

Evolution of Focal Firm Network and Regional Development

【作者】 时云辉

【导师】 李小建;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 大量的证据表明,随着企业的成长,网络的性质在不断发生变化。正是这种原因,本文在分析核心企业网络演化的一般规律及演化机理的基础上,试图从核心企业网络的视角探讨企业成长和区域发展问题。本文共分为六章。第一章是为绪论。本部分内容包括研究背景,研究框架,研究方法,案例选择依据以及创新之处等。第二章是企业网络的理论研究。基于企业网络相关研究文献,提出核心企业网络存在着多样性,即核心企业网络可细分社会网络、生产网络和资源网络三种网络。认为,三种类型网络相互影响,相互作用。第三章研究了核心企业网络的形成与演化机理。基于企业网络的形成与演化的相关研究和实践经验,归纳出核心企业网络演化的一般模式,即由社会网络为主导的网络向生产网络为主导的网络演进,再向以资源网络主导的网络演进。在网络的演进过程中,各种网络表现出不同的时空特征。通过对核心企业网络的形成和演化机理研究,提出核心企业网络形成与演化受个体、区域和区域外三个层面的因素影响的分析框架,网络的形成和发展是这三个层面因素相互作用的结果。其中,企业家精神和资源赤字是核心企业网络形成与发展的核心因素,企业所在地的资源禀赋、地理区位、经济基础和传统习惯决定着核心企业网络发展的方向,政府推动、技术、市场和宏观经济环境决定着核心企业网络发展的数量规模。第四章研究了网络和核心企业成长之间的关系。一方面,核心企业成长促进了网络的发育和发展;另一方面,协调而完善的网络可以促进核心企业的持续快速成长。三个方面的网络在企业成长的不同阶段是交织在一起的,但不同所有制的企业在企业成长的不同阶段和不同的经济环境(计划经济和市场经济)下表现的强弱有所不同。从企业的所有制角度来看,国有企业、已经民营化的国有企业以及民营企业的网络在企业发展不同阶段表现的强弱有所不同。对一拖集团、宇通集团以及卫华集团的网络与其成长关系研究表明,生产网络的拓展有助于核心企业成长,但生产网络结点数目与核心企业成长成“S”字型关系。资源网络的拓展有助于核心企业成长,资源网络的发达程度与核心企业成长速度成正相关。社会网络的拓展有助于核心企业成长,但社会网络的发达程度与核心企业成长成倒“U”字型关系。不同类型的网络在核心企业发展中所起的作用具有时间上的差异性,且呈现动态变化,即核心企业成长的不同阶段,企业网络以某一类型网络为主导。但是,不同所有制的核心企业网络的演化呈现出不同的特征。第五章研究了核心企业网络与区域经济发展的关系。核心企业网络演变对区域发展的影响表现在以下几个方面。首先,网络演变对区域经济发展的产生影响,核心企业除了通过自身发展对区域经济增长产生影响外,主要表现在影响区域产业结构、就业水平、区域开放度、区域市场发育,还通过网络逐渐完善对关联企业发展产生了深刻的影响。第二,网络演变对区域人文和资源环境产生影响。第三,网络演变影响区域制度构建。第四,网络演变影响区域技术创新。研究表明,不同所有制、不同发展阶段的核心企业网络发育程度不一致,其网络演变与区域经济发展关系是多层次的。从空间维度上看,可以影响不同区域尺度的经济发展,区域尺度不同关系强度不同;在时间维度上,随着时间推移,核心企业网络逐步成熟,不同类型的网络在区域经济发展过程中的作用呈现出阶段性;从核心企业的所有制结构看,不同所有制的核心企业网络对区域经济发展的影响也有差异。最后,基于上述研究,提出了基于核心企业网络全球地方化的区域发展思路。第六章是本研究的结论和主要不足之处。

【Abstract】 Many facts reveal that with the firm growing, the nature of the network is constantly changing. In term of this reason, based on the analysis of formation and evolution of the mechanism of focal firm network, this dissertation makes an attempt to study firm growth and regional development from the perspective of the network. This dissertation is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction. This section includes the background, study framework, research method, case selection, and innovational points.The second chapter is the firm network theory research. Based on the related research of firm network, the focal firm network is divided into social network, production network and resource network. Three types of networks interact, interplay and embedded in each other.Chapter III studies the evolutional mechanism of focal firm network. Based on the research of the evolution of firm network and practical experience, it conceptualizes the general evolutionary model of focal firm network, the evolutionary process represents that focal firm network driven by the social network is transformed to network driven by production network, and further the network driven by resouce network. With the evolution of focal firm network, each network shows different characteristics of the space-time. Through studying the formation and evolution of mechanism on focal firm network, it puts forward the analytical framework of the formation and evolution of the network by the individual, regional and extra-regional level, and argues that the formation and development of focal firm network is the result of the interaction of three layered factors. The entrepreneurial spirit and resource defict is the focal element of the formation and development of focal firm network; resource endowments, geographical location, economic base and the traditional convention determine the direction of development; and government promotion, technology, market and the macro-economic environment determine the scale of focal firm network.Chapter IV analyses the relations between firm network and the growth of focal firm. On the one hand, the growth of focal firm promotes the growth and development of focal firm network; on the other hand, the co-ordination and improvement of network can promote the sustaintable and rapid growth of firm. Three types of networks are intertwined at different stages of firm growth, but different ownership of of firms and the economic environment (the planned economy and market economy) represent different strengths and weaknesses in different stages of growth. From the ownership, state-owned firm, privatized state-owned firm and private firm, as well as the network of private firms represent the differences in strength at different stages. Based on the study of three cases (YTO Group Corporation, Yutong Group and Weihua Group), it reveals that the expansion of production networks contribute to the focal firm growth, but the relation between the number of network nodes and focal firm growth represents as "S" shaped relationship.The expansion of resource network contributes to focal firm growth, the well-developed extent of resource network and focal firm growth are positively correlated. Social network contributes to the growth of focal firm, but the relationship between well-developed extent of social networks and the growth of focal firm represents the inverted "U" shape. Different types of networks play the different rols in the growth process of the focal firm and represent the dynamic change, that is, at different stages of growth, different network is dominated by the certain network. However, the different ownership of firms shows the different characteristics of the evolution.Chapter V researches the relation between focal firm network and regional economic development. The focal firm network has the following respects of impcts on regional development. First of all, the evolution of focal firm network affects regional economic development by self, which represents the regional industrial structure, employment, regional openness degree, regional market development, and related firms through the network. Secondly, the evolution of focal firm network affects regional resources and environment, including regional human resources and the human environment. Thirdly, the evolution of network has impact on the regional institutions. Finally, the evolution of network has effect on the regional technological innovation.The Study shows that different ownership, different stages of network have different levels of development, and the relations between different type of network evolution and regional economic development are multi-scale and multi-layered. The evolution of focal firm network has impact on regional development. From the dimensions of space, it can affect different scales of regional development, and the differences in extent; in the term of time dimension, over time, the networks of focal firm becomes gradually mature,and different types of networks show the different roles in each stage; From the firm ownership, the difference of firm ownership structure also affects regional economic development are different. Furthermore, according to the above research, we bring forward the idea of regional development that is based on the global localization of focal firm network.Chapter V includes the main conclusion and weakness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】628

