

Village Hunhuns and Gray of the Rural Society

【作者】 陈柏峰

【导师】 贺雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文以两湖平原的三个乡镇为田野,以乡村混混与村庄生活的互动为研究对象,展示和理解转型期村庄社会性质的变迁。1980年代,当农民从人民公社体制中解放出来,青春期的“无聊”年轻人走到一起,组成了独特的乡村江湖。乡村江湖中洋溢着畸形的英雄主义,争勇斗狠、爱慕虚名是其最主要的特征。但年轻人并不敢在村庄内过于放肆,因为熟人社会能对他们及其家庭构成约束。当乡村江湖危及村庄基本秩序时,国家便开始治理,治理遵循了熟人社会的主流价值观念,利用了熟人社会的“本土资源”,乡村江湖因此衰落了一段时间。不久后,1990年代的乡村“混混”重组了乡村江湖。此时的乡村江湖不再爱慕虚名,转而追逐实利,而国家转型和社会经济的发展给乡村江湖带来了巨大的机遇。乡村混混抓住了时代机遇,通过关系网络形成了稳定的组织结构,乡村江湖实现了联盟格局和城乡一体化,其中有了社会分层和社会流动机制。在社会变迁的背景下,面对乡村江湖联盟格局,乡村治安显得力不从心,因为在江湖联盟格局中,上层混混可以有效规避国家的打击,下层混混因有充足来源而打击不尽。当关系组织化的乡村混混插入到村庄中,就成了村庄中的“超级权势”,从根本上改变了村庄生态。在乡村混混的超级权势面前,村民实在太渺小,村干部和村集体的软弱则是普遍现象,甚至有时国家政权力量也显得软弱无力。乡村混混成了村庄秩序的主导者,成为村级治理和村庄生活中暗着起实际作用的力量。他们改变了熟人社会内部的诸种微观权力关系,改变了熟人社会的基本人际关系原则。在这一背景下,“有才无德”的村干部、“好混混”都怪异地出现在村级治理的舞台上。村庄生活和村级治理日益受乡村混混支配,日益呈现出暴力化景象。本文最终得出结论:人情取向的乡土逻辑发生了变异,村民的行为准则不再是人情,行为不再围绕着人情关系展开,他们不再顾及情面、讲究互让,而是为了利益动辄求助于乡村混混,倚仗于暴力。乡土逻辑变异使得村庄道德秩序濒临瓦解,村庄因而不再是“熟人社会”。尽管村民之间可能还互相熟识,但村庄人际关系的基本原则、熟人社会的行动逻辑、乡村社会的秩序机制都发生了本质的变化,这种变化是一种“去熟人社会化”,是“农村社会灰色化”。

【Abstract】 While farmers were liberated from the people’s commune systems during the 1980s, the youth without job came together and formed their unique village corner, which was permeated with malformed heroism, and characterized with competing for hegemony and adoring fame. However, young people dared not to go too far in villages, because acquaintances community posed a constraint upon them and their families. As soon as the village corner endangered the basic rural order, state power intervened, by using local resources and following the mainstream values in acquaintances community. Therefore, the village corner declined for some time.Before long, village hunhuns reorganized and formed new village corner in 1990s. At this point, the village corner no longer pursued fame , but turned out to be materialistic. What is even worse was that the state in transition and the socio-economic development have generated great opportunities to the village corner. Village hunhuns seized the opportunities, and they founded a stable organizational structure through network. The village corner was unified, and integrated into the network of city and countryside. It even has social stratification and social mobility mechanisms. In the context of social change, the rural security force is powerless against village corner, for upper level hunhuns in village corner can effectively evade from the hitting of the state, and there are sufficient lower level hunhuns to join the organization.The organized hunhuns made themselves the super power in the village, and they fundamentally changed the ecology of the village. The villagers are too weak in front of the super power, the village cadres and village collective are also weak. Sometimes even the state power is weak. The village hunhuns dominate the villages, play an actual role in village governance, and they are not negligible in farmers’lives. They change all kinds of micro-power in the acquaintance community, even the basic principles of human relationships. In this context, capable village cadre without virtue and good hunhun absurdly come to the stage of village governance.Village is dominated by the village hunhun, and shows a scene of violence. Earth-bound logic has been changed, traditional norms in village are no longer followed. Villagers do not take human feelings and faces into accounts, they will resort to hunhun and rely on violence even for small interests. The village moral order is on the edge of collapse, and the village is no longer an acquaintance community. Although villagers are familiar with each other, basic principle of farmers’relationships, their action logic, and village order mechanisms have all been changed fundamentally. This is gray of the rural society.


