

Research on the Crime Causes of Chinese Contemporary College Students

【作者】 吴殿朝

【导师】 周光礼;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 大学生代表着祖国的未来。在这个特殊群体里,不乏有精英和骄子。但是,这些高智商、高素质、高层次的大学生中的一部分,却因触犯法律而成为阶下囚甚至死刑犯。据统计,我国高等学校学生违法犯罪的,占高校学生总数的1.26%。面对一个个带手铐的囚犯大学生,人们不禁要问:部分大学生走上犯罪道路的原因在哪里?国内广大理论工作者和司法实务部门的人员,从阶级、经济、社会、生理、心理等各个方面对大学生犯罪原因进行了广泛而深入的研究和探讨,在理论上提出了不少各具特色的观点。然而现有理论要么不能准确解释大学生犯罪的发生机制,要么仅适用于解释部分大学生犯罪的原因。本文基于大学生群体的特殊性,立足于我国高等教育改革的大政方针、社会整体与社会转型的现实,汲取国外偏重于实际研究的优点,通过对人类学犯罪原因论、生物学犯罪原因论、精神病理学犯罪原因论、社会学犯罪原因论、传统心理学犯罪原因论等犯罪归因理论作了一项学术史的考察,发现犯罪原因的社会控制理论具有实证性、广泛性、可操作性和综合性等优点。该理论所强调的紧密的社会纽带在减少犯罪行为方面所起的重要作用,对中国社会具有相当的适切性,对中国大学生犯罪原因具有相当的解释力,适合于解释大学生犯罪的原因。“社会腱”(Social Bond)是指连接一个人与社会关系的纽带,是指把个人与社会连在一起的黏合剂,是个体与社会双向建构的结果。“社会腱”构成要素由依恋、认同和信念所组成。其中,依恋处于核心地位,是基础。没有依恋,就谈不上认同;认同是依恋的深化,没有认同,就无法深入考察依恋的存在,认同对依恋具有动力作用;信念是认同升华后的必然结果,也是新的依恋得以形成和提高的关键环节。总之,“社会腱”的三个因素在一个人的生活中是浑然一体的,这个整体中的任何一个腱的缺失、弱化,都可能导致犯罪行为的发生。本文围绕大学生“社会腱”链条中的依恋、认同、信念三个因素,分析家庭、学校和社会环境链条中存在的某些因素对“社会腱”的影响:依恋弱化,认同降低,信念缺失,从而导致了大学生犯罪的发生。首先,分析了使大学生依恋弱化的影响因素,包括:代沟问题、问题家庭导致的大学生对家庭的依恋弱化;教师队伍素质不理想、管理中的偏差和失误导致的大学生对学校的依恋弱化;市场经济的负面效应、国家的社会控制力的降低弱化了大学生对社会的依恋。其次,分析了使大学生的认同降低的影响因素,包括:失当的家庭教育方式、尚存欠缺的校园文化、不良的社会环境因素等。最后,分析了导致大学生信念缺失的因素,具体包括:不良的家庭氛围、人文素质教育的缺失、对经济的过于追求、低俗文化的传播等。“社会腱”的这些影响因素在齐大伟招生诈骗案中得到了充分体现。大学生齐大伟走上犯罪道路涉及当代中国大学校园中的以下问题:一是大学生不法经商问题。这个问题的负面影响是大学生对学校失去依恋,对社会产生了不正确的依恋,致使大学生对社会的认同降低,最后使大学生成为金钱的奴隶,失去理想、信念;二是读书有什么用问题。这个问题的负面影响是大学生与学校情感联系的弱化,致使学生背离传统的角色定位,把时间与精力投入到与学习不相干的事务上,无法形成正确的信念。三是大学生的自我控制系统问题,具体涉及大学生的自我意识、大学生的道德观念、大学生的法律意识等因素。自我控制系统的不健全导致“社会腱”系统崩溃,导致大学生对家庭、对学校、对社会失去依恋,不再认同正统社会,进而形成错误的信念。总之,正是“社会腱”的断裂导致了该大学生犯罪行为的发生。因此,针对“社会腱”断裂导致的大学生犯罪问题,预防应是第一要义,为此,提出如下预防措施:一是家庭的亲情滋养;二是学校的教育牵引;三是整个社会的道德重建。当然,对于已经犯罪的大学生,可以通过“社会腱”的修复,使他们能够迅速回归社会。

【Abstract】 Chinese college students are regarded as elite of the society and embody the future of China. However, according to the official statistics, there are 1.26% college students who committed crimes and put into prison. This contrasts greatly to the nice image of college students rooted in general public’s minds. Facing with the alarming figure of college student criminals, researchers and judicial professional are attempting to find out the causes which lead to the tragedy. Though deep and thorough researches and discussions have been done from perspectives of class, economic, social, physiological, psychological, there is still lack of a mechanism which can fully interpret the underlying motives that motivates the college students to commit crimes.Given the unique features of college students group and the transforming era in which policies of economy, politics and education are undergoing great changes in China, this dissertation makes a review of the academic history of different crime-cause theories: anthropology; biology; psychopathology; sociology; psychology. The academic review discovers that Social Control theory is a theory that can be used to interpret college students committing crimes in a positive, practical and comprehensive way. It throws light to the causes that result in rising criminal cases of Chinese college students.The Social Bond refers to the binding relationship of an individual to the conventional society. It is a cohesive tie which connects the individual with his living surroundings. The author of this dissertation holds that three major elements make up the social bond: attachment, self-identity and belief. They are related to each other. Of the three elements, attachment is the core and basis. No attachment, no self-identity. Self-identity is extension of attachment and it stimulates attachment. Belief is the sublimed stage of self-identity where new attachment is developed and elevated. The three elements are correlated and contribute to a wholesome life. If any of the three elements is weakened or degraded or deprived, it will result in criminal behavior.This dissertation focuses on the chain element of social bond and analyzes the effects of family, school and society on social bond. The weakening of attachment, degrading of self-identity and lack of belief are three most important factors that contribute to college students committing crimes. Firstly, it analyzes the causes which weaken the attachment and points out that generation gap and problem family make college students less attached to family and that unqualified teachers and lapse in student services weakens students’attachment to school and that negative influence of market economy isolates students from the mainstream of society. Secondly, it analyses the causing factors which lead to degradation of self identity and finds that improper way of education, lack of campus culture and negative social environment. Lastly, it analyzes the contributors that account for the lack of belief among college students among which are unhealthy family surrounding, lack of humanity education, diffusion of vulgar popular culture unhealthy desire for wealth.The three elements of social bond are fully demonstrated in the case of racketeer Qi Dawei. The fact that Qi Dawei became a criminal shows the problems existing in college campus: first, many students neglect their study and begin doing business to make money. This leads to wrong attachment to the society and wrong self-identity which eventually make them lack of belief and become slaver of money. Second, the wrong concept of uselessness of knowledge which makes them detached from college and unable to devote their time and energy into study can not help college students cultivate right belief and world view. Third, the problems exist in the self-control mechanism of college students. This self-control mechanism involves college students’self-image, ethic values and awareness of abiding law. Unsound self-control mechanism results in the collapse of social bond which leads to detachment of college students from family, school and society. Consequently, they can not identify themselves with the society and form a proper faith. All in all, it is the break-up of social bond which leads to various criminal behaviors.In light of the above analysis that it is break-up of social bond which leads to college students crimes, the author of the dissertation holds that precaution is the key to preventing college students from committing crimes and advances precautionary measures. That is, nurturing of family; Educational guidance of university; the reconstruction of social morality. In the meantime, fixing the break-up social bond can help the students who committed crimes return into the society and contribute their talents to the society.


