

Yuan Haowen’s Tang Poetics Studies

【作者】 孙达

【导师】 佟培基;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 元好问唐诗学是金代诗学宗唐的总结,在唐诗学的发展史上,遗山唐诗学文献在史料、诗学思想、理论批评、影响等诸多方面,都有相当的参考的意义及价值。元好问在诗学特别是唐诗学领域有着相当丰富的著述,为唐诗学史留下了多层面的理论文献。其中,《唐诗鼓吹》是金末元初著名的唐诗选本,它蕴含着当时对于唐人七律这一体裁的诸多审美评判;《杜诗学》是元好问在归隐期间所潜心创立的专学,虽然此前已有对杜诗的大量研究,但是真正有所界定和系统总结,还是始于元好问是书,尽管该书已亡佚,但是其开拓之功不可忽视;元好问个人的其它著述文献当中,也往往可见对于唐诗学的评论,它同金代诸多宗唐批评一道,共同构成了当时诗学界由宋而唐的整体风貌。此外,元好问本人作为金代著名的藏书家,以及史馆经历和之后的著史过程,都不同程度地使其在唐诗学的探讨过程中立足于文献,具有较强的文献意识和文献特性。元好问唐诗学的发展历经着一个长期的探索过程。早在初期他所著的《诗文自警》当中,就曾涉及到宗唐实践的一些经验范畴;到了后来三乡时期的《论诗三十首》时,他更是联系诗学史对大量的唐代诗人进行了审慎地批评;而闲居嵩山所作的《杜诗学》一书,则更代表了遗山对唐诗学探索的一次集中和总结,是其唐诗学的核心,其书虽已亡佚,但是它的出现表明,遗山在诗学上的宗唐是自觉的,同时也是具有相当体系的;继《杜诗学》之后,元好问又编纂了《东坡诗雅》一书,作为对其唐诗学的参考和补正,表明了遗山对唐诗学认识的深入;丧乱之际,元好问开始编写的《中州集》诗人小传,又将当代诗学中诗人的宗唐实践纳入批评,并以文献为载体,以诗存史,为“诗史”说探索了一个新的途径。值得注意的是,在理论探索的同时,遗山在诗学实践方面也取得了丰硕的成果,这就同普通的诗论家有所不同,他早期的五古之作,被当时诗坛的宗唐领袖赵秉文誉为少陵以来无此作也,到了中期的丧乱诗作,又被认为是能追继老杜“诗史”的典范,而晚期的七古则又继承其恩师赵秉文宗法李白的作风,在诗学实践当中有了新的发展。这样来看,遗山关于唐诗学的理论探讨及文献著述,就不是一时一地所完成,而是在他宗唐探索的过程当中伴随着阅历的丰富,思考的深入潜移默化形成的,是遗山毕生致力之所在。元好问的诗学尤其是唐诗学,以风雅为正统,以唐诗学为旨归,同时宗唐而不废宋,对于宋诗学之中的有益成分,也适当地加以吸收和学习。在创作论的出发点上,他认为诗是创作主体真实情感的表达,提倡以诚为本,表露心声,并在后期的《杨叔能小亨集引》的理论探讨中,将唐诗视为真诚之作的典范;在创作的方法论上,他以杜诗为例,进一步探讨了法至于无法的理想境界;在审美的取向方面,他秉承传统,以中和为美;而在诗学创作方面,他以杰出的“诗史”之作,继承了老杜的诗学传统,很好地实践着他的诗学理论与理想。可以说,他的唐诗学思想理论与批评实践,不但有着长期的积累过程,更有着相对庞大的体系,深入分析其宗唐观,对于理解与把握金元时期的唐诗学有着很大的助益。元好问唐诗学代表着辽金时期特别是金末唐诗学的最高成就,首先,其唐诗学是金代唐诗学最为系统的总结,辽金文化的发展一直呈上升趋势,特别是到了金代末期发展到了高峰,在唐诗学领域也迫切需要有人在当时进行总结和概括,元好问宗唐总结的出现,在辽金唐诗学史上具有里程碑式的意义,它为南方的诗学宗唐也提供很好的修正。其次,元好问唐诗学在诗学宗唐的发展史当中,首次提出了“杜诗学”等一系列概念,并以“杜诗学”或“唐诗学”作为其诗学专书的命名,从而很明显地在唐诗学史上成为了较早专门探讨唐诗学的专著,对唐诗学这一传统诗学下重要学科之确立,打下了非常坚实的基础。最后,元好问的诗学宗唐在唐诗学发展过程当中,起到了积极的影响。它最终推动和完成了北方诗学由宋而唐的反拨和折回,并比持同样观念的南方诗学界早了半个世纪左右;并在此后的唐诗学史当中,受到了相应的关注,继续发挥着不可忽视的影响力,其以诗存史、以宋补唐等诸多实践则为后人提供了有益之诗学参考。总之,元好问唐诗学文献包含了丰富而深邃的诗学内涵,其作为唐诗学史上承前启后的诗学文献,在诗学史特别是宗唐的发展历程当中,具有极为重要的地位与价值。

【Abstract】 Yuan Tang study is part of the study cases on behalf of Tang poetry summary, in the Tang Dynasty history of the development of the study, leaving Shan Tang study literature at historical, poetic thought, theoretical criticism, the impact of other aspects, there are considerable significance and value of reference.At Yuan Tang poetics in particular areas of study have considerable wealth of literature, in order to study the history of Tang left a multidimensional theoretical literature. One of, "Tang advocate" is gold at the end of the famous Tang Dynasty Yuanchu anthology, it contains at the time of this genre for Tong Yan Qilu many aesthetic evaluation; "Du Fu’s study" is the Yuan at Seclusion great concentration during the creation of the post-secondary study , although previously been a large number of studies on Du Fu’s, but has really defined and systematic summary of, or are book begins Yuan, even though the book has missed, but its pioneering achievements can not be ignored; Yuan individuals literature among other writings, but also often can be seen for the Study Tang’s comments, which in many cases with Jin Tang criticism together constitute the poem was academic from the Tang, Song and the overall style. In addition, as Jin Yuan famous bibliophiles, as well as the Academia Historica and after going through the book the history of the process, are to varying degrees, their study of Tang at the course based on the literature, the literature has a strong awareness and documentation features.Yuan Tang study after the development of a long-term exploration of the process. Written by him in the early morning of "Poems from the Police" which was involved in some of the experiences of Don area of practice; to the later period of three rural "Poetry 30," he is a history of contact poetics of many Tang Dynasty poet careful criticism; and Songshan staying and doing the work for "Du Fu’s study," one book, it is even more representative of the effort of Tang Shan study to explore and summarize a centralized, Tang study are its core, the book has missed, but it the emergence of shows that left Shanzai Poetics Tang on the cases are conscious, but also have considerable system; following the "Du Fu’s study", the Yuan has compiled a "Poetry Dongpo Ya" one book, as their study of Tang reference and to make corrections, indicating that the effort of Tang Shan Know-depth study; Sangluan occasion, Yuan begin the preparation of the "Zhongzhouji" The Poet Biography, will study in the contemporary poetry of the Tang Dynasty poet, into the practice of criticism, and literature as the carrier in order to keep the history of poetry, as "history" Say to explore a new way. It is worth noting that theoretical exploration at the same time, leaving Shanzai Poetics practice has also been achieved fruitful results, which with the poetics of ordinary home is different from him early Friday as ancient, was at that time were Parnassus Tang Zhao Bingwen as leaders since Du Fu not make it, by the mid-Sangluan poems, but also is considered to recover the following Dufu’s "history" poem as model, while the late the poem of seven words every sentence then again the succession of his mentor Zhao Bingwen patriarchal Li Bai style, poetic practice at a new development. It can be seen, leaving Hill learn about the theory of Tang poetry and literature writings, they will not be completed in 1:01, but in his case to explore the process of Tang accompanied by the rich experience, consider in-depth imperceptibly formed mountain life are left behind is committed to lies.In particular, the poetics Yuan Tang study are to taste for the orthodox to study for Tang Poetry, at the same time not spent in the Tang, Song, Song for the study of the beneficial ingredients, but also properly absorb and study. Writing at the starting point on, he think poetry is the creative expression of the main real emotion, to promote honest, revealing views and at the latter’s "Yang primer sets can be small, Mr Frederick" theory to explore will be regarded as sincere Tang for a model; at creation methodology, by Du Fu’s him as an example, to further explore the law For those unable to ideal; at aesthetic orientation, he tradition for Medium and for the United States; and Poetics at creation, the He distinguished "history" for the inherited Poetics of Du Fu’s tradition, a good practice of his poetic theory and ideals. It can be said that he thought the Tang study the theory and practice of criticism, not only with the accumulation of long-term process, but also has a relatively large system, in-depth analysis of their cases Tang concept, for understanding and grasping the Jin and Yuan Dynasties of Tang Dynasty has a great help to learn.Yuan Tang Galerkin study represents the gold at the end of the period especially the study of the highest achievements Tang, first of all, its Tang Jin Tang study are the most systematic study’s summary, Galerkin cultural development has been an upward trend, especially to the late development of the Jin Dynasty to the peak , in the Tang Dynasty is also an urgent need to study the area at that time someone summarized and generalized, Yuan Tang summarized the emergence of cases in the history of the Liao and Jin Tang study the significance of the landmark, which the Southern Tang Dynasty poetry study also provides a very good amendment. Secondly, the study Tang Yuan Tang poetics at the history of the development were first put forward the "Du Fu’s study" a series of concepts and "Du Fu’s study" or "Tang study" as part of its poetics specifically naming book, so it is obvious that learn the history of the Tang Dynasty became the earlier study devoted to the Tang Dynasty monographs, the traditional study of Tang poetry important subjects under study established, has laid a very solid foundation. Finally, the study of these poems Yuan Tang Tang at study development process, has played a positive impact. It promote and eventually completed the study by the Northern Song poetry and Tang backwash and turn back, and holds the same concept than the South for half a century poem about early academics; and thereafter study the history of the Tang Dynasty which has been a corresponding concern, continue to plays an influence can not be ignored, its to keep the history of poetry in order to fill the Tang, Song and many other practice for future generations to provide a useful reference to study of poetry.In short, Yuan Tang study the literature contains a rich and profound poetic connotation as learn the history of Tang Poetry link between past and future literature, in poetry in particular, study the history of the development process of the Tang were among the important position of great value.

【关键词】 唐诗学文献批评
【Key words】 Tang PoetryDocumentsCritics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】376

