

A Study of Yan’ an Publishing Industry (1937-1947)

【作者】 刘苏华

【导师】 莫志斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 延安出版业是中国共产党领导下的新民主主义文化事业的一部分,在我国现代新文化出版史上写下了光辉的一页。对于延安出版业的系统研究,有助于了解延安出版业的光辉历程,明析其历史作用与历史贡献,对于新时期弘扬延安出版业形成的出版优良传统具有重大的现实意义。本文在分析延安出版业发展历史背景的基础上,分为两个阶段对延安出版业进行宏观考察,同时在微观层面上研究了延安出版物稿酬、广告与出版人日常生活,并对延安出版业的历史作用与历史贡献进行了全面总结与阐述。就具体内容而言,论文的第一章重点讨论了延安出版业兴盛的历史背景。在日伪出版统制政策下,沦陷区出版业出现了严重的萎缩;国统区出版业则在国民党的严格统制下,进步出版事业受到了一定程度的摧残。而在抗战前期延安,中国共产党实行文化宽松政策,尊重、欢迎知识分子,奖励自由研究,延安呈现出活跃的文化氛围,聚集了大批知识分子,这是延安出版业兴盛的文化前提。论文的第二章主要论述了延安出版业发展的第一阶段——兴起与繁盛阶段(1937年1月-1941年1月)的基本情况。在中国共产党大的文化政策背景下,延安有了一个相对自由的出版环境,中共中央党报委员会、中共中央出版发行部等出版管理机构的恢复与重建,标志着延安出版管理机构与管理制度的健全。在这一阶段兴起了创办报刊的小高潮,出版了许多影响较大的报刊。图书出版也随着出版机构的兴起而逐惭繁荣。发行与印刷工作的创立与发展也成为这一阶段延安出版业兴盛的表现。分析延安发行工作时,主要阐述了新华书店的创建和发行网点的建设等情况。印刷工作研究主要包括印刷业的创立、生产竞赛与技术革新以及印刷厂的分合、发展等。论文的第三章主要研究了延安出版业的调整与发展阶段(1941年1月-1947年3月)的基本情况。皖南事变后延安出版的外部环境发生了变化,迫使延安出版政策方针进行适当的调适。在这一阶段,延安的出版管理机构进行了整合,先后成立了中共中央出版局与中共中央宣传部发行科、出版科等。报刊进行了新的调整与整合,图书出版类型也有自己的突出特色。调整阶段的发行工作研究包括了延安各书店的创建、书店发行体制改革、书报下乡活动等。印刷工作研究主要阐述了印刷业的技术革新活动、赵占魁运动与佟玉新运动的开展以及印刷业的战略转移情况。论文的第四章重点考察了延安出版物的稿酬、广告与出版人的日常生活情况。对于稿酬的研究,主要就延安出版物稿酬存在与否的争论、稿酬的形式与类别、稿酬的标准与用途、稿酬的经济物价水平、稿酬的文化意义五个方面展开。在研究广告时,主要论述了延安出版物广告的历史发展过程,广告的登载手续、位置及价格,广告的内容、特色、发展特点及其作用。研究延安出版人的日常生活主要着力于出版人日常生活的概貌、工作条件与生产情况以及延安出版人的衣、食、住、行、娱的考察。论文的第五章主要研究延安出版业的历史作用与历史贡献。延安出版为新民主主义革命创造了良好的舆论环境,为其思想理论的发展和干部人才保障提供了条件,从而对中国共产党领导下的新民主主义革命起了重要的推动作用。延安出版为边区革命事业和各根据地出版活动的发展创造了条件,它促使了边区文艺的繁荣、教育的发展、农业与医疗卫生事业的初创,对各根据地、解放区出版活动提供了指导与帮助。延安出版为新中国出版事业的发展奠定了坚实的基础。它发展了中国共产党的出版思想,为新中国出版事业奠定了理论基础;形成了优良的出版传统,为新中国出版事业积累了出版遗产;培养与锻炼了出版人才,为新中国出版事业提供了人才条件。论文的最后一部分是论文的结语。这一部分对延安出版业与国统区出版业、苏区出版业进行了初步的比较,总结了延安出版业发展的历史特点,论述了延安出版业的历史地位。

【Abstract】 Yan’an publishing industry is a part of new democratic cluture cause under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which writes a glorious page in our new culture of modern publishing history. The systemic research on Yan’an publishing industry contributes to learning the glorious history of Yan’an publishing industry, to understanding its role in history and historical contribution, to carrying forward the fine tradition of Yan’an publishing industry in the new era. On the basis of analyzing the historical background of the development of Yan’an publishing industry, this dissertation gives a macro exploration of the publishing industry in Yan’an from the two development stages, at the same time, studies the remuneration and advertisement of Yan’an publications and the daily life of publishers at the micro-level, and comprehensively summarizes and elaborates the historical role and contribution of Yan’an publishing industry.On the specific contents, Chapter one mainly discusses the historical background of the prosperity of the publishing industry in Yan’an. Under the publishing policies of Japan domination period, the publishing industry had some serious shrinkage in the enemy-occupied area. In Kuomintang-controlled area, the progressive publishing industry had been devastated at a certain extent under the KMT’s strict control. On the contrary, in the early of Anti-Japanese War, the Communist Party of China implemented liberal cultural policies, respected and welcomed intellectuals, rewarded freedom of research at Yan’an. Yan’an has shown active cultural atmosphere, gathering a large number of intellectuals, which is the cultural prerequisite of Yan’an’s flourishing publishing industry.Chapter two mainly discusses the first stage of the development of the publishing industry in Yan’an-the basic situation of the rise and prosperous stage (Jan.1937-Jan.1941).Under the major cultural policy background of Communist Party of China, Yan’an had a relatively free environment for the publication. The Publishing Management Agencies, such as the CPC Central Newspaper Committee, the Publishing and Issuing Department of the CPC Central Committee and so on, were rehabilitated and reconstructed, which symbolized Yan’an had sound publishing administration and management system. At this stage, the newspapers and periodicals were founded and had a small upsurge in the press, and a number of influential newspapers and periodicals were published. With the rise of publishing agencies, the books publication became prosperous. The creation and development of printing and issuing were one of the aspects at this stage in Yan’an. At the analysis of Yan’an’s issuing work, this part mainly expounds the creation of Xinhua Bookstores and the building of distribution branches. The main research on printing mainly includes the creation, production competition, technological innovation of the printing industry, as well as the division and merger of the printing factories.Chapter three mainly discuses the adjustment and development stage of the basic situation of Yan’an publishing industry (Jan.1941.1-Mar.1947). The external environment of publication in Yan’an has changed after South Anhui Incident, which forced appropriately adusting the publishing policy in Yan’an. At this satage, the publishing management agencies in Yan’an has integrated, and set up the CPC Central Publishing Bureau and the issued branch and the published branch of the CPC Central Propaganda Dapartment and so on. The newspaper publishing has a new adjustment and integration while the book publishing also has its own features. The work of study for distribution in the adusting stage included the creation of bookstore, issuing reform of bookstores, and books and periocals gone to contryside in Yan’an. The study of printing work pays focus attations on the printing industry’s technological innovation acticites, development of Zhao Zhanhui movement and Tong Yuxin Movement as well as the situation of stragegic transfer in the printing industry.Chapter four focuses on the remuneration and advertisement of Yan’an publications, and Yan’an publishier’the daily life. On the remuneration research, there are five aspects, including the controvercy on the remuneration of Yan’an publichations exsiting or not, the forms and stypes, standards and useage, economic price levels, and cultural significance of the remuneration. In advertising aspects, it mainly discusses the historical development course, the bulishing procedure and loction and price, the content and features and developing characteristics, and the useage of the Yan’an publications. The study of Yan’an publisher’s daily life focuse on their daily life’s picture, the working and producting conditions as well as inspecting the publisher’s clothing, food, shelter, transporation and entertainment.Chapter 5 focuses on the historical role and contribution of Yan’an publishing industry. Yan’an publishing industry has created a favorable public opinion environment for new-democratic revolution, and provided conditions for its ideological and theoretical development and personnel security, which had played an important role in promoting for new-democratic revolution, under the leadership of the CPC. Yan’an publishing industry has created the conditions for border region revolutionary cause and the development of the border-based publishing activities, resulted in the literary and artistic prosperity, educational development, agriculture and health care sart-up in border region, offered guidance and assistance for bulishing activites in all kinds of bass and liberated areas. Yan’an publishing industry has laid a silid foundation for the publishing cause of the PRC. It has developed the publishing thinking of the CPC, laiding a theoretical foundation for the PRC, and it has formed a fine publishing tradition accumulating heritage of the China publishing cause, training the publishing talent and offering human condition for the publishing cause of the PRC.The last part of the paper is its conclusion. This part preliminarily compares Yan’an publishing industry with the publishing industry in Kuomingtang-controlled area and Soviet Union-controlled area, summarizes its historical characteristics of development, and discusses its historical status.


