

Research on the Kernel Words in the Dynasty of Wei and Jin

【作者】 龙丹

【导师】 黄树先;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 汉语核心词的研究,是汉语史研究的一项重要工作。我们以斯瓦迪士(M.Swadesh)的《百词表》为依据,运用语义场理论,采用共时和历时相结合、计算机辅助研究等方法,通过考察魏晋时期的中土文献和佛经文献,对魏晋时期的核心名词和动词进行了全面、系统的研究。此项研究极大地丰富了中古汉语词汇研究的成果,对建立科学的汉语词汇史以及确定汉藏语系语言的亲属关系等方面有重大意义。全文约24万字,分五章。第一章为绪论,全面介绍了核心词研究的历史和现状、魏晋词汇的研究概况、研究意义、研究材料和研究方法。第二章讨论名词,我们将名词主要分为三个大类,一是“肢体生理”类名词,其中包括“头部、四肢、躯干、其它”四个小类,涉及23个身体义场的27个核心概念,词目达130个。肢体生理类词在名词中是最为活跃的。二是“人动植物”类,包含11个核心词,研究涉及的词目有80个。三是“自然现象”类,包含14个语义场,15个核心词,研究了115个词目。相对于肢体生理类词而言,“人动植物”和“自然现象”类名词则是比较稳定的。由于受到社会文化和概念本身分类复杂等因素的影响,这两类词中大多数语义场的结构较复杂。第三章研究核心动词,分“头部动作”、“行走起居”、“认知行为和社会活动”三类对19个语义场的166个词目进行了系统的研究。研究表明动词语义场的代表词更替频繁,发生变化的代表词多与人体动作有关;语义场的结构呈现两极分化趋势;语义场和语义场之间关系密切。第四章讨论了魏晋核心词的特点。第五章结语,对核心词的演变规律和研究方法进行了探讨,并指出研究中存在的不足。本文的贡献及主要创新点有:(1)自觉运用《百词表》对魏晋核心词进行了深入而系统的研究。在对《百词表》中所占比重较大的核心名词和动词进行研究后,我们总结出了魏晋核心词的特点:魏晋核心词是在继承基础上的发展,一方面它继承了上古时期已有的核心词,另一方面又在继承的基础上不断发生变化;核心词的变化最先反映在佛经文献中,医书《肘后备急方》中也有所体现;魏晋时期是核心词发生显著变化的重要阶段;发生替换的核心词多与“人体”有关,体现了“以人为本”的思想。(2)静态描写和动态历时分析相结合。在充分调查分析魏晋时期的典型语料的基础上,我们对这一时期核心词的面貌进行了系统的描写,研究内容涉及核心词在语音、语义、语法、语用、使用频率、组合关系、聚合关系、使用范围等方面的情况。在此基础上,又从汉语词汇史的角度,在历时层面上对这些核心词的来源和演变情况进行了考察。静态描写和动态历时分析的有机结合,使我们对魏晋核心词有了更深入的了解。(3)计算机辅助研究和手工甄别相结合。由于魏晋时期文献材料的繁冗庞杂,核心词出现频率高,无法一一分类罗列。研究时,我们充分利用计算机对校对好的电子文本进行检索,并对检索数据进行手工甄别,然后再统计词频,形成表格图形,这样得出的结论既直观又具有很强的说服力。(4)根据研究的需要,提出了确定语义场成员的相关原则。确定语义场的成员是做好研究的基础,它将直接影响到研究的结论。在研究中,我们主要依据以下几条原则来确定语义场的成员:考察义位间的联系以最主要的特征为依据;充分考虑核心词所代表的语义场的性质;多义词的义位根据情况归入不同的语义场;比较生僻的词一般不列出;一般以单音词为主。(5)多学科成果的交汇。运用认知语言学理论来研究汉语核心词是研究的一大特色。认知语言学是近二十年多来国外语言学界兴起的一门新学科,在核心词研究中引入认知语言学理论有重大意义。在研究中,我们尝试用认知语言学的“突显观(prominence view)”、“注意观(attentional view)”、“范畴化(Categorization)”理论、“组块化(Chunking)”理论、事件域认知模型(Event-domain Cognitive Model)、转喻机制和认知域投射的一般规律来研究核心词。这些理论的运用,可以解释以前无法解决的疑难问题。此外,比较语言学的相关成果在研究中也得到了很好的利用。

【Abstract】 One of the most important work of the Chinese history study, the study of the“Kernel Words”, was fully carried out with the focus of the kernel noun and verb selected from the“Swadesh 100-word list”in the period of the dynasty Wei and Jin through the research of the local and sutra reference that time by the combination of both the Synchronic and diachronic linguistic method and Computer-assisted method according to the Semantic Field theory. The study highly enriched the production of the vocabulary study of Middle Ancient Chinese and was valuable for the establish of a scientific Chinese vocabulary history and the kindred relationship confirmation of the Sino-Tibetan Family Languages.The dissertation is about 240,000 words, and composed of five chapters: Chapter one is the“introduction”, comprehensively introduced the history and status of“kernel words”study and the general situation, meaning, research material and methods of the of the study of the Dynasty Wei and Jin’s vocabulary. In Chapter two, the noun was discussed by dividing into three kinds. The first kind was about the body, which consisted of these four types: head, limb, trunk and others. This kind of noun involved twenty-seven kernel conception of twenty-three body semantic fields and covered about 130 nouns. This kind of noun was the most active elements. The second kind was about human, plant and animal, which consisted of 11 kernel words and involved about 80 words. The three kind was about nature phenomenon, which consisted 15 kernel words of 14 semantic field, involved 115 words. Compared with the first kind of nouns, the other two kind nouns were more stable and with more complex semantic field structure because of the society culture and classified methods’affection. In Chapter three, the kernel verbs were studied by dividing into these three kinds: action of head, moving and living, cognitive behavior and social activities. There were 19 semantic fields studied and involved 166 verbs. The study indicated that the representative verbs of a semantic fields varied with high frequency and most of the representative verbs were about the action of human. The study also indicated that the structure of the semantic fields varied greatly: some were very complex while some were simple. There are many relationship between two semantic fields.In the four chapter the characters of the kernel words in the dynasty of Wei and Jin were discussed. In chapter five, the whole study was sum up and some conclusions were drawn and the topics need more study were brought out.Main contribution and innovation of this dissertation:(1) It’s an initiation to study the kernel words in the dynasty of Wei and Jin with the utility of the“Swadesh 100-word list”and the characters of these kernel words were figured out: they succeeded the ancient kernel words and developed continuously; the variation was reflected firstly in sutra references, meanwhile, the variation also could be found in medicine reference" reserve urgent side of elbow "《肘后备急方》; in the whole Chinese history, the dynasty Wei and Jin was a key period of kernel words when the most notable variation happened and most of the variation were about human body, which incarnated the man-based conception.(2) The combination of static description and diachronic analyse method was taken. After comprehensive analyse of typical references in the dynasty of Wei and Jin, the features of the kernel words that time were described and the description involved the kernel words’status about their pronunciation, semanteme, grammar, usage, frequency of utilization, syntagmatic relationship, associative relationship and scope of application, etc. Based on the study, the kernel words’origination and development were studied with the historical perspective of the Chinese vocabulary history. The combination of the static description and the diachronic analyse brought out a way to understand the kernel words that time more deeply.(3) The combination of the Computer-assisted method and the manual discrimination method. Considering the numerous and jumbled status of the references in the dynasty of Wei and Jin and the high frequency the kernel words used, to classify them one by one was impossible. The computer-assisted method could be used to search the references and discriminate the kernel words, then the succeed analyse could be done and the words’utility frequency could be figure out convincingly.(4) The principle to confirm a members of semanteme field was put forward by the need of studying. It was the base of the semanteme field study and could affect the conclusion to confirm the semanteme field’s member. In the study, the member of a semanteme was confirmed according to these principles: The relationship of sememes should be confirmed referring to their most primary character; the nature of the semanteme field the kernel represented should be fully considered; the different sememes of a word with more than one sememes should vest in their semanteme field respective; the uncommon word should be listed seldomly; generally the members were monosyllabic word.(5) Utility of cross-disciplinary achievement. It was a great characteristic to study the Chinese kernel word with the cognitive linguistics theory. Cognitive linguistics is a new discipline brought forth in the last 20 years in foreign linguistics field. It was valuable to study the kernel words with the cognitive linguistics theory. The principles and concepts of cognitive linguistics, such as“prominence view”,“attentional view”, Categorization theory, Chunking theory, Event-domain Cognitive Model, Metonymy mechanism and cognition mapping law, was used in the study of kernel words and the difficulty without answer before could be resolved. What’s more, the comparative linguistics also used in the study.


