

Research on the Consuming Behavior of IPTV Audience

【作者】 方雪琴

【导师】 石长顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 信息技术的进步始终是一种改变世界的最具有革命性的力量。以IPTV为代表的新兴媒体迅猛发展,使媒介之间的融合成为现实。作为电视与互联网融合的产物,IPTV满足了人们愈来愈趋向于多样化、专业化和个性化的视音频需求,给广播电视行业带来了巨大的变化,并且为电视受众带来一场新的电视消费革命。本文以IPTV受众为研究对象,运用量化的问卷调查法和质化的深度访谈法,探讨使用者采用IPTV的关键因素以及由此带来的电视消费行为的变革。本研究以科技接受模型作为主要的理论架构,进而加入了主观规范、权衡需求、知觉风险等自变量,在外在变量中引入了生活形态作为影响因素,将此一创新性的理论架构应用于IPTV的科技接受模型中,籍此找出影响使用者采用IPTV的因素,整体模型对使用意向的解释力达67.2%。研究发现:知觉有用、权衡需求、知觉易用对使用意向有显著的影响,影响最大的是知觉有用;权衡需求、知觉有用、知觉娱乐对使用行为有显著影响,影响最大的是权衡需求;知觉娱乐、知觉风险对满意度有显著影响;生活形态作为外在变量不仅对使用意向和使用行为有直接影响(通过回归分析),而且还通过中介变量如知觉有用、权衡需求等(通过路径分析)对使用意向和使用行为产生间接影响。本研究的创新主要体现在:(1)提出消费者使用IPTV的科技接受模型。(2)把“权衡需求”整合进科技接受模型中,为实现科技接受模型和新媒体权衡需求理论的相互衔接提供了理论契机。(3)证实“生活形态”是影响IPTV使用和满意度的重要变量。(4)提出IPTV受众消费行为变化三大特征:第一,IPTV的受众体验到的是完全个性化的传播,受众群体正在从分化走向分裂;第二,IPTV的受众收视行为是一种主动的选择,因此收视模式从“仪式性收视”转向“工具性收视”;第三,IPTV受众群体的划分不再以传统的地理、人口统计特征、收视习惯等指标来划分,而是更多地与其生活形态和个人品味联系在一起。(5)以系统的量化分析为IPTV的进一步发展提供了科学的依据。本研究根据研究结果给经营者提供的建议:第一,提高消费者对于IPTV的知觉有用性;第二,提升系统操作的简易性;第三,满足消费者对于IPTV的差异化需求,开发出创新服务形态,打造电视服务平台;第四,推出具有明确市场定位的内容和服务,以满足不同生活形态和品味的受众的个性化需求。通过研究IPTV受众消费行为的变化,本论文提出了三个需要进一步讨论的问题:第一,新型电视受众开始崛起,他们是电视个性化的消费者,是电视媒介的使用者,是电视节目的创制者;第二,新的电视消费模式对电视媒介权力产生了极大的冲击,主要表现在公共传播的个人化和个人传播的公共化、媒介源忠诚感的丧失以及商业逻辑的盛行;第三,如何在IPTV发展过程中平衡公共性与商业性的矛盾,是管理者、业界、受众必须面对的问题。本研究从传播学的角度出发,借用消费行为学中的生活形态、知觉风险和满意度等概念,将新媒介技术扩散和采用的跨学科理论整合在一起,为新兴媒体的受众研究提供了新的视角,而且在学科间相互促进和融合方面做了努力。本研究采用量化研究让我们知道了到底有哪些因素在影响着人们使用IPTV的行为,质化研究更深一步地分析这些因素如何影响人们的使用行为。量化和质化相结合的方法使得本研究既在宏观层面探索事物之间因果关系,又在微观层面研究事物的复杂性,使本研究的结论更有说服力。

【Abstract】 The progress of informational technology is always the most revolutionary power changing the world .The new media represented by IPTV are developing swiftly and violently, and the convergence among media has been set in reality. As convergence of television and internet, IPTV has satisfied people’s demand for more and more varied, specialized and individualized audio-visual media, brought about great changes for telecast industry and brought a new television-consuming revolution for TV audience. With IPTV audience as subjects, and by means of quantified questionnaires and qualitative intensive interviews, this dissertation investigates the key factors taken by IPTV users, as well as the innovation of television-consuming behavior brought about by them.This study takes TAM as its main theoretical framework, incorporating subjective norms, perceived need, perceived risks and some other independent variables .In external variables, life style is introduced as effective factor. The creative theoretical framework is applied in the TAM of IPTV in order that the factors influencing users adopting IPTV can be found out. The explanatory force of the whole model for the behavioral intention arrives at 67.2%.It’s found that perceived usefulness, perceived need and perceived ease of use have notable influence on behavioral intention of IPTV. Among them, perceived usefulness exerts the greatest influence. perceived need, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment have marked influence on applying behavior, among them, perceived need exerts the greatest influence. perceived enjoyment, perceived risk have remarkable influence on satisfaction degree. As external variable, life style not only exerts direct influence (by means of regression analysis) on behavioral intention and applying behavior, but also exerts indirect influence (by means of path analysis) on them throuth intermediate variables (such as perceived usefulness, perceived need, etc.).The original theoretical contributions of this study are as follows:1) The TAM of IPTV used by consumers is put forward.2) by integrating perceived need into the TAM, a theoretical space is applied for realizing the mutual cohesion of the TAM and the theory of perceived need in the new media.3) that“life style”is the significant variable influencing the use of IPTV and the satisfaction degree is testified.4) the three main features of IPTV audience’s consuming behavioral changes are put forward: first, what IPTV audience embody is the completely individualized communication, and the audience groups are going from division to fission; second, the receiving behavior of IPTV audience is an active selection, thus, the receiving model is transferred from“ritualized uses”to“instrumental uses”; third, the division of IPTV audience groups no longer obey traditional geography, demographic features, reception habits and some other norms, but is more concerned with life style and individual flavors.5) the scientific basis is provided for the further development of IPTV by means of systemic quantified analyses. According to the findings,this study offers the ensuing suggestions to the managers:1)improve the consumers’perceived usefulness for IPTV;2)promote the simplicity of operating the systems;3)satisfy the consumers’diverse demands for IPTV, develop creative service forms and construct the platform of TV service; 4)advance the precisely market-orientated contents and services so as to satisfy the individual demands of the audience with different life style and flavors. .Through investigating IPTV audience’s consuming behavioral changes, this thesis advances three issues to be further discussed: first, the new-style audience are coming into being. They are the consumers of TV individualization, the users of TV medium as well as the makers of TV programs; second, the new TV consuming models have produced great percussion to the rights of TV medium, which demonstrates the individualization of public communication and the publicization of individual communication, the loss of the faithful sense of medium source and the popularity of commercial logic; third, in the development of IPTV, the issue the managers, the industry and the audience must confront is how to balance the contradictions between the public and the commercial characteristic.From the aspect of communication studies, by means of some concepts in consuming behavior studies such as life style, perceived risk and satisfaction degree, and in combinability with many interdisciplinary theories adopted in the technological acceptance of new media, this study offers new perspective for the survey of audience of the new media, and makes some endeavours in terms of interdisciplinary promotion and fusion.This study adopts quantified questionnaires informs us of the factors influencing people’s acception of IPTV, and qualitative intensive interviews further analyzes how these factors influence people’s applying conduct. The integration of these two methods enables this study to investigate the causation among things on macrolevel, and explore the complexity of things on microcosmic so as to make its conclusion much more persuasive.

【关键词】 IPTV科技接受模型消费行为权衡需求生活形态
【Key words】 IPTVTAMConsuming behaviorPerceived needLife style
  • 【分类号】F224;F49
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】2064
  • 攻读期成果

