

Enlightenment Appeals in the Textbook of the Late Qing and Early Republican China

【作者】 吴小鸥

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 鸦片战争以后,国人睁眼看世界,一些开明的知识分子从西方发达的科技和昌盛的物质文明中,深感自身的贫穷和落后,从西方自由平等思想和民主制度的盛行中,看到了千年封建社会的流弊。“欲任天下之事,开中国之新世界,莫亟于教育”,教育作为挽救时局的良方而被探讨和关注,中国近代教育由此发端。全社会寄希望于教育,教育寄希望于全新的教科书。伴随着新式学堂的兴起,清末民初教科书的重要性早已被当时的有志之士所重视。从教会学校、洋务学堂引进西方教科书开始,到南洋公学、澄衷蒙学堂、无锡三等公学堂自编教科书之发轫,再到商务印书馆、文明书局、中华书局等书坊教科书之兴盛及官编教科书的强化,清末民初教科书蓬勃发展起来。但现有研究普遍忽略清末民初教科书作为学堂教学内容的重要组成部分、作为现代课程实施的载体、作为拥有全国最大受众市场的读本,其通过开启儿童的智识,在中国社会进程中所发挥的巨大基础性作用。这样,清末民初教科书的重要价值及其历史贡献远远没有被发掘出来。教科书不但是知识传播的工具,还是思想启蒙的利器。清末民初教科书以其巨大的社会辐射力,上演了一出启蒙的文明大戏。教科书不但引领着青年学生,在艰难困苦的社会环境迈出时代的新步伐。同时,在知识精英对大众进行现代意义总动员思路的引领下,清末民初教科书的启蒙构建了社会变革话语系统的基础力量,于是文明在潜移默化中前行,中国从传统走向现代。教科书的启蒙犹如静水深流、润物无声,不断浸润着中华大地,激荡着古老的神州。在一定程度上我们完全可以说,清王朝不仅在辛亥革命的枪炮声中轰然倒塌,也是在朗朗读书声中流沙般坍塌的。从五四运动大学生的背影中我们分明看到了他们在中小学接受教科书启蒙的场景。辛亥革命能够一呼百应,五四运动能够狂飙突起成为一种普及性的社会运动,普及性教科书的影响功不可没!本论文采取系统分析和重点深入研究相结合的基本思路,采用时间与问题结合的方式安排结构框架。本论文研究坚守“研究教科书必须见到书(实物和文献史料)”的治学原则,力求在详尽占有原始资料的基础上,将教科书放在历史发展的长河之中,充分关注传统与变革、继承与发展的辩证关系,多方探寻清末民初教科书的启蒙诉求。论文分三篇八章展开。第一篇为“发展篇”,共二章;第二篇为“启蒙篇”,共五章;第三篇为“审视篇”,共一章。各章的主要研究内容如下:第一章研究清末民初教科书的发展过程及其影响因素。基本过程划分为首倡期(1840-1896)、递增期(1897-1911)、繁盛期(1912-1922)三个阶段,以大量翔实的资料全景式的呈现西方教科书之引进、学堂书坊及官方教科书之涌现、全新教育宗旨及教育思潮教科书之变革的盛况。发展的影响因素聚焦教育发展因素、教科书编撰者因素以及教科书的现代文化语境因素,认为新式学堂的出现与全新的课程设置、学堂章程的颁布与科举的废除、教育宗旨与学制的变革是影响清末民初教科书发展的主要教育因素。蔡元培是影响中国现代教科书进程的核心人物,清末留日学生是推动中国现代教科书发展的重要力量。教科书中文言文过渡到白话文、外国语言教科书的普及、注音字母的规范与推行是影响清末民初教科书发展的现代文化语境因素。第二章研究清末民初教科书发展的巨大影响力。指出启蒙之于个体及社会的重要价值,而当时启蒙的其他文本,如西学译书、报刊发行等影响是有限的。分析教科书以其声势浩大的编撰出版、辐射广泛的受众群体以及延及一生的深远影响而成为清末民初最为重要的启蒙文本。第三章研究清末民初教科书的科学理性启蒙。教科书的科学理性启蒙从潮涌到高涨,在“格致之学”及“科学之门”中全面展开。从“四部”到“七科”,教科书通过学科门类与体系的建构、科学方法与态度的确立、实用技术与发明的推广、科学名词与术语的规范、现代时空观念的转变,形成了现代学术范式。教科书使人们突破了传统经学形式下的思维模式,有效地提升了认知能力和科技创新意识,增强了对科学技术知识的追求和对人类智慧的信心。第四章研究清末民初教科书的民主政治启蒙。教科书的民主政治启蒙从有限渗入到广泛传播,从概念到话语体系不断展现。从“皇权”到“共和”,教科书通过现代政法制度的宣扬、公民自治活动的引导、个体权利义务的履行、自由平等观念的倡导、社会公益事业的谋求等方面呈现民主政治的理想图景。教科书动摇了根深蒂固的封建专制传统,在构建民主政治话语体系中引领学生成为近代民主化进程的主力军。第五章研究清末民初教科书的现代伦理精神启蒙。教科书的现代伦理精神启蒙从沉潜到激活,在“国民性阙失”中急切展望。从“仁”到“人”,教科书通过社会公共道德的遵守、独立自主人格的养成、道德情感体验的激发、现实生活改造的理想等方面营造了全新的价值偏爱系统。教科书改变了以“仁”为核心的儒家伦理思想,在进化论指引下凸显人的生命存在的价值与权利,重铸国民新品格。第六章研究清末民初教科书的现代商品经济启蒙。教科书的现代商品经济启蒙从深流到澎湃,在“自强”与“求富”中迅速展示。从“崇本抑末”到“四民之纲”,教科书通过商业意义的强调、金融常识的普及、企业制度的介绍、商品营销的引导、财富观念的刷新,汲汲以求于富国之道。教科书挑战了自然经济下“贵义贱利”思想,大胆言商、大肆言富,推广了国民生计必须的商业观念和知识技能。第七章研究清末民初教科书的现代文明生活方式启蒙。教科书的现代文明生活方式启蒙从渐进到突进,在“强国保种”中大量展演。从“病夫”到“强种”,教科书通过现代卫生常识的普及、生活陋习的革除、运动锻炼的提倡,强调健康身体是强国的必要之举。教科书变革了不良的生活陋习,普及公共卫生和全民锻炼,以身体为核心确立科学的生活习惯标准。第八章,呈现结论。指出清末民初教科书的启蒙旨在开创一个新的时代,即“现代”。正是由于教科书的启蒙诉求,现代性的核心价值在这个千年文明古国中以人类史上前所未有的形式喷涌而出,一发不可收,其影响中国现代化进程之猛烈,社会变迁之巨大,在整个人类的现代化史上都未曾见过。清末民初教科书的启蒙通过个体对整个20世纪中国社会产生深刻而持久的影响。也就是说,启蒙引领着救亡,在某种意义上甚至可以说启蒙实现着救亡。教科书是中国从传统走向现代不可或缺的基础性制约因素,并呈现出那个时代独有的风格。

【Abstract】 After the Opium War,people in China began to view the world in a new vision.Some open-minded intellectuals realized that we were so poor and undeveloped compared with the highly-developed technology and material civilization in western countries.At the same time,the abuses of the feudal society were unveiled by western free ideas and democracy.Education,being a good plan to rescue the current political situation,has attracted exclusive attention since then and the modern Chinese education came into being.As the whole society placed hope on education,so did education on textbooks,and people with lofty ideals began to attach importance to textbooks in Late Qing and Early Republican China along with the development of new-fashioned schools.From the introduction of textbooks by mission schools and westernization schools to the self-compiled textbooks of Nanyang Public School,ChengChong Enlightening School and Wuxi 3rd-class Public School,then the reinforcement of the government-compiled textbooks by the Commercial Press,Wenming Press and Chinese Press,textbooks met an explosion at that time.But current researches ignored the important roles textbooks had played in school teaching,in the carrying-out of modern courses,and in the course of Chinese society as the most popular reading books through the enlightenment of children.Thus,the value and historic contribution of textbooks in Late Qing and Early Republican China has been deeply buried.Textbooks are sharpened tools of idea enlightenment as well as knowledge transmission.The textbooks in Late Qing and Early Republican China,carried with their powerful radiometric force, presented a great show of enlightenment.They led young students stepped forward under rough social environment,at the same time, formed the basic strength of the Social Transformations of Discourse System under the general mobilization that intellectuals had presented to common people.Consequently,civilization was stepping forward confidentially,and China was stepping from tradition to a modern era.As silently-flowed streams moistened the land,so did the enlightenment of textbooks moisten China.To a certain degree,the Qing Dynasty collapsed in the gunfire of Xinhai Revolution also in the Study Revolution.We could easily find out the influence the students had received from the textbook enlightenment when they were at school, meanwhile the successful call of Xinhai Revolution and the rise of May fourth Movement both undoubtedly due to the contribution of widespread textbooks.This article adopts the combination of systems analysis and intensive study as a basic train of thought,and the union of time and problems as an arrangement of outline.Sticking to the principle of presenting genuine documents and historical materials,the research tries to put textbooks in the river of history and fully focuses on both the relationship of tradition and reform and that of inheritance and development,and finally seeks for the enlightenment appeals in the textbook of the Late Qing and Early Republican China.This article consists of two sections with eight chapters.The first section is "Development Section" including two chapters;the second section is "Enlightenment Section" including five chapters;The third section is "Conclusion Section" including one chapters.The research contents of each chapter are as the following:The first chapter,which includes three periods-"Period of Vocation"(1840-1896),"Period of Increase"(1897-1911)and "Period of Prosperity"(1912-1922),concentrates on the development of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China.Supported by plenty of detailed materials,the chapter respectively presents the introduction of western textbooks,the beginning of presses and government-compiled textbooks and the pomp of textbooks with new education objectives and ideas.The factors of textbook development of the Late Qing and Early Republican China,focusing on the factors of education development, factors of textbook compilers and factors of modern cultural context.The appearance of schools,the newly-designed courses,the publication of school regulations,the abolishment of civil service examination system and the reform of education objectives and school system all have been embodied in the factors of education development;Cai Yuanpei,who was the life and soul helped to influence the process of Chinese modern textbooks,along with the Chinese students in Japan,who helped to promote the development of Chinese modern textbooks,form the factors of textbook compilers;and the transition from the classical language to the vernacular style of writing,the wide spread of foreign textbooks and the standardization and spread of phonetic letters can be included in factors of modern cultural context.The second chapter studies the great influence on the development of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China.Pointing out the great merits of enlightenment for the society as well as individuals, this chapter illustrates the limited influence of other reading books,such as translations of western learning and newspaper publication,and the indispensable role textbook played in the period of the Late Qing and Early Republican China owing to their substantial publication, widespread benefited population and the lifelong influence.The third chapter announces the scientific intellect enlightenment of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China.Sprouting to blooming,the scientific intellect enlightenment of textbooks was carried out in "Gezhi" study and science.From the four bibliographic categories to the seven branches,textbooks set up the modern academic formulas through the establishment of learning branches and system,the institution of scientific methods and attitude,the wide spread of practical technology and invention,the standardization of scientific terms and the transformation of modern concept of place and time.It was textbooks that broke through the traditional thinking pattern,at the same time, effectively promoted the cognitive competence and innovation ability as well as the pursuit for scientific technology and the confidence in human intelligence.The fourth chapter concentrates on the democracy enlightenment of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China.Limited infiltration to wide spread,the democracy enlightenment of textbooks was gradually uncovered through concept and discourse system.From imperial power to republic,textbooks displayed an ideal spectacle of democracy through the publicity of modern politics and law system,the guidance of people’s,self-governing the fulfillment of individual duties and the advocation of equality and freedom,and the advocation of social public affairs.Textbooks,on the one hand,shook the deep-rooted feudal autocracy,and on the other,led young students to be the main force of modern evolutionism of democracy during the course of the foundation of democracy discourse system.The fifth chapter deals with the modern ethical enlightenment of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China.Dormant to activated,the modern ethical enlightenment of textbooks were eagerly looking forward through the drawbacks of national character.From humane to human,textbooks built a brand-new value preference system through the obedience to public morality,the formation of autonomous personality,the inspiration of emotion and the ideal of transformation from individuals to the society.Textbooks remodeled the Confucian ethical theory centering in humane,and in a way rebuilt the national personality under the guidance of evolution.The sixth chapter handles the modern commodity economy enlightenment of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China. Calm to surging,the modern commodity economy enlightenment of textbooks was revealed through self-reliance and wealth pursuit.From marginalization to accentuation,textbooks was searching for a way out to prosperity through the emphasis on commerce,the wide spread of financial common sense,the introduction of enterprise policy,the guidance of marketing and the renovation of wealth notion.Challenging the theory of advocating justice but depreciating benefit,textbooks boldly popularized some necessary commercial notion and knowledge expertise.The seventh chapter talks about the modern life style enlightenment of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China.Gradual progress to phenomenal progress,the modern life style enlightenment of textbooks revealed the truth that health serves as the necessity of nation prosperity.From sick men to dominant species,textbooks put great emphasis on the significance of good health through the wide spread of modern hygiene knowledge,the abolishment of bad habits and the advocation of daily exercises.In a word,textbooks helped to establish a scientific habitual standard.The eighth chapter makes a conclusion,pointing out that the enlightenment of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China aimed to enter a new era,which is named as modern era.It was because of the enlightenment appeals in the textbook that the modern core value spouted out in China and affected China in a way never met before.The enlightenment of textbooks of the Late Qing and Early Republican China cast a lifelong influence on the whole society through the efforts of individuals.In other words,enlightenment served as a leader in the course of saving the nation from extinction,or in a way,put the course into practice.All in all,textbooks worked as a restraining factor in China in the process of stepping into modern era from tradition.


