

Intellectual Circles’ Perspectives of Vocational Education during the Republic of China

【作者】 李霞

【导师】 饶怀民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 《教育与职业》杂志是黄炎培创办的中华职业教育社的机关刊物,是近代中国宣传和研究职业教育理论与实践的专业期刊,是职业教育界历史最长、在国内外有相当影响,也为同期世界职业教育出版史所罕见的期刊。在1917-1949年32年时间里,黄炎培、陶行知、陆费逵、顾树森、蒋梦麟、江问渔、杨卫玉、钟道赞、邹韬奋、秦翰才、潘文安、王志莘、何清儒、郑文汉等一批知识精英,以《教育与职业》杂志为平台,留下许多关于职业教育的智慧结晶和研究心得,以及大量的国外职业教育发展理论,使职业教育成为当时一股重要的社会潮流。该杂志始终遵循“倡导、研究和推行职业教育,鼓吹教育与职业之联络”的宗旨,宣传、研究职业教育,提高了社会对职业教育的认识和理解,推动了政府对职业教育的重视和支持,促进了近代职业教育实践的发展,在中国近代职业教育史上具有重要的历史地位,可迄今为止,学界还没有对《教育与职业》进行过比较系统、深入的研究。因此,以《教育与职业》杂志为中心考察民国时期知识界的职业教育观,可以深化中国近代教育史,特别是近代职业教育史的研究,可以拓展报刊史的研究,可以为今天探索中国特色的职业教育发展道路提供历史借鉴。本研究以唯物主义历史观为指导,主要采用文献分析法、内容分析法,阐述了《教育与职业》的缘起与运作,解读了知识界的职业补习教育观、职业指导观和女子职业教育观,揭示了《教育与职业》的历史地位,总结了知识界职业教育观的特征、历史作用和现实启示。具体说来:本文凡五章,外加绪论和结语,共七个部分。各部分要点简述如下:绪论。主要阐述选题缘由、意义、概念、研究范围、研究资料、研究概况、框架结构与方法。第一章,《教育与职业》的缘起与运作。本章主要对该杂志的缘起、宗旨、编辑和发行情况进行综述和评论。分析了杂志创办的背景,理清了其发展的三个阶段;揭示了刊物“以倡导、研究和推行职业教育,鼓吹教育与职业之联络”的宗旨;梳理了杂志的19位主编与众多的栏目情况,封面和版式设计的变化,以及50期专号的概况;阐述了杂志的发行方式、发行办法及发行量。第二章,职业补习教育观。本章论述了知识界关于近代中国推广职业教育的特殊形式——职业补习教育的思考,如职业补习教育的优势与功效;设科与编制、教材与教法、问题与解决途径;推广农村职业补习教育的理由和方式;战时职业补习教育的作用、实施以及针对伤残士兵的职业补习教育等。在此基础上,总结了其历史作用:如提高了社会各界对职业补习教育地位与价值的认识,推动了近代中国的职补教不断走向制度化与本土化,为中国特色的职业补习教育理论体系的建设作出了巨大贡献。第三章,职业指导观。本章集中探讨了知识界关于职业指导的内涵、原则、功用、步骤、方法、问题、解决途径,小学、中学和大学三个阶段的职业指导等思考;并揭示职业指导理论的三个特点:所追求的目标与职业教育的目标是一致的,着眼于人的身心持续发展,方法具有一定的科学性等特点。从而得出民国时期职业指导理论达到了相当的水平,但也存在过分夸大职业指导作用和忽视大学生职业指导的结论。第四章,女子职业教育观。本章以1930年为界把知识界对女子职业教育的思考与论争分为两个阶段。首先,阐述了1920年代知识界关于女子职业教育的重要性、科类设置、教学方法、实施条件、特殊困难等观点,并分析了女子职业教育向家事教育过渡的动因;其次,从1930年代家事教育的演变与阻力入手,论述了知识界关于家事教育对于个人、家庭、社会和民族/国家的功用,家事教育的目标与方针,课程设置,教材与教法,问题与解决途径等思想,从中可解读出《教育与职业》杂志在女子职业教育观上日趋保守与偏狭的倾向。第五章,《教育与职业》的历史地位。本章以《教育与职业》中发表的文章为依据,分析了杂志在中国近代职业教育发展史上的历史地位:该杂志是国外职业教育理论登陆中国的“专业码头”,是职业教育思潮发展的“最佳论坛",是职业教育机构交流成果的“重要平台”。结语。在前面章节对职业补习教育观、职业指导观和女子职业教育观梳理和分析的基础上,归纳民国时期知识界职业教育观的特点、历史作用和现实启示。

【Abstract】 "Education and Vocation" Magazine is an official publication under the Institution of Chinese Vocational Education founded by Huang Yanpei, a specialized periodical on the theory and practice of vocational education in modern China.It is exceptional,considerably influential both at home and abroad,as well as the longest in the publication history of the world vocational education over the same period.During the 32 years from 1917 to 1949,a group of elites such as Huang Yanpei,Tao Xingzhi,Lu Feikui,Gu Shusen,Chiang Menglin,Jiang Wenyu,Yang Weiyu,Zhong Daozan,Zou Taofen,Qin Hancai,PanWen’an,Wang Zhishen,He Qinru, and zheng Wenhan left plenty of wisdom,research experience and foreign theories on vocational education and development through using the "Education and Vocation" Magazine as a platform,making vocational education an important social trend.Guided by the purpose of "advocating,studying,implementing vocational education,and enhancing the link of education with career",the magazine actively promoted the study and better understanding of vocational education among the people,enhanced the support of vocational education from the government and pushed forward the practical development of it.Hence,it should have a Very important place in the history of vocational education in modern China.However,up to now,the academic circles have not had a systematic and thorough study of this magazine.Therefore,the study of the vocational education philosophies of the intellectual circles during the Republic of China with a special focus on "Education and Vocation" Magazine can help to deepen researches on the history of education, vocational education in particular,to open up new areas in the study of publication history and to provide research reference for the development of contemporary vocational education with Chinese characteristics.Starting from a historical perspective of materialism,this research paper tries to make an exposition of the origin and operation of "Education and Vocation" Magazine,to interpret the perspectives of vocational continuing education,vocational guidance and women’s vocational education of the intellectual circles,to bring to light the historical status of "Education and Vocation",and to sum up the features, historical roles and practical inspirations that the vocational education philosophies of the intellectual circles have had for us.Specifically,this paper falls into 7 parts,an introduction,5 chapters and a conclusion.Main points of each part are summed up as follows:Introduction:it sets forth the origin of the research,its significance, concepts,definition of the areas of study,data used,profiles,framework and methods of the research.ChapterⅠ,the Origin and Operation of "Education and Vocation". This chapter centers on reviewing and commenting on the origin,purpose, editing and distribution of the magazine.It analyses the background in which the magazine was started,sorts out the three stages of its development,reveals its purpose of "advocating,studying,implementing vocational education,and enhancing the link of education with career", clarifies its 19 editors,its many columns,the changes in cover design and layout as well as the situation of its 50th Special Issue,and sets forth the way,and means of its distribution and circulation.ChapterⅡ,the Perspectives of Vocational Continuing Education.This chapter discusses the special form of the Chinese Intellectual circles’ in the promotion of vocational education in modern China reflections on vocational continuing education such as its advantages and roles,the establishment of subjects of study and preparation,teaching materials and methodologies,problems and solutions,reasons and methods for promoting vocational education in rural areas,the role and implementation of vocational continuing education in war times and vocational continuing education for disabled veterans.On this basis,it sums up such roles of vocational continuing education in its history as improving understanding of the status and value of vocational continuing education by all walks of life,pushing forward its standardization and localization in modern China,and its great contribution to the building up of the vocational continuing education theorectical system with Chinese characteristics. ChapterⅢ,the Perspectives of Vocational Guidance.This chapter focuses on the contents,principles,functions,steps,methods,problems and solutions of vocational guidance as seen by the intellectual circles and on reflections of vocational guidance over the three stages from primary school,through middle school up to college,and reveals three features of the theory on vocational guidance,namely,the consistency of its goals with the objectives of vocational education,its emphasis on the sustainable development of both physique and mind,and its methods as being scientific.After that,it arrives at the conclusion that vocational guidance during the Republic of China reached a considerably high level, while leaving some limitations such as exaggerating the role of vocational guidance and overlooking vocational guidance of college students.ChapterⅣ,the Perspectives of Women’s Vocational Education.This chapter divides the intellectual circles’ reflections of and debates over women’s vocational education into two stages,before and after the year of 1930.Firstly,it expounds views of the intellectual circles’ in the 1920s on the importance,the establishment of subjects of study,teaching methods,implemetation conditions,and difficulties of women’s vocational education,and analyses the dynamic factors leading to the transition of women’s vocational education to household management education.Secondly,starting from the evolution of women’s household management education and the resistance it faced,this chapter discusses the views of the intellectual circles’ on the role of household management education for individuals,families,the society,and the nation/state,the objectives and strategies of household management education,the setting of curricula,the coursebooks,teaching methods,problems and solutions, from which an increasingly conservative and narrow-minded trend "Education and Vocation" Magazine had over women’s vocational education can be seen.ChapterⅤ,the Historical Status of "Education and Vocation" Magazine.Based on the papers published in the "Education and Vocation" Magazine,this chapter analyses the Magazine’s historical status in the development of vocational education in modern China.It was found out that this magazine served as "a special dock" for foreign vocational education theories to set food on China,as "the best forum" for the development of vocational education trend of thought and as "an important platform" for the academic exchanges between vocational education institutions.Conclusion.In light of the clarifications and analysis of the perspectives of vocational continuing education,vocational guidance and women’s vocational education,it summarizes the features,historical roles and practical inspirations that the perspectives of the intellectual circles during the Republic of China have.

  • 【分类号】G719.2;K258
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1536

