

【作者】 盛南

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 社会型创业是近年来在全球范围内兴起的一种创业模式,其核心是运用市场机制创造社会价值,使组织在解决社会问题的同时实现自身的发展。这种观点不仅与主流的可持续发展理念高度一致,也与我们和谐社会建设的推进思路相辅相成。本文在梳理总结以往相关研究的基础上,以组织社会化变革的过程为整体视角,以社会嵌入理论与结构行动理论为分析框架,对企业的社会型创业现象进行深度解读与系统剖析,主要解决了三个问题:一是挖掘企业社会型创业的核心内涵,开发社会创业导向的概念构思(研究一与研究二),二是探索社会创业导向的触发动力和使能动力,明确社会创业导向的形成机制(研究三与研究四),三是研究社会创业导向对利益相关者的影响,构建社会创业导向的效能机制(研究五)。因此从整体上来看,本文的实证部分包括五个密切相关的研究。研究一通过案例方法探索开发企业社会型创业的核心构思——社会创业导向。借鉴公司创业领域中创业导向方面的研究成果,采用多重案例分析的方法,从边缘资源整合、社会市场洞察和共赢机制构建三个方面逐一对三个样本企业的社会型创业活动进行了结构化的分析,在案例内分析的基础上对各个案例的研究结果实施跨案例分析,提炼出具有理论意义的构思维度,从而对研究问题形成更加深刻的理解。研究结果表明社会创业导向是一个包含互惠协同、资源拓展、社会引领三个维度的构思,而且这三个维度之间存在着一种两两相关的关系。这一结论为后续的定量实证研究提供了必要的理论支撑,同时也为社会型创业理念的推广和普及奠定了基础。研究二旨在通过严谨规范的程序对社会创业导向的构思进行验证。在题项开发环节既吸收了国外研究的相关成果,又扎根本土通过现场访谈获取大量更加具有针对性的信息,并请专家对相关的内容和措辞进行了审核与修订。在量表提纯阶段使用了130组样本,通过项目分析和探索性因素分析删除了一批不尽人意的题项,最终获得了一套包含互惠协同、资源拓展和社会引领三个维度共11个题项的社会创业导向量表。在量表检验的阶段使用了117组与量表开发环节相互独立的样本,除了常见的内部一致性分析之外,还通过结构方程建模对量表的个别项目信度、组合信度、收敛效度和聚合效度进行了综合检验,并通过相关分析检验了社会创业导向的效标关联效度,这些都为量表的有效性和可靠性提供了强有力的证明,为社会创业导向的实证测量和定量研究奠定了基础。研究三对社会创业导向的触发动力进行了深度挖掘。以组织社会化变革领域的研究成果为理论基础,将企业社会型创业的触发动力分为持续增长、联盟发展和社会承诺三类。采用焦点小组讨论的方法获取企业家对自身社会型创业行为触发动力的陈述和对典型社会型创业行为触发动力的分析,进而采用结构化的内容分析技术对讨论的文字材料进行多级编码与统计分析。研究结果表明企业的社会型创业往往是在三类不同的触发动力共同作用下发生的,其中持续增长是社会创业导向最为重要的触发动力,而且仅凭社会承诺并不足以驱动企业的社会型创业。受到社会承诺驱动的社会型创业活动很有可能与企业原有的业务存在明显的差异。当企业面临生存危机的时候,选择社会型创业的可能性非常小,但这往往恰是企业走出困境的最佳途径。研究四采用了208组样本对社会创业导向的形成机制进行了系统的定量分析。从经典的组织变革理论的视角来看,社会创业导向的形成受到了触发动力和使能动力的共同作用,因此该部分内容可以分为两个模块:一是借助多元回归分析和结构方程建模技术考察不同类型的触发动力究竟如何影响企业的社会创业导向的形成,结果表明持续增长对社会创业导向的各个维度均有显著的促进作用,而社会承诺却只对社会引领有直接的影响;二是将反映企业价值观的组织认同导向作为使能动力纳入到社会创业导向形成机制的研究之中,结果表明个体认同导向会对持续增长和社会创业导向之间的关系起负向调解作用,而关系认同导向则会对联盟发展和互惠协同之间的关系起正向调解作用,集体认同导向则会对社会承诺和社会引领之间的关系起正向调解作用。研究五对社会创业导向的效能机制做出了解释。从利益相关者理论入手探讨社会创业导向对企业产生的各种影响,采用情景模拟的方法实现不同类型利益相关者的角色扮演,通过实验操作控制社会创业导向各个维度的水平,借助多因素方差分析和多元回归分析技术分别考察社会创业导向对利益相关者影响力的提升作用以及企业社会绩效在其中所扮演的角色。120组被试的实验数据表明:社会创业导向会对企业的利益相关者影响力产生显著的正向推动,而企业社会绩效则会对上述两者之间的关系产生部分中介效应。如果从维度水平来看,资源拓展和互惠协同主要影响利益相关者的合作意愿和关系承诺,但对善意归因的影响并不明显;而社会引领维度对利益相关者影响力的促进则主要体现在善意归因之上,并且它还能够正向调节资源拓展与互惠协同同利益相关者影响力各个维度之间的关系。最后,本文系统地概括了主要的研究结论,探讨了研究的理论进展和现实意义,并指出了研究的局限性和未来的发展方向。

【Abstract】 Social entrepreneurship emerges to be a globally persuasive managerial philosophy recently,which focuses on creating social value through market mechanism.This perspective is not only highly compatible with the idea of sustainable development,but also with the strategy of building a harmonious society. Based on a systematic review of prior studies,this dissertation focused on the theories of organizational social change and social embeddedness.Adopting the scripts analysis framework provided by the structuration theory,this study closely examined the phenomenon of corporate social entrepreneurship(CSE).Three issues have been well resolved:(1) it developed the construct of social entrepreneurial orientation (SEO),specified and refined the concept of CSE(study 1 and 2);(2) it investigated the precipitating dynamics of CSE,clarified the formation mechanism of SEO(study 3 and 4);(3) it examined the results and outcomes of CSE,built the effectiveness mechanism of SEO(study 5).Thus the empirical part of this study is composed by 5 closely interdependent studies.Study 1 developed the construct of SEO by using the method of exploratory case study.It drew upon studies of entrepreneurial orientation,and examined the social entrepreneurial activities of three cases.Through both within-case and cross-case analysis,it extracted several theoretically meaningful dimensions for the construct. The result shows that social entrepreneurial orientation is a construct composed by three interrelated dimensions,namely social anticipating,reciprocal synergy,and resources expansion.This result provided necessary theoretical support for later quantitative research,and laid the basis for further spread of the idea of social entrepreneurship.Study 2 verified the construct of SEO and developed a scale for it.Author developed the original items by referring to both the results of prior studies and the field in-depth interviews.Experts were consulted to examine the wording and contents of the items.During the process of scale refinement,item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were employed in a sample of 130 firms,and the final scale included 11 items with three interrelated dimensions.Another independent sample of 117 finns was used to examine the psychometric properties of the scale. Using the technique of structure equation modeling,author found evidences of its internal consistency,individual item reliability,composite reliability,convergent validity and discriminant validity.Finally,correlation analysis provided evidence for the criteria-related validity.These results provided supports for the scale’s validity and reliability,laid the basis for empirical measurement in the field of SEO research.Study 3 closely examined the precipitating dynamics of SEO.According to the theoretical results of organizational social change,author defined these dynamics into three categories,namely sustaining growth,alliance development and social commitment.Focus groups were employed to obtain social entrepreneurs’ articulation about the precipitating dynamics of SEO.Content analysis was employed for coding the discussion materials.The result shows that sustaining growth is the most important one that drives CSE,while social commitment alone is not sufficient to drive it.However,CSE activities driven by social commitment are likely to be significantly different from their prior business.And in most conditions,when corporate face severe threats,the likelihood to conduct social entrepreneurship,which usually bears the potential to serve as the best option for them to rebound,are rare.Study 4 systematically examined the formation mechanism of SEO by using a sample of 208 groups.This study is composed by two parts.Firstly,author employed multiple regression and structure equation modeling to investigate the relationship between precipitating dynamics mentioned above and SEO dimensions.The result shows that the sustaining growth positively influences all three dimensions of SEO, while social commitment only influences social anticipating dimension directly. Secondly,three different kinds of organizational identity orientation were introduced into the model to reflect the enable dynamics of SEO.The result shows that the individualistic identity orientation negatively moderates the relationship between sustaining growth and SEO,while relational identity orientation positively moderates the relationship between alliance development and reciprocal synergy,and collectivistic identity orientation positively moderates the relationship between social commitment and social anticipating.Study 5 explained the effectiveness mechanism of SEO.Drawing on stakeholder theories,this study simulated real situations,in which the experimental factors were assigned with different levels.Under these scenarios,the subjects were playing different kinds of stakeholders.In order to understand the influence of SEO on stakeholders’ perception,and the role of corporate social performance,multivariate variance analysis and multiple regressions were employed.The results from a sample of 120 groups showed that,SEO do positively affects corporates’ stakeholder influence capacity,and corporate social performance mediates the relationship above. At the dimensional level,resources expansion and reciprocal synergy positively affect stakeholders’ cooperative intention and relational commitment,while social anticipating just positively affects stakeholders’ altruistic attribution,which simultaneously moderates the relationship between the other two dimensions of SEO and stakeholder influence capacity.Finally,the main conclusions of this dissertation were summarized.The theoretical contribution and practical implications,as well as the limitations of studies above and the directions for further research were discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1868
  • 攻读期成果

