

【作者】 黄国群

【导师】 徐金发;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着我国市场经济进程的推进,越来越多的个人和群体参与了创业,中国的创业活动日趋活跃。蓬勃的创业活动催生了众多新创企业,这些新创企业不仅为社会提供了新增就业机会,而且促进了企业创新及社会财富的创造,在提高经济增长质量和促进国家或地区经济发展等方面发挥了重要作用。然而,与新创企业巨大的社会经济价值形成反差的是,新创企业有很高的失败率。因此有必要总结一些新创企业的成功经验,从理论上为创业实践提供参考。一直以来,创业、创业企业成长等问题受到理论界的关注,特别在创业研究从“特质论”转向“过程论”之后,越来越多的研究者开始意识到组织学习对创业实践的重要性,作为创业行为、创业过程的新创企业组织学习问题逐渐成为创业研究的重要主题之一。但现有的组织学习理论往往是以成熟企业为背景,没有考虑到新创企业的具体行业背景和具体发展阶段背景,直接应用于新创企业缺乏足够的解释力。总体来看,借助于已有的组织学习理论,寻求适合于创业背景下的新创企业组织学习理论和框架,对组织学习理论本身及创业研究都有重要理论和现实意义。伴随着创业活动的高涨,服务业创业异军突起,大量创业活动发生在服务业领域,因此,本文以服务业新创企业为例,围绕新创企业组织学习问题展开了相关研究。本研究在梳理组织学习各种研究思路的基础上,以全面系统干预(TotalSystems Intervention)为开展研究的元方法论,紧紧围绕新创企业组织学习问题,基于本体论的理论视角,采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,在西方经典组织学习理论的基础上,结合我国创业领域新创企业自身特点,研究了新创企业组织学习维度结构、学习内容与任务、内部推动因素及其对新创企业创业绩效的影响模式,目的是回答四个方面的理论问题:新创企业如何学习,学习什么知识,采用什么样的内部推动因素来促进学习,组织学习与新创企业创业绩效关系如何。为回答以上问题,本文进行了以下方面的研究。研究一为了探索新创企业组织学习要素的类别以及学习的内容特征,本研究使用半结构化深入访谈法,对14家新创企业的17名创业者和中高层管理者进行访谈,并对访谈记录进行分析,利用内容分析的方法提炼出新创企业组织学习的六种关键要素:进行试验、吸收式获取、创业者前馈学习、关键事件驱动式学习、知识储存和知识运用。同时通过对访谈案例中涉及有关组织学习要素的语句的总结,界定了每种学习要素的具体内涵。其次,对被访谈者所举关键事件的内容进行统计分析,发现国内服务业领域的新创企业现在主要的学习任务是:围绕打造企业品牌、塑造组织身份开展的学习;围绕探索企业经营观念、发展道路的学习;围绕如何进一步发展、不断升级那些与生产、服务以及管理等相关的技术性知识开展的学习;围绕市场能力、开拓市场,有关营销方面开展的学习;围绕管理模式、制度、文化等运营模式方面知识开展的学习。研究二基于本体论的理论视角,综合组织学习过程学派和组织学习取向研究,提出了新创企业组织学习的二维模型框架,然后将研究一所得到的六种学习要素整合到这个构思框架当中去。结合访谈研究结果,编制成新创企业的组织学习问卷,对52家新创企业的171份有效问卷进行探索性因素分析,对91家新创企业的259份有效问卷进行验证性因素分析,结果显示,新创企业的组织学习包括六种学习要素,分别代表探索学习、开发学习二种模式,其中进行实验、吸收式获取、关键事件驱动学习、创业者前馈学习属于探索学习,知识储存、知识运用属于开发学习。这一研究结果也印证了March的两模式学习分类。研究三在实地调研、访谈研究的基础上,把各种内部推动因素分为了四类:从微观个体角度出发的内部推动因素;从团队角度出发的内部推动因素;从高层与管理层面出发的内部推动因素;从制度、从文化氛围角度出发的内部推动要素。随后开展了问卷调查,通过因子分析发现新创企业组织学习的内部推动因素可以划分为:学习引导、共同发展、尊重个性、组织支持、开放合作共五个因子。对组织内部推动因素与组织学习各要素关系的实证分析表明,五个组织学习推动因素与各种新创企业组织学习要素几乎都呈中等程度的显著正相关,说明组织学习内部推动因素具备的水平越高,新创企业学习实践、学习强度越大。研究四探讨了组织学习对新创企业绩效的影响模式。利用问卷调研方法,证实了新创企业组织学习对创业绩效的影响作用;在创业环境特征的缓冲效应检验中,发现需求不确定性、市场竞争强度在组织学习与创业绩效的关系之间存在显著的缓冲作用。通过进一步的研究分析,需求不确定性与竞争强度在组织学习与获利性绩效关系、组织学习与与成长性绩效之间存在缓冲效应,但在组织学习与持续性绩效的关系之间并没有起到缓冲作用。通过以上研究的开展,本文发现新创企业这种处在特定发展阶段的企业在组织学习方面一些特点:在学习手段上,创业者的前馈学习是新创企业组织学习中重要的组成部分,借助于关键事件(Critical events)、未预料关键事件(Unexpectedkey events)来学习也是新创企业组织学习的一个常用的学习手段和方式。组织学习内容上,新创企业,特别是那些在已经渡过初创期的新创企业,学习内容除了延续原有创业学习内容,促进创意的实现和表达外,很大程度上表现为围绕企业核心业务开展的学习,类似于传统的商业管理内容;在组织学习内部推动因素上,那些围绕或体现学习引导、共同发展、组织支持、合作开放、尊重个性类的内部条件和管理实践有利于新创企业组织学习的发生。这些发现对于新创企业组织学习管理实践有较积极的指导意义。本文在全面系统干预的元方法论指导下,借鉴和吸收组织学习研究中的过程研究、取向研究、规范研究等多种研究视角和学派的有关观点,基于本体论的理论视角,突出了新创企业整体在组织学习过程中的主体地位及创业者在新创企业组织学习中的关键作用,研究了新创企业组织学习的维度结构、学习内容及其对组织绩效的影响模式,并分析了组织学习内部推动因素与组织学习各要素的关系。

【Abstract】 Since China adopted reform and open-to-the-outside world policy,with the porpelment for the market economy,more and more people participate in entrepreneurial practice.Prosperous entrepreneurship has fostered many new ventures, and they not only supplies added employments,but also promotes enterprise innovation and creates more social value,which plays an important role in enhancing national and regional economy development.However many new ventures failed contrary to their social and economic value.So we need abstract those successful new ventures’ experience for guiding entrepreneurial practice.So long ago more and more researchers have realized the importance of organizational learning for entrepreneurship,especially after some researchers drew attention from entrepreneur’s personatity and began to focus on the process of entrepreneurship.As entrepreneurial behavior and process,new venture organizational learning gradually become an important topic in the field of entrepreneurship research,but existing organizational learning theories tend to analyze those established enterprises and aren’t with an eye to new ventures’ industrial and develop process background,for which reasons we cannot get reasonable and entire explain when we directly apply existing organizational learning theories to the field of new venture’s organizational learning. As a whole,if we can create a theoretical framework of new venture organizational learning based on existing organizational learning theories,it will be of great academic and practical significance.In China most entrepreneurial practice takes place in service industry with the prosperous entrepreneurship.So this dissertation chose organizational learning of new venture in service industry as the research topic.On the base of tracing back to the train of thought of research,we chose the methodology of Total Systems Intervention(TSI) as the meta methodology in this dissertation.Form the point of view of ontology theory,and based on western classical theory,surrounding the core topic of new venture organizational learning integrated quantitative and qualitative methods,with a view to the characters of Chinese new ventures,this dissertation studied the structure of dimension,learning contents,facilitating factors of new venture organizational learning and its influence on entrepreneurial performance of new venture,in order to explore four key theoretical questions:how does new venture learn,what kinds of knowledge does new venture learn,what are the facilitating factors of new venture organizational learning, what is the relationship between new venture organizational learning and its entrepreneurial performance.To answer these four questions,we conducted four studies.They are as follows:Study 1:In order to explore the elements and contents of new venture organizational learning,we used semi-construct interview method to interview 17 entrepreneur and managers in 14 new ventures to explore the key events of the organizational learning of new venture.Then we used content analysis technique to analysis the text of interviews,and abstracted six elements of new venture organizational learning,including experimenting,absorbtive acquisition,critical events-driven learning,,entrepreneur’s forward learning,knowledge storing and knowledge application,At the same time,we defined the six elements respectively based on analyzing the text of interview cases.Furthermore,by analyzing the key events adduced by the interviewees,we found that Chinese new ventures in the service industry mainly learn how to establish brand and construct corporate identity, how to explore the business notion,how to develop and upgrade those knowledge related to corporate business activities such as produce,servicing and management, how to improve market capability,how to acquire those knowledge of corporate institution and culture.Study 2:Form the point of view of ontology theory,integrated the process school of organizational learning research and the research of organizational learning orientation,we brought up our new venture organizational learning mode and integrate the six elements of new venture organizational learning into the mode. Taking the results of interviews into account,drawing lessons from accepted questionnaire of organizational learning,we tailored the measurement of this study. We used 171 qualified samples from 52 new ventures for exploratory factor analysis,and 259 qualified samples from 91 different new ventures for confirmatory factor analysis.The result showed that new venture organizational learning include six kinds of elements,among which there are two different types of learning in new venture:explorative learning and exploitative learning.Explorative learning is featured as experimenting,absorbtive acquisition,critical events-driven learning and entrepreneur’s forward learning;while exploitative learning is featured as knowledge storing and knowledge application.This result also conforms to March’s March’s two types of organizational learning.Study 3:On the base of investigation,interview and case study,we divided the facilitating factors of organizational learning into four categories:factors at the level of individual,factors at the level of organizational team,factors at the organizational top level such as entrepreneur and top managers and factors from the perspective of organizational institution and culture.We analyzed the questionnaire and conducted factor analysis,and abstracted five factors of the facilitating factors of new venture organizational learning:learning leading,common development,respecting personality and organizational supporting.The positive research of the relationship between facilitating factors of organizational learning and factors of organizational learning showed that the five facilitating factors of organizational learning are moderately relative to almost every factors of organizational learning,which new venture will be more willing to learning when the facilitating factors of organizational learning are at a high level.Study 4:We use organizational learning case study and survey methods to explore on the influence of organizational learning on new venture’s entrepreneurial performance.Our study proved that explorative learning and exploitative learning do have impact on new venture’s entrepreneurial performance.We also tested the moderate effect of environment factors by using regression analysis,and got the result that:organizational learning will have different influence on new venture’s entrepreneurial performance under different environment.We examined the moderating effect of environment factors on the relationship between new venture organizational learning and entrepreneurial performance.The results showed that the moderating erect of demand uncertainty and competitive intensity both are supported. Our further research found that demand uncertainty and competitive intensity moderated the relationship between organizational learning and the profitability and growth of entrepreneurial performance,but they did not moderate the sustainability of entrepreneurial performance.So we deduced that:if new ventures wants to improve organizational performance by organizational learning,they must dynamically match their learning pattern with the environment.Through above studies,we found some characters of new venture organizational learning:on learning modes,entrepreneur’s forward learning is a very important part of new venture organizational learning,and driving learning by critical and unexpected events is common in new ventures;on learning contents,besides continuing entrepreneurial learning,new ventures,especially those who have come through early growth stage,learn how to develop core business to a great extent, which are similar to traditional business management;on facilitating factors for organizational learning,if new ventures can offer the advantage of learning leading, common development,respecting personality and organizational supporting. organizational learning will arises more easily in the institution.We believe that our findings will instruct the managerial practice of new venture organizational learning.Based on the ontology theory,and under the guidance of meta methodology of TSI,This research studied the structure,content,internal facilitating factors,and consequences of organizational learning of new ventures,from the view of dynamic fit between organizational learning and internal and external environment.The role of New venture as a whole and the key effect of entrepreneur during the learning process were emphasized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2048
  • 攻读期成果

