

Research on Theory and Application of Co-interaction of Soil-Structure of Masonry Pagodas

【作者】 卢俊龙

【导师】 姚谦峰;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国是世界文明古国,砖石古塔是古代高层建筑的杰出代表,体现了我国古代高超的建筑技术,是优秀的历史文化遗产。但由于建造年代久远,自然与人为的破坏,存留至今的砖石古塔大多存在倾斜和结构破坏,本文结合地基的变形理论及土—结构相互作用理论,就砖石古塔的纠偏技术及抗震保护理论进行了研究。主要工作及相关结论如下:1.砖石古塔的地基变形理论分析结合砖石古塔地基体沉降及三相变形理论,将古塔基础的两个边缘分别视为两个面积较小的刚性基础,并假定基础倾斜引起古塔的偏心为小偏心,结合土体中气体的物理状态方程,推导了倾斜古塔地基体沉降的计算公式,并对倾斜砖石古塔的抗倾覆稳定性进行了分析。2.“成孔-软化”纠偏法关键技术研究结合陕西眉县净光寺塔纠偏工程,通过以地基土性参数的改变模拟注水对土体的软化作用,以软化区域的扩大模拟注水量的增加对土体的效应,通过在地基土体中扣除与所成孔的体积相等部分的土体模拟成孔的作用,对净光寺塔纠偏全过程进行了模拟,将计算纠偏量与实际纠偏量进行对比,分析了注水量与纠偏量之间的关系。3.土—结构动力相互作用对砖石古塔的振动特性影响分析结合结构振动理论及土—结构动力相互作用的计算模型,分别建立了西安小雁塔考虑土—结构动力相互作用与不考虑相互作用时的理论计算模型及空间有限元模型,对小雁塔的振动特性进行了分析,并将理论计算结果、数值分析结果与动力测试结果进行了对比分析。4.基于土—结构相互作用理论的砖石古塔地震反应分析结合土—结构动力相互作用理论,分别在不包含相互作用和包含相互作用两种情况下,对西安兴教寺玄奘塔进行了地震反应分析,就土—结构相互作用对砖石古塔地震反应、薄弱层的位置的影响进行了分析。5.砖石古塔抗震性能综合评估方法及抗震加固技术研究结合砖石古塔的历史震害及工程结构的抗震鉴定方法,提出砖石古塔抗震性能的综合评估方法,采用该方法对兴教寺玄奘塔的抗震性能进行了评估,并结合评估结果提出了抗震加固方案。本文的创新之处在于:首次将土—结构相互作用理论引入砖石古塔的纠偏及抗震保护研究之中,为砖石古塔结构保护技术提供了可靠的理论依据。主要创新点有:1.建立了砖石古塔纠偏数值计算模型,实现了古塔纠偏全过程的数值模拟建立净光寺塔纠偏的数值计算模型,通过纠偏控制指标的调整,对该塔纠偏全过程进行了模拟,将计算纠偏量与实测纠偏量进行对比,分析了注水量与纠偏量之间的关系,实现了纠偏全过程的可控性。2.结合土—结构动力相互作用理论,揭示了土—结构相互作用对砖石古塔振动特性及地震反应的影响规律结合土—结构动力相互作用理论,建立了砖石古塔土—结构相互作用系统的理论计算模型与数值分析模型,通过不考虑相互作用和考虑相互作用状况下砖石古塔的振动特性及地震反应分析,给出了土—结构相互作用对砖石古塔振动特性及地震反应的影响规律。3.给出了砖石古塔抗震性能综合评估模型,建立了其综合评估方法通过分析砖石古塔的历史震害与抗震机制,结合工程结构的抗震鉴定方法,建立了砖石古塔抗震性能的综合评估模型,并结合震害调查结果及相关研究,给出了模型中各指标的取值标准及砖石古塔综合评估方法。

【Abstract】 Our country is an ancient civilization in the world and masonry pagodas are outstanding deputies of ancient high-rise buildings.Masonry pagodas are excellent historical-cultural heritages, by which the high-level building technologies are embodied in ancient China.While damaged naturally or artificial,many masonry pagodas are structural impaired or deviated.In light of theory of deformation of subsoil and theory of co-interaction of soil and structure,the deviation rectification technology and seismic protection are studied in this paper.The follows are in details:1.Analysis of theory of deformation of subsoil of masonry pagodasIn light of the volume settlement theory and the tri-objective deformation theory,the calculation formula of volume settlement of deviated masonry pagodas is deduced by which two edges of foundation of masonry pagodas are consider as small rigid foundations and deviation of pagodas induced by foundations is small eccentricity.Also the stability of anti-capsizal of deviated masonry pagodas is analyzed.2.Research of key technical index of deviation rectification of Drill-holes And SoftenIn light of deviation rectification of Jingguang Pagoda in Meixian County,Shaanxi Province, the soften effect of water-injection is simulated by changes of parameters of soil,the adding of injecting water is simulated by expanding of the soften volumes and the holes are simulated by volume deduction in soil,by which the whole process of deviation rectification is simulated.Also, the calculated deviated rectification is compared by that of test and the relation of water-injection and deviated rectification is analyzed.3.Analysis of influence of vibration character of masonry pagodas by co-interaction of soil and structureBased on vibration theory of structures and calculation models of co-interaction of soil and structure,the theoretical model and three-dimensional Finite Element Method model are set up either co-interaction of soil and structure included or excluded.The vibration characters of Small Wild Goose Pagoda are calculated and the results are compared by test.4.Seismic response analysis of masonry pagoda based on co-interaction of soil and structureIn light of theory of co-interaction of soil and structure,seismic response analysis of Xuanzhuang Pagoda in Xingjiao Temple has been done in Xi’an has been done either include co-interaction either exclude.Then the effect of co-interaction to seismic response of masonry pagodas and location of weak floors is analyzed.5.Research on method for integrated seismic resistant evaluation and strengthen technology of masonry pagodasBased on past seismic disasters and current seismic resistant appraisal methods,the integrative seismic resistant appraisal method for masonry pagodas is brought forward.By the method,seismic resistant performance of Xuanzhuang Pagoda has been appraised and seismic resistant strengthen plan is given according to result of evaluation.The mainly original points are as follows:The theories of co-interaction of soil and structure are applied in deviation rectification and seismic resistant protection of masonry pagodas firstly.That can be taken as theoretical basis for protection to structures of masonry pagodas.Following are in details:1.The numerical calculation model of rectification deviation is founded and numerical simulation of whole process of deviation rectification of masonry pagoda is achievedThe numerical model of deviation rectification of Jingguang Pagoda has been established.By modulating of controlling index of deviation rectification,the whole process of the pagoda has been simulated.The rectification value of calculation is compared by that of test and the relationship of volumes of water injected and rectification value has been studied.As a result, controlling of the process of deviation rectification is achieved.2.In light of theories of dynamical co-interaction of soil and structure,the rules of vibration characters and seismic response of masonry pagodas impacted by co-interaction of soil and structure are discoveredIn light theories of co-interaction of soil and structure,the theoretical model and numerical model of co-interaction of soil and structure of masonry pagoda are founded.By analysis of vibration character and seismic response of masonry pagoda both including co-interaction and exclude,the rules of vibration characters and seismic response of masonry pagodas impacted by co-interaction of soil and structure are given. 3.The seismic resistant appraisal model is given and the integrative appraisal method is foundedBy analysis of past seismic disasters and seismic resistant mechanism,the integrative seismic resistant appraisal model of masonry pagodas has been set up in light of seismic resistant appraisal methods of buildings.And the value standard of each index in the model and appraisal method have been given based on investigation of seismic disasters of masonry pagodas and some related research.


