

Research on Architectural Culture of Tibetan Vernacular Housings

【作者】 何泉

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 西藏是我国重要的边陲之地,独特的地理环境和宗教信仰共同塑造了其独特的文化形态。藏族乡土民居作为藏族传统文化的物质载体,是我国多元文化宝库中的瑰宝,然而在快速城市化的过程中,极富民族特色的地域景观正遭遇着无情冲击,面临着衰落的危险。在此状况下,分析整理藏族民居建筑文化,对于繁荣西藏现代建筑创作、保护地域文化是十分必要的。本文运用了文化人类学、宗教学、环境心理学等方法,分析了对藏族民居影响颇深的一些关键问题,试图超越对民居物质形态特征的简单“展示”,探究形式发生的深层原因,发掘蕴涵于藏族民居中的文化逻辑。(1)首先,利用环境心理学和宗教人类学的方法,对藏族自然观产生的背景和内容进行审视,指出在认知水平低下的情况下由畏怖心理产生的“自然崇拜”观是藏族对严酷环境的被动适应,也形成了藏族传统文化的根基,相关的自然禁忌是其在雪域高原得以生存发展的保障,对藏族生活方式和营建观念产生了深刻的影响。(2)基于“万物有灵”的观念,藏族人的精神世界里喜怒无常的神灵无处不在,充满着不安的因素。为了获取神灵的佑护,藏族在日常生活中通过将人为的时空与宇宙的秩序重合叠加,努力顺应宇宙间神圣的秩序,使其聚落和民居呈现出了微缩的宇宙图示。(3)作为虔诚的信徒,藏族人观念中有关“洁净”的概念不同于非信徒的“卫生”观念。从宗教“洁净”观念的角度,分析了西藏传统社会“洁净”与“污秽”不可混淆的宗教规则,并系统解读了洁净观对藏族建筑文化的影响,如聚落空间存在着的“圣俗之分”、民居空间中的“内外有别”,以及藏族建筑泾渭分明的色彩含义。(4)从藏族的民族心理出发,分析了严酷自然环境和动荡社会环境影响下的“集体潜意识”,即持久的防卫心理在藏族聚落和民居中的体现。分别探讨了以实体构筑为手段的物理防卫机制和以宗教安慰为手段的心理防卫机制在藏族聚落民居中的体现,着重探讨了心理防卫机制对于拉萨地区聚落和民居的作用,在聚落维度,提出了“地方神作为精神祖先建构和维系了藏族聚落的心理场及其隐形边界”之观点,在民居单体维度,分析研究了院墙和院门对于藏族家庭的守护意义。(5)根据传统藏族民居所面临的生存挑战,从总体布局、建筑形态、空间、构筑、生活格局及能源利用等方面,总结了它在特殊环境下的生态建筑经验,并归纳为一系列易于指导设计实践的建筑模式语言,如就坡建房、封闭院落、屋顶平台、朝阳避风、方室横厅、低矮空间、厚重的围护结构、围火而居、就地取材,等等。(6)在上述理论分析的基础上,选择拉萨市郊次角林村为典型案例进行分析,总结了其聚落与民居建筑文化特征,如人居环境的生态适应性以及维系地域群体的外屏内聚的聚落文化,并首次提出了藏族聚落和民居“双核凝聚”的空间形态;从洁净观的角度分析了聚居环境的空间层化;最后,考察了民居营建中宗教约束与生存选择发生矛盾时,禳解仪式所起到的心理调适作用,指出“藏族民居的营建智慧将宗教约束和理性选择做出了有效的平衡”。以上研究表明,基于特殊的自然环境和人文环境而产生的藏族传统民居,以地方性的营建手法和材料,构建了一个和谐统一天(气候)、地(地理)、人(居者)、神(宗教)多方面因素的空间系统,来满足人们在乡土社会特殊居住环境中的物质和精神需求。这些隐含着的丰富的建筑文化内涵,使藏族传统聚落和民居至今充满魅力,也为今后的现代藏族居住建筑设计提供了如何与气候、地形、文化传统相适应的参考,是建筑师应予以关注和传承的宝贵的乡土遗产。

【Abstract】 Tibet is an important border area of China.Its unique culture is shaped by both its unique geographical circumstance and religious belief.As the physical carrier of its traditional culture,Tibetan vernacular housings are one treasure of China’s multiculturalism.However,this local landscape full of ethnic characteristics is under big pressure of decline from the rapid urbanization.On this condition,it is necessary to analyze and sum up vernacular culture of Tibetan folk housings that will help the modern architectural design and protect the local culture.As key points of Tibetan folk housings,some fundamental problems listed below are analyzed by cultural anthropological,religious,environmental psychological and other theories.This work tries to research into the deep reason and find the culture logic and living wisdom behind the forms rather than simply "demonstrate" the apparent features of Tibetan housings.(1) The backgrounds and contents of Tibetan view of nature and the deep influence on their life mode and building notion by the concernded taboo are surveyed with methods in environmental psychology and religious anthropology.The result indicates that Nature Worship and natural taboo are the basis of Tibetan traditional culture and the safeguard to survive on the snowy plateau.(2) Due to the animatism,there live lots of moody gods ubiquitously in Tibetan spiritual world full of insecurity.To obtain gods’ bless,they try their best to comply with the sacred orders of the Cosmos by inosculating human space-time with the cosmic orders that make a microcosmos pattern in their settlements and housings.(3) As devotional believers,Tibetans has different ideology of "purity" from the concept of "sanitation" in nonbelievers’ mind.In Tibetan traditional society,there are religious rules that forbid confusing the "purity" and the "pollution" which leads to the formal and spatial distinctions between temples and housings in settlements,the stratified spaces from inside to outside within housings and the specific meaning of building colours.(4) Based on Tibetan ethnic psychology,the collective subconsiousness namely constant defensive attitude are analyzed in their settlements and dwellings.There are two kinds of defence mechanisms,the physical that depends on substantial materials and the psychological one on religious consolation.The psychological defence mechanism of traditional dwellings around Lhasa area is put more attention here:the "local god" functions as a spiritual ancestor,building and maintaining the invisible boundary of Tibetan settlements;and the yard wall guards the family with special symbolistic meaning.(5) According to their survival challenges,experiences of ecological architecture in Tibetan folk housings are sum up from several aspects of layouts,configuration, space,construcation,life style and energy utilization.That concludes a series of architectural modes easy to guide the practice such as Topographic Accommodation, Close Yard,Facing sun and Lee Configuration,Cubic Cell and Wide Living Room, Low Space,Massive Envelope,Surrounding a Stove,Local Materials,and so on.(6) A field study,a Village named "Tshe-Ch’o-Ling" in the Lhasa area was conducted as a typical case of Tibetan architectural culture.Some conclusions are brought forwads,for example,there are "two cohesive cores" in the space configuration,and influenced by the ideology of purity there are also stratified spaces of Tibetan settlements and dwellings.Finally,Tibetan living wisdom achieves a subtle balance between the religious restriction and survival choice.Tibentan vernacular housings are found on special natural and cultural environments with regional ways and materials.They construct a spatial system to satisfy the physical and spiritual needs for human beings in special habitat that unites harmoniously various factors such as the climate,the geography,the human,and the god.The rich latent architectural culture makes that the Tibetan traditional settlements and housings are still glamorous today.It also provides useful reference for Tibetan modern housings design to adapt the climate,the landform,the tradition and so on.This is precious vernacular heritage that professional architects should pay attention to and inherit.

  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU-0
  • 【被引频次】42
  • 【下载频次】3494
  • 攻读期成果

