

Language Contact and Language Change of Jiangyong Mian Dialect and Chinese

【作者】 谭晓平

【导师】 尉迟治平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 湘南汉族与瑶族语言接触的历史较长,湘南勉语受到汉语的强烈影响。以往的研究主要注重在共时平面上分析语言接触对语音、语法、词汇造成的影响,未曾探讨语言接触所形成的历史层次。本课题对湘南江永县境内勉语、平地瑶话、土话以及官话进行了系统的调查,在全面调查的基础上,探讨语言接触所形成的历史层次及江永勉语与汉语的接触机制,进一步了解语言接触对语言造成影响的深度和广度。我们运用田野调查法、历史层次分析法、系统分析法、比较的方法,通过分析江永勉语与汉语接触、影响的方式、过程与结果,为语言接触的理论研究提供了一个详实的区域性实例,并在一定程度上揭示了江永方言与江永勉语的发展历程。第1章简要阐述了选题价值和意义,对国内外相关研究进行了述评,说明了研究的目的和方法,并介绍了方言点、发音合作人情况及调查材料、文章所用语料的来源。第2章主要介绍了江永县地理概况及历史沿革、民族及语言情况,详细介绍了江永县主要的语言和方言,从语言转换的角度对江永土话、平地瑶话的语音特征进行探讨,提出了江永土话并非瑶化的汉人所说的汉语、它是由不同时代不同语言的成分聚合沉积所形成的完全变异的复合语言、江永平地瑶已转用江永土话等观点。第3章介绍了江永瑶族与汉族的接触史与接触类型,基于江永勉语与汉语的接触类型,对勉语中古借词调类与汉语的对应提出了新的解释方案。第4章阐述了语言接触对江永勉语语音、词汇、语法系统的影响。受汉语影响,江永勉语韵母系统简化,语音演变的方向与当地汉语趋于一致;江永勉语现今丰富词汇的主要手段是借词,汉语借词已占总词汇的50%以上,具有构词能力的借词抢占勉语固有构词成分的地盘,已形成一种新的词汇格局;由于与汉语的深刻接触,汉语借词借进江永勉语之后,除可成为单纯词外,还可作为语素用于构词;语法系统则出现了语序转换、虚词借用、句式增加等变异。第5章分析了江永勉语与汉语接触的层次,运用历史层次分析法将借词划分为现代、近代、中古、上古四个层次,探讨了各层借词的语音特点及借源,分析了勉语多粤语借词的原因,首次挖掘出一批湘语、湘南土话借词。层次分析的结果显示,江永勉语深受江永官话、粤语的影响,江永土话对江永勉语的影响十分有限。第6章系统地、多角度地观察了语言接触与语言影响在江永的复杂表现,对江永勉语与汉语的接触进行了定位,从语词接触的角度探讨了江永勉语与汉语的接触机制。对江永方言与语言的全面研究表明,江永过山瑶勉语现今处于勉语与江永官话同时使用的语言兼用阶段,在不同的语言环境中勉语与汉语各自承担其交际功能。在汉语的影响下,其语言系统产生了局部性的变异。变异最大的是词汇系统,其次是语音系统,最后是语法系统。由于汉语对江永过山瑶勉语的影响发生在语音、语义、语法诸方面,并使其原有的成分、框架及演变规律发生变化,因此,从影响程度而言,汉语对江永过山瑶勉语的影响属深层影响。由于江永勉语在语音、词汇、语法各层次的结构、要素仍显示出勉语的基本特点,没有产生质变,语言的使用功能也只是发生了部分改变,所以,我们认为它不是一种混合语。江永平地瑶人讲的平地瑶话属于已经彻底转用汉语的实例。江永平地瑶话和江永土话结构基本一样,只是保留了极少量的勉语底层词,平地瑶人所操勉语已经发生了质变。江永的语言在相互影响的过程中,多表现为汉语对勉语的影响,勉语对汉语的影响微乎其微。在汉语的强烈影响下,江永勉语偏离了固有的发展轨道,出现了诸多与汉语相似的语言现象,江永勉语属于正在与汉语融合的语言。本课题首次对江永勉语、江永平地瑶话及江永土话、官话进行全面研究,为苗瑶语族、湘南土话及湘南官话研究提供了新的语言材料,增加了新的内容,弥补了现有研究的不足。文章探讨了江永勉语、江永平地瑶话的系属并介绍了江永境内语言、方言的主要的语音特点,并在一定程度上揭示了汉语与勉语的历史音变规律。语言关系是有历史层次的,研究少数民族语言与汉语的接触关系必须要有层次的观点。只有理清语言接触的层次,才能认识历史延续下来的语言接触规律。文章立足于语言的田野调查,以语言事实为根本,对江永勉语与汉语的接触层次进行综合分析,运用历史层次分析法将借词划分为现代、近代、中古、上古四个层次。这种研究在国内仍属起步阶段。但毫无疑问,这种新的研究方法与分析中国境内语言时遭遇种种困难的历史语言学的基本方法相比,无疑是一种更为有效的研究语言的历史关系的方法。传统研究一般基于汉语方言之间的语音异同的内部比较确立方言的系属,在讨论汉语方言的形成时,往往只找内部原因而不顾外来影响。本研究采取内部比较和外部比较相结合的方法,不仅拿江永土话与湘语、客家话、江永官话等汉语方言比较,还将之与接触关系密切的侗台语、瑶语比较,从语言转换的角度来探讨其形成和变化的原因,提出江永土话是由不同时代不同语言的成分聚合沉积所形成的完全变异的复合语言的观点。从使用的角度来看,汉语有三种情况:一是汉族说汉语,二是少数民族放弃了本族语,转说汉语,三是保留母语的少数民族在一些公共场合说汉语。学界对第一种情况了解较多,对后两种情况知之甚少。我们对江永平地瑶话、江永瑶人所说官话的研究弥补了现有研究的不足,有助于从新的角度研究汉语的历史与现状、预测汉语的发展和演变。

【Abstract】 Han nationality and Yao nationality in Xiangnan has a long history of language contact, and Xiangnan Mian Dialect has been deeply influenced by Chinese. The previous research has attached more importance to the synchronic influence of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary caused in the language contact, and never elaborated the historical strata of language contact. On the basis of systematically investigation of Jiangyong Mian dialect, Pingdiyaohua, Tuhua and Mandarin, we explore the historical strata of language contact and try to find out the mechanism of language contact and the width and depth of the influence brought by language contact. The paper adopts the method of field investigation, diachronic strata analysis and comparison. By analyzing the mean, process and result of the language contact between Mian dialect and Chinese, we provide a full and accurate regional example for the study of language contact, and explore the process of the development of Jiangyong Mian dialect and Chinese to some extent.The first section briefly introduces the value and significance of the research, retrospects the current study at home and abroad, explains the aim and method of the study, and offers the spots which have been investigated and the persons providing language materials. The second section briefly introduces geographical survey, historical development, nationality and language situation of Jiangyong county, gives a detailed introduction to the main languages and dialects in Jiangyong county, explores the phonetic features from the perspective of language transformation, offers an opinion that Jiangyong Tuhua is a compound language composed of several languages and dialects, it’s not a language spoken by the Yao people who are assimilated by Han nationality. The third section introduces the history and type of language contact between Jiangyong Han nationality and Yao nationality. On the basis of the type of language contact, we put forward a new proposal for the analysis of the correspondence in the tone categories between the Middle-ancient-Chinese loanwords in Mian Dialect and the middle ancient Chinese. The fourth section expounds the influence of Chinese on the phonological, lexical and semantic, syntactic system of Jiangyong Mian dialect. Influenced by Chinese, the rhyme system of Jiangyong Mian dialect simplified, the direction of the language change of it is in keeping with the local Chinese dialect. The main means of enriching the vocabulary in contemporary Jiangyong Mian dialect is using the Chinese loan words, which takes the percentage of 50% in Jiangyong Mian dialect. Some Chinese loan words which have the ability of forming new words have already taken the place of the local words in Mian dialect and formed a new vocabulary pattern. Because of the deep contact with Chinese, the Chinese loan words may not only become a unary component but also become a morpheme in Mien Dialect. Some derivations appear in the grammar system of it, such as the transition of the word order, the borrowing of the function words and the addition of the sentence patterns. The fifth section expounds the strata of the contact between Jiangyong Mian Dialect and Chinese. Chinese loanwords in Jiangyong Mian Dialect can be divided into four strata, namely, contemporary, modern, the middle ancient and ancient period. The paper also discusses the phonetic features of each stratum of loan words and the source the loanwords borrowed from, analyses the reason why Mian Dialect has plenty of loanwords from Yue Dialect, and finds some loanwords borrowed from Xiang Dialect and Xiangnan Tuhua. The result shows that Jiangyong Mian Dialect has been deeply influenced by Yue Dialect and Jiangyong Mandarin, the influence of Jiangyong Tuhua is quite limited. The sixth section summarizes the complex presentation of language contact and language change in Jiangyong systematically and from various angels, describes the extent of the language contact between Jiangyong Mian Dialect and Chinese,and tries to find out the mechanism of language contact in the perspective of word contact.The all-around research on Jiangyong dialects and languages shows that Mian dialect spoken by Jiangyong Guoshanyao is in the stage of concurrent use of Jiangyong Mandarin, the two languages undertake different communicative functions in different language environment. Influenced by Chinese, some derivations occurred in its language system. The biggest derivation is in the lexical system, then the phonological system, and finally the syntactic system. As the influence of Chinese occurred in the phonological, semantic and syntactic aspects, and changes have taken place in its original elements, frame and rules, the influence of Chinese to Jiangyong Mian dialect is a kind of deep influence. The functions and basic characteristics of the phonological, lexical and syntactic structure of Jiangyong Mian Dialect still remain, so we conclude that it’s not a mixed language. As for the Pingdiyaohua spoken by Jiangyong Pingdiyao, it belongs to a kind of Chinese dialect. Pingdiyaohua is a good example of language transformation. It is similar to Jiangyong Tuhua , with few substratum words.In the process of mutual language influence, the influence of Chinese to Mian Dialect is much greater than that of Mian Dialect to Chinese. As a result of the strong influence of Chinese, Jiangyong Mian Dialect has deviated from its intrinsic developing track and shares many similar linguistic features with Chinese. It is a kind of language which is melting with Chinese.We give an overall description on the languages and dialects in Jiangyong and offer new materials for the study of the languages of Miaoyao Family, Xiangnan Tuhua and Mandarin. The paper discusses the classification of Jiangyong Mian Dialect and Jiangyong Pingdiyaohua, depicts the main characteristics of the languages and dialects in Jiangyong, and explores the phonetic rules of the development of Mian dialect and Chinese to some extent.There are strata in the linguistic relations. Only should we keep the idea of stratum in mind in dealing with the contact relations between minority languages and Chinese, we can realize the rules of the language contact. On the basis of field work and language facts, the paper divides the loanwords into four strata, namely, contemporary, modern, the middle ancient and ancient period, adopting the method of diachronic strata analysis. Our work constitutes the pioneer research and the method we adopted is more effective than the basic method of historical linguistics which encountered various difficulties in analyzing the historical relations of the languages in China.Traditional research decides the classification of a dialect on the basis of the interior phonetic comparison. When discussing the formation of dialects, more emphasis is put on internal cause and external cause is often neglected. Adopting the method of internal and external comparison, we try to explore the cause of the formation and change of Jiangyong Tuhua from the perspective of language transformation, and offer an opinion that Jiangyong Tuhua is a compound language composed of several languages and dialects In a perspective of language use, Chinese takes three kinds of presentations: firstly, Chinese spoken by Han nationality; secondly, Chinese spoken by some minorities who abandon their native languages; thirdly, Chinese spoken by some minorities in some pubic places, with their native language still in use. Plenty has been discussed on the first kind of situation, but little is known about the other two kinds of situations. Our study on Jiangyong Pingdiyaohua and Mandarin spoken by Yao nationality fills this gap and may be of help to explain the history and the present of Chinese and to predict the development and change of Chinese.


