

A Study of the Frontier Defence in the Altai Region of the Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 白剑光

【导师】 王宏斌;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在清代西北边防体系中,阿尔泰地区具有极为重要的战略地位。乾隆平定准噶尔以后,阿尔泰地区始全部纳入清朝的版图。乾隆皇帝在此编旗设盟,建立军府机构,修建卡伦、台站,实行屯田,进行了一系列卓有成效的边防建设,为清代阿尔泰地区的边防奠定坚实的基础,也为此后百余年来阿尔泰边防的相对安定提供了重要保障。同治初年中俄第一次勘分西北边界,彻底打破了乾隆之后阿尔泰边防的平静局面,是清代阿尔泰边防的重要转折点。自此以后,与晚清时期全国的边防形势相契合,阿尔泰地区的边防进入一个严峻复杂、危机重重的历史阶段。此时的阿尔泰地区,是西北边疆地区诸多矛盾和问题的交汇处。对外紧邻强俄,处于防俄的第一线,面临着沙皇俄国的巨大威胁;对内处于新疆和外蒙古的交界地带,蒙古、哈萨克等民族在此游牧居住,民族关系复杂,宗教信仰歧异,各种矛盾相互交织,稍有不慎,就有可能尖锐化。晚清时期发生在西北地区的一系列重大历史事件,诸如同治、光绪年间中俄两次勘分西北边界、同治年间新疆地区反清起义和外敌入侵导致的动荡局面、科塔借地之争和科阿分治以及清末在边疆地区推行新政等,都与阿尔泰地区有直接关系,都对阿尔泰地区的边防产生重大影响。可以说,晚清阿尔泰地区的边防就是晚清西北边防的一个缩影,是开启近代西北边防史研究的一把钥匙,是深入研究晚清西北边防史的一个绝好的标本。同治、光绪年间中俄两次勘分西北边界,使阿尔泰地区的边防发生了巨大而深刻的变化。两次分界,俄国通过不平等条约占据了阿尔泰地区的大片土地,阿尔泰地区的中俄边界线大规模内缩,腹地变为边地,边防形势严重恶化。两次分界,导致阿尔泰地区西北部的8座卡伦经历了内迁——裁撤——复设——再次内迁的曲折过程,使乾隆时期构建的阿尔泰地区的卡伦防护体系遭到极大破坏。两次内迁之后的8座卡伦,驻兵数额大幅减少,防护边界的能力大为下降,事实上已经无法正常地履行其防外安内的职能。两次分界,导致原来住牧于卡伦之外的哈萨克牧民大量越卡内迁,进入阿尔泰乌梁海等蒙古部落的游牧地。内迁的哈萨克牧民数量众多,不可避免地与当地蒙古各部落争夺水草和牧地等资源,从而导致蒙哈矛盾激化,严重威胁到阿尔泰地区的安全和稳定。同治年间新疆地区各族人民反清大起义和外敌入侵导致的长达十余年的动荡局面,对毗邻新疆的阿尔泰地区影响重大。新疆的动乱对阿尔泰边防是一次极为严峻的考验,阿尔泰地区作为北路蒙古地区的屏障,其边防地位得到进一步的凸显和提升。在新疆动乱的冲击下,阿尔泰地区的边防体系暴露出诸多严重问题,主要包括:清政府在蒙古地区的军事动员能力严重下降,物资、兵员征调困难;盟旗体制下的蒙古兵战斗力严重下降;蒙古封建主对清王朝的离心力大为增强,满蒙政治联盟出现严重危机;蒙古台站负担过重,运力有限,已无法有效承担运送兵员、物资等重任;蒙古台站在起义回民的冲击下更加疲敝废弛;相关官员因循疲沓,迁延观望,不肯实心办事;蒙古台站的管理、使用出现诸多弊端等。以上问题,表明清朝前期确立的阿尔泰地区的边防体制和设施已经不能适应同治朝以后阿尔泰危殆万分的边防形势,急需改弦更张,更新治边理念,探索更为有效的边防制度。但当时的清王朝已经处于衰败时期,既没有厉行改革、化解危机的财力,也缺乏康雍乾时期经营北疆的那种生机勃勃的创造力和胸襟气度。发生于光绪末年的科布多、阿尔泰分治,表面上看只是阿尔泰地区行政区划的一次变革,但深入探究其背后的原因,却会发现,它与当时西北地区的边防形势息息相关。科布多、阿尔泰分治,最初起因于科布多与塔城的借地之争。长达20余年的科塔借地纠纷,之所以旷日持久,愈演愈烈,根本原因在于同治、光绪年间阿尔泰地区严峻复杂的边防形势。在科塔借地纠纷的背后,隐藏着的关键因素是哈萨克牧民的内迁与安置问题,而哈萨克的大量内迁,又起因于近代以来俄国在西北地区的不断侵略扩张。可见,科塔借地之争,本质上仍是一个边防问题,既涉及到“安哈”的内容,又关联着“防俄”的考量。清廷正是在处理旷日持久的科塔借地纠纷中,逐步认识到阿尔泰山迤西一带边防地位的重要性。为加强对阿尔泰山一带的管理和边防力量,清廷决定将阿尔泰山迤西一带从科布多参赞大臣辖区分划出来,单独设官分治,派兵驻防。事实证明,科阿分治对于加强和巩固阿尔泰山一带的边防起到了积极的作用。清末新政是20世纪初清王朝为了挽救统治危机,在全国范围内推行的一次内容极为广泛的变法自强运动。在边疆地区,新政的推行虽然相对迟缓,但其意义不容低估。科阿分治后,科布多办事大臣锡恒等人借着清末新政的东风,大力加强阿尔泰地区的边防建设,主要涉及编练新式军队、改善武器装备、发展屯垦、整修台站、接设电线、兴办学堂等内容,无论是治边理念的转变,还是边防武装力量与边防设施的建设,以及与之密切相关的阿尔泰地区的政治、经济、文化的建设,均较前有很大进步。清末新政对于加强和巩固阿尔泰地区边防的意义和作用应当给予充分的肯定。晚清阿尔泰边防留下极为沉痛的教训,为新时期的边防提供了重要的历史启示:一是治边思想和治边政策要因时而变,不能因循守旧,墨守成规;二是要妥善处理好边疆地区的民族和宗教问题,制定正确的民族和宗教政策;三是要高度重视边疆地区的经济开发,尽快缩小内地与边疆地区的经济、文化差距;四是要加大边疆地区边防经费的投入,建设强大的边防,为国家的发展和人民的生产生活提供重要的安全保障。

【Abstract】 At the Northwest frontier defence system of the Qing Dynasty,the Altai region had an extremely important strategic position.Since Qianlong emperor conquered Junggar,the Altai region had been unified into the territory of the Qing Dynasty.Qianlong emperor carried out a series of effective frontier defence constrction in the Altai region,such as the organization of Meng(盟) and Qi(旗),the establishment of military government agencies,the building of Karen(卡伦) and military stations and the reclamation of wasteland by army etc,which not only layed a solid foundation for frontier defence in the Altai region of the Qing Dynasty,but also provided an important safeguard for the latter relative stability of over a hundred years in the Altai region.It was the important turning point that the Sino-Russian border in northwest China was surveyed and redemarcated for the first time during the early years of Tongzhi,which completely broke the calm of frontier defence in the Altai region and marked great change in the formation of frontier defence in the Altai region.Since then,the frontier defence in the Altai region went into a grim complex and crisis-ridden historical phase,when a lot of contradictions and problems emerged and interchanged in the region.In view of outside situation,Altai was adjacent to strong Russia and in the first line of frontier defence,facing a huge threat to the Czar of Russia;In view of internal facts,Altai was located in the border area between Xinjiang and Outer Mongolia,where Mongolia Kazakh and other nomadic people lived.Because of the complexity of ethnic relation and the great difference in religious belief,it might become acute even though the slightest mistake was made.Many major historical events happened in the north-west region during the late Qing Dynasty,such as the two times of border demaracation between China and Russia in the years of Tongzhi and Guangxu,the great uprisings of people and the invasion of foreign enemies in Xinjiang in the years of Tongzhi,the dispute about the Lended-land between Kobdo(科布多) and Tarbaghatai(塔尔巴哈台),the administrative division of Altai from Kobdo in the end of Qing,the implementation of the New Policies Reform in late Qing in Altai region and so on, were related directly to Altai region and had a major impact on the frontier defence of Altai.It can be said that the frontier defence in Altai region was the microcosm of the Northwest frontier defence during the late Qing Dynasty and a key to study the history of the north-west frontier defence of the late Qing.It also can be said that the frontier defence in Altai region was a great specimen to study the history of the north-west frontier defence in the late Qing Dynasty.It was the two demarcation of Sina-Russia border in the north-west area during the years of Tongzhi and Guangxu that brought tremendous and profound changes to the frontier defence of Altai,which not only led to a heavy loss of land for Altai,but also resulted in a large-scale contraction of Sina-Russia boundary line in Altai region.The inner land in Altai region became border land and the situation of the frontier defence in Altai region was seriously deteriorated.The two demarcation of Sina-Russia border forced the eight Karens in the northwest part of Altai to undergo a tortuous process of inward-move,abolition, re-establishment and inward-move again,which damaged greatly the protection system in Altai region built in the period of Qianlong.Since being moved inwardly twice,the eight Karens had no any border-protected capacity and could not in fact carry out the functions of defensing foreign enemies and keeping internal stability.The two demarcation of Sina-Russia border also resulted in a great internal migration of Kazakh herdsmen who originally lived outside the line of Karen into the pasture-land of Altai Uriangkhai(阿尔泰乌梁海) and other Mongolia tribes.It was inevitable that the large number of Kazakh immigrants competed for resources such as water and pasture with the local Mongolia tribes,which led to intensive conflicts between Kazakh immigrants and Mongolia herders and brought a serious threat to the security and stability in Altai region.The turmoil and unrest lasted more than 10 years in Xinjiang which was caused by the great uprisings of the people of all nationalities and the invasion of foreign enemies during Tongzhi period,had a significant effect on the frontier defence in Altai region.It was an extremely severe test to border defence of Altai.As an natural barrier to the North Road Mongol(北路蒙古),Altai region played a more important role in the frontier defence.Under the impact of the turmoil and unrest in Xinjiang area,many serious problems of frontier defence system in Altai were revealed and highlighted.For example,the ability of military mobilization for the Qing government in Mongolia region declined seriously and it was more and more difficult to make a material and personnel requisition.Under the system of Meng and Qi,the combat effectiveness of the Mongolian soldiers went greatly down and the centrifugal force of the Mongolian nobilities to the central government of Qing was extremely enhanced.Obviously,the political league of Man and Mongol(满蒙政治联盟) was facing a serious crisis.The military stations in Mongolia region were unable to bear the transportation of troops and materals because their burden was so heavey and their capacity of transportation was nearly up to the limits.At the same time,Mongolia stations were constantly attacked by the rebellious people of Hui(Muslim,Moslem,回族),which made the stations more slack and broken-down.Because relevant officials were negligent of their duties,a number of drawbacks occurred in the process of management and use of Mongolia stations.All the problems mentioned above indicate that the systems and the facility of border defence in Altai region,which established in the early Qing Dynasty,could not adapt to the dangerous border situation during and after the period of Tongzhi.It was urgent and necessary for the government of Qing to update the concept of ruling border areas and explore more effective regimes of frontier defence.However,at that time,the Qing Empire was on the decline and not only had no financial resources to resolve the crisis,but also no vigour and courage to reform completely.The division in administration between Kobdo and Altai in the end of Guangxu was in fact connected tightly to the whole situation of border defence in the northwest areas during the late Qing,altough it was only an administrative change looked in surface.The administrative division between Kobdo and Altai was initially due to the dispute on the Lending-land between Kobdo and Tarbaghatai.It was the dangerous and grim border situation in the Altai region in the years of Tongzhi and Guangxu that made the dispute about the Lending-land between Kobdo and Tarbaghatai lasted more than 20 years and intensified gradually.Behind the dispute between Kobdo and Tarbaghatai,we can see the key factors of internal migration and resettlement of Kazakh,which,however,caused by the aggression and expansion of the Tsarist Russia.Therefore,the dispute about the Lending-land between Kobdo and Tarbaghatai,in essence,was a problem of border defence,which involved the content of resettlement Kazakh,as well as the consideration of defence against Russia.Just in the process of dealing with the dispute about the Lending-land between Kobdo and Tarbaghatai,the central government of Qing realized step by step the importance of the west-part of Altai in the whole systems of the north-west frontier defence.In order to strengthen the management and the forces of border defence along the Altai Mountains,the Qing court decided to set up the office of the Minister for Altai Affairs(阿尔泰办事大臣) in the west-part of Altai region and stationed troops there.It has been proved that the division in administration between Kobdo and Altai played an positive role in strengthening and consolidating the border defence along the Altai Mountains.The New Policies Reforms in late Qing were a self-strengthening movement with an extremely wide range in the early 20th century,which were implemented across the whole country in order to save the ruling crisis of Qing Empire.In the border areas,the implementation of the New Policies Reforms was relatively slow,but its significance should not be underestimated.After the administrative division between Kobdo and Altai in the end of Guangxu,Xiheng,the first Minister for Altai Affairs,tried vigorously to strengthen the frontier defence in Altai region,which mainly involved in training the new army,improving the weapons and equipments,developing agriculture and reclamation,buliding military stations,seting up wires of telegram establishing scools and so on.During the period of the New Policies Reforms in late Qing,there was a great progress in Altai region whether in the change of the concept of ruling border areas,or in the constraction of armed forces and infrastructures for border defence,or in the development of politics,economy and culture which was closely related with border defence of Altai.In my opinion,the New Policies Reforms in late Qing played an important role in strengthing and consolidating the frontier defence in Altai region and its positive significance on the border defence of Altai should be fully affirmed.The frontier defence in Altai region in late Qing Dynasty left many important lessons from which we can draw inspiration for the boeder defence in the new era.First,the concept and policies of ruling border areas should be changed with time passing and should be adjusted to the circumstances and conditions.Second,it is very important to handle properly the ethnic and religious issues in border areas and to formulate correct ethnic and religious policies.Third,we should pay great attention to the economic development of border areas and try to narrow the ecnomic and cultural gaps as soon as possible between inner-land and border-land.Finally,the funding investment for frontier defence should be greatly increased and improved.A strong border defence will be the best safeguard for the national development and people’s living and production.


