

Calls for Perception

【作者】 资利萍

【导师】 刘要悟;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 道德教化是普通学校音乐教育的重要功能之一,音乐教育的“教育”属性和我国重视道德教化的文化传统使得音乐教育必须承担起塑造学生德性的职能,这也是音乐作为一门课程能在学校教育体系中得以立足的重要“资本”。但现实的状况是我国的音乐教育并未很好地实现这种职能,甚至出现了“德育化”的偏差,这样便消融了音乐的独特性却又未能起到很好的育德效果。本文认为造成这个问题的原因是,音乐教育没有从音乐的本质、音乐教育的本质等音乐本体论的角度思考音乐教育中的道德教化问题,脱离了音乐和音乐教育的本质去实施道德教化。笔者认为,音乐和音乐教育的本质不是别的,就是“感性”,我国的音乐教育是理性有余而感性不足的教育。在这种遮蔽了音乐的感性本质的场域下,用无视和拒斥音乐教育感性本质的方法实施的道德教化,换来的必然是低效甚至是无效。因此,本文通过“感性的呼唤”提出了自己的观点:建立感性的理念和方法论,肯定感性是音乐的本质,也是音乐教育的本质,音乐教育中的道德教化必须在感性本质的基础上予以实施。全文共分为六章:第一章,引子。实际上就是绪论。从问题的提出开始,阐释了本研究的理论意义、实践意义和后续延伸意义,约定了本研究的语境并对相关文献作了综述。由于本研究对“感性”的意义阐释是在存在论哲学语境下进行的,因此,解释“语境”——一个能对得上话的沟通平台尤其重要,以避免产生意义理解上的偏差和误会,同时也为本研究的原创性观点找到并非臆断而是来自于逻辑思辨的理论依据。第二章,序幕——基本问题回顾。对音乐教育中的道德教化问题涉及的一系列基本问题进行梳理和反思。由于音乐教育的道德教化问题建立在音乐与道德这个问题的基础之上,因此先必须澄清音乐与道德这对范畴的关系,主要从思想史、哲学、现实这三个维度进行探讨。然后再探讨音乐教育和道德教化这对范畴的关系,承认并肯定音乐教育必然具有道德教化功能,进而提出我国音乐教育中道德教化存在的最大问题就是“无视感性”,分别从音乐教科书的准入标准、音乐课程的实施以及对音乐音声形式本身的感性无视三个方面予以论证。第三章,感性的出场——感性是什么。在对“基本问题回顾”后,就必须澄清“感性是什么”,首先从思想史的脉络,即古典本体论时期、近代认识论时期、现代存在论时期三个阶段来梳理“感性”概念的历史变迁,再结合维特根斯坦的“家族相似”原理和雷默的观点进行了探讨,提出对“感性”概念的自我认识和创新性诠释。第四章,感性的存在——为何强调感性。从音乐的感性本质、音乐教育的感性本质以及基于感性的音乐教育中的道德教化这两个大的问题全面而深入地论证“为什么强调感性”这一道理。在对第一个问题的论证中,从艺术的感性本质分析音乐的感性本质,提出音乐教育就是感性教育,并从人的感性天性和我国音乐教育的感性不足逐步分层地论证音乐的本质、音乐教育的本质就是感性这一观点。对于第二个问题——“基于感性的音乐教育中的道德教化”,主要通过对音乐教育中道德教化的阈限的分析、道德角度阈限存在表现的审视、音乐与“感性的道德”的联系的考察,强调音乐教育中的道德教化必须经由感性。同时,研究并未止步于此,而是进一步提出了经由感性的音乐教育的道德教化向超越意义的升华,即音乐教育的道德教化作用不应止步于形而下的问题解决层面,而应该向终极关怀的高度提升。第五章,感性的遮蔽——何以如此。从拒斥感性的中国传统文化、无视感性的传统乐教思想和意识形态控制音乐教育的政治传统三个方面深入分析了音乐教育中感性为何遭到遮蔽的根本原因。第六章,感性的开掘——音乐课程的构划。这部分主要是从策略的角度对音乐教育中的道德教化从课程理念和方法论层面所作的构想。分别从开掘的前提:视角和取向的转换,开掘的理想:感性的课程目标,开掘的策略:课程实施的“感性还原”三个方面予以阐述。

【Abstract】 Moral cultivation is one of music education’s important functions in general schools.The " educational" attribute of music education and the cultural tradition of our country whose attention is focused on moral cultivation make music education necessary to bear the duty to shape students’ virtues,which is also an important " capital" for music to maintain its position as a curriculum in school’s educational system. However,in practical situations,the music education in our country hasn’t realized its duty adequately,even the deviation of " moral eduationized" has appeared.These results,therefore,have removed music’s uniqueness and impaired its moral cultivation effect.The thesis attributes this problem to the condition that music education deals with the moral cultivation problem in music education without reference to the aspect of musical ontology(including natures of music as well as of music education).In other words,it implements the moral cultivation without consideration to natures of music and music education.In author’s opinion,the nature of music and music education is nothing but "perception".Our music education is rather rational than perceptive.In the field where the perceptive nature of music is covered,it is of little or no effect to implement moral cultivation with an access ignorant and rejective to the perceptive nature of music education.Therefore,the thesis points out its ideas through "calls for perception".It has established a perceptive idea methodology,affirming that perception is the nature of music and of music education.The moral cultivation of music education must be implemented on the basis of its perceptive nature.The thesis is divided into six chaptors.ChaptorⅠIntroductionStarted by proposing a problem,the thesis explains the theoretical, pratical and subsequent extending significance of the research,fixes the context of the research,and makes a related literature review.As the study explains the signifinace of "perception" in the philosophy context of ontology,the explanation of "context" -it is especially important to have an effective communicating platform,in order to prevent from the deviation and misunderstanding in understanding the significance and to find a theoretic basis from logical and discriminative thinkings,rather than from assumptions,for the original opinions of this study.ChaptorⅡPrelude-Basic Issues RetrospectThis chaptor gets our ideas into shape and self-exams a series of basic issues concerned with the moral cultivational problem of music education.Due to the moral cultivational problem is established on the basis of issues of music and moral,it is necessary,mainly from the three dimensions of history of thought,philosophy and reality,to make the relationship of the pair of categories(namely,music and moral) clear above all.Then,by discussing the relationship of the pair of categories, music education and moral cultivation,it admits and affirms that the music education is bound to have the moral cultivational function.After then,it points out the biggest promble in the moral cultivation of China’s music education is its "invisibility",and demonstrates it from three aspects of the admittance standard of music textbooks, implementation of music curriculum and the perception ignorance of the music sound body’s form itself.ChaptorⅢAppearance of perception-what is perception.After the "Basic Issues Retrospect",it is necessary to make clear "what is perception".Firstly from the context of history of thought,that is from ancient ontology period,contemporary ideology period and modern ontology period to organize the historical change of the concept of "perception".And then together with Wittgenstein’s "Family Resemblance" principle as well as Reimer’s ideas,this chaptor makes some discussions and points out the self recognizaion of the concept of "perception" and creative explanation.ChaptorⅣExistence of Perception-Why to Emphasize on Perception.From the major two issues,namely the perceptive nature of music and music education as well as the moral cultivation based on perceptive music education,this chaptor demonstrates the reason "why to emphasize on perception" comprehensively and deeply.In the demonstration of the first issue,the thesis analyzes music’s perceptive nature in terms of art’s perceptive nature,declares that music education is a perceptive education, and makes a gradual and hierarchical demonstration of the idea that the nature of music and music education is perceptive by analyzing human being’s perceptive nature and the condition of inadequate perception in our country’s music education.As to the second issue-"the moral cultivation based on perceptive music education",through the analysis of the threshold of moral cultivation in music education,the survey of threshold’s existing performance from a moral angle,the examination of the relationship between music and perceptive moral,this chaptor emphasizes that perception is the only to reach the moral cultivation of music education.Meanwhile,instead of cease,the study continues to put forward the moral cultivation in music edcation will sublimate from perception to significance transcending.In other words,the use of moral cultivation in music education shoudn’t cease at the level of solving problems,but should promote to the height of final concern.ChaptorⅤCover of Perception-How It Comes.From the aspects of the rejection to the perceptive Chinese traditional culture,ignorance of perceptive traditional music educational thought,and ideology’s control over the political trandition of music education,this chaptor analyzes the fundamental reason of the problem that why the percetpion of music education is covered.ChaptorⅥCreation of Perception-music curriculum’s strcture.This part is a scheme to the moral cultivation of music education from the points of strategy at levels of curriculum idea and ideology.The chaptor explains its schemes with the swift of viewpoints and orientations as creation’s premise,perception’s curriculum purpose as creation’s ideal, "Perception Restoration" of curriculum implement as creationa’s strategy.

【关键词】 感性音乐音乐教育道德教化
【Key words】 PerceptionMusicMusic EducationMoral Cultivation

