

Study about Sino-Korea Phonetics in Medieval and Old Time

【作者】 宋兆祥

【导师】 尉迟治平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 汉朝语就是古代朝鲜民族受到中国文化的影响,把汉字及其读音借入到自己的语言系统当中,从而形成的一套语音体系。这套借音体系是以古代汉语的语音系统为基础的,同时加以改造,以适应朝鲜语的语音结构。由于汉朝语和汉语所形成地这种特殊的关系,就使得研究汉朝语具有着非常重要的价值。首先,综合利用谚文以前时期的汉朝语资料,特别是有关于吏读音的资料以及上古朝鲜半岛三国地名的材料,我们能够找到汉朝语保留的有关中国上古音的线索,追寻上古音的残迹。其次,借助于汉朝语,我们能够进一步加深对中古汉语语音的研究和认识。最后,通过研究汉朝语,并与中国汉语体系相比较,有助于我们认识中古以前的朝鲜语。在古代朝鲜语没有相应的文字记录的历史条件之下,这对于划分朝鲜语的历史有非常重要的意义。汉朝语是长期以来朝鲜语向古代汉语语音的借用。从19世纪中后期开始至现在,学者们从不同的角度开展了对于汉朝语的研究工作。一部分学者是通过汉朝语来研究中上古的汉语语音,还有一些学者则是从研究韩国语历史的角度来研究汉朝语。这些研究取得了一系列的成果,学术界对汉朝语的认识也在不断加深。在关于借音的起始时间、借音的性质以及借音的语音基础等问题上,国内外学者存在不同的看法。归纳起来,主要有以下六种:上古汉语音系说;东夷语说;马伯乐的五世纪吴音说;七八世纪说,包括中原音、长安音、江东音和江南音;有坂秀世的十世纪开封音说;上古音、中古音和近代音叠置说。我国著名语言学家尉迟治平认为:语言学是一门严谨的科学,在研究方法上,它和文学、艺术等其他社会科学不同,而与自然科学接近,讲求用科学的方法来处理所掌握的大量语言材料,从而得出准确的结论。我们研究汉朝语主要使用了以下三种材料:一、《三国史记》中记载的高句丽、百济和新罗三国的古地名材料;二、日本殖民统治朝鲜时期所编的《吏读集成》一书中的吏读读音材料;三、1447年,朝鲜学者申叔舟等人编撰的官韵——《东国正韵》的译音材料。这些材料是我们整个研究工作的基础。我们主要使用了译音对勘法、内部拟测法、历史比较法和层次分析法,来仔细审视了我们所占有的材料。在本文里,我们根据《切韵》和唐五代西北方言两个音系所提供的时间与空间的坐标,运用历史比较的方法,拿《东国正韵》译音音系分别跟以上两个音系的声母、韵母系统进行全面地比较研究。通过比较,我们分析了《东国正韵》译音体系的自身特征,明确了译音系统的时代和所根据的汉语方言,认清了其在中古音韵史上的价值。汉朝语的内部主要分为两个历史层次:中古汉语借音层和上古汉语借音层。《东国正韵》译音属于中古汉语借音层,其语音系统反映了7-8世纪的唐代长安方言。吏读音的绝大部分材料,反映的是中古汉语的语音,也有一部分材料反映的是上古汉语的语音特征。《三国史记》的地名材料所处时代较早,主要反映了上古汉语的汉朝语。鉴于汉朝语材料的复杂性,我们进行具体研究的时候,须借助于层次分析的方法,把中古和上古的汉朝语清晰地分离开来。下面简略介绍一下文章的结构。本文分为五个部分,共18万多字。第一部分为导论,主要介绍了汉朝语的研究背景、学术价值、使用的材料以及所使用的方法;并全面回顾了国内外学者研究汉朝语的历史,着重介绍了研究的角度及所取得的重要成果,并对这些研究的不足之处提出了自己的意见和看法。第二部分,则是利用朝鲜史书《三国史记》记载的高句丽、百济和新罗三国的古地名材料,研究了上古汉语的汉朝语。受到手头资料性质的限制,我们暂时还不能够对上古汉语汉朝语层的韵母部分,做深入系统地探索。因此,本章主要从声母的角度着手分析上古汉朝语。第三部分研究的是吏读音。在本章里,我们介绍了吏读的源流、吏读音材料的来源和性质。在充分地占有材料的基础上,着重分析了吏读音。吏读音的绝大部分材料,反映的是中古汉语的语音;吏读音中,也有一部分材料反映的是上古汉语的语音特征。第四部分,以15世纪朝鲜颁布的官韵《东国正韵》的译音为对象,研究了《东国正韵》的性质,归纳出了译音的声母和韵母系统,并将其与《切韵》音系和唐五代西北方言音系进行了比较。《东国正韵》的译音属于中古汉语借音层,其声母系统跟《切韵》音系接近,韵母系统的很多方面跟唐五代西北方言音系有某些程度的相似性,但时代比后者略微靠前,准确的定位是应该介于二者之间,反映了7-8世纪的唐代长安方言。第五部分,总结全文,并提出了本文研究的不足之处和未来努力的方向。国内外的学者研究汉朝语贡献很多,本文最大的创新之处是把汉朝语中的上古汉语借音和中古汉语借音,按照借音的时间顺序,有层次地放在一起通盘考虑,分别研究。透过上古汉朝语层,我们观察到了上古汉语中复辅音声母的存在、基本声母的稳定性、中古喉音和章组声母的上古声值以及某些韵部的上古韵值;透过中古汉朝语层,我们确定了借音的时代、性质和地理范围。总之,汉朝语有着十分重要的音韵学价值,这也是我们开展研究的主要目的。通过以上研究,我们得出如下结论:汉朝语存在着朝鲜语借入汉字音的不同时期的音系。在这些叠加起来的音系之中,上古汉语的汉字音音系是最为古老的,远在两汉时期就已经借入朝鲜语;至今,从三国时代的古地名和部分吏读音里,我们仍然可以发现上古汉字音音系存在过的痕迹。魏晋南北朝时期,朝鲜语借入的是以北方中原音为代表的汉字音音系,这种音系与《切韵》系统是基本符合的,我们称之为中原汉字音音系。中原汉字音系主要反映在中古前期的吏读音里,三国时代晚期的汉字地名所保留的也可能是中古汉语前期的这种汉字音系。新罗统一三国以后,受到了唐朝政治、经济和文化强烈而又持久地影响,借入的主要是以7-8世纪的唐代长安方言为基础的唐京雅言,我们称之为长安汉字音系。长安汉字音系为朝鲜的统治阶级和知识分子所学习和掌握,完整地保留在申叔舟等人编写的《东国正韵》里,是汉朝语中的主体音系。中古后期的吏读音,也保存了这个音系部分字的读音。原来的上古汉字音系和中原汉字音系,被长安汉字音系所覆盖和代替,不再作为书面汉字的标准读音,一部分保留在朝鲜语的口语和固有词中,另外一部分则逐渐消失了。

【Abstract】 Sino-Korea Phonetic is the ancient Korean nation effected by the culture of China, which borrowed the characters and the pronunciation of the Chinese to their own language system, created a set of phonetic system. The phonetic loan system is based on the ancient Chinese phonetic system,and at the same time be adapted to fit Korean phonetic structure. For the special relationship formed by the Sino-Korea Phonetic and Chinese, it makes the study on Sino-Korea Phonetic is very important. First of all, using the Sino-Korea Phonetic information before the periods of Proverbs text comprehensively, particularly the officials pronunciation and the place name of three kingdoms in the ancient Korean Peninsula, we can use the clues of Chinese phonetic in old time retained in North Korean Phonetic Loan to trace the anomalies of the Chinese phonetic in old time. Secondly, through the help of the Korean Phonetic Loan, we can further deepen our understanding of the Middle Chinese sounds. Finally, using the study on the Korean phonetic system,and comparing it to the past Chinese language,we can understand the past Korean Cuba. In the ancient Korean without corresponding written historical conditions, it is very important to divide the Korean language history.Sino-Korea Phonetic is to borrow and use the ancient Chinese sounds long time ago. Scholars carried out research on Korean phonetic loan on different angles since the late 19th century. Some scholars study Chinese sounds in the ancient Chinese through the Korean phonetic loan, while another scholars study the Korean from the historical perspective on North Korea sounds. These phonetic sounds studies have made a series of achievements, and meanwhile the academic understanding of the Sino-Korea Phonetic also has been continuously deepened. But scholars at home and abroad have different views on the starting time, the nature and the sounds basement of the phonetic loan. To sum up, there are six points mainly as follows: the phonetic system of the ancient Chinese, the Dongyi language; Wu Yin in the fifth century of MA Boles; 7 or 8th century, including the centre place Sounds, Changan sounds, Jiangdong and Jiangnan sounds; Kaifeng Yin in the tenth century of Ban xiu shi; The Overlay said of Shangguyin, zhongguyin and jindaiyin.Yuchi-Zhiping, a well-known linguist in China , once said, Linguistics is a rigorous science.It is different from literature, art and other social sciences on research methods. And it is next to natural sciences, which demands using scientific methods to deal with a large number of the language materials, in order to obtain accurate conclusions. We have studied the Korean phonetic loan mainly by the use of the three following materials: Firstly, the ancient place names in the records of Koguryo, Baiji and Xinluo in the "the Historian of three kingdoms"; Secondly, the officials phonetic materials in the "Official Reading Integration "compiled by the period of Korea colonial ruled by Japanese; thirdly, the transliteration materials in" the East rhyme" ,a registry rhyme,compiled by the Korean scholar Shen-shuzhou and so on in 1447. These materials are the basement of our entire research work.We mainly use the transliteration of the survey, the within measurement, historical comparison method and analysis method.And then we carefully examine the materials we shared. In this paper, according to time and space coordinates provided by the two phonetic systems of "Qieyun" and the Northwest dialect in Tang and the Five Dynasties,by using the historical comparison method,we compared the transliteration phonetic systems in" the East rhyme "to the initial consonant, vowel system of the two phonetic systems as below. By comparison, we analysed on the own features of the transliteration phonetic system in" the East rhyme",and we also knew the times of the transliteration phonetic system and the basic Chinese dialects.Besides,we recognized its value in the Middle age phonological history. Sino-Korea Phonetic can be divided into two historical levels internally: Phonetic Loan layer in the medieval Chinese and phonetic Loan layer in the ancient Chinese. "The East rhyme "translation pronunciation belongs to the Middle Ages phonetic loan layer, its voice system reflects the Tang Chang’an dialect in 7-8 century. The vast majority material of officials pronunciation is reflected the Middle Chinese voice, but also part of materials reflectde the ancient Chinese voice features. The place name materials of "The Historian of three kingdoms" is in the period of the times earlier, mainly reflecting the ancient Chinese North Korean phonetic loan.According the complexity of the North Korea phonetic loan material,when we are carrying out specific research, the analysis of the level required to help, and the Ancient and Medieval North Korea phonetic loan have to separate clealy.Below briefly introducing the structure of the article. This paper is divided into five sections, closing to over 180,000 characters.The first part is introduction, mainly introduced the research background of the North Korea phonetic loan, and its academic value, the materials used as well as the method used, and gave a thorough review of domestic and foreign scholars on the history of North Korea phonetic loan, and focused on the perspective of the study and theachievedimportant results and proposed own views and opinions for the inadequacy of these studies. The second part, it used North Korea’s history books,"The Historian of three kingdoms" which recorded Koguryo, Baiji and the Xinluo three kingdom place names materials,and studied the Korean phonetic loan of Ancient Chinese Music;the materials of parts of the ancient place names in the three kingdoms also reflects the Middle Ages Chinese pre voice features. Restricting by the nature of the hand information, we are temporarily not able to do in-depth system to explore to part of the finals of Ancient Chinese North Korea phonetic loan layer. Therefore, this chapter mainly analyse Ancient Sino-Korea Phonetic from the perspective of initial.The third part of the study is attached pronunciation. In this chapter, we read on the origins of officials, the source and nature of the officials pronunciation materials. On the basis of full possession materials, put emphasis on the pronunciation of the officials. The vast majority of material officials pronunciation reflected the Middle Chinese voice; In officials pronunciation, there were also part of materials,which reflected the voice of the ancient Chinese characteristics, the main performance: existencing parts of complex consonants consonant or resume consonants. Initials,existencing sound Sheyin mother, four ancient metaphor for the sound flow and some ancient Chinese vowel and ending residues, and so on.Part IV,aimming to the official Korean Melody "The East rhyme",which promulgated in 15th century.It studied the nature of "The Historian of three kingdoms",and summed up the consonant and vowel system of the translation pronunciation, and compared it to the phonetic system in "Qieyun" and the North West dialect phonetic system in Tang and the Five Dynasties.The teansliteration sounds in "The East rhyme" is belong to the phonetic loan layer in the Middle Ages.And its lowel system is similar with West North dialect system in Tang and Five dynasties in many aspects.However,its times is slightly before the later.The accurate position should be between the two above, it can reflect Tang Chang’an dialectin the 7-8 century.Part V, concluding remarks and proposed the inadequacy of this study and the direction of future efforts.Scholars at home and abroad to study the Sino-Korea Phoneticn have mang achievements. The greatest innovation of this paper is to put the ancient Chinese phonetic loan and medieval Chinese Sino-Korea Phoneticn, in accordance with the chronological order of the phonetic loan, levelly together, comprehensively considerating, separately studying. Through the ancient phonetic loan layer in North Korean, we observed that the ancient Chinese Initials consonanting in the presence of complex, the stability of the basic consonant Cuba Houyin Group and Chapter consonant sound of the ancient rhyme, as well as some of the value of the Relics: through the Middle Age phonetic loan layer in North Korea, we have identified the times of the phonetic loan, nature and geographical scope.In short, North Korea has very important sound Phonology value, and this is our main purpose of the research.Through the above study, we reach the following conclusion:There is Korean by borrowing Chinese Phonetic for different periods of the phonetic system in Sino-Korea Phonetic.In These stacking up phonetic system , Chinese Phonetic of the ancient Chinese characters is the most ancient, far away the Han Dynasty it have been borrowed Korean.so far from the ancient place names and some official pronunciation of the times of the Three kingdoms, we can still find the ancient Chinese phonetic system.In the period of Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the North Korean borrowed in the Sounds is represented by the Chinese Phonetic system, the Phonetic system is generally fit for the"Qieyun" system, and we call it the Central Plains of the Chinese Phonetic system.The Central Plains of the Chinese Phonetic system mainly reflected in the reservations of the early medieval official pronunciation, Chinese place names in the late time of the three kingdoms may also be this early medieval Chinese Phonetic system.After unified the three kingdoms, Xinluo was impacted by the political, economic and cultural of Tang dynasty strongly and lastingly. The borrowing is the Tang Beijing Yayan ,which mainly based on theChangan dialect in 7-8 century Tang Dynasty . we called it Changan Chinese Phonetic system. Changan Chinese Phonetic system been studied and mastered by the North Korea’s ruling class and intellectuals, keeping intact by the Shenshu Zhou, who compiled the "The East rhyme",is the main phonetic system in North Korea. Officials pronunciation of the late Middle Ages, also preserved parts of the word pronunciation of this phonetic system. The original ancient Chinese phonetic system and Chinese phonetic system of the Central Plains, was covered by Changan Chinese phonetic system and no longer be regarded as the standard pronunciation of Chinese characters written, partly remainning in the Korean Oral and inherent words, the others having gradually disappeared.


