

Experiment Analysis and Seismic Design Method Study on the Multi-ribbed Composite Wall with Steel Concrete Frame Column

【作者】 何明胜

【导师】 姚谦峰;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙结构是以密肋复合墙结构为基础而派生的又一新型结构型式,是密肋复合墙结构研究的延续与深入。通过密肋复合墙体与隐形型钢混凝土框架结合,在保持原有密肋复合墙结构诸多优点的基础上,发挥型钢混凝土隐形边框柱承载力高、抗震性能好的特点,改善密肋复合墙结构的受力性能,对于该结构在中高层的应用将产生重要的作用。本文以型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体为研究对象,通过试验研究、有限元计算、理论分析,对墙体的受力机理、破坏模式、抗震性能、协同工作性能、极限承载能力以及抗震设计方法等进行了较为详细的研究,主要研究内容及成果概括如下:(1)通过对三榀型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体的拟静力试验,分析墙体的受力特点、破坏形态、承载能力、延性、耗能以及变形等抗震性能。以试验为基础,研究墙体在水平及竖向荷载作用下的受力机理。(2)根据型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体的受力特性,研究墙体在竖向及水平荷载作用下的协同工作性能。提出墙体在竖向荷载作用下的弹性地基梁力学模型及在水平荷载作用下的夹层复合结构力学模型,根据变形协调原理,建立结构平衡微分方程,进而求解结构的内力表达式,定量给出边框柱与复合墙板承担竖向及水平荷载的比例关系,并对其影响因素进行了分析。(3)采用分离式三维实体模型,建立墙体的非线性三维有限元计算模型,并将有限元分析结果与试验研究进行了对比验证。利用该有限元模型,分析墙体在水平荷载作用下边框梁柱、肋梁柱的受力及变形特性,并研究在竖向荷载作用下墙体中边框柱、肋柱、填充砌块应变分布情况。(4)通过试验及有限元分析,对影响型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体轴压极限承载力的因素进行了分析;重点研究型钢混凝土边框柱受力机理与作用,提出边框柱混凝土及型钢承载力利用系数;并根据数值分析结果提出墙体在轴压下的整体稳定系数;最终提出了型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体轴压下的极限承载力计算公式。(5)依据最小耗能原理提出型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体开裂荷载计算方法。根据试验及有限元分析,就影响墙体斜截面抗剪极限承载力的因素进行了讨论,并根据数值分析结果提出各组件相应的抗剪承载力计算公式,并最终提出型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体斜截面极限承载力计算公式。(6)以应变平截面假定为基础,对型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体正截面极限承载力进行研究,建立墙体正截面压弯承载力实用计算公式。(7)针对型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体结构的特点,采用数值计算的方法确定型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体的屈服曲率和极限曲率,建立该复合墙曲率延性比和位移延性比的关系,分析影响该复合墙体延性的影响因素,并结合工程实际提出了型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体的轴压比限值。(8)结合试验研究,给出型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体弹性层间位移角及弹塑性层间位移角限值,提出型钢混凝土边框柱密肋复合墙体抗震设计方法,并根据型钢混凝土边框柱密肋墙体结构的特点,提出了相应的施工构造要求。

【Abstract】 Multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete frame column is one new structure type, which is based on the multi-ribbed composite wall structural, and is continuous and further research for the multi-ribbed composite wall structure. By the combination of multi-ribbed composite wall and concealed steel side frame column, the wall could keep the many advantages of the multi-ribbed wall; give full play of the characteristics of steel concrete side frame column with good bearing capacity and seismic performance. Meanwhile, the wall would improve the mechanical behavior of multi-ribbed composite wall and play the important role of the multi-ribbed composite wall in the application of middle-high building. In the paper the multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete side column would be researched and by the experiment, nonlinear FEM calculation, theory analysis, the stress mechanism, failure mode, seismic behavior, performance of cooperation work and ultimate bearing capacity of the wall have been detailed study. The main research contents and achievements are summarized as follows:(1) By the pseudo-static test of three multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete side frame column, the stress feature, failure pattern, bearing capacity, ductility, energy dissipation and deformation of the wall is analyzed. On the basis of experiment, the paper studies the stress mechanism of the wall on the vertical and horizontal load.(2) According to the mechanical characteristics of the multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete side frame column, the cooperation work performance of the wall in vertical and horizontal load is studied, further the paper puts forward the elastic foundation beam mechanical model in vertical load and the sandwich composite structural mechanical model in horizontal load. Based on the deformation compatibility principle, a balancing differential equation is established. By solving the equation, the proportion relation of bearing the vertical and horizontal between the side frame column and the composite wall is given. Moreover, theses influencing factors are analyzed.(3) The nonlinear FEM model is established for the wall, using the supranational three-dimensioned solid model, and the analysis results of the FEM and the experimental researches are contrast verification. By using the FEM model, the stress and deformation characteristics of side frame beam, column, ribbed beam and column is analyzed in lateral load and the strain distribution of the side column, ribbed column and filler block is studied in vertical load.(4) By the analysis of experiment and FEM, the factors which influence the axial compression ultimate bearing capacity are studied. The mechanism and role of steel concrete side frame column are mainly studied and the bearing capacity utilization coefficients of the side frame column concrete and the section steel are put forward. According to the numerical simulation results about the wall integral stability coefficient under the axial compression, finally the ultimate bearing capacity calculation equation of the steel concrete side frame column is put forward.(5) Based on the least energy consumption principle, the calculation method of steel concrete side frame column about the cracking load is proposed By the analysis of experiment and FEM models, the factors which influence the oblique section bearing capacity are researched. According to the numerical simulation results, the shear strength equations of each component are discussed, finally the equation of oblique section ultimate bearing capacity of the multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete frame column are put forward.(6) Based on the stress plain section assumption, the ultimate flexural strength of the wall is studied and the practical calculation equation of normal section ultimate compression bending bearing capacity is established.(7) According to the features of multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete side frame column, the yield curvature and ultimate curvature for the wall is derived by numerical calculation, the curvature and displacement ductility ration are established and all kind of factors influencing the ductility of the composite wall are analyzed. Based on the engineering practice, the limit value of axial compression ration of the wall is put forward.(8) Based on the experimental research, this paper puts forward the elastic and plastic floor displacement angle limit value of multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete side frame column and the seismic design method of the wall. Meanwhile, according to the characteristics of multi-ribbed composite wall with steel concrete side frame column, the relevant construction requirements are put forward.


