

On the Course of Modernization in Western Hunan during the Resistance War Against Japan

【作者】 刘鹤

【导师】 郑大华;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 学术界对抗日战争的研究成果,可谓汗牛充栋,但对这一时期西部民族地区的研究成果尚不多见。本文从一个不算很新,却少为人们重视的视角——现代化视角来审视抗战时期湘西的社会发展过程。抗战时期,湘西现代化进程明显加速,它包含多方面的内容,但突出地表现在政治、经济、教育、文化思想方面。基于这一事实,本文共分五章:第一章是对战前湘西现代化程度的考察。本文认为:长期以来,湘西被视为化外之地,经济社会发展缓慢。进入民国以后,湘西封闭落后的局面有所改变,现代化开始启动,但直到抗战之前,湘西现代化发展还很不充分。第二章是对战时湘西政治现代化的的讨论分析。本文认为:战时,国民政府利用时机,结束了湘西后土司统治的政治格局,实现了对湘西地区的实际控制,国家权力下沉。同时,湘西人民的政治参与意识明显增强,积极参加各种政治组织,参与各种政治活动。这些情况的出现成为战时湘西政治现代化的突出表现。第三章讨论分析战时湘西经济现代化的进程。文章认为:推动战时湘西经济现代化的两大动力是大量人口内迁和国民政府对湘西的重视。人口内迁极大地推动了湘西经济的市场化和工业化,国民政府则强力地推动了湘西经济的工业化和市场化。战时湘西商业出现畸形繁荣,湘西经济市场化程度明显加深。第四章讨论分析战时湘西教育现代化的进程。文章认为:战时,湘西建立了比较完整的现代教育体系,教育的大众化趋势明显加强。同时,湘西的现代教师队伍得以建立并得到发展。教育方法和教育内容也趋于现代化。教育管理也日益规范,现代化趋势非常明显。第五章讨论分析战时湘西现代文化的发展和民众思想的现代化。文章认为:在“文化下乡”的呼声中,湘西现代文化出现了第一次繁荣,其发展又为战时民族主义思想的传播提供了重要条件。地方军政人员和知识分子的民族主义意识空前强化,广泛开展抗战宣传。湘西民众也以自己的方式表达了其民族主义情感。本文余论部分在总结战时湘西现代化进程的同时,还初步分析了这场战争对湘西现代化的破坏,以期全面透视这场战争对湘西现代化进程的影响。

【Abstract】 There are a lot of achievements in scientific research about the Resistance War Against Japan.However,to some extent,it is absent of achievements about nationality area.This theies studies the process of modernization in Western Hunan during the Resistance War Against Japan.During the Resistance War Against Japan,the process of modernization in Western Hunan accelerates obviously.It is revealed in every aspects especially in aspects of politics,economy,education,culture and ideology.So this theies is divided into five parts.In the first part,Ⅰanalyse the level of modernization in Western Hunan before the Resistance War Against Japan.Ⅰconside the modernization in Western Hunan has started but it is not sufficienct.In the second part,Ⅰanalyse the process of modernization in aspect of politics in Western Hunan during the Resistance War Against Japan.Ⅰconside that the central government has got real command of Western Hunan.The people of Western Hunan are more interested in politics,they join political organizations and take an active part in political activities.In the third part,Ⅰanalyse the process of modernization in aspect of economy in Western Hunan during the Resistance War Against Japan.Ⅰconside that the migration of the eastern people of China and the invested capital from the central government are two driving forces.They give impetus to the modernization of economy in Western Hunan.They promote the level of industrialization and they put more product into market in Western Hunan.In the fouth part,Ⅰanalyse the process of modernization in aspect of education in Western Hunan during the Resistance War Against Japan.Ⅰconside that the modern educational system has been set up during the War,more and more people embrace modern education.There are more and more modern teachers in Western Hunan.The educational method and the educational substance are modern.The management of education is more and more normal.In the fifth part,Ⅰanalyse the process of modernization in aspect of culture and ideology.Ⅰhold that a prosperity never seen before appeared in Western Hunan during the Resistance War Against Japan.It provide great convenience for the dissemination of nationalism.The military and administrative personnel and intellectual publicize the nationalism.The common people also express their national affection in their own way.In the end,I summarize the process of modernization in Western Hunan during the Resistance War Against Japan.Ⅰalso make a tentative analyse to the great damage that the War had bronght.

  • 【分类号】F129;K265
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】576
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