

Research on the Paradigm of Strategy Implementation Based on Project Portfolio Management

【作者】 石永东

【导师】 田志龙; 杜兰英;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文研究的是如何运用项目组合管理的思想进行战略实施,以将精心制订的战略落实到项目层次上。由此所发展出的理论基础、方法、程序、步骤、内容形成了一种新的“基于项目组合管理的战略实施范式”。笔者在文献分析和管理实践的基础上提出了“两类公司现象”的假设,运用大样本问卷调查和统计分析进行实证研究。证实了“两类公司现象”的存在,即在现实社会中存在着“项目型公司”和“产品型公司”。对418家企业样本数据的主成分分析表明这两类公司在生产经营和组织结构两个纬度上存在明显差异。通过这两类公司在15个自变量上得分的对比分析,归纳概括出它们的各自特点。本论文将国内外关于战略实施的研究概括出六种主要范式:基于平衡计分卡的战略实施范式、沃顿商学院的战略实施路线图、战略执行力理论、蓝海战略、组织动态模型ODM、安东尼-安索夫-安德鲁斯范式(三A范式),并对它们的贡献和局限性进行了系统的对比分析,指出这些传统的战略实施范式在指导项目型企业的战略实施方面存在较大的局限性,因此有必要研究针对项目型企业的新范式。本论文进一步研究了项目型公司战略实施过程中的关键成功因素,从而明确战略实施新范式中应重点针对解决的问题。通过大样本的问卷调查和单因方差分析,本论文在单项目、多项目、项目和战略的联系,这三个层面找出了15个影响战略实施的关键成功因素。通过对一个典型的项目型企业的案例研究表明,项目型企业战略实施要成功,必须充分运用项目组合理论进行项目的分类、评价和选优;必须增加一个新的“项目战略”层次。项目战略层次是使战略从公司层经过业务层、项目群,最终落实到项目层的关键。它弥补了传统战略层次观的不足,构成了“公司战略-业务战略-职能战略-项目战略”新的战略层次观。最后,本论文提出了“基于项目组合管理的战略实施范式”,该范式主要包括四个主要阶段、五个核心内容。四个主要阶段是“目标-组合-决策-行动”,五个核心内容是对项目的“分类、评价、选择、排序、优化”。

【Abstract】 In order to solve the problem“how to translate business strategy into projects”, this paper initiates a new paradigm based on the theory of project portfolio management.The paper proves the hypothesis that there are two kinds of company actually exist in the real society by empirical research of questionnaire and principle components analysis. One is named as project-based company; the other is product-based company. They are mainly different in business operations and organizational structure. Moreover, their distinctive characters are concluded by comparing the scores of 15 independent variables.The auther summarizes 6 main paradigms of strategy implementation by literature search. They are balanced scorecard, road maps (by Wharton business school), execution theory, blue ocean strategy, organization dynamic model, and Anthony-Ansoff-Andrews paradigm (3A Paradigm). Furthermore, by comparing their contributions and limitations, the auther indicates these pradigms are limited in guiding the strategy implementation for project-based company. So, it is necessary to build a new paradigm.In addition, the paper researches on the key success factors to locate the emphases of the new paradigm. By conducting questionnaire and one-way ANOVA, 15 KSFs are founded in three levels of single project, multiple projects, and project-strategy connection. The following case study on a representative project-based company shows that the success of strategy implementation greatly depends on two factors. One is taking full use of project portfolio management to categorize, evaluate and select projects. The other is adding a new“project strategy”level into the traditional strategy hierarchy which results in a new four-level hierarchy making up of“Corporate strategy-business strategy-function strategy-project strategy”.Lastly, the paper brings up the paradigm of strategy implementation based on the theory of project portfolio management. It consists of four interrelated phases, i.e.,“Object, portfolio, decision, and action”. The main contents include five aspects, that is“Categoriaze, evaluate, select, priotize, and optimize”projects.


