

The Study of Mao Zedong’s National Security View

【作者】 王素立

【导师】 张骥;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 国家安全既是一个历史概念,又是一个国际政治概念。它是指国家不受到威胁和侵害,能够保持正常的存在和运行态势,是国家生存与发展最重要、最基本的条件。世界上自从有了国家,就有了维护国家安全的谋划、思想和观念。国家安全观就是指人们对国家安全的认识、理解和由此而产生的思想行为体,是系统化、提炼化、概括化、理论化的国家安全理论。毛泽东国家安全观则是指毛泽东在建立国家、保卫国家和建设国家的历史进程中形成的、以捍卫和保障国家主权独立、领土完整、社会发展、民族振兴、人民福祉等为核心目标的国家安全思想和理论体系。“每当历史发展的关键时刻,凡是在历史上有所作为的人物,总是把国家安全置于至高无上的地位”①。毛泽东作为中华人民共和国的开国领袖,为缔造共和国、捍卫共和国和发展共和国,做出了别人无法比拟的杰出贡献。毛泽东不愧为中国近代以来最伟大的国家和民族的捍卫者之一,他以其高瞻远瞩的政治远见、坚定不移的革命信念、炉火纯青的斗争艺术和杰出高超的领导才能,在极其复杂、恶劣、严峻的国内外斗争形势下,很好地捍卫了新生的中华人民共和国的国家安全。在维护新中国的波澜壮阔的伟大实践中,创造形成了科学的、博大的、深远的、实用的毛泽东国家安全观。应当说,毛泽东国家安全观是整个毛泽东思想的重要组成部分,是马克思主义中国化的杰作,闪烁着马克思主义的真理之光,是毛泽东留给中国人民和世界人民的宝贵财富。任何一种科学的深厚的有重大影响的理论成果,都不是在一夜之间形成的,都有其特定的时代背景,都有其产生的历史和思想渊源,都要经历一个漫长、复杂、曲折的形成过程。毛泽东国家安全观是在当时特殊时代背景下形成的实践成果和理论结晶,它的形成既有广阔的国际背景,也有深远的国内和历史背景。战争与革命的时代主题和两大阵营的对抗是毛泽东国家安全观形成的国际背景,百年来中华民族为求得民族独立和解放,所进行的波澜壮阔的斗争,以及中国共产党领导中国人民进行的土地革命、抗日战争和解放战争,是毛泽东国家安全观形成的国内背景。毛泽东国家安全观还有其特定的思想理论渊源,它的形成受到了优秀灿烂的中国传统思想文化的影响,也受到了比较先进的近代资产阶级思想的影响,更受到了科学深厚的马克思列宁主义的影响。毛泽东国家安全观是在漫长的、曲折的、伟大的、波澜壮阔的中国革命和维护国家安全的实践中逐步萌芽和发展而成的。毛泽东国家安全观有着博大精深的思想内涵和极其丰富的理论内容,涉及政治、军事、经济、文化、科技等诸多领域,形成了比较完备的国家安全理论体系。本文着重从毛泽东的国家政治安全观、国家军事安全观、国家经济安全观、国家文化安全观四个最基本的、最主要的、最有代表性的方面进行研究、分析和探讨。毛泽东国家政治安全观的主要内容包括:实行人民民主专政,确保国家政权稳固与安全运行的理论;实行人民代表大会制度,确保广大人民掌握与行使国家权力的理论;实行共产党领导下的多党合作制度,确保各民主党派与无党派人士积极参政议政的理论;实行民主监督制度,确保国家机器健康与高效运转的理论等。毛泽东国家政治安全观的主要实践途径是:通过加强专制控制与教育改造,维护国家政治安全;通过加强民主与法制建设,维护国家政治安全;通过加强党风与廉政建设,维护国家政治安全等。毛泽东国家军事安全观的主要内容包括:坚持实行独立自主的国家军事安全思想;坚持与大国结盟的国家军事安全策略;坚持建立国际统一战线的国家军事安全战略;坚持实战、备战和威慑相结合的国家军事安全模式;坚持人民和军队共筑国防的国家军事安全理念等。毛泽东国家军事安全观的主要实践途径是:通过开展反侵略战争,维护国家军事安全;通过实施积极防御战略,维护国家军事安全;通过加强国防现代化建设,维护国家军事安全等。毛泽东国家经济安全观的主要内容包括:建立以公有制为核心的社会主义计划经济的思想;进行社会主义现代化建设的思想;使国民经济遵循社会主义经济规律按比例协调发展的思想等。毛泽东国家经济安全观的主要实践途径是:通过学习和创新相结合的模式,实现国家经济安全;通过群众运动和阶级斗争相结合的模式,实现国家经济安全;通过计划生产和商品生产相结合的模式,实现国家经济安全;通过开展技术革命和发展科学技术相结合的模式,实现国家经济安全等。毛泽东国家文化安全观的主要内容包括:关于树立马列主义在意识形态领域中的核心指导地位,维护国家文化安全的理念;关于用强制和讨论批评相结合的方式,维护国家文化安全的理念;关于确立人民大众在社会主义文化建设中的主体地位,维护国家文化安全的理念;关于制定“古为今用、洋为中用”和“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,维护国家文化安全的理念等。毛泽东国家文化安全观的主要实践途径是:通过开展思想政治教育活动,维护国家文化安全;通过用群众运动改造思想的方式,维护国家文化安全;通过树立良好的社会道德风气,维护国家文化安全;通过开展反“和平演变”和防封建腐朽思想侵蚀的活动,维护国家文化安全等。毛泽东国家安全观具有鲜明的历史个性和时代特色。体现了积极防御与主动反击相得益彰;物质防范和精神防范有机结合;当前利益与长远利益辩证统一;国内安全和国际责任统筹互动等基本特征。毛泽东国家安全观具有很高的历史地位和时代价值。是马克思列宁主义中国化的杰作,是以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党第一代领导集体智慧的结晶;奠定了中国国家安全理论与思想的基石;丰富了世界国家安全理论体系;成功指导了中国国家安全的伟大实践;为维护世界和平与发展做出了积极贡献。同时,也要清醒地认识到“毛泽东是人不是神”,他也受当时历史条件的限制和客观环境的影响,也出现了一定的失误和错误。其国家安全观也具有很强的时代烙印,“没有能够超出他们自己的时代所给予他们的限制”①。因此说,毛泽东国家安全观具有其一定的历史局限性。毛泽东国家安全观是科学的理论,也是不断发展和前进的理论。毛泽东国家安全观的发展并没有因为毛泽东的逝世而停滞不前。在毛泽东逝世以后,以邓小平为核心的党中央第二代领导集体,以江泽民为核心的党中央第三代领导集体,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央新一届领导集体,先后根据发展变化的国内外形势,及时调整国家安全战略,赋予了毛泽东国家安全观以新的理论内容和思想内涵,继承、丰富和发展了毛泽东的国家安全观,为维护新时期中国的国家安全做出了重大贡献。毛泽东的时代虽然已经过去30多年了,但毛泽东的思想,毛泽东的国家安全观,却永远地留给了我们,留给了中国人民,留给了世界人民。毛泽东国家安全观不仅成功地指导了新中国成立后波澜壮阔的维护国家安全的伟大实践,而且对今天在新的历史条件和新的形势下维护中国国家安全的实践活动,仍具有很强的指导意义。毛泽东国家安全观给我们带来了重要的思考和启示。启示之一,必须坚持物质防范与精神防范有机结合,把加强国家文化安全放在更加突出的位置;启示之二,必须立足于现代化高科技战争的需要,大力发展世界先进的尖端武器;启示之三,必须着眼长期战略,狠抓国家安全基本建设和基础性工作;启示之四,必须运用积极防御的安全战略,走中国特色的维护国家安全之路。在全球化、信息化、高速化的今天,我们研究、学习、探索毛泽东的国家安全观仍具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

【Abstract】 National security is a historical concept as so as an international political concept. It means that the state is not subjected to the threat and abuse, it is able to maintain a normal existence and operation situation, its survival and development are the most important and basic requirement. Ever since there have the countries in the world, there are the planning, ideas and concepts for maintenance of national security. National security view refers to the people’s understanding about the national security. It’s the systematic, extracted and generalized theory of national security. Mao Zedong’s national security view refers to the national security ideological and theoretical system that Mao Zedong aims to defend and protect the national sovereignty and independence, territorial integrity, social development, national rejuvenation, the well-being of the people as the core objective in the process of country’s setting up and defending."Whenever there is a critical moment in the historical development, all the characters that do something useful in the history always place national security as the supreme position." as the founding leader of People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong makes an outstanding contribution that others can not match with it in order to create a Republic, defend and develop the Republic. Mao Zedong is worthy of a modern China’s greatest defenders of the country and the nation, he has the far-sighted political vision, an unswerving revolution belief, the great struggle arts of technical proficiency and outstanding leadership skills, he is a good defense of China’s national security for the newborn People’s Republic in the extremely complex, poor, severe situation at home and abroad. In the great practice for maintenance of New China, Mao zedong created a scientific, broad, practical and far-reaching national security view. It should be said that Mao Zedong’s national security view is an important part of the Mao Zedong’s thought, it is modern Marxism in China, it is a masterpiece of flashing the light of Marxism truth, it is the world valuable asset left to the Chinese people by Mao Zedong for his people.Any kind of profound scientific theory that has a significant impact is not formed overnight, it has its specific historical background and ideological origins, it must be going through a long, complicated, and tortuous formation process. Mao Zedong’s national security view is the crystallization of the practice and theoretical results under the special historical background. It has broader international context and far-reaching domestic and historical background too. War and revolution as the times theme, the confrontation of the two camps, they are the international background for the formation of Mao Zedong’s national security view. For centuries, Chinese nation tries hard to achieve national independence and liberation, we have done a magnificent struggle, as well as the Communist Party of China leads the Chinese people’s struggle in the land revolution, the Sino-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, they are all the domestic background for the formation of Mao Zedong’s national security view. Mao Zedong’s national security view has its particular ideological and theoretical origin. It is affected by the outstanding splendid traditional Chinese thinking and culture, by the more advanced modern bourgeois ideology and by the profound science of Marxism-Leninism. Mao Zedong’s national security view goes through the long, tortuous, great and magnificent Chinese revolution, it develops from its infancy and safeguard the practice of national security gradually.Mao Zedong’s national security view has profound ideological content and extremely rich content involving political, military, economic, cultural, scientific field and many others, it forms a relatively complete theoretical system of national security. The article focus on national politics security, national military security, national economic security and national culture security in four basic aspects for the most important and representative of research, analysis and discussion.Mao Zedong’s state political security view includes: the implementation of the theory that the people’s democratic dictatorship ensures the state power firm and safe operation; the implementation of the theory that People’s Congress system ensures the broad masses of the people exercising and grasping state power; the implementation of theory that the Communist Party under the leadership of multi-party cooperation system to ensure that all democratic parties and personages without party affiliation can participate in politics actively; the implementation of the theory that democratic supervision system ensures the state machinery functioning healthy and efficient. the practical ways of Mao Zedong’s state political security view are those: through the strengthening of authoritarian control and education reform, through the safeguarding of the country’s political security; through the strengthening of democracy and legal system, through the safeguarding of the country’s political security; through the strengthening of the party’s work style and clean government, through the safeguarding of the country’s political security.Mao Zedong’s national military security view includes: adhering to the implementation of the independent country’s military security thinking; adhering to the great power allied country’s military security strategy; insisting on the establishment of an international united front of national military security strategy; adhering to the country military security model of actual combating, preparing for and deterrence the war; adhering to the concept of the people and the military building up the country military security together and so on. the main practical ways of Mao Zedong’s national military security views are these: through the way of anti aggression war, through the safeguarding of national military security; through the way of active defense strategy, through the maintenance of national military security; through the strengthening of national defense modernization, and safeguarding national military security.Mao Zedong’s national economic security views include: the thinking of establishment public ownership as the core of a socialist planned economy; carrying out the idea of socialist modernization; the thinking of making the national economy follow the law of the socialist economy in proportion to the coordinated development. the main ways in practice of Mao Zedong’s national economic security view are these: a combination model of learning and innovation, the achievement of national economic security; going through the mass movements and class struggle to achieve the national economic security; going through a combination model of the planned production and the commodity production to achieve the country’s economic security; going through the combining mode of the technological revolution and the development of science and technology to achieve the national economic security.Mao Zedong’s national cultural views include: the concept of establishing about Marxism-Leninism in the guiding position of ideology to safeguard the national cultural safety; the concept of coercive and discussions about a combination of criticism ways to safeguard the national cultural safety; the concept of establishing the masses of people in the dominant position in the building of socialist culture to safeguard the national cultural safety; the concept of developing "the past serve for the present and the foreign things serve for China" and "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools contend" principle to safeguard national security. the main practical ways of Mao Zedong’s national cultural security are these: going through the way of ideological and political education to active and safeguard the national cultural safety; going through the way of the ideological transformation movement to safeguard the national cultural safety; gong through the way of setting a good moral atmosphere of society to safeguard the national cultural safety; going through the way of " Anti-peaceful evolution" and the activities of anti-feudal ideas erosion to safeguard the national cultural safety.Mao Zedong’s national security view has its distinct historical personality and characteristics of the times. It reflects the active defense and the initiative counter each other; it realizes the organic integration between the material prevention and the spirit guarding against; it realizes the dialectical unity between the immediate interests and the long-term interests; it realizes the interaction between the responsibility for domestic security and the international co-ordination and so on. Mao Zedong’s national security view has a high value of the historical status of the times. It is the masterpiece of Marxism-Leninism in China, it is the collective wisdom for the first-generation leadership; it lays a cornerstone for the China’s national security theory and ideology; it enriches the theory of the world national security system; it guides the national security of China great practice successfully; it safeguard the world peace and has made positive contributions to the world development. At the same time, we must clearly understand that "Mao Zedong is a person, not a god," he is also affected by the historical conditions and objective environment. There have been some mistakes and errors for him. His national security view also has a strong brand of the times, "it can not go beyond its own age restrictions." Thus, Mao Zedong’s national security view certainly has its historical limitations.Mao Zedong’s national security view is scientific theory. it also continues to develop and advance on end. After the death of Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping as the second-generation collective leadership at the core of the CPC Central Committee, Jiang Zemin as the third-generation collective leadership at the core of the CPC Central Committee, as the new leadership, Hu Jintao, the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has changed in accordance with the development of domestic and outside the situation, adjusts national security strategy timely, he gives Mao Zedong’s national security view with a new theoretical and ideological content,he inherits, enriches and develops Mao Zedong’s national security view, makes a significant contribution to China’s national security in the new period.Mao Zedong’s era has been past 30 years, but the idea of Mao Zedong’s national security view can never leave us, it will stay with the people of China and the people in the world for ever. Mao Zedong’s national security view not only guides the New China to safeguard national security’s magnificent practice successfully, but also it has great guiding significance in the new historical conditions and new circumstances today. Mao Zedong’s national security view has brought us an important reflection and enlightenment. First, we must adhere to the organic combination of spirit prevention and the material guarding against in order to put the national cultural security on a more prominent position; second, we must base our needs on the modern high-tech war and develop the world most advanced and sophisticated weapons vigorously; third, we must focus on the long-term strategy, pay close attention to national security and basic infrastructure work; fourth, we must use the security strategy of active defense and realize the national safety with Chinese characteristics.In the day of globalization, information technology, high-speed development, researching, studying, exploring Mao Zedong’s national security view still have great practical value and far-reaching historical significance.


