

Towards the Innovation of University Culture & Organization Development

【作者】 朱为鸿

【导师】 张应强;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 现代大学文化与西方文化一脉相承,具有明显的“内生性”特征,体现了大学自治、学术自由的精神,大学文化内在地制约着大学发展。比较而言,中国现代大学深受西方大学理念和办学模式的影响,具有“依附性发展”的特点。由于中国现代大学起源于“富国强兵”的实用目的,在科学主义和工具理性的引导下,大学致力于为社会政治和经济发展服务,既放弃了大学“为学术而学术”的追求,又力图斩断传统文化之根。结果是,大学规模持续扩大、功能不断拓展,但自主创新能力不强,人才培养质量“令人堪忧”。究其根源,主要是大学理念的缺乏和大学文化的“不自觉”。所以,唤醒大学的文化自觉并构建具有中国特色的大学文化,就成为中国大学自主发展和实现卓越的基础工程。大学是有理念的文化组织,自产生就打上了文化的烙印,并积淀了各具特色的文化“基因”和底色。大学文化是决定大学发展的“一只看不见的手”,卓尔不群的大学文化特质铸就了大学的辉煌,培养出风格迥异的英才。20世纪以降,大学日益巨型化和复杂化,组织结构和功能不断演化,已经由单纯的教育机构变成了有丰富内涵的社会机构,其发展动力由单纯的学术追求演变为学术、政治、市场三者的合力,呈现开放性、复杂性、系统性的组织特征,表现出多主体、多目标和多元化的文化特性。但大学文化研究只重视共性问题,忽视了大学文化个性,致使理论研究流于空泛。本研究以华中科技大学为个案,突破大学文化社会性的宽泛界定,基于观念的大学文化观,从文化视角审视华中科技大学组织发展,揭示大学文化创新与组织发展的关系,展示华中科技大学文化创新的独特性。华中科技大学作为新中国建立的一所工科大学,较早地确立了明确的办学理念和发展目标,自觉按照高等教育规律办学,形成了以“敢于竞争、善于转化”为标志的大学创新文化。此后,不论外部环境如何变化和施加何等影响,华中科技大学与社会政治、经济始终保持一定的张力,坚守着大学发展的内在逻辑,致力于自主发展。通过不断地大学文化创新,不仅传承和升华了以朱九思校长的办学思想为代表的大学理念,丰富和发展了以“华工精神”为基调的大学精神,而且推进了大学制度、内部管理和学术事业的改革创新。华中科技大学实现了由单科大学向综合性大学的组织发展,创造了一个新中国大学的“组织传奇”。本文将研究视角转向大学自身,通过文化选择理论和文化成本理论解析华中科技大学文化的发展历程。尝试构建了一个“理念——个性——制度”的分析框架,通过办学理念、大学精神和大学制度三条主线梳理华中科技大学文化的发展轨迹,展现了办学理念、制度变革、学科文化、学人风采等文化要素的传承与创新,力图揭示大学文化创新在大学组织发展中的作用。全文由大学文化的基本理论研究、华中科技大学组织发展和大学文化创新解读等三个部分共七章构成。经过研究得到了以下初步结论:华中科技大学文化的内核是创新文化;大学文化创新是华中科技大学发展的内在动力;大学校长在大学文化创新中发挥着关键作用;大学文化创新推动了大学制度变革和学术发展。华中科技大学文化创新还给予我们深刻的启发:大学文化是一个有机的观念系统,大学文化创新是大学自主发展的内在逻辑和精神动力。而且,大学文化创新是一个持续的自我超越过程,表现出整体性发展的特征。中国现代大学发展要立足自身文化传统,培养主动反思、追求卓越的大学精神,增强自主发展的能力,以多元文化的视野和开放包容的心态,接续民族文化和接纳外来文化,努力构建中国特色的大学文化,通过文化创新为中国大学“立心”。

【Abstract】 The culture of modern universities imbued with the same spirit as the western cultures and remarkable“endoparasite”of their independent development, which embodies their autonomy and academic liberty has been in nature restricting their development. Comparatively speaking, Chinese modern universities, profoundly influenced by the rationale and running patterns of western universities, are marked by“attachable development”. Originated from the pragmatic purpose of“enriching the state and strengthening the army”and guided by scientificism and instrumental reasoning, universities concerned in China devote themselves to the social, political, and economic development, which in turn abandon both the pursuit of“academy for academy’s sake”and attempt to destroy the root and branch of the traditional culture. The corresponding result is that universities rush to enlarge their size, extend their functions but attracts the poorer independent innovation and“worried”intellectual development quality. The main causes lies in that the universities mentioned are short of the rationale in running the school and SLOW in reacting to campus culture. Thus, it comes to be the fundamental project for Chinese universities to achieve independent development and self-primacy in terms of arousing their cultural awareness and constructing the university culture characteristic of China.Born with the brand of culture and accumulated large varieties of“genes”or solid foundation or bottom, university becomes a cultural organization with ideals and“an invisible hand”to determine its development. It is among the select best that the university culture has molded its brilliance and developed outstanding intellectuals different in style. Having been increasingly larger and more complicated ever since the 20th century, university has been the social institution rich in content from the previously single educational one. Its developmental power has been turned from the pure learning pursuit into the pool efforts of academic, political and marketing elements, characterized by openness, complexity and hierarchy in organization, and represented the multi-subject, poly-objective and pluralism in culture. However, university cultural researches simply emphasize common issues but neglects specific ones, which inevitably results in the theoretical studies devoid of content. Taking Huazhong University of Science and Technology as a case study, breaking through the general definition of societal nature of university culture and based on ideology-directed cultural perspective, the dissertation intends to examine the organization development, to reveal the relation of university culture to organization development, and to highlight the peculiarity of the University in cultural innovation.As one of the polytechnic schools founded after the founding of People’s Republic of China, Huazhong University of Science and Technology has established the definite rationale of running the school and its developmental objectives earlier and formed its culture of innovation marked by“being bold in challenge and good at transformation”. And since then, whatever happens outside and however the influence is exerted, the University has been keeping the constant pace with the social, political and economic development of the country, upholding its internal logic of development and devoting itself to independent evolution. Through the constant innovation of culture, it has not only passed down and elevated the ideology proposed and headed by president Zhu Jiusi, enriched and developed the university spirit concerned, but promoted the reform and innovation of systematic, managerial and academic causes as well. Due to such great efforts, the University has changed from the monotechnic into the polytechnic in organization and created an“organizational miracle”in the history of New China universities.Taking the university itself as a research perspective, the paper is intended to explore the cultural evolution of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in terms of the cultural selection theory and the cultural cost theory so as to construct an analytic framework of“Concept-Personality-System”, and to parse its cultural evolution and demonstrate the transmission and innovation of such cultural elements as its concepts of running the school, its institutional reform, its subjects culture, its scholar elegance and so forth in terms of three mainlines exemplified by the rationale of running the university, university spirit and university systems, with an attempt to illustrate the significance of cultural innovation in the development of universities. It thus consists of seven chapters under the headings of three parts, including the review of basic theoretical researches of university culture, the organizational development of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and the interpretation of university cultural innovation. The study concludes tentatively from the findings that the core of the University is cultural innovation; cultural innovation is the internal motives of the University development; president of the University function a key role in cultural innovation; and cultural innovation promotes the systematic reform and academic innovation of the University.Cultural innovation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology shed some provoking implications for us as follows. On the one hand, university culture is an organic entity of ideological system; on the other hand, the innovation of university culture is the foundation of its independent development. Furthermore, the innovation is a constant process beyond itself, reflecting the features of the global development in general, requiring self-contained cultural traditions, together with multi-cultural visions, open and considerate states of mind, cultivating the spirit of self reflection and pursuit of self-brilliance, and strengthening the ability of independent development, in particular. It is to establish the“soul”of the University by constructing the university culture characteristic of China with the combination of the enduring native culture with the foreign cultures.


