

Study on the System of Western Villages and Small Towns’ Well-off Housing

【作者】 吴大川

【导师】 刘伯权;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目前,随着我国西部地区村镇居民经济收入与生活水平的提高,城市化进程的加快,祖辈所留传下来的古老简陋的住房,已不能满足生活与生产的需要,住宅建设呈现出前所未有的繁荣景象,建房速度超过了中国历史上任何一个时期。住宅改变村镇居住区面貌、改善当地居民生活条件的同时,许多村镇居民由于缺乏建设住宅的指导及自身需求的参考,出现建设住宅尚缺乏全盘的规划与安排,技术措施跟不上去,盲目贪大求洋的倾向,不注意自身的特色等现象,致使资源严重消耗、居民届住环境不断恶化。这对新型居住区的建设和发展显然是不利的,可以说,缺少科学、合理、系统、全面、有一定超前性的村镇小康住宅体系的纲领性文件,已成为西部村镇发展建设,城市化进程,实现小康目标的严重障碍,也是村镇居民迫切需求及地方政府建设领域急需解决的重要问题。因此,我们必须思考在无限的需求愿望和有限的资源供给之间寻找一个适当的结合点,把建设能符合村镇经济水平,提高能源、资源效用,满足舒适健康愿望的具有最优性的村镇小康住宅项目作为根本目标。西部村镇小康住宅体系研究是针对西部地区村镇,以“小康”的标准,科学、合理的研究住宅建设,从而构建出适合西部地区村镇且具有前瞻性的小康住宅。它对于改善居民居住质量及全面建设小康社会,具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。本文正是基于这样的原因出了研究的课题,力图通过对我国西部村镇住宅体系的研究,能够为西部村镇建房提供一个科学合理的住宅模式,减少或杜绝较差项目的盲目建设;同时也有助于地方政府制定科学、合理、系统、全面、有一定超前性的村镇小康住宅设计导则的纲领性文件,从定性、定量两方面为地方政府及村镇居民有效的指导村镇小康住宅建设。本文总共分为六部分。首先,在对国内外村镇住宅的现状及发展概况进行分析,结合小康住宅理论的研究及西部村镇住宅调研的基础,归纳出当前村镇住宅存在的主要问题,从而提出本文研究的目的和意义。其次,定义村镇住宅体系小康的内涵,明确小康住宅研究的准则,构建多元多层次的村镇小康住宅体系研究层次。多元多层次的实质就是要求住宅从建筑体系、结构体系、材料体系及新技术应用的四方面进行多层次的研究,使住宅项目整体达到小康标准。第三,结合目前西部村镇住宅建设体系的现状,选定具有一定规模和代表性的典型住宅项目进行了详细的实证研究,分析影响村镇小康住宅建筑体系的因素,从而确定村镇小康住宅家居功能模式,将其分为基本生活空间和生产空间,但由于部分生活功能空间与城市住宅较为相似,为此,对最基本的生活功能空间结合村镇的实际进行分析,突出村镇住宅的居住模式以及居住条件不同,并提出村镇小康住宅建筑体系设计要点,改善当前现狀。在此基础上,制定陕西村镇小康住宅建筑体系的标准,为今后从事陕西村镇小康住宅建筑设计人员提供一定的参考。第四,通过对村镇住宅结构体系的分析,指出住宅的不同部位存在的问题,为此,依据基础、墙身、楼面、屋面的顺序,结合日前规范及施工经验,依次进行探讨。在探讨的过程中,重点对不同部位结构的构造做法提出若干种设计方案或者发计规范。最后,本章根据参阅大量文献,综合考虑各方利益和要求,介绍了几种可能的村镇小康新结构体系,希望为村镇居民在建设自己理想的小康住宅时,提供更多的住宅结构类型作为选择。第五,结合西部地区村镇住宅墙体材料的使用现状,阐述对于传统墙体材料优化的意义及村镇小康住宅墙体材料的使用标准,与此同时,针对陕西目前出现的新型墙体材料进行分类,在此基础上,研究了村镇小康住宅墙体材料的优选过程。在这优选过程中,建立了墙体材料优选的方法及陕西小康住宅墙体材料优选建议表,优选方法构建墙体材料评价层次结构模型、指标权重和评价基准。住宅墙体材料优选评价要素体系分成评价总目标、指标层A、因素层B和分因素层C四个层次。指标层A包括经济、技术、生态和社会四个子系统;因素层B包括11个评价因素。这一方法把抽象思维定量化,反映出墙体材料的真实情况,帮助人们在村镇小康住宅建设时选用墙体材料做出较好的决策。第六,针对传统西部村镇的气候及生产特殊性的特点,如气候特殊性,同我国其它区域比较,存在大多数区域日照时间较长,水资源比较贫乏;生产特殊性就是存在大量的农作物秸秆、畜牧业的排泄物等。探讨了西部村镇小康住宅中应用各种新技术的可行件,在此基础上,提出西部村镇小康住宅中关于太阳能、沼气及节水的具体技术。为西部村镇小康住宅示范新技术的应用打下了良好的理论基础。基于上述研究成果,本文提供的规划及建设意见最终为西部地区村镇小康住宅在小康的标准下合理布局、优化建设提供理论指导和科学依据。

【Abstract】 At present,owing to the enhancement of income and living standard in China’s western residents,the process of urbanization speeding up,the old shabby housing which the ancestryhands down down,has been unable to satisfy the life and the production need,the new housing presents the unprecedented prosperous scene,the pace of construction exceeds any time in the Chinese history.The housing changes the villages and small towns’ community appearance,improves the local living condition,at the same time,many residents of towns and villages due to lack of residential constructive guidance and reference to their needs,appeares the housing to lack the overall plan and the arrangement,the technical measure cannot follow,blindly seeks the foreign the tendency,dose not pay attention to own characteristic,and so on.It results in severe resource depletion,and living environmental serious degradation.This is disadvantageous to the construction and development of new community obviously,we can say that the lack of a programmatic document on the well-off housing system of scientific,rational,systematic and comprehensive,has become a serious obstacle of the western villages and small towns’ development and construction,the process of urbanization,also urgently needs to be addressed important issues of rural residents and the local government.Therefore,we must ponder seeking a suitable union spot between infinite demand desire and limited resources supplies,establish the fundamental objective of enhancing the energy,resources effectiveness,satisfy the comfortable healthy desire.The system research of western villages and small towns’ well-off housing is in view of the western villages and small towns,to " well-off standard,reasonablly research housing system,thus constructs the suitable western villages and small towns’ forward-looking and well-off housing.It is of great theoretical and practical significance for the residents to improve the quality of living and building a well-off society.This paper is presented by the subject for the reasons,tries to through China’s western villages and small towns’ housing system research,could construct the room for the western villages and small towns to provide a scientific reasonable housing pattern,reduce or cease a worse project of the blind construction;Simultaneously,it will also help the local government to formulate a scientific, rational,systematic,comprehensive programmatic document,for local government and rural residents effectivly guidance to a well-off housing in qualitative and quantitative aspects.This paper altogether divides into six parts.First,it carries on the analysis to present situation and the development about the domestic and foreign villages and small towns’ housing,unions well-off housing theory and the western villages and small towns’ housing investigation,induces the current existent question of villages and small towns’ housing,thus proposed the goal and significance of the paper.Next,it defines the well-off connotation of villages and small towns’ housing system,is clear about research thecriterion of the well-off housing,constructs research level of multi-level villages and small towns’ well-off housing system.Multi-level request the housing from four aspects of the constructional system,the structural system,the material system and the new technical application,enables to achieve the well-off standard for the housing project.Third,this chapter combines present situation of housing construct system about the western villages and small towns,selects a typical residential project of the certain size and representation to carry out a detailed empirical research,analyzes factors about the villages and small towns well-off housing system,thus determined the function pattern at home about the villages and small towns’ well-off housing lived,which divided into the basic living space and the productive space,but because partially living function space and the municipal housing is more similar,for this,this chapter analyzes the most basic living function space to unite the reality of the villages and small towns,extrudes the different about the villages and small towns’ housing pattern as well as the housing conditions,and proposes main designated point of the villages and small towns’ well-off housing system,improves present situation.In this foundation,we formulates the Shaanxi’s villages and small towns’ well-off housing system standard,it will provide the certain reference for the Shaanxi’s villages and small towns well-off housing.Fourth,through to the villages and small towns’ housing structure system analysis,this chapter points out existence question about the different spot of the housing,for which, according to the order of foundation,wall,floor,roof,combining the current specific and constructive experience,and in order to explore.In the discussion process,it proposes certain kind of design option or the design standard to the different spot’s structure.Finally, according to the massive literature,thinking of the synthesis benefit and the request,this chapter introduces several feasible villages and small towns’ well-off new structure systems, hopes to provide the more housing structure type to take the choice for the villages and small towns’ inhabitant,when they construct the oneself ideal well-off housing.Fifth,uniting present situation of using wall material about the western villages and small towns’ housing,this chapter elaborates the significance of optimality and the wall material’s using standard of the villages and small towns’ well-off housing,at the same time, carries on the classification to the Shaanxi’s new wall material at present,in this foundation, has studied optimal process of the villages and small towns’ well-off housing’s wall material. In this optimal process,it has established the wall material optimal method and the Shaanxi’s well-off housing’s wall material optimal suggestion table,the optimal method constructs the wall material appraisal level structural model,weight indicators and evaluation benchmarks. The housing’s wall material optimal appraisal essential factor system divides into four levels,including of the total goal,target level A,factor level B and the minute factor level C. Target level A includes economy,technology,ecology and social four subsystems;Factor level B includes 11 appraisals factors.This method makes thinking quantitative,reflectes wall material real situation,helps the people to make a better decision when the villages and small towns" well-off residence selects the wall material.Sixth,in view of special features of the western villages and small towns climate and production,such as climate is especial with other regions in China,most of the region is longer sunshine,the water resources quite is deficient;The productive particularity is the existent massive straw stalk,the excreta of animal and so on.The paper discussed to apply each kind of new technical feasibility in the western villages and small towns well-off housing,in this foundation,proposed the concrete technology in the western villages and small towns’ well-off housing,which about the solar energy,the methane and saved water. The new technology of the western villages and small towns’ well-off housing has laid a good foundation in theory.Based on the above research results,the plan and the constructive opinion,which this article provides finally for the western villages and small towns’ well-off housing under the well-off standard,provides the academic instruction and the scientific basis about the reasonable layout and the optimized construction.

【关键词】 西部村镇小康住宅
【Key words】 westvillages and small townswell-offhousing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

