success and failure in practice during the socialist construction, provide direct experience and practical warning for Deng’s thought; the successful models of the developed countries to solve problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”present material for the formation of Deng’s thought about Chinese problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”. Correct ideas from Chinese Party and government leaders, rational pondering from the theoreticians and rich experience from the people’s practice about problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, are all important incentives to the formation and perfection of the Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.Chapter Two analyses the formation and development of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”. The process of its formation had obvious characteristic of times, because Deng focused on various problems, corresponding to the concrete conditions of different times in the socialist construction. The process can be briefly divided into four courses: embryonic stage (1962-1978); shaping stage (1978-1984); mature period (1984-1992); continuing to develop (1992- ).Deng Xiao-ping gave overall consideration to the solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”and farsightedly put forwards many ideas and developed them into a systemic theory. The principal causes of that were scientific significence of his theorical system, effectiveness to guide the practice of various times, far-reaching strategic plan and pragmatically-inclined theorical aim, as well as drawing material out of mass practice.Chapter Three is the core and the main body of this essay. It gives a detailed introduction, analysis and discussion to the main content and characteristics of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”from four aspects—strategic plan, general and specific policies, and main guarantee to the solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, and the characteristics of the thought.To solve Chinese problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”is an item of vast systems engineering. It needs not only quite a long time, but also the long-term plan and the strategic conception on the concrete key to the situation. In order to completely solve problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”of our country, the strategy which Deng Xiao-ping proposed mainly includes:“the principal status”of agriculture must be guaranteed; the core of the countryside reform is to arouse the peasants’production enthusiasm; our agricultural production must implement the policy“acts as circumstances permit to develop the diversified management”; the strategic priority of our countryside development is to positively develop the rural enterprises; agricultural development must depend upon the bio-engineering and the most advanced technique; the guide of agricultural reform development is the realization of“two leaps”. Moreover, the formulation of scientific general and specific policies very is also important. These policies mainly includes: increase the agricultural investment; guarantee the farmers’income rises steadily; allow part of people rich first, and then lead others to the common enrichment; launch a revolution in management and so on. As well, to solve the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”also needs to strengthen the democratic politics construction at the grassroots level in the countryside, the spiritual civilization construction, the legal system and moral construction, and the construction about science, education, culture and hygiene, so that to provide the powerful intelligence support and the soft environment, and to guarantee the solution anticipated. The multi-mensioned consideration and the overall arrangement, entrust the characteristics of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”: realistic spirit in thought style; dialectic in thinking mode; farsight in understanding; creativity in theory formulation.Chapter Four explains the status of the thought through its enriching and developing the Marxism about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, opening the new path to“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”development of the new time, having provided the developing nations new way to solve the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.Deng Xiao-ping aimed at the solution to realistic problems. By unifying the Marxist principles with China’s reality, embarking from Marx and Engels’s macroscopic mentality, and their long term tentative plan, basing on the general situation of the domestic economic development, focusing on the realistic solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, and along Mao Ze-dong’s overall frame, by inheriting his correct thought, revising his wrong viewpoints, correcting his improper procedures, displaying his reasonable sparks, Deng Xiao-ping has made up his complete thought about problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, which has developed Marxism in practice. As well, the thought consists of his own original views, the penetrating elaboration, the complete thought, of solving the problem“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”for many years, from concrete train of thought to agricultural modernization, the ways to arouse the peasant’s enthusiasm, the realistic access to rural prosperity, to policy formulation, system transformation, technical application, township business development, resources utility and so on. Under the guide of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, under the Central Party Committee’s support, Chinese people truly find out a new path to“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”development in China under the new situation. It also provides those developing countries similar to China a valuable mirror.The conclusion part is not only a summary to the theory explanation above, but also a response to current realistic problems. Although this chapter of content is named concluding remark, it is very important to the article’s integrity of the content and structure and the link between theory and practice.What it involves is mainly that, since the reform and open, under the guide of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, under the policy support and push by the Central Party Committee, our“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”has obtained the huge achievement. But, along with the reform unceasing advancement, the new problems come out one after another, while some old problems have not been eradicated, thus, it is still a long way to go before the complete solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.

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