

Contemporary Value of Xibaipo Spirit

【作者】 王荣丽

【导师】 田秀云;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 勤劳智慧的中国人民艰苦奋斗、百折不挠,创造了饱蕴中华民族思想精髓和价值追求的西柏坡精神。在这种精神的激励下,中国共产党带领全国人民克服艰难险阻,实现了民族独立的伟大胜利;在胜利面前,中国共产党人不骄不躁、谦虚谨慎,勾画了新中国的建设蓝图,构筑了新中国的奠基工程。今天,经过三十年的改革开放,我国的社会主义现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,成绩越大,喝彩声越多,越要保持清醒的头脑,不能骄傲,不能懈怠,不能停滞,要满怀信心的克服新的困难,迎接新的挑战。西柏坡精神无疑为鼓舞中国人民继往开来、拼搏进取提供了强大的精神力量。近些年来,拜金主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风在党员队伍和干部队伍中有滋长蔓延之势,艰苦奋斗的优良作风在一部分党员、干部那里被淡忘了,以权谋私、消极腐败现象比较严重,党风、政风、社会风气受到很大损害。社会精神方面也存在不少令人担忧的现象,一些领域道德失范、唯利是图、骄奢淫逸盛行;封建迷信活动和社会丑恶现象沉渣泛起;淫秽色情、文化垃圾时有出现,严重危害青少年身心健康。重温西柏坡精神,展现它的当代价值,对克服消极思想、坚定理想信念、激发奋斗精神具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在认真研读大量文献和史料的基础上,运用历史继承与时代创新相结合、理论归纳与实际分析相结合、结构分析与变迁分析相结合的方法,以西柏坡精神的形成和历史地位为切入点,深入发掘西柏坡精神的科学内涵及其内在逻辑,进一步探讨西柏坡精神对建设社会主义核心价值体系、实践科学发展观、加强党的建设所蕴含的应有价值。以期充分利用西柏坡精神资源,激发奋斗热情,为改革开放和社会主义现代化建设提供强有力的思想保证、精神动力,更好的把全国各族人民的意志和力量凝聚起来,万众一心、奋力拼搏,不断推动中国特色社会主义事业发展、前进。西柏坡精神是马克思主义普遍真理与中国革命实践相结合的产物,是中华民族精神的结晶,汇集着中国共产党人的勇敢和智慧。伟大的时代孕育伟大的精神,伟大的精神引领伟大的时代。马克思指出:“一切划时代的体系的真正内容都是由于产生这些体系的那个时期的需要而形成起来的。”西柏坡精神是在中国革命伟大历史性转折时期,中国共产党带领全国各族人民群众在实践中培育形成的革命精神。它溯源于抗日战争后期,形成于解放战争中后期,体现着实现中国革命伟大历史转折的时代要求,反映着广大人民群众的根本利益,是继往开来的宝贵精神财富。它在中国革命精神和中华民族精神发展史上具有光辉地位和深远影响。它是夺取民主革命最后胜利的强大的精神力量,是党的各级组织和干部进行思想作风建设的座右铭,有力促进了建国后形成廉洁奉公、遵纪守法的社会风尚,对巩固人民民主专政、恢复发展国民经济起到了保障作用,充分证明了中华民族精神是中国人民用以促进革命事业向前发展的宝贵财富。西柏坡精神的内涵是一个科学的体系,主要包括五方面内容:核心是“两个务必”,宗旨是依靠群众、立党为公,品质是敢打必胜、勇克时艰,表征是发扬民主、团结统一,特质是与时俱进、科学创新。务必继续保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风,是毛泽东对全党的告诫,以至于成为党由局部执政走向全面执政的政治保证,它所体现的是一种全心全意为人民服务的精神,不以功臣自居、不受权力腐蚀、不被糖弹击中、勤政廉政的精神,艰苦奋斗的精神。在党群关系上,党始终坚持依靠群众,发动群众,进行土地制度的彻底变革,极大地调动了广大农民参战和生产的积极性,获得了足以战胜一切敌人的最基本的条件。在风云变幻的历史关头,毛泽东以敢于全胜的精神号召全党、全军、全国人民将革命进行到底,这是一种敢于和善于抓住机遇,顶住压力、挑战,争取完全、彻底胜利的革命进取精神。党中央特别重视加强团结和集中统一的领导,把加强纪律性与发展民主结合起来,要求按照民主集中制原则,团结一切可以团结的力量,这是一种体现党、政权、军队与人民群众关系的民主精神。在对建设新中国的道路问题上,党极其鲜明地表现出来一种按照中国国情搞建设的科学创新精神,体现了党对建设伟大社会主义国家的坚定信念与科学态度的高度统一。西柏坡精神是社会主义核心价值体系建设的一个重要思想基础,它与社会主义核心价值体系具有紧密的内在联系,是建设社会主义核心价值体系的助推力。社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义意识形态的本质体现,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础,是一个有机的整体,具体包括四方面内容:马克思主义指导思想,中国特色社会主义共同理想,以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,社会主义荣辱观。西柏坡精神与建设社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容、基本要求紧密相连。新的历史条件下,深刻认识西柏坡精神与社会主义核心价值体系的内在联系,是建设和谐文化、建设社会主义核心价值体系的必然要求。西柏坡精神所体现的“两个务必”精神,是马克思主义中国化的坚实基础,西柏坡精神所体现的敢打必胜、勇克时艰精神,是自强不息民族精神的生动写照,西柏坡精神所体现的与时俱进、科学创新精神,是时代精神的宝贵资源,西柏坡精神所体现的依靠群众、立党为公精神,凝聚了全国各族人民的意志和力量,西柏坡精神所体现的发扬民主、团结统一精神,是社会主义和谐精神的重要源泉,西柏坡精神所体现的知耻明辱的革命道德风范,是社会主义荣辱观教育的极好教材。西柏坡精神是实践科学发展观的精神动力,它与科学发展观的价值追求都是实现人民群众根本利益。西柏坡精神与科学发展观是密切联系,内在统一。只有正确地把握二者的内在逻辑和现实关联,才能更加有效地保证党的战略思想的前瞻性、科学性和有效性,才能更加有效地保证党的执政地位和领导地位的牢固性,才能更加准确地把握中国特色社会主义建设事业前进的方向性。西柏坡精神中依靠群众、立党为公的思想精髓,与科学发展观中蕴含的发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享的理念相互契合,是党牢固树立宗旨观、正确树立权力观的思想基础。西柏坡精神中所包含的艰苦奋斗精神,是促进当今经济社会持续、稳定、健康、快速发展的精神动力;西柏坡精神所包含的不骄不躁、谦虚谨慎精神,是党保持清醒思考,科学决策的精神因子。西柏坡精神是中国共产党道德修养的思想瑰宝,是党防腐拒变的理性长城,是党长期执政的精神力量。新的历史条件下,充分认识加强道德修养的重要性和紧迫性,自觉实践共产党员的道德标准,以高尚的道德情操引领社会风尚,已经成为时代的要求。西柏坡时期,党将中华民族的传统美德与自身修养完美地结合一起,形成了忧国忧民的爱国情操、全心全意为人民服务的坚定信念、互相尊重、民主团结的良好风尚和谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗的优良品德,为党员加强思想道德修养提供了宝贵资源。西柏坡精神极其深刻地包涵了党长期执政的先进理念,汲取和总结了中国历史的“朝代更迭”的经验教训,提出了以“两个务必”为核心的执政宣言,为中国共产党人防腐拒变、抵御风险,筑起了理性长城。对于一个执政党来说,骄傲自满之风盛行,贪图享乐思想蔓延,就会脱离人民群众,就会丧失免疫力,腐败就会接踵而至,亡党亡国的历史周期律,就会重演。只有始终保持谦虚谨慎、戒骄戒躁、艰苦奋斗的党,才具有抵御腐朽思想侵蚀、抵御各种突发事件的能力,才能和人民群众风雨同舟,得到人民群众的热爱和支持,才能向人民群众交上一份满意的答卷。西柏坡精神是中华民族不断进取、攀登人类文明高峰的精神支柱,是激励全党、全国人民全面建设小康社会的强大精神力量。在全面建设小康社会,实现中华民族伟大复兴的征程中还会遇到很多挑战和考验,只要万众一心,继续发扬西柏坡精神,保持不骄不躁、谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗的作风,就一定能够在建设中国特色社会主义的道路上取得一个又一个胜利。

【Abstract】 Diligent and intelligent Chinese people’s hard work, perseverance, has created the spirit of Xibaipo accumulated the essence of Chinese thinking and the pursuit of value. In this spirit, inspired by the Communist Party of China led the people to overcome difficulties and achieved a great victory for national independence; before victory Chinese communist free from arrogance and rashness, is modest and prudent, have drawn the outline of the new Chinese construction blueprint , and have built the foundation of new China project. Today, open to the outside world after three decades of reformation, socialist modernization drive of our country has got attracting worldwide attention great achievements, the greater the results, the more the sound of applause, the more we should keep a clear head, can not be proud of and can not relax, not stagnation, it is necessary with confidence to overcome the new difficulties, to meet new challenges. Xibaipo encouraged by the spirit of the Chinese people to carry on the past and open a way for the future, combat it be eager to make progress to have the provided the powerful spiritual force beyond doubt.In recent years, money worship, hedonism and extravagant that wind has been had developing power of spreading in party member team and ranks of cadres, and hard work as part of the fine style has been forgotten in part of party member and cadres there, and abuse of power for personal gains, more serious the negative phenomena and corruption, the party wind, the political winds, the social atmosphere has been greatly damaged. there is a lot of worrying phenomenon in community spirit, a number of areas of moral anomie, to be profit-seeking, the prevalence of extravagance and dissipation; feudal superstition and social evils surface sediment; pornographic, cultural junk appear from time to time, seriously endangering the physical and mental health of young people. Xibaipo relive the spirit of the contemporary value of it to show, to overcome negative thinking, their ideals and faith, to stimulate the spirit has great theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, a large number of serious literature and historical study, based on the use of historical heritage and the era of innovative combination of theory into the actual analysis, structural analysis and change analysis approach to the formation of the spirit Xibaipo status and history into the point to explore in depth the scientific connotation of the Xibaipo Spirit and its internal logic, to further explore Xibaipo spirit of building a socialist core value system, practice the scientific concept of development to strengthen party building should be of value behind. Xibaipo in order to take full advantage of the spirit of resources, the struggle to stimulate enthusiasm for the reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive to provide a powerful ideological guarantee, mental power, better to people of all nationalities gather together the force of will and one mind, worked hard continue to promote the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, forward.Xibaipo spirit is universal truth of Marxism with the practice of the Chinese revolution product of the combination, and the crystallization of the spirit of the Chinese nation, bringing together the Chinese communists courage and wisdom.Great times are fraught with the Great Spirit, the Great Spirit guides the great times. Marx pointed out: "All epoch-making system is the real content of these systems because of the needs that time to form up." Xibaipo the spirit of the great revolution in China during a historic turning point in the Communist Party of China led the people of all ethnic groups in the practice of the revolutionary spirit fostered. It back in the late War of Resistance Against Japan, formed in the late war of liberation, which embodies the realization of the great historical turning point of China’s revolution of the times, reflecting the broad masses of the people’s fundamental interests, is the precious spiritual wealth into the future. In the spirit of the Chinese revolution and the spirit of the Chinese nation has a glorious history of the development status and far-reaching effects. It is to win the final victory of the democratic revolution of the spirit of a powerful force in the party organizations and cadres at all levels to carry out the motto of the construction of ideological style, after the founding of the PRC to promote the formation of a clean, law-abiding society, the consolidation of the people’s democratic dictatorship, the resumption of development of the national economy played a role in safeguarding and fully demonstrated the Chinese nation is the spirit of the Chinese people to promote development of there volutionary cause of a valuable asset.The content of Xibaipo spirit is a scientific system including five ideas of arrangement. The core of Xibaipo spirit is the“two be sure”. The purpose of Xibaipo spirit is to working for the public and assuming power for the people. The quality of Xibaipo spirit is that we are confident to fight and we‘ll be successful and we are dare to overcome the difficulties. The idiosyncrasy of Xibaipo spirit is to keep up with times and evaluate scientifically. The characteristic is to carry out the democracy and unite completely.Be sure to go on keeping the style of modesty, cautions ,no conceit and no impatiance,Be sure to go on keeping the style of working hard. It is the warning that Mao Zedong told the whole Party so that it is the political assurance that the Party are in power from part to totally. It embodies the spirit of serving the people whole-heartedly, not regarding itself as a great courter, not corrupted by its power and not hit by the sugared bombs. It is the spirit of diligent and incorrupt policy and the spirit of working hard. In the respect of the relationship between the Party and the masses, the Party sticks to depending on the masses and arouses the masses from the beginning to the end in order to transform the filed system thoroughly. It arouses the activities of the peasant to join the Army and to produce, so it gains the basic factor to overbear all the enemies. In the historical moment of the changeable condition, Mao Zedong used the spirit of daring to be victory to call for the whole Party, the whole army and the people of the whole country to carry on the revolution to the end. This is the revolutionary spirit that dares to and is good at seizing the opportunity. This is the revolutionary spirit to withstand the pressure and challenge in order to get the final victory. The Party central committee pays special attention to the leadership between reinforcing the unity and centralized unity in order to connect the reinforcement of the discipline and developing the democracy. It requires the democratic centralism to unite all the power that can be united. This is the democratic spirit that embodies the relationship between the party, the regime, the army and the masses. In the respect of building the new China, the Party express the scientific and new spirit brightly to construct according to the Chinese own condition. It embodies the firmly belief of building the great socialism and the centralized unity.Xibaipo spirit is basic ideological foundation of the socialist core value system. It has the inner relationship with the socialist core value system. It is the thrust force of building the socialist core value system.The socialist core value system is the embodiment of the socialist ideology. It is the common ideological foundation of the whole Party and the people of the whole country to unite and struggle. It is an organic entirety, including the following four respects: the guiding ideology of Marxism, the common socialist ideal with the Chinese feature ,the national spirit whose core is patriotism and the temporary spirit whose core is to reform and bring forth new ideas,the socialist outlook on honor and shame. Xibaipo spirit connects closely with the basic contents and the basic requirement of the socialist core value system. It is the certain demands to understand the inner relationship between the Xibaipo spirit and the socialist core value system in order to build the harmonious culture and the socialist core value system.The“two be sure”spirit embodied in Xibaipo spirit is the solid base to use Marxism in china. The courage to fight and overcome the difficulties is the vivid description of the self-improving national spirit. Keeping up with time and making new-things scientifically embodies in Xibaipo spirit are the precious resources of the temporary spirit. Depending on the masses and working for the public embodied in Xi baipo spirit agglomerate the nation’s will and power. Carrying forward democracy and unity is the major fountain head of building the harmonious socialist spirit. The revolutionary moral pattern of understanding the shame embodied in Xibaipo spirit is the excellent teaching material of the socialist outlook on honor and shame.Xibaipo Spirit is the spirit power the Scientific Concept of Development. They have one common pursuit of value that is realization of the fundamental interests of the masses.Xibaipo Spirit and the Scientific Concept of Development is closely linked to internal unity. Only by correctly grasp both the internal logic and practical relevance in order to more effectively ensure that the party’s strategic thinking and forward-looking, scientific and effective in order to more effectively ensure the party’s ruling status and strong leadership in order to more accurately grasp the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the direction forward. Xibaipo spirit of relying on the masses, the idea of building the essence of the scientific concept of development and contains the development for the people, development rely on the people, the fruits of development shared by the people the idea of mutual fit, firmly establish the purpose of the party, and the right to establish ideological basis of power. Xibaipo spirit of hard work contained in the spirit of today’s economy and society is to promote the sustained, stable, healthy and rapid development of the spirit of power; Modest and prudent ,not proud of the Xibaipo is the spirit factor of the party to maintain a clear thinking and scientific decision-making.Xibaipo Spirit is the ideological treasure of the Chinese Communist Party’s moral cultivation, the rational Great Wall of the party refused corruption and the spirit strength of the party to rull for long term.Under the new historical conditions, The times demands us to fully understand the importance and urgency of the moral training , to practice the ethical standards of party members ,to lead the society style with high moral. In the period of Xibaipo, the party combined the Chinese nation’s traditional virtues and self-cultivation, and then, formed a care for the patriotic sentiments, a firm belief of serving the people whole-hearted, a good moral character of respecting each other and good habit of Democratic unity and hard work. All of these provide a valuable resource to strengthen moral training of party members.Xibaipo Spirit implicates the advanced concepts of the party accessing in long-term power, and sums up the lessons of" Change of dynasty " in Chinese history, proposes the governing declaration with the core of "two musts" , to build the rational Great Wall for the Chinese communists to resist corruption and risk .As long as the corrupt winds prevailed, thinking just for the sake of pleasure spreaded, the ruling party will be divorced from the masses of the people, will lose its immunity, corruption will follow, and the periodic law of history which the party and the state demised will repeat, too. Only maintaining modest and prudent, guarding against arrogance and rashness, Harding work , the party would be able to access the capacity of resisting corrosion of decadent ideas and all kinds of unexpected events ;to together with people and obtain people’s love and support, to gave a satisfactory answer to the masses of the people.Xibaipo Spirit is a spiritual pillar of Chinese nation to climb the peak of human civilization, a Spiritual strength that encourages the whole Party, the National People to construct Comprehensive well-off society. We will encounter many challenges and tests in building a well-off society and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation’s, as long as we put our hearts and minds together and continue to carry forward Xibaipo Spirit and to keep the style of remaining modest and prudent, and keeping work hard, We will certainly be able to achieve one and another victory on the road constructed socialism with Chinese characteristics.


