

Deviant Behavior and Social Order of Contemporary Village

【作者】 黄海

【导师】 吴毅;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文将湖南省北部地区红镇作为田野个案。以曾好义和陈根生为代表的红镇“混混”为结点,对乡村社会“混混”之生命史与越轨行为进行展示与剖析。以展现在1980年代以来,乡村社会所经历的重大社会变迁中乡村秩序所发生的种种盛世抑或“乱世”的蜕变,并进而考察乡村社会的道德与话语变迁、秩序和权威变异,尝试理解20年来乡村社会灰色化变迁的某种逻辑。本文认为,20世纪80年代以来乡村社会所发生的种种重大社会事件,对乡村“混混”的生命史产生了直接和持续的影响,在国家政策与乡村“混混”越轨行为的互动影响中,在市场的急剧侵袭下,乡村社会发生了生活与结构转型,这种转型是乡村社会灰色化再生的根本原因。现代性的市场要素植入使得原本需要秩序的乡村,在国家横暴性、常规性权力的减弱,市场冲击和乡土内生整合力瓦解的三重因素作用下,产生了以凸显经济与身体暴力控制为特点的乡村灰色化变异,金钱和身体暴力成为乡村社会转型中,维系秩序与权威的一种日益明显的结构性整合力量。沿着这一思路,本文试图回答五个问题:一是自1980年代以来湘北红镇的社会秩序灰色化是如何形成的;二是乡村“混混”与越轨力量为什么能在当代乡村中成为一种秩序维系的异化力量;三是灰色化的乡村秩序是如何演绎与如何可能的;四是从不透明到透明的乡村灰色化为什么会成为当代乡村秩序的有机部分和“常态”现象;五是红镇乡村社会中的“扶植型秩序”是如何可能的。本文最终得出结论:乡村社会转型直接给乡村越轨力量的萌芽、生发与成长提供了土壤,国家后全能主义政治治理方式的转型为乡村“扶植型秩序”的产生、运转与维系提供了空间。因此,乡村社会的灰色化变迁不仅在宏观上是后全能主义政治治理变迁的结果,也是在微观上越轨力量得到社会意义的结果。从人民公社时期动员型体制过渡到改革开放市场经济后的压力型体制的基层国家力量,由于后全能主义政治治理的本质特征,使得其在与村庄地方性秩序的互动中,催生出了“扶植型秩序”。前者构成乡村社会秩序转型的决定性基础,中者生发出乡村社会转型的内生性土壤,而后者则成为乡村社会转型的催生性力量。三者互构形塑出越轨力量的成长壮大与乡村社会秩序的灰色化变迁。

【Abstract】 This paper is a case study of Red Town in north of Hunan province. Choosing Zeng Haoyi and Chen Gensheng as the representative of hoodlums of Red Town, based on the exposure and analysis of the rural hoodlum’s life history and deviance behavior, this paper aims at displaying all vicissitudes of rural society order in flourishing or confusion ages after some crucial social vicissitude since 1980. The moral and discourse vicissitude, as well as the order and authority aberrance also would be measured in this paper, thus certain logic in the vicissitude of rural graying during the latest 20 years might be understood.This paper thinks that all kinds of important social things in rural society since 1980 have marked an effect on the living history of rural hoodlums directly and continually. With the rapid invading of market economy, as well as the exchange influences between government policy and rural hoodlums’deviance behavior, rural society has experienced the change of life style and structure, which caused the graying regeneration of rural society fundamentally. The implantation of modern market elements brings about the rural graying vicissitudes in the rural society which originally needs order, acted by triple factors—the decrease of high-handed and conventional authority, the impact of market, and the disintegration of rurally endogenetic conformity forces. The rural graying vicissitudes is characterized by its potentialities of economy and the control of physical violence, which has become a kind of structurally integrated strength, maintaining the order and the authority along with the transformation of the rural society.Thinking along with this route, this paper tries to answer the five questions. First, how does the social order graying of Red Town in north of Hunan province come into being; Second, how could the rural hoodlums and deviant force act as alien force to keep order in contemporary rural society; Third, how possible is the graying rural order, and how does it work; Fourth, in the course of intransparency-transparency development, why does the rural graying become an organic part and a normal phenomena of contemporary rural order; Fifth, how possible is“foster order”in the rural society of Red Town.From this paper, the following conclusions can be drawn: the rural society transformation directly provided a fertile soil for the budding, formation and growth of rural aberrant force. The public governance model transformation of state latter totalism gives reasonable space for the production, operation and management of rural“foster order”. Thus, not only does the graying vicissitude of the rural society result from political governance transformation of latter totalism macroscopically, but also it results from the social significance brought about by the deviance forces microscopically. The national strength of basic level experiences from the mobilized system in people’s commune period to the pressured system after the Reform and Opening Policy, along with the development of Market Economy. Due to the essential features of political governance of latter totalism, the national strength of basic level gives birth to“Foster Order”by interacting with endemic order of villages. During the transformation of the rural society, the initial one formed the crucial basis of the rural society order; the middle one created the endogenesis soil; and the final one became the productive force. These three forces affect each other and are shaping the maturity of the deviance force and the vicissitude of the graying of rural society order.


