

Empirical Study in the Mechanism of Total Innovation and Performance Base on Marketing-oriented

【作者】 水常青

【导师】 许庆瑞;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 创新是一个企业、产业和国家构筑竞争优势的源泉。随着全球市场竞争的日益加剧、数字化及信息网络技术的迅猛发展、以及市场需求的不断变化,企业必须有战略性地培植和构筑基于全面创新的竞争优势。在转型经济背景下,如何通过全员创新、全时空创新和全要素创新,有效地构建和完善基于市场导向的企业全面创新体系,发挥多元化集成和协同优势,有力地提升企业的动态核心能力和全面创新绩效,是当前我国增强企业自主创新能力所面临的核心问题之一。因此,本研究从“三全”(全员创新、全时空创新和全要素创新)的整体角度出发,通过结构方程建模,系统地对“三全”之间的作用机制、各要素间的作用机理以及“三全”对创新绩效的影响机制等进行了深入的理论和实证研究。本研究根据“投入—处理—产出”的框架结构,构建了相关研究的理论模型:把全面创新纳入到市场导向和企业绩效关系中,建构了研究全面创新机制的整体理论模型:把全面创新“三全”的全时空创新纳入到全员创新和全要素创新的关系中,构建了“三全”关系的理论模型:把全要素创新中“管理层创新”纳入“战略层创新”和“操作层创新”的关系中构建“全要素创新”的三层次理论模型。这三个理论模型的关系是:“三全”关系的理论模型是全面创新机制研究的核心,“全要素创新”的三层次理论模型是对全面创新机制研究的进一步深化,把全面创新纳入到市场导向和企业绩效的整合理论模型是全面创新机制研究的广化。全要素创新的三层次理论模型有助于厘清全要素创新的主要作用机理,全面创新的整合理论模型有助于在和以往的相关研究比较中探讨市场导向和全面创新对企业全面绩效的影响效果及其关系。本研究利用723份有效问卷搜集的数据,其实证结果表明理论模型具有强韧度。本研究提出了企业全面创新绩效的概念。过去讨论全面创新对绩效的影响时,大多数还停留在技术创新绩效上,这种只考虑技术创新绩效而不考虑非技术创新绩效的做法有悖于全面创新的内涵。故本研究借鉴企业利益相关者的观点,从股东、顾客和员工三个方面来考察衡量全面创新给企业带来的绩效,我们称之为企业全面创新绩效,为行文方便简称为企业绩效。全面创新绩效区分为财务绩效、顾客绩效和员工绩效后,既便于深入考察全面创新的“三全”对企业绩效的三个不同方面的具体影响效果,也便于提出具有针对性和可操作性的管理建议。本研究开发的全面创新的测量量表,共由41个题目构成,其大样本检验结果表明有较好的信度和效度。就理论而言,本研究所建构的全面创新量表,较其它接近的国外量表在我国企业的测试上有较好的适用性,而且文化差异所造成的影响也将降至最低。因此,后续研究可以运用此量表为衡量工具进行相关变量的关系研究。在管理实践上,全面创新量表的建构,有助于企业对于其全面创新进行较好的衡量和判断,从而为企业改善创新管理提供科学依据。本研究分析了企业特质及企业内外环境等变量对全面创新与企业绩效的调节效果。结果发现内部因素的组织资源对上述关系,有显著调节效果;企业发展阶段和技术动荡对全面创新和企业绩效影响的绝对量较小,而其它如企业规模、企业年龄、企业所属地区及行业大类等企业特质变量以及市场动荡等环境变量对市场导向与企业绩效间并未发现有调节效果。由于组织资源有显著调节效果,因此企业应保留宽裕资源,以便有适合的新机会产生时,有能力来创造获利。此外,我们的实证表明组织资源宽裕,还有利于全时空创新对企业绩效的提升作用。本研究进一步证实了全员创新是全面创新的基础,所以企业在实施全面创新时首先应强调全员创新,要树立人人都可以成为创新者的理念,并尽快走出创新仅仅与研发人员有关的误区;尽管全面创新的落脚点是实现全要素创新,但是如果不从时间的长度和空间的宽度上延伸创新,即进行全时空创新,那么全要素创新就会被打折扣,所以企业要充分认识到全时空创新在全面创新体系中的地位和作用;此外,企业通过充分发挥全时空创新在全员创新和全要素创新之间有部分中介作用,有利于“三全”创新协同开展。本研究提出并实证的全要素创新三层次模型,表明全要素创新中的六要素在全面创新中的作用也不是均等的,它们有明显的层次结构。据此,企业在实施全要素创新时,首先应以战略创新为主导。这是因为战略创新不仅对操作层的技术创新和市场创新有直接作用,而且它还通过管理层的组织创新、制度创新和文化创新间接作用于操作层创新。其次,全要素创新的落脚点在操作层的技术创新和市场创新上,且市场创新对技术创新有明显的正向作用。因此,企业在重视技术创新的同时,还要积极进行市场创新,这有利于促使企业技术创新的成功。第三,属于管理层的组织创新、制度创新和文化创新,上承战略层,体现了战略实现的组织安排;下联操作层,对技术、市场创新起到了支撑和管理作用,可见管理层的创新在战略层的创新和操作层的创新之间起着中介作用。最后,管理层内部的组织创新和文化创新对制度创新均有正向促进作用,这说明管理层的创新核心是制度创新,而且组织创新和文化创新起着实现战略创新到制度创新的部分中介作用。可见,企业实施全面创新的抓手之一就是进行制度创新。本研究探讨市场导向和企业绩效、全面创新的关系后发现:(1)全面创新对企业绩效存在着显著正相关关系,全面创新的“三个全”都可以成为企业绩效的三个方面的良好预测者,即企业全面创新可以为企业带来财务绩效、顾客绩效和员工绩效;(2)市场导向对全面创新的“三全”影响效应也不尽相同,依大小排序:全要素创新、全时空创新和全员创新;(3)市场导向对绩效的三个维度均有显著影响,依其影响效应大小排序为:员工绩效、顾客绩效和财务绩效。

【Abstract】 Innovation is a source to construct competitive advantage for enterprises, industry and national.However,as globalization market competition is aggravated day-by-day,digitized and information network technologies are rapidly developed,as well as user personalization and demand diversification,the enterprise must strategically cultivate and construct competitive advantage based on total innovation. Under the background of transformation economy,how to built and consummate effectively enterprises’ total innovation system which based on market orientation through "all involvement innovation"、"all time-space innovation" and "all elements innovation",display multiple integration and coordinative superiority,and enhance enterprises’ dynamic core competency and performance of total innovation powerfully, is one of the core issues for current strengthening enterprises’ independent innovation ability in our country.So,this dissertation attempts to carry on theoretical and empirical study thoroughly on function mechanism between "Three All",action mechanism between all elements,and the effect mechanism of "Three All" on innovation performance,from "Three All" by using the structural equation model.Based on the frame structure of "input-disposing-output",this study has constructed the related theoretical model:Integrating the Total innovation between the market orientation and performance,constructed a whole theoretical model to study the Total innovation mechanism.Integrating the All Time-Space innovation which being one of aspects of "Three All" to the relations between All Involvements Innovation and All Elements Innovation,this paper constructs a theoretical model concerning the relations of "Three All";Integrating "management level innovation" of All Elements Innovation to the relation between "strategic level innovation" and "operation level innovation",this paper constructs three-level theoretical model of "All Elements Innovation".The relations of those three theoretical models are:the theoretical model of "Three All" is the core to study Total innovation mechanism,the three-level theoretical model of "All Elements Innovation" deeply study Total innovation mechanism,the theoretical model which integrating Total innovation to market orientation and enterprise’s performance broadly study Total innovation mechanism.The three-level theoretical model of All Elements Innovation is helpful in defining clearly the main function mechanism of All Elements Innovation,the integrating theoretical model of Total innovation is helpful in discussing the effects of market orientation and Total innovation on enterprises achievements and its relations, compared with the former related research.This study used the data from 723 copies of effective questionnaires,and its empirical results indicated that the theoretical model having tenaciousness. This study proposed and used the concept of achievements in enterprises’ Total innovation.The majority of studies used the concept of achievements in technological innovation when discussing the effect of Total innovation on achievements.This study believed that this only considered the achievements in technological innovation, and did not consider that in non-technological innovation,such consideration did not fit the connotation of Total innovation.So this study drew lesson from the viewpoint of enterprises’ benefit counterparts,from shareholder,customer and staff three aspects inspected the achievements in Total innovation which brought to enterprises.Here, "achievements in Total innovation" is called "enterprises’ performance" for short. Achievements in Total innovation could be divided into financial achievements, customer achievements and staff achievements.Thus division is advantageous to thoroughly inspect concrete effects of three different aspects from Total innovation on enterprises’ performance,and also is advantageous to propose suggestions for management.This study develops a surveying table,which constituted by 41 topics.Through big sample population,we carried on confidence and validity test.The results show that the surveying table has good confidence and validity.On the theory,the surveying table which constructed in this study has a good fitting in our enterprises survey,and the effect from cultural difference also is little,comparing other overseas surveying table.Therefore,the following study may this table to research some relations between the correlated variables.In the management practice,this table also is helpful to measure and judge Total innovation for enterprises,so that provides scientific basis for improving innovation management.This study has analyzed adjust effects of enterprises quality and the variables of enterprises’ environment on Total innovation and enterprises achievements.The result of analysis finds that organizational resources of internal factors have a significant adjust effect to the above relations;the effects of enterprise development stage and technical turbulence on Total innovation and enterprises achievements are small;there are no effect of other qualities like enterprises size,enterprises age,enterprises location,and market turbulence on market direction and enterprises achievements. Because of the significant adjust effect of organizational resources the enterprises should hold enough resources,so as to input them for gain when having suitable opportunity.In addition,our empirical analysis indicated that having enough organizational resources is also advantageous to promote achievements of All Time-Space innovation to enterprises.This study further confirmed that All Involvements Innovation is the foundation of Total innovation.So,enterprises should emphasize All Involvements Innovation when implementing Total innovation.Enterprises should set up the idea that everybody may become innovator,and goes out erroneous zone where innovation is only related to researcher.Although the goal of Total innovation is that realizing total factor innovation,but if enterprises do not extend length of time and width of spatial to innovate,namely carrying on All Time-Space innovation,then total factor innovation would be discount.Therefore the enterprises need to understand fully the position and function of All Time-Space innovation in Total innovation system;In addition,enterprises display fwlly intermediary function of All Time-Space innovation between All Involvements Innovation and total factor innovation,which is advantageous to develop "three total" innovation coordinately.This study proposed and empirical analyzed three-level model of total factor innovation,and indicated that the function of six main factors of total factor innovation in Total innovation are not equal,they have obvious hierarchical structure. According to the above,the enterprises should take strategy innovation as leadership firstly when implementing total factor innovation.This is because strategy innovation not only has direct function on technological innovation and market innovation of operation level,but also it has indirect function on innovation of operation level through organization innovation,institution innovation and culture innovation of management level.Secondly,the basis of total factor innovation is on technological innovation and market innovation operation level,and the market innovation has obvious positive function on technological innovation.Therefore,while paying attention to technological innovation,enterprises should carry on market innovation positively,that is advantageous to make success in enterprises’ technological innovation.Thirdly,organization innovation,institution innovation and culture innovation of management level,links with the above strategy level to show organizational arrangement for strategy realization;and links with the below operation level to the technology to take support and management function on market innovation,obviously innovation of management level play intermediate function between strategy level’s innovation and operation level’s innovation.Finally, organization innovation and culture innovation of the management internal have positive function on institution innovation.This explained that innovation core for management level is institution innovation.Moreover organization innovation and culture innovation play intermediate function on the process from realization of strategy innovation to institution innovation.Obviously,one contents of implementing Total innovation is carrying on institution innovation for enterprises.Finally by exploring the relationships between the market-orientation, enterprises’performance and total innovation,this paper suggests:(1) Total innovation has a significant positive correlation with the performance of enterprises,and the results of "three-wide" of total innovation are good predictors for three aspects of enterprises’performance.Namely,total innovation can bring about financial,customer and staff performance for the enterprise.(2) On the other side,market-orientation innovation has different effects on total innovation.They can be ordered according to effects from significant to little:all-element innovation,the entire space-time and all-stuff innovation.(3) Market-orientation innovation has a significant impact on three dimensions of performance.The order of the effects for high level to low level is staff performance,customer performance and financial performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

