

Researches on the System of the Existing Building Safety and Crisis Management in City

【作者】 袁春燕

【导师】 李慧民;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 土木工程建造与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 论文针对现阶段我国房屋建筑物安全管理现状,构建房屋建筑物的安全管理体系,并将该体系进行三维解析,从技术维、实体维、制度维三方面展开,以技术维体系为研究重点,涉及房屋安全的常态管理、房屋建筑物的应急管理、房屋建筑物安全检测鉴定体制的发展研究、房屋建筑物安全管理的制度保障体系及全寿命周期的房屋建筑物安全管理等,具体研究内容如下:1.界定房屋建筑物安全管理的权责关系,建立房屋安全管理的三维解析体系房屋建筑物服役期内,其安全责任人一般包括产权人、被授权人、专业管理人、出租人、承租人、维修加固人、拆除人、安全鉴定人及政府等。明确不同责任人的责任和义务,为房屋安全管理体系的运转提供人力保障;房屋安全管理体系是一个复杂的系统,涉及技术、立法和实体运行等,分析房屋建筑物安全管理体系的各种影响因素,构建房屋建筑物安全管理的三维保障体系,以房屋安全管理为基础,分别沿管理制度维、管理实体维和管理技术维三个维度展开。三维体系的建立,便于体系有效性的审核与改进,便于系统化的运作与管理。2.房屋建筑物安全状态综合评判体系基于对建筑物的常态管理和健康档案的需要,建立房屋建筑物常态下的安全评判体系。从房屋建筑物安全管理与维护部门的角度出发确定十三个主要影响房屋安全的因素,并将这十三个影响因素归为四类,建立层次结构模型:(1)房屋的历史状况:(2)房屋所处环境状况;(3)结构承载力;(4)耐久性。由于对建筑物的常规安全检查所获取的信息是模糊的,且在房屋建筑物寿命期内,影响其安全的因素多,很多因素是构成房屋安全隐患的潜在内因,各个影响因素指标不相互独立,并具有一定的关联性。基于λ-fuzzy测度的choquet模糊积分的决策模型具有其自身的优越性,它是模糊积分的非线性组合决策模型,既能反映出模型中各个因素指标的重要性,又能反映出各个因素指标之间的交互作用,论文采用Choquet模糊积分的综合评定方法能够很好的反映房屋建筑物的健康安全状况。3.解析房屋建筑物安全检测鉴定行业,并探讨发展方向房屋建筑物寿命期内安全健康的保障是定期安全检测与鉴定。房屋安全检测与鉴定技术性强,分析检测鉴定行业的任务及鉴定种类和方法;伴随着经济体制的变革,房屋安全检测鉴定行业正处在变革的时期,分析该行业的发展历程及今后的市场发展前景,提出了房屋安全检测鉴定行业市场化的发展方向。检测鉴定行业专业性强,从事该业务的人员要有丰富的专业知识和技术技能,市场化、职业化的发展方向必定是该行业要走的路。建立不对称信息条件下房屋安全鉴定单位的选择模型,探讨在多目标条件下选取最佳方案的方法。4.建立房屋安全应急管理体系,提出应急状况下的动态分级管理论文中明确房屋建筑物安全应急管理体系的地位,它是城市综合应急管理体系的一部分。由于其自身专业性强,故房屋安全应急管理体系又具有独立性。指出房屋安全应急体系重点在于突出和强化房屋安全事件的预防、预测、预警、预警化解、先期处理,第一时间应急响应和善后处置等方面的内容。在应急响应的体系分析中,提出了应急事件的分级方法;在应急事件处理过程中,提出了动态分级管理的方法。房屋安全突发事件处置过程中,事件发生、发展、演变的情况是不断变化的,由于应急处置过程中所掌握的信息是逐渐增加的,因此需要根据事态的变化进行动态的分类分级。利用模糊决策的相关理论方法,建立了动态模糊分类分级模型,估计出未来某时间点的事件级别,指导应急行动。5.解析房屋建筑物安全保障体系房屋安全与管理体系的运作需要从中央立法到地方法规建设做保障,系统分析了现有立法、法规的保障作用和薄弱环节,针对国内的房屋安全管理体系中凸现“重建设、轻管理”的管理方式,指出房屋安全保障体系的完善方向。6.建立全寿命期的房屋建筑物安全管理模式全寿命质量安全管理是对建筑物质量安全科学管理的完整形态,也是我国建设管理制度发展完善的必然趋势。建筑物全寿命质量安全管理的重点是关注建筑物全寿命周期成本(LCC)。在建设项目投资决策阶段应该从整个建筑物的寿命周期来考虑资金的投入,而不应该只考虑前建设期的投资。因此,寿命周期成本的分析方法围绕着建筑物从最初的决策到最后拆除废弃的整个寿命期考虑。建立建筑物全寿命周期成本模型,提出全寿命周期成本计划,全寿命周期成本分析,全寿命周期成本管理的内容。

【Abstract】 This paper aims at the present conditions of the house building maintenance and management.It sets up a system of the maintenance and management on the house buildings,which is a three dimensional system including technology dimensional, entity dimensional and institution dimensional.It deals with the normal management mode on the buildings health,crisis management,the test appraisal industry development,the juristic guarantee system and the life cycle cost management.The main contents are the following:1.Clear the relationship of the rights and responsibilities and construction of a three dimensional system analysis for buildings maintenance and managementDuring the service periods of the house building,there are many person responsible to its safety,including the person who own the property right,the person who is authorized the right,professional manager,lesser,lessee,the person in maintenance and reinforcement,the person for demolition,the person of safety appraisal and the government.So,it is necessary to make clear the rights and duties from different people on the house buildings’ safety,only by this way,can it provide a guarantee on the system.The safety management system is complex,and it needs the guarantee from technology,entity and the legal system.Analyzed all the factors from the three dimensional,it is benefit to the system management and operation,and will be helpful for improvement and promotion in future.2.The system of buildings’ safety assessmentIn order to make preparation for the buildings’ health files and information,it set up a buildings’ safety assessment system.The factors on building safety are complex and multiple,it analyzed all the factors then classified,including four kinds:history condition,environment condition,bearing capacity and durability.A hierarchical structure was founded.Because the messages on the buildings’ safety condition is fuzzy and the factors effect on the buildings’ health is complicated.Most of the factors are not independent. Based on theλ-fuzzy measure,using Choquet integral decision-making method can solve this kind of problem,because it can reflect the absolute importance of factors on the buildings,but also deals with the factors relationship among them.Therefore,the decision making mode can determine the buildings health condition completely.Then a case was studied at last.3.Buildings’ test and appraisal industry analysis and developmentThe industry of test and appraisal is a technology guarantee to the buildings’ health. It depends on the technology,and need many kinds of new test methods.With the economic development and promotion,the old mode can not fit with the present requirement.Then the paper studies the cases from some cities on this industry, analyzes the market prospect,and proposes a competed mode in market in future.Once the test and appraisal industry steps into the market,there must be competition. With the development of the industry of building safety on the strength and rehabilitation,the owner occupier is dissymmetry with the construction company in message.Under this condition,multi-attributes decision making model can solve the problem of selection.4.Crisis management and the mode of dynamic grade crisis management on buildings’ safetyThe crisis management on the buildings’ safety is one part of the integrated crisis system in cities.But because the buildings’ safety crisis management has its own specialties,it also is independence.So this crisis system’s key point is to emphasis on the prevention,prediction,early-warning,early-warning defused and disposal in the earlier stage.The paper puts forward the classification management mode in crisis response system.During the stage of disposing safety crisis,the paper puts forwards the dynamic grade management mode.At the stage of the crisis disposal,the crisis condition was continuous changing,so the dynamic grade management is suitable.Based on the fuzzy decision making theory,a dynamic grade mode was founded.It can determine the danger level at some time point in future,and then direct emergency action5.The legislation guarantee system analysisBuildings safety management system operating healthy relies on the local legislation and the central legislation.But for a long time,the government pays more attention to the construction,but ignores the management for the buildings,this paper analyzes the present conditions and points out the weak links,then puts forward the measurement and improvement direction in the future6.The mode of life cycle quality and cost managementThe mode of life cycle quality and cost management is a scientifically and complete management morphology for the buildings safety,which is also the development tendency in the future.The key point is the life cycle cost management.During the invest decision making and design periods,the investment is considered,but the investment consideration is not emphasis on the earlier stage,but on the total life cycle of the building.So the life cycle cost analysis is from the beginning of the decision making to the demolition.The model of life cycle cost is formed used to study the life cycle plan,the life cycle cost analysis and the life cycle cost management.


